Every F*cking Day of My Life

Every F*cking Day of My Life

2007, Society  -    -  Playlist 231 Comments
Ratings: 6.94/10 from 82 users.

Every F*cking Day of My LifeMarried at 16 years – with 18 years of violence following – left Wendy terrified. She summoned the courage to deal with her husband the only way she knew possible.

Originally as One Minute to Nine, this documentary finally arrives at HBO with a somewhat more in-your-face title - and, in a stark, spare way that has come to characterize the pay channel, delivers a pretty bracing wallop.

A harrowing portrait of domestic abuse, the project draws heavily on video shot by the dead abuser, as his wife, Wendy Maldonado, spends her final days of freedom before going to jail for his murder.

The net result is every bit as chilling and depressing as one might expect. Includes captions for the hearing impaired.

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Kimani White
Kimani White
11 years ago

Wendy should have gotten a medal for putting down that SOB. This documentary just shows how the legal system has much more to do with mindless protocol and procedure than actual justice.

Freya Reid
Freya Reid
11 years ago

I'm sorry but if all these people saw what was going on why didn't THEY do something. It's no good them just saying she told us we couldn't say anything. At what point do humans step in to help one another? Why is it always left up to the point where something SO drastic happens and it can't be taken back. Ignorance is bliss in most people's worlds which is a real shame.

11 years ago

Does anyone have an update on this family? Did Wendy get out early? Randy?

I wish the best to all the family

11 years ago

There are a lot of very ignorant people making uninformed comments here. It is not as simple as just phoning the police or packing a bag and leaving. I know first hand that people with violent, volatile tendencies WILL find you, and they WILL hurt you worse than before.

The law is designed to protect criminals from society. It does not protect victims. In my jurisdiction, in the case of spousal domestic violence, there is nothing that can be done to keep one spouse away from the other. They will not issue peace bonds, restraining orders, etc. If harm occurs because of this, they will make a report (usually just over the phone) and give you an incident number. If you're really lucky, they will book the perpetrator, keep them in county overnight and release them the following day, only for the cycle of violence to continue.

You do not know how much violence, neglect and hatred one person is able to bear before they become homicidal. I cannot imagine the torment that this family went through for this to be the outcome. It saddens me that two young lives will miss years of freedom for someone else's crimes.

You can clearly see in the old video footage that Wendy was unhappy, always feigning a smile for the camera. Her whole energy changed in the current footage, like a huge weight was lifted off of her shoulders. It is astounding how the cycle of abuse can cover up so much of the truth, with the victim being made to appear unhealthy, sick, sleeping, busy, etc. to avoid seeing people that care for them to hide the pain, and the perpetrator seeming charming and charismatic for the same reason. Half of the battle in understanding abuse is the psychology of it. It is not all physical.

11 years ago

a murder is a murder is a murder is a murder, no matter what the femminist propaganda says.
she could ask for the help of the police or for the help of a lawyer or for the help of the social service - but not committing murder.
in america one gets life in jail or the ellectric chair for committing murder.
she got only 10 yrs ??
and she will be probabillee free in some 6 yrs for "good behaviour" ?...
she also could leave the house, but again, not committing murder.

Jennifer Koca
Jennifer Koca
11 years ago

what an amazing and strong woman, I cannot even begin to fathom how hard all of this had to have been.

11 years ago

aaron is beautiful, she deserved it. they used to live next to me. It was wendy who was mean you didn't see that side of the story!

12 years ago

Aaron, that B*STARD father or should I say, that demon who some-how tricked Wendy into involving herself in his world of sick, twisted, and horrific violence and control, got exactly what he deserved. Sadly, Wendy and Randy had to pay for the climax of that world, that insanity, that horror. Yes, the law is the law. I know many of you are asking, well why didn't she just leave? You must be young and not very experienced in the ways of human interaction. That's o.k. You'll learn as you grow. But! Know this. IF you become like Aaron and beat those you profess to love, there are ways of doing what Wendy was forced to do but, unfortunately, did not have a "special" phone number used by many who are routinely beaten by their loved ones. This phone number connects those beaten to those VERY opposed to this form of torture and madness and gets done what Wendy did but, you will NEVER know when, where, how, and by whom. It WILL happen to you just like it happened to Aaron but, it will be a little more painful and bloody. And your victim will get their life back- and IF trusted, will even get financial help to move out of the State.

Colin Perkins
Colin Perkins
12 years ago

Ugly couple.

12 years ago

That judge is a worse person than the husband. Taking ten years from that woman. He deserves a worse fate than the husband as well. For him to say he hated to do it, but they can't just get away with it because it doesn't work that way... sickening. I have been arrested multiple times for bs drug charges, and always on my ride to the jail I question the officer on how he can live with himself ruining peoples lives for nothing like this. Their usual response is something like "I don't make the laws". Using the excuse that "if you didn't do it someone else would" DOES NOT make you innocent. If something is wrong NO ONE DO IT. In my eyes, a human being that enforces injustice is the worst kind of trash in this world.

