Esoteric Agenda

Esoteric Agenda

Ratings: 6.85/10 from 143 users.

Esoteric AgendaThe more humanity strays from its’ origin, the more we deny our bond with nature, the farther from perfection we become. We are the only creatures on the planet that use symbols in reference to something else. This documentary shows that we use symbols for absolutely everything the mind can conceive of. There is at least one word or icon or gesture to insinuate everything our five senses can detect and then some. But along with this beautiful gift comes a flaw.

Most people are unwilling to seek and create their own interpretations of these symbols. Instead, they blindly submit to preconceived definitions and connotations given by sources unknown. Because of this, many things have been predetermined in our understanding of life without our knowledge. Words can be perverted and used to manipulate rather than to inform. Symbols can be used to segregate rather than unite. And those given the responsibility and authority to disseminate information to the public possess the ability to do with it as they choose.

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8 months ago

Changed me

4 years ago

All religions are copied stolen plagiarized including twisted. I am god go within myself for truth.

4 years ago

Jesus christ is devil. Who gave us religion.

4 years ago


4 years ago


5 years ago

There are interesting facts in this, but the mystic theories conflict with itself. For example, lumping together all sorts of religions under "paganism" saying the goal is spiritual yet materialistic, respects the earth / nature above all else yet participates in biological warfare, genetic engineering, genocide and somehow Bush ... the wealthy oil family would sacrifice all to help Gaia...the founding father's writing our hailed constitution which included property rights and personal liberty yet undermining it with their "masonic agenda" for global domination. And IMO if all of these wealthy and high ranking independent bad actors are part of a centuries long conspiracy, what are they waiting for? They could just take over the world already lol. Interesting pieces which had me looking things up like Jackson and the Federal Reserve...but the puzzle doesn't make a picture.

5 years ago

Just watched this after living in a cave 10+ years, is it all hail Gaia now lol, how many Ameros is Trump’s wall costing?
Just messing I liked this back when it came out and watched it again, feel a bit foolish for buying into aspects of it now

6 years ago

On looking again maybe its not Alex Jones. Looked like him the first time :-P

6 years ago

Entertaining documentary. Cool soundtrack. But he throws in some, on the surface of it, pretty unbelievable "facts" and then offers nothing, no referrences to back them up. The photos of a number of people he says are "trying to get the word out" flash across the screen. Unfortunitly for the documentary's credibility Alex Jones is one of them. Apologies for posting this comment twice but the site does'nt allow you to edit it seems.

6 years ago

Entertaining documentary. Cool soundtrack. But he throws in some, on the surface of it, pretty unbelievable "facts" and then others nothing, no referrences to back it up. The photos of a number of people he says are "trying to get the word out" flashes across the screen. Unfortunitly for the documentary's credibility Alex Jones is one of them.

7 years ago

Philocophies....I agree, work on ourselves. These people on this video, like the people they "expose" also have agendas and their information contains errors too. Yes one should keep an eye on the political BS because everyone is full of it, including ourselves. The more you perfect yourself the more you lose fear and understand reality.
Jenny, some elements of the Jesus story are found in Sumerian writings, ancient |Egyptian writings that were recorded before he existed. Also most , if not all his teachings are in Taoist, Buddhist, and Vedic teachings that were written long before he came along. So which are true and which came from Satan? or could it be they are all true only spoken by different holy people at seperate times and places where Satan doesn't enter into the truth at all. Agree only God understands it all and we need to get busy improving ourselves.

7 years ago

Good video for the most part. You are ignorant of the Bible though and have merged it with pagan religions. God in Eden made Himself known and He is the originator of circumcision with ABRAHAM. Isaac became Israel, the nation whom the Messiah came through. It is true the pagans adopted some of these practices and implemented them. The Catholic Church is known for implementing many along with others. JESUS is the author of the Blood of the cup, pagans adapted it with their own twisting. This is how satan works. He mimics everything holy and inverts it and makes it unholy. I would suggest reading the Bible which tells the truth. Only God knows the beginning from the end and has much to say about end time events.

11 years ago

i belong to a village in india .. where money still does not exist, people grow food and other items and exchange then with other people for wood or any other kind of basic necessities. i watched this documentary and got know how cruel the world has turned into and this is because of just one thing, pure greed of money.i feel very good for the people who are living in the villages for getting a tension free sleep and good natural health. most of people living there are living upto 90 to 100 years .

i am surely going back to my village ,where i can work as a farmer and a teacher to tell them this fact that how lucky they are to have a life like this .

