Science - 8

Are there Other Earths?

Are there Other Earths?

2018, Science

The universe plays host to a surprising number of planets that appear quite similar to our own. Is it possible that humans could occupy any of these planets in the future? Remarkably, recent astronomical discoveries have...

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The First Human

The First Human

2001, Science

In February of 2001, a group of British, French and Kenyan scientists announced a breakthrough discovery. An earlier excavation in Kenya had unearthed a series of bones believed to belong to our earliest human ancestors. The...

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What is the Higgs Boson?

What is the Higgs Boson?

Scientists behind Sixty Symbols (Ed Copeland, Roger Bowley and Tony Padilla from the University of Nottingham) are doing their best to answer what actually is the Higgs Boson. Named after Peter Higgs, an Edinburgh University physicist, the Higgs boson...

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Were These the First Animals?

Were These the First Animals?

2022, Science

The film "Were These The First Animals?" is an extremely deep dive into the development of the planet's first animals or complex life forms around 540 million years ago during the Cambrian Period. Technically, the first live...

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The Death of the Oceans

The Death of the Oceans

One gets the feeling that the decision to frame the title The Death of the Oceans? as a question may have been taken at the last minute in order to discourage immediate despair on the part of the viewer. If the programme itself...

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Venus: Death of a Planet

Venus: Death of a Planet

2020, Science

The second planet from the Sun - Venus - is one of the most enigmatic in our solar system. It could also be one of the most instructive. Scientists believe that Venus was home to oceans, rivers and other life-enriching elements...

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The Hidden 95% of the Universe

The Hidden 95% of the Universe

2021, Science

In the early 1990s two teams of astronomers had set out to measure just what the universe was made of. These two teams known as the "High-Z Supernova Search Team" and the "Supernova Cosmology Project" brought together...

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The World in 50 Years: Our Body

The World in 50 Years: Our Body

2007, Science

An effective hybrid of narrative and documentary, The World in 50 Years: Our Body details the probable innovations of the future through the guise of dramatic reenactments. The imagined subject of the film is a twice-divorced...

Super Comet

Super Comet

2007, Science

Scientists believe that an asteroid impacted the planet over 65 million years ago and effectively wiped out most of all life in its wake, including the entire dinosaur population. Is it only a matter of time before Earth is...

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Birth of the Earth

Birth of the Earth

Our Earth was spinning very fast when it was spit out of the Sun as a molten glob four and one half billion years ago in the initial explosion. Venus was spinning in an opposite direction when it was spit out and is still doing...

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Six Degrees of Separation

Six Degrees of Separation

Documentary unfolding the science behind the idea of six degrees of separation. Originally thought to be an urban myth, it now appears that anyone on the planet can be connected in just a few steps of association. Six degrees of...

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