The Take

The Take

2004, Economics  -   68 Comments
Ratings: 7.83/10 from 78 users.

Production jobs in developed countries are moving to lower cost locations such as South America and China. Globalization and the relocation of production allows for lower-cost production which benefits the consumer with lower prices and thus leading to an increase in purchasing power which the American dream is all about isn't it? It comes at the cost of lost jobs in the production sector in home countries which leaves people with a lack of options for other employment.

'Economic growth' is based on a paradigm that we live on a planet with infinite resources. Corporations spend great effort into setting up stranglehold trade agreements with 3rd world countries. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank ensure that third world countries have to open their markets, while the 'free market western economies' set up fences around theirs. The set up is such that NO jobs are available in third world industries, apart from the ones created by western companies, who pay scarcely over cost-price to the producers, while making record profits on selling their goods to rich westerners.

In a true free-market, those third world countries would have an equal change at exporting their OWN products to the West, which would result in profit being made by the third world producers. However, there are tax-barriers where it's okay for the third world to export their raw materials (hence all the oil-export, fruits and vegetables) but where the amount of import-tax on end-products (such as phones, computers, cars, etc.) is so high that it makes their products by default noncompetitive.

The only exceptions to this rule are companies that have head-quarters in the US or the EU region. The current struggle within the EU is actually quite a good example of how badly globalization works. It works for Capital (which can move freely and generate profits wherever they are to be made) but it leaves weaker countries with enormous trade-deficits.

IMF and World Bank politics and demands are destroying local industries and they're introducing true poverty. The 'globalism works' argument comes from sources that benefit from cheap labor and resources and who try hard to down-play the true consequences.

Directed by: Naomi Klein, Avi Lewis

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2 years ago

"Capitalists of the world unite, you have nothing to lose, not even a brain, while right libertarians are completely insane. "

2 years ago

Nobody mentions )ewish involvement in crappy working conditions, screwing the poor, lending money at interest, ruining societies and just being plain evil. Dancing !sraeli "art students" were caught celebrating as WTC fell during 9/11 to lure Americans into war. All those "Italian Gangsters" in movies are meant to trick us into believing that they're not )ewish. !srael knowingly attacked the U.S. Liberty in the 60s and killed many American soldiers. !srael attacked US Army barracks in Egypt in the 50s, to lure US into war. There is an endless list of provable things that they do and have done throughout history to earn getting killed or kicked out of 109 different places. They are in every country in the world. Communism and socialism are largely )ewish constructs and almost always end in genocide. They are among the worst scum of the Earth. Globalism is harmful, nationalism is healthy. Don't let history books brainwash you into believing that they are just random victims of misplaced hatred; they are destroyers of goodness.

3 years ago

During globalization it was the bush administration that decided that their market shares should expand into other nations. As an example, the president of Guatemala was being coerced to accept slush funds in exchange for the US to buy out power plants. And in doing so, would raise the prices beyond human capabilities. When their president declined the offer, he was assassinated by a Jackal that was sent in by the CIA in 1954. Calculated demonstrations were also created to shift public opinion so people could vote in the next corrupted leader. Much like the bush administration and how they got in when George Senior helped the FBI in setting up the 1994 bombings after his release as president. His son helped orchestrate by handing over maps of both buildings.

4 years ago

Just like the Nazis were hunted down so too should these crooked bankers, crooked government officials, financial extortionists and corporate thieves! It's not enough for then to leave and flee but hunted down, ALL their stolen resources returned to the people and then place them on trial!

Space Ace
Space Ace
5 years ago

We ask from them, for so little.
They take from us, EVERYTHING!

5 years ago

This was by far one of the best documentaries i've watched
everything about it was brilliantly done and obviously the subject is a feast for thought
thanks for posting and making this

5 years ago

Wanted to add that no govt does well with corrupt people running it. To judge capitalism by some capitalists is similar to judging Christ by some Christians.

DustUp makes some good points, if these guys are not buying the factory.