Tiffany Osterbur
Tiffany Osterbur
12 years ago

Wow I am astonished at this whole scenario. As I watched this I couldn't stop the tears from following. Its tough as a mother to hear a child speak of their father in such a cruel manner. This so called sperm donor of theirs needed some serious help and u have to want help in order to receive it. He was apparently fine with what he was doing to his innocent family especially those children. I commend her for enduring as long as she did. Everyone has an opinion about how she should of handled the situation not understanding that certain things happen for a reason. Do I think she deserved jail time...hell no. For all you so called goody two shoes who say she made herself a victim or she could have run or other psychoanalyzing bull****, remember at the end of the day you are just as human as her. Not everyone is afraid of the cops or a piece of paper saying stay away. If you don't have kids shut up, if you don't know what domestic violence feels like shut up and stop saying what you would of done because half of you would be to p*ssy to endure for the sake of your family (it takes a certain kind of strength) and half of you would not have had the nerve to take his life leaving him alive to kill you, your children or some other poor woman that falls for this ***hole. Do I feel like he got what he deserved, I feel in life you reap what you sow, what goes around comes around ten fold...a man was created physically stronger for a reason and it wasn't to beat the **** of your spouse or your children. I'll give him this, apparently as a child someone messed him up because such behaviors are learned at some point in time.

Ruth Ramsay
Ruth Ramsay
12 years ago

very sad : (

12 years ago

If this woman & her son are sentenced for even a day, it'll be the worst case of justice to mankind. Only if you have lived through THAT would you know what it feels like to be afraid every single day of your life. As a mother, I can totally understand where she's coming from. The son put himself in harms way to protect his mother & brothers and I seriously doubt if they're a danger to society. That narcissist pig Aaron) deserved what he got!!

Yusiley S
Yusiley S
12 years ago

That man was an insult and disgrace of humanity... I'm so glad that Mrs. Maldonado scraped that *beep* from out of this planet. Good for her.

Also why is she in jail?... I thought that crime of passion was submittable in the court of law? *beep*ing justice system... it's so inconsistent with its way.

Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
12 years ago

Wendy is in jail because we are all too scared, too weak, too lazy or too inept to take care of ourselves. Because of this, we have invented a vast and impossibly complicated system of "rules" that we call "laws" and by our own cognitive dissonance, we have willed them into existence...another words, we believe that they are "real", that they exist the same way the oceans or a mountain exist. In order to facilitate these rules, we have given certain people the power and responsibility of maintaining and enforcing them. The problem is, the people enforcing them are not the people who are being punished by them, nor are they the people who are the victims that these rules are supposed to be protecting, and this is where things often get blurry.

My point here is that it's easy and without any consequence for all of us to discuss Wendy's situation and express our opinion and beliefs because whatever you may think about all of this and however it might make you feel, it's a fantasy...it's your fantasy in your head and only exists in your mind...much like the "law" does. No doubt that the majority of us share a similar fantasy, and although we may have some inconsistencies between us, they are much more similar than different. Of course the same applies to our "reality" as well and while there are degrees of difference between us, we all essentially go to school and grow up and get jobs and we have friends and bosses and people we love and people we hate and we don't have to be beaten and raped by our husband every single day of our miserable lives because nobody cares enough about anyone else to notice or to do anything about it..and for the few people like Wendy who are STRONG enough to stop a monster like her ex-husband, we have "rules" to stop them from protecting themselves and THE REST OF US from these animals. Makes you wonder why the rules exist and more importantly, who really benefits from the rules? Don't look a the "rules"on an individual basis, look at them as a whole. In other words, in a civilization where you as a person, a human being are not allowed to protect yourself, to protect your children or your loved ones and are punished if you do. Wouldn't it be wonderful for the small percentage of people who have the drive to conquer and exploit other people and have the intelligence and the resources to bend, break and avoid the "rules" that are supposed to prevent them from victimizing people but ultimately just end up preventing the rest of us from protecting ourselves.

Don't worry about any of this though after all, this is all just the rantings of crazy person and besides, your life is fine and those around you seem fine so even if any of this is valid it's of no concern to you. Starbucks is still serving coffee, you still have a job, a car and an internet connection and occasionally maybe you even get laid. No Worries..life is good*

12 years ago

He definitely died the way he lived. I wish the judge would have granted her parole eligibility though!

12 years ago

withFIRE what you said is total bullshit. What planet are you from? You must be a catholic priest.

