13 Hours that Saved Britain

13 Hours that Saved Britain

2010, Military and War  -   11 Comments
Ratings: 6.89/10 from 47 users.

The odds seemed insurmountable. In the heat of the Second World War, Germany was operating at the peak of its powers and seizing control of huge portions of the European landscape. But on September 15, 1940, the German army came face to face with a foe they had clearly underestimated. It was a bloody battle fought entirely in the skies over Britain, and it led to Hitler's first major defeat. "13 Hours that Saved Britain" recounts this battle with great insight and poignancy.

The film features a collage of stunning archived footage and cinematic recreations, as well as interviews with dozens of eyewitness and pilots who fought on the frontline. The story they weave is one of exceptional bravery and determination in the face of assured annihilation.

France had just fallen to the German army, and there was every reason to believe that Britain would be conquered with similar ease. Over 400 enemy fighters cascaded upon the countryside that day, but they were met with a force of resistance they could not have anticipated. The film captures each passing hour of the battle from a variety of fascinating perspectives. Fighter pilots recall the twirling masses of metal that filled the airspace, the intensity of combat, and the strategic maneuvers that ensured victory.

Perhaps the most revealing testimonies come from the witnesses - most of whom were young children during the war - who stood below and watched the events unfold with awe-stricken wonder. They might have observed the war through the detached lens of adolescence, but their memories are filtered through an adult understanding of horror and sacrifice.

Throughout the film, viewers are given a tactile sense of that day - from the foreboding roar of the air sirens to the thrill of playing a role in the country's finest hour. Though the war would continue for four more years, Britain's valor struck a mighty blow to the confidence of the Hitler regime.

"13 Hours that Saved Britain" is a moving tribute to the formidable might and ingenuity of the British Royal Air Force and its neighboring allies, as well as the will of the entire civilian population who bore witness to history.

Directed by: Stephen Saunders

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6 months ago

The UK has never been a saint. Looked closely, neither the USA.

My fantasy is Bugs Bunny suddenly appears and manually saws Canada from the US and we reappear as neighbors to Australia & New Zealand.

Canada has never been a saint either. What we did to aboriginals is totally disgusting. But as least we admit to our shame and trying to make amends.

As far as Canada's participation in WW I & II?

The UK should get down on it's knees and thank Canada for what we did for them.

What do we get in return?

Nothing, really.

How totally narcistic!

Just like the USA.

2 years ago

Now that the wokesters have discovered TDF, they will try to sabotage history as they try to topple statues. No, wokesters, the Allied forces fought and saved the world. Get out of your mom’s basement, get a job, go on a date, and get a life.

David Dieni
David Dieni
3 years ago

The Battle of Britian gets my goat...as a despotic empire fought off a challenge by the Nazi's for a piece of their colonial resources. Freedom my arse.

In the 1950's the British tortured and murdered 1.5 million Kenyan tribesman in purpose built concentration camps for opposing the occupation of their lands, whikle Churchill stole grain from Bengali peasants to give to the army, and 3 million starved to death as a result.

Spitfires are so pretty, so we say nothing

3 years ago

48 minutes of words I don't quite understand. Sure, the British Air Defense fought back, but why did you have to show so much eyewitness accounts. No offense. I could just be more into WW1 and Naval Craft.

6 years ago

I LOVE watching your documentaries. However, I would like to download some for later
viewing. I can do that, but there is no audio every time I try. Am I doing something wrong?
Please help.
Thank you

6 years ago

It didn't save Britain at all. General Patton said it best: "We defeated the wrong enemy". The change is slow but steady - there won't be a Britain as we know it in 30 years from now.

Martin Hedington
Martin Hedington
6 years ago

Absolutely fantastic, truly moving. Dampened my eyes a few times.

Victoria Preece
Victoria Preece
6 years ago

A documentary brilliantly and sensitively produced. My father never spoke about his time flying spitfires - I wondered why? Now I know.
Thank you.