Who was Karl Marx?

Who was Karl Marx?

2018, Economics  -   19 Comments
Ratings: 7.25/10 from 84 users.

His teachings continue to inspire, challenge and scandalize people throughout the world. Two hundred years after his birth, the documentary "Who Was Karl Marx?" examines the life of this infamous German philosopher, and explores why his controversial theories continue to resonate to this day.

The film continuously shifts its narrative from Marx's personal journey to the modern-day settings that continue to embrace his philosophy. In the process, it shines a spotlight on the contradictory perceptions of Marx throughout the world, and why his divisive teachings haven't lost their power to engage a significant segment of the working class.

Marx's socialist ideals were wrought from the Industrial Revolution. Wearied by evidence of deplorable working conditions, Marx suggested that it was only a matter of time before the working class mounted a revolt against the capitalist system. He envisioned a society free from the shackles and disadvantages of class.

Idolized by some and scorned by others, Marx's popularity has ebbed and flowed for two centuries. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis in 2007, his socialist principles found a newly energized foothold. In China, his resurgence has been particularly robust. Marxist propaganda fills the airwaves, infiltrates print media, and even serves as the basis of a popular game show.

The relevance of Marx is not limited to one region, however. It can be felt in France, the United States and other countries where the class divide continues to widen. As more citizens find themselves struggling through poverty, homelessness, unfair wage disparities and overall disillusionment, some have found their hope and inspiration within the tenants of Marxist philosophy.

The film is not blind to the criticisms of this philosophy, and the potential pitfalls of putting it into practice. We hear from several detractors of Marx - not necessarily those who fall in the strictly pro-capitalist margins, but others who find fault in his naiveté and questionable ethics. Some feel that they will forever contend with a capitalist structure. Others are challenging the Marxist philosophy by attempting to redefine it for a modern age.

"Who Was Karl Marx?" provides well reasoned insights into an often vilified subject.

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1 year ago

Marx and Lenin were just pawns on the banksters' chess board. Banksters sponsored both just as they had done for Napoleon and many other self-important people with obscured background like Hamilton. In short, the banksters needed Communism to divide the world into two camps, whose inhabitants were fighting against each other, and to quietly take over the national governments with the revolutionaries or with money or with both. And here we are.

1 year ago

My brother and I went to Highgate Cemetery (London) to view Marx's grave. But the cemetery charged admission !?!? So we went around the back and climbed over the fence. I think Karl would have approved.

1 year ago

What a load of BS. Capitalism forces competition, you have to improve and become better than your competitors in order to move forward or otherwise you fail. This is a harsh, tough environment, for sure. On the other hand socialism and communism promote laziness, no other way of saying this. Why should one work harder, put more effort, if you still get the same? The last example in the video, Greece, it failed not because it was a "left behind capitalist state" but because the culture did not promote hard work and competition but rather life style.

Jon Jonzz
Jon Jonzz
3 years ago

He was the smarter,lazier version of Bernie.

4 years ago

As an economist I can tell you Marx criticism of capitalism was valid, this is what convince most adherents to become rabid leftists. And I said rabid, because notice Marx did not provide any solution for the development of an economy. None! Rebelling against the capitalism system was right, but how do we bring progress? The soviets, or communas where people will work and split the work, was not viable because all men are not equal. Some people work hard and some are lazy. That omission destroyed socialism wherever was tried. By eliminating profit, which make some work harder than others, communists destroyed the engine of progress.
All that is left is a vacuous philosophy of capital that have caused about 100 million deaths. Today, communism is propounded on the same principles, equality is the goal but communist ideas have left a trail of oppression, destruction, totalitarianism and death. Don't be the next victim!

4 years ago

Marxism = Do what we say or we'll kill you. Enough said.

Prince Kapone
Prince Kapone
4 years ago

Amerikans are politically illiterate. These have to be the dumbest comments I've ever read.

5 years ago

Anyone promoting an Ant Farm system where all the worker ants work for the "collective" which is the state, is an elitist who believes they are above the fray and will not be the insignificant replaceable little worker ant with a shovel; so will not suffer the intended or unintended consequences of that system.

Elitism, be it Marx or any other system, is what has ruined the world and murdered vast millions of those who simply disagree with being ruled by others or others taking what wasn't theirs.

