Science - 5

How the Universe Works

How the Universe Works

Have you ever wondered exactly how our Universe is put together? How is it built? And how it actually works? This is ultimate guide to the Cosmos will show as never before the inner workings of our planet, the Solar System, the...

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What Is Reality?

What Is Reality?

There is a strange and mysterious world that surrounds us, a world largely hidden from our senses. The quest to explain the true nature of reality is one of the great scientific detective stories. Clues have been pieced together...

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Cloning the Woolly Mammoth

Cloning the Woolly Mammoth

2015, Science

Scientific research and practices are advancing at a rapid pace. Many of the breakthroughs have exceeded the expectations of our most vivid imaginations, and have forced society to grapple with challenges related to ethics and...

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The Story of Energy

The Story of Energy

2012, Science

What is the origin of energy, how do we harness it for the benefit of all, and to what extent is civilization doomed without it? These are the essential questions that are addressed in the informative documentary The Story of...

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Search for the Edge of Space

Search for the Edge of Space

2022, Science

The universe has long captivated us with its immense scales of distance and time. In recent times giant new telescopes have allowed us to cast our gaze into the deepest reaches of the known universe. Astronomers have concluded...

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Living in a Quantum Dream

Living in a Quantum Dream

2022, Science

Think of nothing. What do you see? You might imagine a vacuum, a region of the universe drained of all matter and radiation, but go further and try to think of a true nothing, an absolute nothing. This nothing is not just empty...

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Journey to the Pale Red Dot

Journey to the Pale Red Dot

2017, Science

As we lift our eyes to the night sky, we are faced with hundreds of glorious beaming stars. One of these - a red dwarf star known as Proxima Centauri - is closer than all of them. At "only" 4.2 light years away, it's...

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Last Extinction

Last Extinction

Approximately 13,000 years after the mighty mammoth and 35 other groups of mammals vanished from North America, some scientists pose the controversial theory that a massive impact from space may have heralded their demise. For the past four decades,...

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Supermassive Black Holes

Supermassive Black Holes

In June 2000, astronomers made an extraordinary discovery. One that promises to solve one of the biggest problems in cosmology – how and why galaxies are created. Incredibly, the answer involves the most weird, destructive and...

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How to Live to 101

How to Live to 101

The quest to live longer has been one of humanities oldest dreams, but while scientists have been searching, a few isolated communities have stumbled across the answer. On the remote Japanese island of Okinawa, In the Californian...

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The Fantastical World of Hormones

The Fantastical World of Hormones

2014, Science

Many scientific findings are often dismissed by the public. Whether it is the severe importance of a particular diet or exercise, or the impact of stress and sleep deprivation on our bodies and thinking processes, we often turn...

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Ape to Man

Ape to Man

It has long been considered the most compelling question in our history: Where do human beings come from? Although life has existed for millions of years, only in the past century-and-a-half have we begun to use science to...

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