The Last Drop

The Last Drop

2021, Environment  -   4 Comments
Ratings: 8.00/10 from 18 users.

Water is essential to life. However, it is also an extremely limited resource. Water scarcity is a severe problem that needs solutions immediately to ensure our survival. Overpopulation, as well as severe drought and climate change, have taken their toll on our natural water supplies. We are consuming water at a much faster rate than nature can replenish the supply.

The Colorado River, which provides water to 40 million people throughout seven US states and two in Mexico, is a prime example of this problem. The river has experienced a 15% reduction inflow over the last 50 years. According to scientists, this reduction is due to a hotter planet due to greenhouse gases, increased demand for water from farms, businesses, homes, and an ongoing 20-year drought. With the river drying up, deep well installations have also significantly reduced groundwater stored in underground aquifers.

The city of Los Angeles, California alone, for example, uses over half a billion gallons of water EVERY DAY. That is a staggering amount for just one city. Multiply that by the number of cities on the planet - all those showers, toilets flushing, garden lawns and even dishwashers and more, and that's just what we consume at home.

All other industries also use freshwater, especially the agricultural and manufacturing industries. Every item we use and food item we eat needed gallons upon gallons of freshwater when produced, grown, and harvested. It's not hard to see why water shortages are happening daily all over the country and the world.

However, human beings can't just stop using water altogether. Though the situation is truly dire, there are solutions. Many experts worldwide are currently working very hard to find ways to bring us back from the brink of a permanent lack of water. Water conservation is now the foundation of building and landscaping codes and more in places like Las Vegas. Water replenishment into the aquifers is also another solution.

In Arizona, farmers are going back to basics, planting indigenous wheat crops that thrive on the dry climate and use less water instead of water-hungry cotton plants. Going vegan - or at least cutting back on eating meat - is another way to save water, especially since it takes 1800 gallons to raise just one head of cattle.

We can't - and shouldn't - rely on experts alone, though. We need to take part and do what we can, no matter how small, to save water. It could be as small as not pre-rinsing your plates before you put them into your dishwasher, upgrading your toilets to newer high efficiency, low flush models, installing a low flow shower and changing the way you water your lawn.

Small changes, when applied by many people, become big changes. Averting a water crisis is finding the middle ground between modern convenience and the health of our planet. Hopefully, we can all embrace small changes and work together to save our future.

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m morgan
m morgan
1 year ago

This is a good well-intentioned video complete with pretty people. However, it is about 20 years too late.

Chuck Rogers
Chuck Rogers
2 years ago

There two 'T's in cot-ton, heavy on the TON. Changing how we pronounce or language won't help. We all gotta get our hands dirty. I'm in Arizona, from a place that everyone thinks has way more water than it needs, Western Washington, and water is becoming a problem there. Lucky for me, I have a tractor, and I'm excavating places to catch water, and just letting it go into the ground, and will be doing a lot more, hopefully doing a little oasis magic. Good god (I'm pretty much atheist) we spend all this energy on sports and just crap, and everyone could do a little. What a shame we've become to our own species.

2 years ago

If an alien ship observed the earth from outside they would say "now that is a planet with lots of water" our beautiful planet is two third covered with water. This essence of life is not scarce. our lust for money and skewed economy makes it scarce.