Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World

Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World

Ratings: 6.52/10 from 126 users.

Sweet Misery - A Poisoned WorldAspartame is an artificial sweetener, an additive. And it's a chemical. It's not a natural product, it's a chemical. The molecule is made up of three components. Two are amino acids, the so-called building blocks of protein.

One is called Phenylalanine, which is about 50% of the molecule and the other is Aspartic Acid, which is like 40%. And the other 10% is so-called Methyl Ester, which as soon as it’s swallowed becomes free methyl alcohol. Methanol. Wood alcohol, which is a poison. A real poison.

Excellent documentary showing how dangerous artificial sweetner Aspartame is. From its history, to its effects this video is enough to shock anyone into really looking at the food labels next time they shop. Aspartame is a toxic food that came into the world as an investment by Donald Rumsfeld, while ignoring the deadly effects the tests showed. Take a good look at this video, it could save lives.

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Linda Lord-Purdy
Linda Lord-Purdy
1 year ago

Can't watch it because it has been taken down in Canada......the truth always eventually finds it way to the surface no matter how many evil entities try to keep it hidden

Basil Baumbusch
Basil Baumbusch
3 years ago

Understanding what to pack will be easy when you have an agenda from your Travel agent. GW: Many people do dangle their clothes in the rest room and steam the shower up. Luckily, time travel is theoretically possible

Lorena Murray
Lorena Murray
6 years ago

I just can't believe this is still even allowed on the market. And the thing that pisses me off more is that they keep changing the names so the consumer doesn't realize.

I was in this documentary God I think it was in 95. I had been to so many doctors it was insane and that is what they told me, go find a shrink. I had been diagnosed heart disease, mitral valve prolapse, mild tricuspids regurgitation, tachacardia and a heart murmer. They had me in cardiac care many times and in ICU. I also had many other ailments that I had been put on 14 medications. I stopped the "flavored water" and have been cleared of any of the 9 different things I was diagnosed with. It's been 10 years and I only am on 2 meds. I just had to have a hip replacement at 55, and am due to have 2 shoulder replacements next year. My bone are shot. I have been on disability for 8 years now.

Please be aware to look also for the names of asparatic acid, asfuelfame K, yes I know my spelling is horrible. But when Cheerwine, which is a dr pepper kinda soda in the south. They had it advertised in giant letters aspartame free. I was on disaster call and was so excited to be able to drink it, or so I thought. I ended up in the ICU.

7 years ago

Oh yeah, I forgot to add. I used to be addicted to aspartame and suffered frequent migraines. This happened to my mother as well. We were so addicted that it was very difficult to stop using it. I now have fibromyalgia.

I am also type 1 diabetic, and it is concerning that diabetes educators encourage diabetics to use diet sodas (so they are ingesting aspartame) and diabetes educators also encourage diabetics to eat low fat foods and most low fat processed foods are very high in glutamate. Both glutamate and aspartate deplete B6 and diabetics are already very deficient in B6. Diabetics also suffer from neuropathy. According to Dr. Russell Blaylock's book Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, glutamate has been shown to cause retinopathy in mice studies.

This makes me wonder: Is is the diabetes that cause complications like retinopathy, or is it the food additives (glutamate and aspartate) that are pushed on diabetics in order to "be healthy" that cause the "diabetic complications"?

7 years ago

This documentary is great and a must see for anyone, especially those who have ingested aspartame.
It is a bit slow at times and for me switched between different people too much, but the information is correct and important and definitely a must see.

10 years ago

They're trying to kill us all, I swear. They know what all this crap does to us, they hide the facts and keep the profits - because they know the stuff takes years to kill, and they think we won't ever make the connection. Killing us slowly and banking on it. Fcking bastards.

10 years ago

People are fat cause they eat too much junk. EG. fast foods..fast foods contains lots of sugar and other "junk" that the FDA are totally aware of and in turn this makes us sick. Big drug companies "and many others" make money. They then give you pills to make you stop taking pills they've prescribed for you. It's a domino effect that catches you off guard. They do not care!!!

10 years ago

"the current measures of food safety are failing us" is a gross under/mis statement after watching this is seems more like there is no food safety at all

10 years ago

Different chemicals do different things in the body.......get a clue.