Marxism and any Collectivist system IS based on taking what isn't theirs. Capitalism is NOT based on taking what isn't theirs, however, some within that system are corrupt, diverting corporations, govt, military, and the media for that purpose of taking what isn't theirs. Mainly the Marxist globalist banksters who own/control all of those; and favor war profiteering. Socialists pretend they would not have corruption when it is even more difficult to avoid in such a system.

Despite any claims, there is no equality nor strive to get closer to it with Marxism. The "haves" being the ruling class have the money and power. All the rest are the "have nots". It is against the nature of the power hungry and greedy corrupt ruling class to give that up.

What about that claimed larger distribution to the Have Nots to even things out? If there is any, from the lack of incentive, it gets sucked up by the over bloated govt ruling class and taxes for projects they desire, such as govt buildings, military, and special everything for the ruling class families. Not that different than a once capitalist country which has increased its socialism to a significant extent.

Marxism is unnatural. It is only sustainable by force in the macro. It fails to acknowledge that many people strive to be free to seek their own destiny and to be left alone by any govt. Despite any BS theory, the result of such a Collectivist system is the exact opposite of a free people. They are not allowed to compete with any state operation. Which would be everything, under full socialism.

If you want to join a Kibbutz, fine. Leave the rest of us alone. People are allowed to leave a Kibbutz and some do because Collectivism is not for them.

Are you allowed to leave the ultimate Marxist one world govt globalist system? No, because it would collapse from so many leaving to pursue a better life. That is why they want your guns. They cannot succeed if you are free to leave.

A MUCH better system is one where there is no ruling class. No central banksters robbing the value of what you earn by printing more fiat currency. No debt based money creation. Companies would be limited in size so they could not gain excessive power. People could pool and/or invest their excess money directly as they desire, or in a Go-Fund-Me account or similar. Same method for a safety net for those who fall on hard times. Like the original founding of the usa, the only taxpayers would be corporations and those working for govt which would be very few: police and courts, with a Swiss style Defense, where most have a rifle in their closet and trained to use it. That would also cut down on crime. No more war profiteers since strictly defense. It would be the opposite of Marx, having sovereign individuals who deal with each other much the same way as sovereign states or countries interact. Freedom and order without dominance.

Commonsensical Matters
Commonsensical Matters
5 years ago

noun: capitalism

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

The problem we all see to overlook, as it is easier to blame anything but ourselves is that capitalism in itself is not evil or bad. I personally would rather leave the trade and economics to private enterprises as it drives innovation and competition. Greed, which it stems from you and I, is why capitalism got such a horrible name. The problem here is the human being, not the method in which countries are ran. Take accountability and be the change you want to see. Become business owners that won't let greed rules you, change the way a few have taken advantage and has ruined it for the rest of the world. Or as I said before, continue to blame everything else, but yourselves and see nothing change. Your choice.

Armando Gonzalez
Armando Gonzalez
5 years ago

There are critics of Marxist's social experiments, and critics of Marx's thinking. When we check the Marx's works and its bibliography we will see the difference between analisys and political bias. Marx summarizes and systematizes what many thinkers have said in history, about the development of the social and economic forces of humankind. You can have many honorary and academic tiles, but if you do not know MISERY, you are unable to understand a simple true: The workers produce the wealth of the nations - Adan Smith & David Ricardo

5 years ago

There is one reason and one reason only that this crippler and manipulator of the minds of far too many, still influenzas anyone today. Because the big banking and elite families (Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc) prefer mental midget worker bees rather than COMPETITORS for all the corporations they own and control, including the central banks around the world. So the big boys install Marxist professors in the universities to teach the teachers ...and voila we get Marxist zombies out of the govt indoctrination "school" system. Reinforced by the bankster owned major media.

You can learn all about it right on this website under the conspiracy section And/or read G. Edward Griffin's book: The Creature From Jekyll Island for a primer on conspiracy fact. Look up the quote by David Rockefeller who admits everything.

Think bigger. Rather than gathering together to whine and strike and vengeance. Get even by obsoleting them. Gather together to compete! Pool your resources, start companies and buy from each other. Cut out the banksters and you will be much further ahead than PLAYING RIGHT INTO THEIR HANDS by demanding Marxism (Socialism-Communism-Progressivism-Corporatism)