12 years ago

WRONG WRONG WRONG... no matter how much a person is abused, no matter how much suffering they must endure or how long that suffering must be endured, no one has the right to deny another person of their right to live. Even the most horrible, cruel and sadistic individuals are human beings, and as a human being, their inalienable right to "live" is above any and all rights that another human being may be entitled to including the right to love and be loved, to have a "sense of self" that includes dignity, honor, purpose, respect, or even the right to enjoy physical health and well-being. No matter what the circumstances may be, even if a person is being forced to live in a perpetual state of physical pain, mental anguish and emotional suffering simply to satisfy the selfish impulses or wanton desires of another, both the victim and we as a society must always embrace the ideals of peace, pacifism and non-violence because "violence" is violence and it's always wrong...and besides, even the most disgusting human beings must have a beautiful light somewhere inside of them, and it's worth it to give them the opportunity to let it shine no matter how many already beautiful human beings must be destroyed to give them that opportunity...

12 years ago

This is absolutely sad.. I know she had no choice but to do what she did that night.. its just too bad that her son as well had to be convicted. There was no justice here :(

12 years ago

this f***** guy was a disgrace to people with dreadlocks, everywhere.

Karen Boswell
Karen Boswell
12 years ago

I have been a victim of abuse.. both as a child and adult... I literally ran away but that is not always an option for an abused woman with children. There are no really good options when you find yourself in this situation.

12 years ago

after only a few minutes of watching this i honestly thought, ok, theres got to be some law somehere, or some judge and jury somewhere,which have the common sense to not put these two behind bars, they are not murderers, they did an action what a life time of abuse led them to do and an action which set them and the rest of the boys free or the first time in all of their lives, it was something that had to be done, if they had told the police and he had actually been sent to jail, it wouldnt have been for long, and then he would have been released and they would be trapped in horror once again. right until the last minute i honestly thought that the appointed 10 and 6 years werent going to be finalised. its he digusting, the worlds legal system is truely f--ked up excuse my french, but there is too much horrific domestic violence in the world, and due to our unmalleable laws, the women and children are in a prison in their own home with quite literally no options for freedom.

Matt Kukowski
Matt Kukowski
12 years ago

AMAZING and strong sons and mother after all that. They seemed smart, artist of a mom and street smart kids.

The father was a classic case of an abuser and a threaten-er... meaning he probably would not have killed any of them, only saying so. After time you begin to believe the threats and become overcome with paranoia and fear... so taking the matter into your own hands.

Violence and abuse propagates through generations... just look at the BS on Wall Street and greed.

Humans have amazing capacity for love and hate. Spread love... especially to those that were abused... and maybe... MAYBE the world can change and we can ENJOY all this technology and wonder.

12 years ago

The facts of the case stand out in stark contrast to the neighbors "actual" interest. Meaning, while they knew he was kicking the sh*t out of her NONE of them did a damn thing.
He deserved exactly what he got and she deserved probation. If it'd been my sister I'd have killed him myself.
Choke on that all you turn the other cheek pus*ies.

12 years ago

I laughed and laughed at the 911 operator "Where's your hammer now sweetie?" Too funny.

12 years ago

I wish she would have left from the beginning when she found out that her husband was crazy. We always stay around because we love the person or we think we can change them or we stay because thats the kids dad. We as women do need to feel like we are Worthy of being with someone that treats us respectfully and truly cares and loves us, we should have higher self confidence also. We tend to choose what we are use to seeing from our environment. Her mother was abused also. So what happens repeat the same thing. Well it doesn't have to be that way. Take a stand and tell yourself I deserve to have a healthy happy normal relationship. That man was a piece of s***. He had what was coming to him. I hate that she and her son had to go to jail but thats how the law is. They don't protect people if she would have gotten a restraining order against him it would not have helped. If she had of left him at that point and time of their relationship after 19 years of marriage and four children she would have needed to leave the state or country and change her and the kids name because he was the worst kind of abuser really psychotic he needed to be off the streets away from society he was talking about killing other people sick bastard. She should have left when she first found out he was psycho before they had more kids. But its too late. So now what happens to the family. Yeah the psycho is gone thats a relief but the mother and brother are gone and what are the 3 remaining children gonna do now. I hope they make it and grow up to be great men, I hope that they don't grow up and when they have relationships they will become abusers because that is what they were use to seeing their dad doing to their mom the majority of their life.

I can say from experience of abuse that its not worth the life of yourself your children and your freedom. Because the longer you stay the worse it gets 10 years was too long for me and when you come to that point where you get so fed up that you could just kill the bastard get out because you can be in jail without your kids just like this woman. Leave when you first see signs that the person is not right.