10 years ago

IT'S A CHEMICAL. so is water.

Janie Aulds Fontenot
Janie Aulds Fontenot
11 years ago

Does anybody besides me wonder why Alzheimer's disease is so prevalent?

Veronica Ronnie Griffin Chapma
Veronica Ronnie Griffin Chapma
11 years ago

its interesting that i can't get this to post on fb!

Rose Saporito
Rose Saporito
11 years ago

I'm sorry, but the person who wrote the description is completely, like, ignorant.

Amber Brandt
Amber Brandt
11 years ago

I just use real cane sugar when i am baking. I just limit how often I eat sweets. simple as that. people think they can consume as much sweetener as they want because it is low calorie. maybe just try eating healthier.

Sarah Daniels
Sarah Daniels
11 years ago

I find that after drinking anything that contains aspartame I feel spacey, irritable and hyper. I also have a really fast heart beat and get pains in my chest. It's not something I would have regularly, at all.

Todd Morrow
Todd Morrow
11 years ago

I use Truvia and I feel great. When I did aspertame or saccarine I could feel the neurological effects within hours. I was edgy and it was very difficult to verbalize a thought. Oh yeah, and my hands started shaking. They don't shake when I don't ingest any neuro-toxins.

Patty MacDonell
Patty MacDonell
12 years ago

This is what is making me crazy. I do not buy into conspiracy theories. However I know for a fact that aspartame causes me to break out in hives. Many years ago I stopped drinking sugar drinks because the heavy amount of sugar in these drinks is repulsive. So I started drinking a lot of cola with Nutrasweet. And I broke out in hives repeatedly. After awhile I noticed the correlation. I figured this out without the help of any scientific study. The fact that others have had the same reaction confirms my belief that aspartame is bad for some people.

12 years ago

I like any type of information that provides "facts"...The FACT is that the FDA is a bunch of thieving liars!!! Watch the documentary called "Burzykski" and tell me that any/all of our government agencies aren't the filthiest corrupt group you've ever been disgusted to know about!!! If you have a problem of learning the truth, or if you don't want to upset the little bubble world that some may be living in, then by all means don't watch it! There were way too many court trials and factual evidence against the FDA, large Pharmacies and what I'm totally ashamed to call the U.S. Government to deny these things that they do to citizens! Be ready to get TOTALLY PISSED OFF!!!

Haajira Aziz
Haajira Aziz
12 years ago

Being a grammar nazi here, but honestly, I can't take scientific statements as fact from someone who doesn't know the difference between there and their.

Quade TheSaint Howard
Quade TheSaint Howard
12 years ago

because aspartame is more deadly than obesity. Oh wait, obesity is the biggest killer in most first world countries, never mind.

12 years ago

I do love the documentaries that are one sided, because they do just get hold of the weak minded people and brainwash them. Sadly people do watch these and believe them in seconds, and unfortunately they start to panic and will probably run to their local supermarket to buy all the sweetner to protect and save those who haven't watched this.

This is total rubbish, and if it was true then we all may as well lock our doors and never leave the house again. Just like the modern media, these documentaries are scaring people to make an easy buck.

What you need to take away from this film is that you don't use it too much, just like everything. I mean if you drink too much water you'll die, and someone has been good enough to show us how much we would have to use.

Yes the corporations probably don't care if people die, and they probably just want more money, but that is why we have to hope and prey that there are governments and people out there that will look into this to give us useful facts, not biased rubbish like a lot of people do.

Yusiley S
Yusiley S
12 years ago

I hate documentaries like these because they don't research the people who have strong immune systems and don't have any side effects to these chemicals. The principle notion of "no one is built the same or react the same way" is thrown out to the side. I'm living proof that aspartame has no negative side effects. I drink diet sodas and take in many items with the chemical aspartame for over five yrs like water, yet I don't show any external or internal negative effects from taking the stuff. In fact ever since I switched from regular soda to diet soda I've lost weight (over 20 pounds b!tches!), my skin cleared up and I have more energy. >_> My organs are all in perfect working condition and I have no issues with anything in regards to what these morons wrote or say about aspartame.