5 years ago

Such is the problem when you refuse to see to it wise honorable people who sign a contract to create term limits... see to it they are running for all offices from all political parties. And see to it all the media and politician lies are exposed widely.

Hats off to these brave souls who did exactly the opposite of what the Globalists(communists) want. They want people to starve and kill each other for food. They want billions to die and they etched it in stone. See the Georgia Guidestones. Look it up.

Everyone else's motto should be: Everyone who is in agreement with the Guidestones must lead by example.

suzanne petersen
suzanne petersen
5 years ago

These men had balls of steel. You are not going to see anything like this where I live, in the US; in the US the workers just watch stupidly as jobs bleed out of the country. They even contribute to their own job loss by buying china/jap/korea whenever possible. Anti union government propoganda is used to convince them that foreign is better. And they believe it! Because the US government never lies, right? American highways are littered with broken down Hyundais. They save gas because they don't go anywhere. Dumpsters everywhere are full of Chinese crap that works for a month, if at all. A lot of people don't bother to take it back to Walmart because they have to wait in line behind 30 other people doing the same thing. I make a point of it though, because if enough people return this stuff, maybe Walmart will get the message and seek other suppliers. I see that since the workers in Argentina had taken over the factories, and the factories are no longer being milked for millions by the fat cats, suddenly there is profit for everyone.

5 years ago

Production jobs in developed countries are moving to lower cost locations such as South America and China. Globalization and the relocation of production allows for lower-cost production which benefits the consumer with lower prices and thus leading to an increase in purchasing power which the American dream is all about isn't it? It comes at the cost of lost jobs in the production sector in home countries which leaves people with a lack of options for other employment.

Hugh McNab
Hugh McNab
5 years ago

A beautiful story of imagining what is possible to do to make a fair world.
No IMF dream will ever work.

5 years ago

Majke ti, samoupravljanje i "tvornica radnicima" u KAPITALIZMU! FENOMENALNO!!! Wonderful! Self-management and expropriation in the heart of capitalism! Well-done Argentina! (and it IS fair, cause workers have been suffering expropriation of their fair share for long time)

8 years ago

sub titles would have been nice and benefited a wider audience - switched off after five minutes - do the producers really think that all are fluent in spanish ????

10 years ago

This destruction of the middle class is going on all over the world. I like the idea of countries, and each country providing for themselves.
Globalists don't believe in that. They see borders as inconveniences. Then they claim patriotism? What a lie!

Jessica Casey
Jessica Casey
11 years ago

The government hands out all of these subsidies and grants of tax-payer money to these companies with no specifications as to how it is spent, and the business still gets run into the ground. You're bloody right these people have the rights to these companies.

Hanny Palmen
Hanny Palmen
11 years ago

For all those in favor of the owners. Rerun the documentary and listen more carefully to what is said about what they owe the workers ... No, the former owners had their chance and blew it, and be sure, they haven't ended up poor ... nothing to feel sorry for.

web dev
web dev
12 years ago

I find that story is biased in favor of the so called 'worker'. Did the factory owner not 'work' and 'risk' their own savings to set up the factory and provide jobs to the workers in the first place...Its nice to take the side of the worker, but lets not forget, the owner took on the risk and put sweat and tears to get the factory started.

It is the owners of the expropriated factories who are the victims here! Why don't the workers simply 'buy out' the owner of the factory instead of expropriating the factory by force, it would seem to make more sense for all parties involved.

Workers, owners, land lords, machinery all have their place, and all should be compensated for their efforts - not just the workers. The important thing is to keep the factories running.

12 years ago

I find that story is biased in favor of the so called 'worker'. Did the factory owner not 'work' and 'risk' their own savings to set up the factory and provide jobs to the workers in the first place...Its nice to take the side of the worker, but lets not forget, the owner took on the risk and put sweat and tears to get the factory started.

It is the owners of the expropriated factories who are the victims here! Why don't the workers simply buy the owner out instead of expropriating the factory by force, it would seem more just for all parties involved.