Celine Gerry
Celine Gerry
11 years ago

Thank you for sharing the truth. Our time is here. Love to all. xoxox

11 years ago


There is still genocide occuring to this day with Indigenous People within Canada. If you look at historically the policy/legislations put in place to impact the lives of Indigneous People. For example, the Indian Act is still an existing form of legislation that many Indigenous People want abolished but the government only agree to make Amendments, Bill C-31 of 1985, Bill C-11 of 2011, The White Paper, The Red Paper, The Sixties Scoop, Residential Schools, The British Scalping Act...tell me if you still agree that Canada truly respects the interests of these people. In 2008, Harper Government made a formal apology of Indigneous People attending residential school...following the Apologies, the Government cut funding for many Aboriginal programming/services. Should be more informed before you make statements such as that..

11 years ago

Genocide of natives still going on in CANADA, BS!! I was willing to have an open mind until that blatant line of BS was spewed. He wants us to believe that he is not as ignorant as he actually is!! Narrator really has to check his sources. I did find interviewees quite interesting & intelligent, maybe narrator ingested too much halogens.

11 years ago

this is absolute misinformation, some half truths, many lies, loose mysticism, and a lack of viable solutions to a made up threat.

capitus dominico maximum isnt a legal term. We are subject to civil law, every citizen is.

The belief that national debt will be used to enslave is ludachris, national and personal debt are totally different things.

Paganism is simply polytheism- its just a belief in more than one god. It is not a mystical esoteric magic.

science did not prove that plants need a certain sonic level to survive, this isnt true. Plants need nutrients and sunlight to go through photosynthesis- thats how they thrive.

if people in charge wanted to take control- they could try. But keep in mind they too are citizens, as well as all army forces, all big business owners. Were all the same, just in a different position.

the suggested motive for this is stated as "a secret ancient knowledge" ....thats convinient. No proof needed, huh?

in fact, just about no proof has been provided here at all. Just half facts which dont quite relate to the issue presented, ancedotal evidence and lies.

"cultist" and terrorist are synonyms.

alot of the video clips and interviews are misquoted, look at the context of whats being said on an individual basis before you take it at face value.

quantom pysics certainly hasnt shown that space and time are illusions of reality. One theoretical pysicist may have PERHAPS theorised it. However most theoretical pyschics refutes that. In fact, it actually basses many of its sums on the understanding that space and time are actual tangeible things- whether a dimensions themselves or otherwise.

you have misunderstood the left/right brain thing. one example: philosophy and riligion requires rational thinking at its most basic level- thats not right sided as you purported.

you related left/right brain to yin and yang. Thats a crazy, unfounded parralel. Look up budhist thought to understand what yin/yang really is.

evolution isnt innate, nor is it necessarily a continuation to a more complex state. Evolution is an improved adaptation to our environment.

Your taking information from easter knowledge which you previously dismissed as masks of pagain religion.

youve allocated "chakras" to certain places. Tottally unfounded assertation there. Nice one.

you claim emotions are intangible- thats simply not true. Emotion can be shown through chemical brain activity. The audacity to try and claim emotion to be a mystical not understood thing.

you lack udnerstanding.

there is no tangible evidence at all that emotion changes our DNA. Thats not true.

12 years ago

I'm not sure I follow the logic here...if "goverments" are poisoning our water and food supplies in order to kill off a great percentage of us; how come the average lifespan is going up...shouldn't the statistics show a downward trend in lifespan?

12 years ago

around 1 hour and 17 minutes he states, if you do not legally bind yourself to it then you do not have to show up to any court... but if we have to sign these papers and such then how do we unbind ourselves? does anyone know about this doc and its relation to law/ capitus dominico maximum etc, or w.e they were

12 years ago

There is certainly some truth to his ascertions about the grip the world elite and secret societies, the evidence is everywhere and they barely attempt to hide it... But all the spirituality bs refering to a universal consiousness and how his theory explains the obviously, totally genuine but previously unexplained REINCARNATION and use a shocking cliche, give me a break^^

Also, if the global elites truly hold pagan, earth worshipping beliefs, then why do they seemingly supress renewable energy, slow the shift away from fossil fuel consumption and encourage environmentally harmful externalities?