Seriously, you people who gotten sick... did so because your immune system is built differently and is weak. Stop demonizing something that isn't damaging to everyone else. Stop demanding the government to policing your stupid fat @sses because you have the mind of a retarded child and are incapable of taking responsibility... all because you're weak, lazy f*ck-tard! You want freedom, you need to work for it, use your brain and stop whining like a baby wanting everyone around to take care of you. It's ok to ask for help once a while, but you need to put the effect to change and make it better for yourself and those who are closest (family and friends), not the whole world (the whole world doesn't care anyways so f*ck it). It's just like the stupid argument over fast food. No one is telling you to eat the stuff. It's the same with aspartame... no one is forcing you to drink aspartame... so... STFU!!!

Melissa Hagblom
Melissa Hagblom
12 years ago

My daughter has reactions to aspartame that are unlike refined sugar or organic sugar reactions. Fazed out, irritated, angry. It's only slipped by a few times in her life so far but it is obvious the damage it does.

Chad Reitsma
Chad Reitsma
12 years ago

All true. Even as a kid I would get BRUTAL migraines after drinking diet-pops , or any drink that contained aspartame. Even chewing "Sugar Free" gum that had aspartame in it would induce them. Only the truly brainless keep ingesting things they know cause them harm so if you think this is a hoax just keep drinking Diet-Coke, in fact, drink twice as much as you normally do, then come back in 5 years and tell us if you have any symptoms!!

12 years ago

wow. After reading through some of these posts here, it's friggin' sad how many of these m*rons, that have posted below, love to regurgitate the c*** they are fed by their tv's. I guess that the chemicals and time will eventually sort-out the skeptics from diet coke drinkers.

12 years ago

45:50ish... the scientist instinctively licked a chemical off his hand and found it sweet?!!!! That's hilarious! That has got to be the biggest load of bull I've heard in a while. You gotta give those evil bastards credit; at least they're creative.

Caela Jean Waite
Caela Jean Waite
12 years ago

Karen, You are ignorant if you think aspartame has no effect on people. I myself was poisoned by the chemical for 5 years. It built up in my brain and caused symptoms of fibromyalgia, MS, and chronic fatigue. My sister was similarly affected. Once I stopped consuming the product, I no longer had any of those symptoms and three different doctors all told me that aspartame would actually cause the symptoms I had. This chemical is like and STD in that some people never actually get symptoms, but that doesn't mean nothings there.

12 years ago

All I know is I can tell if something has aspartame because of the INSTANT headache I get whenever I ingest it without fail. I stopped taking that stuff in years ago!

12 years ago

This is BS Aspartame is destroyed in the stomach ages before getting into the blood stream it is a Protein so Tripsin in the stomach breaks it down to Polypeptides eventually later on to peptides then on to Amino acids second point this molecule does exist in nature that's where it was originally discovered in which scientist found it had a sweetening effect that's when it started being manufactured in factories. now for a point against this chemical it is not low calories because the human body can metabolise it and used it for energy and creation of new proteins.

12 years ago

Stevia has now been researched to may cause cancer and or cause issues with being able to have children. Look it up.

12 years ago

This fn hilarious. You the man Aaron! This film is total cowpatty. I would not be surprised if the ppl behind this film become targeted by anonymous and other groups. Its just amazing the stuff people will believe that they read on the internet. The ppl that try to defend the movie are just as likely to tell you the us government attacked the twin towers, the pentagon and the other attempt on 9/11. They also believe JFK survived and that Oswald was setup by the government. They will tell you we never went to the moon. They actually think everything is a hoax.

I know there are some people that actually do think they must protect themselves from satellites by using tin foil. These people are normally diagnosed as schizophrenics.

People especially those that are young or perhaps just feel that if they buy only at whole foods they will be healthier are gullible. They gullible enough to watch bs psychics presented on television as really being in touch with their dead loved ones and think this is real. The house always wins. J.Z. Knight and Linda Evans gullible. People are still taken advantage of by any number of means whether its stories I read about a woman from Nigeria doing the exact same scam used in the movie the Sting or Dateline NBC showing internet fraud ... they are gullible.

