Praying for Armageddon: The War Machine

Praying for Armageddon: The War Machine

2024, Military and War  -   1 Comment
Ratings: 6.00/10 from 3 users.

The tapestry of American foreign policy in the Middle East has long been woven with threads of realpolitik, economic interests, and global security concerns. However, in recent decades, a new and increasingly influential strand has emerged: the beliefs and priorities of Evangelical Christians. This second installment explores the complex relationship between Evangelicalism, its interpretation of biblical prophecy, and its impact on US foreign policy, particularly regarding Israel.

Central to this story is Dispensational Premillennialism, a theological viewpoint embraced by many Evangelical Christians. This belief system interprets biblical prophecies literally, particularly those concerning the end times. It posits that the return of Christ (Second Coming) is imminent and will be preceded by a period of great tribulation, potentially including a catastrophic war in the Middle East. Within this framework, Israel plays a pivotal role. Evangelicals see the restoration and flourishing of the Jewish state as a crucial fulfillment of prophecy, paving the way for Christ's return. This fosters a deep and unwavering commitment to Israel's security and well-being, often exceeding that of many American Jews.

This fervent belief system translates into significant political clout. Evangelical Christians represent a powerful voting bloc in the United States, particularly within the Republican party. Politicians seeking their support understand the importance of aligning their foreign policy stances, especially regarding Israel, with Evangelical priorities. This influence has been demonstrably felt in recent decades, with strong backing from Evangelicals for increased US support for Israel, culminating in the controversial recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital in 2018.

However, this faith-based influence on foreign policy is not without its critics. Concerns abound that Evangelical beliefs are unduly swaying US actions in the Middle East, potentially pushing for policies that destabilize the region and prioritize Israel's interests over a more balanced and nuanced approach.

The film raises concerns about the influence of Evangelical chaplains in the military, highlighting the potential for religious pressure and compromised religious freedom within the ranks. Perhaps the most unsettling criticism lies in the notion that the belief in an impending apocalyptic war can lead to a reckless foreign policy. Some argue that certain Evangelical leaders even welcome conflict as a sign of the approaching end times, potentially leading to decisions that prioritize fulfilling prophecy over fostering peace.

Directed by: Tonje Hessen Schei

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6 days ago

Why the down votes? Thought the doco was quite interesting