Workers, owners, land lords, machinery all have their place, and all should be compensated for their efforts - not just the workers. The important thing is to keep the factories running.

12 years ago

Wow... Those people live a very different lifestyle compared to mine. 'Eye-Opening'.

James Cox
James Cox
12 years ago

A wonderful visit with the people of Argintina. As mention by a character I look forward to the sequal.

Vibeke Caroe
Vibeke Caroe
12 years ago

Peter gets a brilliant idea. He sets up business and manufactures his brilliant product. He makes money for his own needs and to pay his workers and other production costs.

Paul sees that Peter is making a good living and also wants to make and sell the product, and so they would have to compete to sell.

But Peter does not want to risk missing out on potential sales revenue, so he trademarks his product, so that no one else is allowed to copy it. Again his company is growing, producing more, selling more, making more profit.

At some point the market stops expanding, but Peter is not satisfied with the money he is making (because?).

He concludes that he can only get more profit (because that is the perpetual indisputable goal of capitalism), if he can lower his production costs. So he moves the production to a low cost country, and he scores more profits again.

But now some people in the low cost country discovers that Peter is selling the products at a very high price at home and paying very little wages to the workers there. They are able to think and calculate, and they are so poor that they can barely exist on the pay that they are receiving from Peter.

One of them gets a brilliant idea. He sets up business and manufactures a product just like Peter's. He sells it in Peter's country, although at a much lower price than Peter,which is illegal, but he still makes a lot more money than he would working for Peter, so he does it anyway.

But at some point he is not satisfied with the money he is making (because?).

He concludes that he can only get more profit (because that is the perpetual indisputable goal of capitalism), if he can lower his production costs.

And who is ALWAYS going to lose out? The workers - in both countries.

Because that is the nature of capitalism when PROFITS are PROTECTED by regulation.

There is no pure capitalism and no pure socialism anywhere in the world. Because even supposedly socialist/communist countries are ruled by - capitalists.

Moon E n V o L
Moon E n V o L
12 years ago

Sometimes I just want the world to end, but it is documentaries like this one that gives me hope that even after the collapse of world economies the people will band together to take over the responsibility of creating and making life work. To the people of the world I give my heart and hope for a future free from the greed of Corporate Banksters. There is a reason the poor out number the rich a million to one: The majority of folks have a true moral foundation to do what is right and good for all and not just themselves.

12 years ago

at the end they let them to have some little factorys... what is it compared to silence and IMF titanic interests... basteds win :(

seanmichael CONWAY
seanmichael CONWAY
13 years ago

Its comical to see the level of ignorance that exists among American people when it comes to the word 'socialism'. Take the time to read up on it. All systems are imperfect as the human element inevitably makes them so. However the capitalist system is without question the most destructive. Its effects on the environment and peoples quality of life is really quite appalling. Socialism has never been given the opportunity to succeed as it has been repeatedly undermined by the capitalist system which simply outsources many of its impacts onto wider world. The monetary system with the banks at its head are another obstacle to its successful implication. I highly recommend that you, the reader, read both 'Envisioning real utopias' and 'Making globalization work'. Trust me they will open your eyes. It certainly worked for me. The world MUST change course soon before its too late.

13 years ago

I agree that globalism is an issue... but socialism, communism, democracy... none of these are the solution. The only form of government that has allowed people to get out of digging in the dirt for their food is a REPUBLIC... not a democracy. Democracy, rule of the majority, just leads to socialism and then on to communism, like Winston said. Once the people realize they can vote themselves largess from the government, it all comes crashing down... just like it is now in the U.S. and other parts of the world.

Capitalism, with a constitutional republic, made the U.S. the greatest country on earth. But, somewhere around 120 years ago, when the federal reserve took over our banking system, the income tax was instituted, and we became slaves to an oppressive group of elites... we gave up on following our constitution.