UFO reports on the radio when I was young led a brother and I to look at the horizon out in the street. Yes they were blinking. Dad yelled out the window what are you looking at? Being an Optics and Acoustics engineer from MIT that worked later on Star Wars as his final job and having grown up in Prairie in the middle of the states and going to WWII as a skipper ultimately retiring as a Captain he knew the stars well, and from his elevation above us he could see the stars that were blinking clearly in the pattern of the big dipper. We could not see them all from our angle as a tree was in the way. He explained the atmosphere makes them blink like that. Probably dust or smog particles.

The irony of the people saying diet coke gave someone a brain tumor with the analog cellphone study that suggested that as a source which is not been completely substantiated but suggested that digital cellphone use may lead too this possibly too. There is a study that the magnetic field of small motors could cause cancer too. They strapped small magnetic motors too the heads of rats and subjected them to harm. I don't think anyone would like having a coffee grinder strapped to their head and run for hours at a time.

There is just too many unknowns to state two facts and link them. The amount of benzene or other chemicals you might be subjected too when filling your gas tank and spill a bit. I had a girlfriend once that liked eau d'essence or the smell of gas on me.

I will say carpet has been accused of degassing and new houses and paint etc do give off smells as do new car smell which is most likely vinyl chloride gas I had heard. They used to sell new car smell in can. It must have had something similar in it. Although none of that ever made me sick. I know the new buildings are sealed so well you might as well air it out for a while. We certainly run water in new plumbing to clean the flux out. I have known cats that did get sick and lose hair after being subjected to a new house or new carpet. They are right at that level. And most carpet is made of plastics.

Too much of a good thing like penicillin does lead to strains of resistant bacteria or VD or MRSA. They used to prescribe it over the counter in England and later found it no longer worked do over use.

But I digress many on here follow the line of reasoning of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy that states some felt we never should have left the trees, and others in the end felt we never should have left the water as a naked man throws money away and enters the water at the beach.

This was the funniest drawn out line of posts I have read in a long time.

12 years ago

I haven't even watched this doc yet, but I'm reading everybody's comments. I've noticed that a lot of people just post wikipedia as a source to support their arguments.

Wikipedia should never be used as a source. Use it as a reference point, but anyone who uses it as a source for the base of their arguments immediately loses credibility. I love the debates sparked on this site, but the moment that someone takes the easy route and sources wikipedia, I don't even finish reading their comments. It is not an authoritative source. Don't give me the damn link for a wikipedia article to support your argument, it's almost insulting. Only 1% of wikipedia articles have markers indicating that the sources and information have been validated. That means that almost everything you read on wikipedia has not been checked and validated.

If you're going to argue something, take the time and do some in depth research. Critical analysis people!!!!

if you want to take the quick route go to an online encyclopedia and post the link to that.

Richie Mc Donald
Richie Mc Donald
12 years ago

Amazing documentary. I will never consume aspartame again.

Layla Phelps
Layla Phelps
12 years ago

I will not eat or drink artificial sweeteners. I stopped putting refined sugars into my drinks or cereal 10 or so years ago. The aftertaste of aspertame is nasty and made me not want to eat it anyways. And after learning its a cancer causing agent I chose to never ingest it again.

L.L. Waiting
L.L. Waiting
13 years ago

I was damaged by something else that is supposedly safe (a commonly used pharmaceutical). The lesson I've learned is that it's up to each of us to research what we put into our bodies. You can't depend on the powers that be to look out for your best interests. No one will care more about your health than you.

13 years ago

Aspartame is the common denominator for over "92 different health symptoms at the root of modern disease"

So says Dr. Janet Starr Hull.

Never mind 92, if only linked to one, would not take it.

Charles Bond
Charles Bond
13 years ago

"It’s not a natural product, it’s a chemical."
Please, take a chemistry class. Any kind of compound is a chemical! Water, Salt, Suger, Fat, Protein, Carbon Dioxide, and any other non-elemental substance you can think of is a chemical. Saying Aspartame will kill because it contains Methyl Ester is like saying NaCl (Table salt) will kill you because in their isolated states Na (Sodium) is an explosive metal, and Cl (Chlorine) is an extremely poisonous gas. A different combination of substances changes the chemical characteristics. That is why Water (H2O), doesn't burn, even though both Hydrogen and Oxygen are very flammable gasses. The chemical bonds between Aspartame's different components change the chemical characteristics.

