Under Fire

Under Fire

2015, Crime  -   42 Comments
Ratings: 6.42/10 from 84 users.

On June 4, 2014, 24-year old Justin Bourque stepped through a peaceful, unassuming trailer park community in Moncton, New Brunswick. Fully donned in camouflage, and armed with a rifle and shotgun, Bourque seemed intent on being noticed. He was. A concerned resident phoned the police as Bourque continued on his menacing trek.

Hours later, three officers in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) would be dead, and two others seriously injured. Moncton had suffered its first homicide in four years, and witnessed one of the most savage killing sprees in Canadian history.

The events of that day are harrowingly chronicled in the new investigative documentary titled Under Fire, as are a series of troubling questions concerning police safety, training and preparedness. An angry and mentally unbalanced man with a grudge against the governmental authority, Bourque's mission of terror on that day was devised to murder as many police officers as he possibly could. The RCMP, much like the community they served, was shaken by the level of savagery they encountered and ill-prepared to effectively combat it.

The members of the RCMP play a central role in exposing those departmental defects. Several of them are featured in the film; their faces and voices masked to protect their anonymity. "I knew we weren't ready," confesses one officer. "You don't bring a knife to a gunfight." Insufficient equipment was one such factor which may have led to the elevated carnage of that day. The police force officers were armed only with handguns, which served as a great impediment when attempting to subdue a madman with a semi-automatic rifle. The film also exposes failings in proper training techniques, the lack of which places officers at a severe disadvantage when it comes to ensuring their safety.

Under Fire serves as a vivid reminder of the unspeakable dangers facing our police officers on a daily basis, and our responsibility to provide the tools they need to conduct their jobs safely and effectively. Meeting those responsibilities may not completely eradicate future tragedies like the one which occurred in Moncton, but it will ultimately save the lives of civilians and those we depend upon to protect and to serve.

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3 years ago

From the description, I highly doubt these documentarians would expose, even if they knew everything.

Would there be less mentally imbalanced or mentally snap, if?:
1. They were taught logic instead of emotionally traumatized regarding many supposed injustices in the world, via the government Socialist indoctrination centers called schools.
2. There were no such thing as Order Following Police, who do as told rather than what they actually have authority to do, which is to prevent or recover theft or injury to those who pay them, being the taxpayers. Those are about the only things you SHOULD have the right to do yourself, so can assign that right to another. Much beyond that, you don't have the right to do things yourself, so cannot give what you don't have, even by voting.

The oppressed tend to retaliate and/or become unoppressed, when they have the opportunity.

6 years ago

You can become dependent on weed, just because you never have, doesn't mean it's not possible.

Sam Bates
Sam Bates
7 years ago

Constable Fabric Gevaudan was a very nice man who I had the privilege of meeting on many occasions as he would often come into my place of employment during his shift. He was always respectful and polite and even intervened on my behalf when an angry customer got in my face over something I had no control over. I worked just a few blocks from where this all happened and I was very upset when I heard that he was one of the fallen officers. These men had families who loved them and futures that were stolen and anyone saying this is a hoax needs to shut up until they know what they are talking about.

Zach Hatfield
Zach Hatfield
7 years ago

They said Marijuana deprived, likely going through Marijuana withdrawl... are you serious! Do you people do any research before you say such stupid things...

Ron Ratliff
Ron Ratliff
8 years ago

The documentary was great, but inaccurate in it's information on marijuana and heavy metal music. There are no addictive chemicals in marijuana. I can personally attest to the fact that there are NO WITHDRAWALS from it as well. I'm pretty sure Megadeath is not responsible either, since I have listened to them for years and never went on a killing spree. Perhaps rather than blaming made up BS for not being able to recognize the real problems, the RCMP should arm their officers better not only with weapons, but understanding and recognizing mentally unstable people and how to deal with them.

I feel bad for the families of those lost, this was a truly senseless tragedy.

Scott McCabe
Scott McCabe
8 years ago

I think the only thing that the makers of this documentary should be flogged for is trying to imply that this happened because the subject was dependent on Marijuana and therefore his actions were due from withdrawal. Sadly, that's how Canadian officials and media bend over for the Americans to support the war on drugs - through the media. Outside of that, the RCMP do not normally encounter things like these events. They will however get training from a specific branch of the Canadian Military for example when it came to the Olympics but nothing on this level. I worked for the Canadian Department of National Defence for many years and there has been issues with regards to efficient training for not only federal but provincial officers as well. I saddens me to read that some asshat thinks this is a hoax.

I think Global News, the producers of this show need to remove the American dildos that are so far wedged up their Canadian asses. Outside of that, it's a good show and reveals a lot of things wrong with Canada.

8 years ago

LOL just a ploy for martial law and more police power and access to funds. That two cops couldn't take out this one guy with handguns speaks to incompetence and fear more than ill-preparedness.

9 years ago

The first bit of this was really good. About half way in it derails by blaming the R.C.M.P. for what happened. Shame. She should have turned the mic on herself. Modern media helped twist the mind of this killer more than any R.C.M.P. officer.

Kansas Devil
Kansas Devil
9 years ago

It does seem like there is a trend in which management is provided protection from the decisions they make. This leads to a culture that perpetuates such things. Systems that are slowly corrupting themselves up stream and no one can seem to break through.

Steve Oldschool
Steve Oldschool
9 years ago

Since when did Top Documentary Films start telling everyone what is and is not needed by the police force?
I thought You were independent?

John Gould
John Gould
9 years ago

I was stationed at Goose Bay, Labrador 1955-56. 15 mos. I got to visit Moncton. I was only 18 then but still remember this city or the small part I got to see. We were from the 54th Air Rescue Sqaudron and in Air force uniform. Many young girls followed around and the rcmp's told us to leave these young girls alone and we did. We had a great time. I will be 79 this Nov. I wish I could visit Moncton now while I am above ground.

Dexter Blaze
Dexter Blaze
9 years ago

Why a 4.2 rating ?i haven't watched it ,maybe someone could fill me in..

Russ Tul
Russ Tul
9 years ago

Nutcases happen, even in a nice country like Canada, which, unlike the USA, can be said to be a relatively decent civil society (with a functioning infrastructure, public health and other services, no privately-owned prisons, pursuing a peaceful foreign policy, etc). It's one of the few major developed countries that is hardly ever highlighted in the media (since there is seldom anything sensational to report about Canada).
My diagnosis: Bourque is probably not an evil man, and it's even possible that the reason for his shocking act is that he is too good and sensitive a man to tolerate the inequities of this far-from-perfect world. But sadly, being a mentally unbalanced individual, he picked the worse possible course in his attempt to improve it.
I deeply feel the pain of his victims' loved ones. May they some day forgive him.

9 years ago

Police have been their own worst enemies lately. We need CORRECTLY trained officers with the weapons, and the ones with no sense to be unarmed or at a desk or out of the "serve and protect" business. Way too many murders and suicides by cop lately.