Settlements Above the Law

Settlements Above the Law

2024, Crime  -   2 Comments
Ratings: 8.33/10 from 3 users.

The BBC's documentary, "Settlements Above the Law," offers a chilling exposé of the escalating violence and land grabs perpetrated by extremist Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank. The film highlights the growing trend of these settlers establishing illegal "herding outposts," which serve as a pretext for seizing vast tracts of Palestinian land.

The documentary traces the surge in violence that followed the devastating attacks on Israel in October 2023. Amidst the chaos and fear, extremist Jewish settlers have exploited the situation to intensify their land-grabbing activities. Eyewitnesses recount harrowing tales of intimidation, harassment, and physical violence perpetrated by these settlers, often under the watchful eye of Israeli security forces.

The film reveals the intricate network of support that these extremist settlers enjoy, including backing from powerful organizations within Israel. One such organization, which openly describes itself as "an arm of the Israeli state," has played a pivotal role in facilitating the establishment of herding outposts.

The documentary sheds light on the devastating consequences faced by Palestinian communities. Elderly couples Ayesha and Nabil, driven from their home by an extremist settler, are just one example of the many Palestinians who have been forced to flee their land. The UK and US governments have sanctioned several of these settlers for their violent actions, but the problem persists.

The BBC's exclusive footage provides a stark glimpse into the mindset of these extremist settlers. One settler candidly discusses the effectiveness of the herding outpost strategy in seizing land, revealing a calculated and ruthless approach to achieving their goals.

"Settlements Above the Law" is a powerful indictment of the violence and injustice perpetrated by extremist Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank. The documentary serves as a urgent call for action to address this escalating crisis and protect the rights of Palestinian communities.

Directed by: Matthew Cassel

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13 days ago

Although I would have expected better photography from the BBC, it was still able to get some good material for the documentary despite the danger posed by armed settlers. The sanctions being applied by the EU, GB, and the USA re meaningless. It is certainly quite obvious that Israel, its government and its army are determined to have ALL Palestinians removed from the land -- from the Sea to the River.