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


Not all vaccines are bad, except the ones they push on the public, as an example, flu shot vaccines that in my books are a scam!

Anyway getting tired of this discussion leading nowhere, I am a proponent of "Dr. Mercola," have been following him for years, I don't agree with everything he has to offer, but agree with him on vaccines and aspartame, if you have any questions take it up with him.

13 years ago

@Achems Razor
There's no way I'm going to start into the whole big pharma thing, its just ridiculous.

But there's another thing I want to get straight here. You've read the physics of the impossible and believe in evolution, but you think vaccines are bad for you?

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


But I do have respect for all the scientific achievements to benefit mankind, but have no respect for profit driven big Pharma!

13 years ago

Of course, no one should have anything injected into their bodies without knowing the risks. However, one should not equate the fact that too much of something can kill you with the safe levels found in vaccines.

My problem with what you were saying is the fact that you would slander such a great scientific achievement. Through the use of the polio vaccine we have basically wiped the disease off the face of the earth. Before the vaccine, polio crippled tens of thousands of people and was an outright pandemic.

Respect, thats all I'm saying.

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


I have presented a case for doubt, good enough for me, gives people the opportunity to further pursue and decide if they want such elements injected into their bodies. And maybe they might look into all the aspects of all vaccines that do cause detrimental effects in a lot of people.

13 years ago

I did google it just to refresh myself on the subject. Every website that had citations or references to case studies done on the subject refuted the claim.
From the mouth of Wikipedia;

"British journalist Edward Hooper publicized a hypothesis that AIDS was inadvertently caused in the late 1950s in the Belgian Congo by Koprowski's research into a polio vaccine. The OPV AIDS hypothesis has been widely rejected by the scientific community. The journal Science wrote of Hooper's claims, "...it can be stated with almost complete certainty that the large polio vaccine trial... was not the origin of AIDS.""

As for listing off the ingredients in a flu shot, I'm not really sure what your point is. Listing the ingredients of something is not an argument. Not only did you list them, but you stated the purpose of the ingredients as well, all of which have a clear and necessary purpose in the vaccine.

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


Documented case? google it. And, do you think they are going to use a double blind trial to give someone aids??

Ingredients in a flu shot:

Thimerosal...a mercury derivative added as a preservative.

Formaldehyde...to kill viruses.

Aluminium...to promote anti-body response.

Ethylene Glycol...also known as antifreeze, used in vaccines as a disinfectant.

Phenol...a disinfectant.

Squalene...adjunctive, puts immune system into overdrive.

13 years ago

@Achems Razor
Wow... just... wow.
So if it was proven to cause aids I guess you can provide me with a documented case or a double-blind trial to prove your point?
Seeing as how I'm not a 6 month old baby, I don't believe I'll be developing autism anytime soon, but I think you should do a little research as to what exactly the supposed link is between thimerosal and autism. Its not as clean cut as someone like you would have us believe.

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


Ditto! hope you use all the mercury ridden flu shots and develop autism,
or better yet, use the polio vaccine from monkeys that was proven to cause aids.

13 years ago

@ Achems Razor
I'd be angry at you for the uneducated and ignorant babble that you seem to need to spew all over this message board if I wasn't so happy that you said you don't believe in vaccinations. Hopefully tetanus gets to you before you can reproduce.

13 years ago

@Achems Razor

All three. How did you know?

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


Give me a break! you like all the chemicals and vaccinations, I suppose you also like all the additives they put in food, especially the growth hormones and antibiotics they put in your milk and other products, like beef, chicken etc:

By the way, we in Canada told your milk products to bite the big one.
Either you are trolling? are st00p1d? or maybe work for Monsanto? Hmmm??

13 years ago

I just wanted to say thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat I really like Aaron. A lot. People get caught up in all of these conspiracies and they think that everything on the shelves at the grocery is bad for them, but it's been repeated again and again that we're tons healthier BECAUSE of these new advances in technology and because of these new chemicals and vaccinations.

The claims in this documentary are ridiculous. Correlation is not causation, and that's what a lot of the evidence that the film is supplying seems to be. "I drank a Diet Pepsi and then I had a seizure!" That doesn't mean...anything. At all. You don't have to be a scientist to see through the crap. You really don't.