We're supposed to be 50 independent states, with the federal government providing protection to the states from each of the other states, and from outside forces...ONLY. They aren't supposed to be involved in energy, education, welfare, or any of the other 100 things they've formed unconstitutional agencies and departments to handle. They are supposed to provide the 3 branches, the military, and that's it. The states are supposed to be competing for businesses and people by providing low taxes, good working conditions, high wages, and efficient benefits for the citizens. If your state is not providing those things, you can vote with your feet and move to a state that is. The federal government getting involved with everything from our lightbulbs to our retirement is the problem with our country.

And now they've spent us into oblivion.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
13 years ago

socialism is democracy taken to it's natural (and morally just) conclusion

13 years ago

Peter, mis-read ur post... I thought u said "I think IMF is...".

MILTON get her to read Chomsky!

13 years ago

Patrick, that IS socialism, or a form of it at the very least. Lose the fear of that word America! Many parts of ur economy are already state-owned and run (although the public-private partnerships are slowly putting the 'running' part of that).

Peter, the IMF has a long history of decimating economies. It usually goes like this... find a stuggling country, isolate it (in terms of intl. trade), push it to the point of bankcruptcy, provide a nice big loan that can never realistically be paid off, then impose all manner of political and economic reforms (that usually force subsidised imports at some stage) and leave the manufacturing sector in ruins. Oh, The Corporation is a very documentary :)

13 years ago

i did not know this..thanks

Patrick Leonard
Patrick Leonard
13 years ago

I'm very impressed with this documentary. It seems like the best way for industrial workers to produce is through collectivism. Is it true that their productivity is higher than under the traditional system?
Perhaps we in America can use this model more aggressively. (Not socialism or communism, but the microeconomic bulldog of collectivism, where each worker is a partner in the company)

13 years ago

Its like I've swung the pendulum. After watching the doc about workers in Asia being demoralised to seeing this group take their jobs and pay themselves what's needed. You don't see a lot of stories where the little guy wins. Refreshing.

13 years ago

What an utterly inspiring group of people

13 years ago

I would be so sweet, if expropriated businesses eventually got so widespread and competitive that the multinationals lost interest in using slave like labour. Just think. If the people had run it all along, how gigantic piles of money coulda been saved from the elites greedy accounts.


If she think IMF is an instrument of good, she's an ignorant. "The Corporation" describes them better then this docu.

santosh limbu
santosh limbu
13 years ago

truee democracy.......People power........

13 years ago

My international business teacher is mad at the current administration. She supports the elite and the IMF

14 years ago

my neighbor was from argentina she would say how beautiful it was but more than it beauty i admire the strength and will of the people we might start getting stuff done in the us if we took to the streets like they do they put the fear of god into their politicians and police im sorry but most americans have lost their backbone

14 years ago

I agree, ive seen some attempts to do this in Australia but alot failed.
We need more support in the community and in the Countrys where jobs are being forced overseas!
We need to take this theory, take a factory or shop or whatever, and run it by the people!

14 years ago

Good on you Pete - the giant sucking sound will be a constant if these white-collar thieves can drag their investments from country to country - pulling dispensations from govts persuaded that white collars don't have black hearts.

Gizza job - It's Yosser's cry from The Boys from the Blackstuff

14 years ago

Extraordinary program!! I wish more people (i.e. voters) here in the U.S would watch it because we definitely have that "giant sucking sound" of jobs leaving this country too. Globalization is really only good for the multinational corporations which have no moral compass, or soul. Maybe all these millions of workers here in the U.S. should lock themselves inside their "plants" and start up them 'ole machines again! Whoo Hoo ... kinda gets the blood flowing a bit - although I'd rather just have a job though .....

14 years ago

carpenter, they didn't vote for menem, he lost resoundingly.

it was so bad, actually, that he withdrew from the election early rather than face the shame of getting landslided.

that said, the current leadership isn't much better.

14 years ago

After watching this doc the only thing came to my mind was,do the people in Argentina have some kind of short term memory lost?? Half of the country wanted to vote for the same guy who brought the country to its knee? that I don't get.