That said, I do respect the cause that this guy supports over all. A lot of people get hung up on certain debatable elements of certain conspiracy docs, but if the underlying message is, 'don't trust your government or big business; they do not have your interests at heart' then
i'd say it's usually doing more good than harm... As long as people practice the art of sifting the gold from the dirty masses of information.

12 years ago

people always have something to say about other people's work, but haven't themselves, done anything similar to bring truth to those who otherwise would never be aware it even exists.

12 years ago

@ Jeremy Zuzek

I was being facetious in my post. Human existence is filled with hopelessness. It has always been that way and will continue do so in the foreseeable future. It is not because of a group of individuals who hold a godlike power over the rest of us. Occupy Wall Street is a response to abuses by banks and corporations. These entities are necessary if we want to enjoy a lifestyle of reasonable security but they were allowed the freedom to ply their trade in ways that were counterproductive to our security. Guidelines and regulations must be put in place to ensure that corporate rights do not supersede human rights. This is similar to the situation involving the church a few hundred years ago. Most democratic countries insist on a separation of church and state. It may now be imperative that we do the same concerning corporation and state.

This video jumps all over the place and does not provide any coherent evidence to prove its allegation. There is too much voodoo science, history, economics and politics, not to mention its weird religious undertones. If its claims concerning Dec. 21/12 do not materialize does this render the whole idea that this video expounds moot? Or does it mean that the film makers have to find another way to fit this pseudoscience into their philosophies?

12 years ago

This document is like many that assume these are facts. I'm pretty confident they are, but they shouldn't be so offensive in pushing them. To people who make these kind of documents, slow down in your narration and information flood a bit for us not-teenager people. When you're new to this stuff, you don't just swallow it without biting. That said, there's many things that I know for 90% certainty are true, one of them especially: they control us through controlling our food supply. And they succeed only if we don't resist.

Whether it's true or not, there's no reason to act as sacrificial lambs and slaves for the people who rule you. The thought may disgust you since you thought you lived in a free world, which is true. You are free to do the changes you can, no matter how things stand. What matters is how you act. Listen to your own moral compass and unshackle yourself.

Why would you be a sacrificial lamb or a lamb, a soldier that goes to war, or a lamb that orders other lambs to go get sacrificed, a superior officer? Why would you work yourself to the retirement age when you have a better option? Because you don't have any real options? I don't believe that, do you? I don't know what's a foolproof option for going to war when someone asks you at a gunpoint, "for the sake of your country". You are a person who can think, not a mindless puppet. So think an alternative way or two, and don't give up no matter how silly things you come up with. They may seem silly at first, but that's because you hadn't thought about them nor refined them. Nor dared to talk about it with anyone so far.

As for going to work, try find a work where you can make more money, preferrably by not being a drag to anyone nor anything, but you still need to break the eggs to make the omelet here. So, once you got enough money, buy yourself a land and start your own food garden, get your solar panels and graywater system. If you do it in desert it might take at least five years even with intensive care, but once you get it going it's very little trouble to maintain. Plan it beforehand and find out about it, about permaculture. Solar panels aren't that expensive these days, get them and build electricity-saving way. You can manage without a fridge for example, a cold cellar, good planning of when you should eat your harvest and how to preserve it. This might not grant you total self-sufficiency but doing the best you can helps both you and others. Grow the trees back to where they once grew and take your life back to your own hands, where it should be.

I once thought that it's not so bad to follow along and go to work and such. Maybe it isn't. And I'm still going to work, for the money since I don't own land, yet. Going to work in order to be able to not go there and yet maintain a comfortable lifestyle one day. It may seem like an unnecessary abstract, but think of the chance that there's something vile going on in this world, and that they would use availability of food to control people, "you don't eat if you don't obey us" -style. They can do it since they got the money and you don't know how to survive without a supermarket, or do you? Can you? I want to be able to. I want to give others at least a chance, since I feel that I had to dig that chance out of all this internet information flood with my bare eyes and hands. Nobody gave it to me like I Give it to you. Emphasizing Give, since I can only offer it, and you do or don't do whatever you will with it. My heart that has grown weary of a bad sleep rhythm thanks to evening shift work. Going sleep to change that. Now. Good night. :D

Grim Berge
Grim Berge
12 years ago

How much has this guy been smoking?

