The Beatles, a quartet of young men from Liverpool, England, irrevocably altered the course of popular music and culture in the 20th century. Their meteoric rise to fame and enduring legacy continue to captivate audiences...
Nestled on the famed Sunset Strip in Los Angeles, the Rainbow bar has become synonymous with rock and roll. Its story, intertwined with the evolution of the genre itself, is a testament to the enduring spirit of rock music. The...
The concept of remixing involves copying, transforming, and combining existing materials to produce something new. Remixing is present everywhere, from music to memes to computer...
A documentary film that chronicles the emergence and rise of the thrash metal music scene in the San Francisco Bay Area in the early 1980s. Directed by Adam Dubin, the film features...
"Sherlock" is a British television series created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss. It is just one of the numerous adaptations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic Sherlock Holmes...
Nicolas Cage is one of Hollywood's hardest-working and most recognizable actors. He has had a successful career spanning 40 years and been in a string of big-time box office hits and a string of box office bombs. And despite...
One of the most iconic figures in pop culture is the British globe-trotting super-spy, James Bond. When the first Bond novel was published in 1952, the world was hooked. Moviegoers soon followed when the first Bond film,...
One of the most significant musical genres to emerge this century is Dubstep, an electronic music spinoff with South London origins that began in the early 2000s. As defined by Wikipedia, Dubstep was originally a "half step...
From Beyoncé to Madonna to Paul McCartney, the Coachella music festival has played host to some of the world's most legendary performers. As a result, the festival itself has attained its own legendary status. Coachella: 20...
The only thing more impressive than the meteoric rise of the Swedish supergroup ABBA is the longevity they've enjoyed for nearly five decades. Their music thrives through every generation. Originally produced in 2017, the...
Since he first burst onto the movie scene with his 1985 debut film Pee-wee's Big Adventure, director Tim Burton has amassed a reputation as one of the Hollywood's most unique and...
What makes an artist? In the case of Eminem, the once introverted outcast who became one of the most influential performers in the world of hip hop, artistry first blossomed in the intersection of crippling adversity and raw...
As a young boy growing up in Tanzania and India, Farrokh Bulsara knew he was destined to make his mark in music. At the time of his death in 1991 at the age of 45, he was heralded as one of the most iconic figures in the UK and...
Superstar hip hop recording artist J. Cole is no stranger to the spotlight. But in his new documentary 4 Your Eyez Only, he redirects this attention to everyday heroes of the black community. Crafted as a companion piece to his...