Jakob Taul
Jakob Taul
12 years ago

What are his sources and on what criteria does he weight his information- i don´t get how he can tell us about secret meetings that happend 300 years ago when he states that everybody swor never to talk about it? It is a very compelling documentary, but i personally think that it lacks credibility because of the lack of sources, the jumbling of information and the anonymity of the narrator/writer.

13 years ago

I've never felt so helpless. Well, I've always felt a little helpless but I never knew why. At least now I know why I have no control over my life. Maybe I can use this information to gain control. Now I feel empowered. Great film.

13 years ago

There has to be a million snippets of disjointed information in this doc. I don't even know where to start to investigate these claims. One thing is for certain; the elite at the top of this scheme have to be a lot smarter than the rest of us. After all this time they have stuck to their agenda. Any infighting over policy, any power struggle or personality conflicts have been kept under control or at least hidden from public view. Amazing! My family can't get along over Christmas. To think with so much wealth and power at stake they still manage to control basic human urges. They can't be human. They must be an alien race infiltrating our civilization.

Justin Johnston
Justin Johnston
13 years ago

The Charters of Freedom - A New World is at Hand

back Constitution of the United States

Amendments 11-27

Printer-Friendly Version

The Constitution: Amendments 11-27

Constitutional Amendments 1-10 make up what is known as The Bill of Rights.
Amendments 11-27 are listed below.

Passed by Congress March 4, 1794. Ratified February 7, 1795.

Note: Article III, section 2, of the Constitution was modified by amendment 11.

The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.


Passed by Congress December 9, 1803. Ratified June 15, 1804.

Note: A portion of Article II, section 1 of the Constitution was superseded by the 12th amendment.

The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate; -- the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted; -- The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. [And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. --]* The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

*Superseded by section 3 of the 20th amendment.


Passed by Congress January 31, 1865. Ratified December 6, 1865.

Note: A portion of Article IV, section 2, of the Constitution was superseded by the 13th amendment.

Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.


Passed by Congress June 13, 1866. Ratified July 9, 1868.

Note: Article I, section 2, of the Constitution was modified by section 2 of the 14th amendment.

Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section 2.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age,* and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Section 4.
The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Section 5.
The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

*Changed by section 1 of the 26th amendment.


Passed by Congress February 26, 1869. Ratified February 3, 1870.

Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude--

Section 2.
The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.


Passed by Congress July 2, 1909. Ratified February 3, 1913.

Note: Article I, section 9, of the Constitution was modified by amendment 16.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

13 years ago

Just had a crazy (or maybe not so crazy) thought.Let's say its...I dunno,August 2012?Around there.The way things are happening it appears it won't be long before were under control and mandatory obedience by the 'money makers'.But the only power they will have is in the fear every individual will have to disobey,and that alone might be enough to keep them in power regardless of any group who may want to challenge they're authority.It would probably be impossible to get every individual to disobey their order and follow the group on course of rebellion.So my guess is,the only chance we'll have is before...??

13 years ago

We all come from a different background with a different view on life and surely we will have a different view about things in life. So this film is not an exception. Many of us may not like the way it was prasented but I feel he has done a good job. As hunter mentioned about Zeitgeist movie. Please check it out. He also pointed about that the federal bank. It is not what most of the people think. Our lives are mainly controled by the 13 members of the federal bank(shadow government) and the multi nationals. Have anyone heard about codex alimentarius?

13 years ago

Seems there is a 'Just another guy' on this website.I am 'just another'.Changed the name.The federal reserve bank is not what most of us think it is.Check out the Zeitgeist movie.Its a trip.

Just another
Just another
13 years ago

Yeah,I guess you're right.There is no concrete evidence of gods existence,but me and many others don't need Him to come down and present Himself in front of our very own eyes for us to know He's with us...God expects us to come by faith not fact.if there were facts that prove His existence,I don't think there would be any that didn't believe in Him.About the US of A being a formidable force,we won't be for long.This hidden group of tyrants are in the process of executing they're plan.From the research I've done,its becoming clear how fast and suddenly the rug we think is a solid rock and powerful foundation,can be pulled from beneath us in such a short time,that at that point of crisis our actions will have little to no effect against their plot to dominate what we think is the most powerful country in the world.In the past,the US showed unrivaled power,but the great advantages this country once had,are greatly diminishing as other contries progress at a rate much faster than the US current ones.Korea boasting(maybe bluffing) of their 'powerful' military force.China now owning a lot of the US by means of debt.It won't be long before we wake up,and be under dominance of another country(ies).To me,the worst case scenario would be slavery.I would rather suffer the momentary pain of my flesh being destroyed than spend what could be years of suffering.With the dollar losing its value,the economy getting worse(they say things are getting better to avoid causing fear,worry or panic),and other factors that further weaken this country,it is very likely another country(ies) will rise to higher power as the US once did.I heard there is enough nuclear arms to destroy the earth 14x over....crazy if true.I know the government has kept secrets from the common citizen since the early days,and even though there are discrepancies in their explanation as to why things occur,we discard the idea that what they say may be false and just accept their words as truth.Most ppl I come accross will not say,but will show signs of their trust in the government.Most of us don't question the motives of the decisions our government makes,unless it has a drastic impact to our 'normal' living.If we don't find enough concrete evidence with sufficient information to not only suspect of their evil plans but actually know of their evil plans with enough time to convince the masses and have a chance of changing the course,all we will have left to do is watch and prepare for impact.

13 years ago

RESPONSE TO Just another
I normally don't respond to these comments, but I do see them. I do not agree with you, but really you do make some excellent points and so I thought a response was in order. Regarding EA, I think most of it is nonsense mixed with some fact. It is a common belief that the world is somehow being controlled by external and unseen forces and that is the reason everything is so awful. I think things are bad, but the explanations are obvious and readily available. Corruption, greed, uninformed citizens, etc, all lead us to where we are now. If it is any consolation, most of the rest of the world is far worse off than us Americans. I do not believe in God (sorry) and I have only one reason for this, it is not true. I wish that it was, but there is no empirical evidence that God exists and much evidence to the contrary.

Just another
Just another
13 years ago

I may be wrong,but I understood that they are subliminally feeding us stuff that will eventually develop disease and shorten our life span through medicine and food to ultimately reach they're goal of popupaltion reduction...but wait,if the deadline is 2012,then why waste so much planning and effort when they will enslave us or kill us?and if were sooo powerless under this hidden dominating government,why hide at all?maybe because an uproar of a great number of people is what they fear?what I found very interesting is that it discredits Jesus,in whom I strongly believe due to lifes experiences and the realization of how this life is in itself,too simple and empty to be all there is.The way living organisms function and survive is fascinating...the way our solar system is suggests there was a designer that brought it all together...big bang or no bang,I believe the more scientists and other ppl in that related field try to disprove there is a God with their findings,don't know that all they're doing is pointing out the method God used to create it.And ppl don't believe there is a god because all we've been exposed to is a physical realm.God is a spirit.Demons exists also.Ever tried a ouija board?you'd be suprised(I really hope you wouldn't ).Ppl also don't believe,because the bible says God has always existed...we say,how can that be?you know why?Because all that we now has a beginning....and an all that exists has a start and finish,that's just the way God made it.Anyways,this film could be right on many levels.There being a secret ruling goverment slowly bringing us into bondage despite our great number,that might be possible.But ppl think its too far fetched,that it cannot be that this has been kept secret and passed down so many years and the plan being as strong today as it first started,just can't be true.But if it is,and we think this way,its better for them that we think this is too movie like to be true.Some guy said they wouldn't have let this film hit the internet if that was real...they don't care if they're being exposed at this very low lever,for this information not being common and rather very scarce,only fuels the thought of it just being a story made up by some random paranoid nut.

13 years ago

Hi there, Some of you do not know how to spell. The movie is good.If you have something to say please don't be a 1/2 wit.


13 years ago

Am I the only one to notice that at the beginning of this film seemed to put esoteric thought and symbolism into a very bad light, only to end the movie with pro esoteric theology??? Over all I like the movie but found parts of it to be totally contradictory and misunderstood by the film maker. And to LOL@Comments: obviously you should know better. An by the way way you can now get the complete works of H.P. Lovecraft in one volume at Barnes and Noble, though they left one little book out;) Cheers.

13 years ago

Hey,Hey!!! Two heart chakras??? sloppy sloppy

13 years ago

I'm with Christopher all the way. I'm glad I read his comment as I was going to quit at min 16 because I was fed up with the propaganda and fear-mongering. Thanks for the tip Christopher

13 years ago

This video was made by the Illuminati

13 years ago

Can you picture what will be?
So limitless and free.
Desperately in need of some,
Stranger's Hand in a,
Desperate Land.

13 years ago

seems to me like this movie should be two separate documentaries. One with all the conspiracy theory stuff... the other about conscious.

i feel the samy about kymatica.

question. I know nothing about blood lines and family trees. He lists off a bunch of people that can trace their blood lines to suspicious or coincidental people. How many average people not holding those high positions would come back with similar results?

is being the 13th cousin of someone a close tie? sure its closer than a 14th and 15th cousin... but is it a 'close' tie?

13 years ago

hA this doc has no idea about John Dee.

13 years ago

@ terrance leung i doubt you would have clicked with the rest of the movie, but it's still a shame that you decided to stop watching the film based on the narrative voice. guessing you needed an old brittish guy or morgan freeman?

13 years ago

@ Richie
Forget all the BS and go straight to the last twenty minutes. Why he waited to input the true message until then, I don't know. But the rest of the film is irrelevant.
Watch the last twenty, then decide if you need to watch the other two hours (its very likely you won't)

13 years ago

Great propaganda, designed to confuse.

It starts off by talking about how the US was created by masons for some nefarious reason or other than half way through gives the usual right wing BS argument about the constitution being your (not american) only saving grace.

for god sake at least keep your talking points straight throughout the one film.

Music is horrible too.

13 years ago

you should trust in your self:bottom line.dont be ignorent
to decide what you see by what you know.
but try to see your self in this movie by what you want.

13 years ago

Many wonderful points to consider. I disagree with the spiritual aspect and the music is a poor choice. To many topics. I had never heard of additional bombs in the Oklahoma bombing and I had not idea Reno considered Christians part of a cult group.

13 years ago

Two years after viewing this informative material, my decision in supporting the author has proven beneficial when applied to my life. To the author of this material, thank you so much. For you to have this informative material out to the mass has opened the eyes of so many people who have a tremendous passion for life and people. Your information and my studies have both definitely helped to speed things up and brought so many people up to those levels of understanding that they already had known within themselves for many years but kept protected within themselves from the dangers they had faced in their personal lives through oppression, resulting in deprivation through the EDUCATION, LAND USE, POPULATION FOOD AND RELIGIOUS CONTROL for many years. The difference between the values of running a business and running a household is, ones values are slave labour, competition and profit as you have strongly stated. And the other, Family Values being Well Being spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. The values being the foundation for business is money and gaining lots of it no matter the cost to labourers. And, Jacque Fresco had stated, “business cannot afford ethics and decency. It cannot survive.” The Foundation for family values is Ethics and Decency. Tikanga Aroha (Righteous Love/Positive Love) My mother and grandmother would've been so proud to see, my children, grand children and myself hold close those values and principles (with the ability to identify those through Te Wananga o Aotearoa) that hold that family foundation solid. Your findings have confirmed that. Had my mum and grandmother been here today along with our ancestors, they would be truly happy to know of your research, I know, as I recall seeing that expression of happiness in their eyes in my younger years toward myself, my children and their children. Since studying this year which has been enormously benificicial, I have been able to bring into partnership for myself your information as well as knowledge from my studies. I support your findings, being through Zeitgeist (Time Spirit) and Social Engineer Jacque Fresco of The Venus Project. True freedom is a value. Thank you all.

13 years ago

I agree with what you said Philosophocles....that is the same conclusion I came to recently. Very well said here, advance yourself....Awesome! :-)

13 years ago

Last 20 min are best. The rest, as he said, doesn't even matter. So, why have a whole two hours dedicated to it? I have been running in circles for years wondering what to do. Watching all the conspiracy theory documentaries, reading the government files, researching and wondering... what does knowing all this solve? Well the answer I received after much meditation and concentration was simple. Advance yourself. Because if you don't, how can you even begin to save anyone else?

The Doc itself was subpar. The final message however... Superb ...
Watch the last twenty minutes first. Then if you think you need to hear the rest of his theories go back. But if you watch all the way through just to hear the last 20 min you might miss the point.