Jennifer Reich
Jennifer Reich
12 years ago

i have never been so horrified, it is disgusting that she n her son were put away, this woman is not a criminal she is a hero! how can anyone question the truth when they look in the eyes of her n her children, the police n judge should be on there f--king knees aplauding this woman commending her immense stregnth of charecter and the love she so clearly has for her family. anyone who can say they could enjure what she did is a cretin and the only people who should be on trial here are the police and arrons shit head of a brother. my thoughts and prayers go out to these incredible people i can only hope that a time comes when they can live a peaceful and happy life together and that arron is burning in hell!!! wendy and randy are two of the most inspirational people out there x

12 years ago

What a terrible lawyer they had. Who the hell would let them plead to long jailterms, especially in their situation. Totally unfair and injust.

12 years ago

I could see how naive the wife was, for if she was cunning she would have waited until he beat her again, and then she could have slain him. It was a pity her son become involved. She wasn't even given parole nor her son, for good behaviour while in prison. This is the time her young teenage sons will need her in their lives. What an idiot judge. He said it was the worst case of domestic violence he'd ever heard before, then he went on to give her 120 months in jail. Why didn't he say them in years? Rapists and paedophiles (at least in UK and Australia) receive less of a sentence than that poor mother and son.

12 years ago

I am sick and discusted,with are current judicial system,If a man was taken captive in another country and treated the same way and even killed his capturerer he be called a hero,this is the same damn thing,but she;s only a hero to her kids,he husband was a classic psychopath,and the courts know it,and i cant stand otheres who say she had a choice,look up how many wman get killed even after they get a restraining order,he used the love she had for her children to trap her,and you want her to trust the same authoity that did this to her,she did not willfully want it but was forsed and her children,by nature beating is wrong and being forced to witness it over and over,just ask the jews who suffered in world war II...I hope time in jail hasnt tainted them,and unite successfully when there un justified terms are up.

13 years ago

I feel bad for her and her kids,but the first time he hit her kids she should have bought a gun held it to his head and left to another state.

13 years ago

I found this documentary captivating, while It never really had a climax it told the story very well and had me glued to the t.v. I feel so sad, but I also have a sense of peace knowing that these people would rather spend this time in jail then in the world with that monster.This was a truly gripping story and the documentary felt quite raw and laid out for the world to see. Good luck to this family and God bless.

13 years ago

Pyrrhus . . Well said!!!

Robert Allen
Robert Allen
13 years ago

Hey Pyrrhus, haven't heard from you in some time.

13 years ago

Killing in self-defense is not murder; killing in self-defense is a self-evident, unalienable, human right.

Were I her(and I am not), I would sue the state for having pressed charges. The women should never have had to endure trial in the first place.

As to all you heterosexual, macho, alpha-male, 2nd Amendment 'enthusiastics' out there who childishly attempt twisting the case into the absurdity that she was somehow at fault, all I can say is: stop drinking so much beer; turn off Rush Limbaugh; learn to think; and grow up!

13 years ago

where the hell was her family when all this stuff happened to her?? u did the right thing!!!

13 years ago

The justice system seems to be wanting to protect the rights of a vicious beast over his battered family who consist of a woman and children who cannot protect themselves. Disgusting.

13 years ago

Yes, I agree the judge could have went a different route. But it was her attorney that whimped out and didn't fight for her properly. I feel sorry for her as I have expressed earlier. I just believe she could have made a better choice.

13 years ago

The judge was an i@#$%!

13 years ago

the system has failed.

13 years ago

My heart goes out to Wendy and her family. I'm glad she killed him, he deserved it and so much more. It was self-defence, pure and simple, she shouldn't be in jail.

And personally, if I was her son, I would've helped kill him too and I would gladly serve time in prison for my mum.

I wish all of them the very best of luck and God bless them!

Robert Allen
Robert Allen
13 years ago


"You expect people to do what is smart and expected . . . "

I regard this as a tacit admission that our heroine did not do this.

Quite frankly, I cannot understand what you are driving at.

13 years ago

I must admit though,Robert Allen comments were true and to the point.Everyone else just misunderstood him because he was getting right to the point with no sugar coating.

13 years ago

@wq & Robert Allen

Wow, how did a domestic abuse situation in the doc. turn into a battle of egos?

Robert Allen
Robert Allen
13 years ago


By the way, you also seem ignorant of Shakespeare.

The quote, however you want to paraphrase it is, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." And also if you are going to employ it, at least give protest its Elizabethan meaning,i.e., to avow (from the Latin pro + testare (to bear witness))and not its current one. Compare pretend (from the Latin pre + tendere (to hold forth)), hence to assert, not the later English meaning of asserting falsely--the pretender had a legitimate claim to the throne.

Robert Allen
Robert Allen
13 years ago

@wq and @Gareth

So now you see yourself as the light of reason--what unmitigated and empty-headed arrogance!

Robert Allen
Robert Allen
13 years ago


Maybe it's time you learned to read. Show me one comment on my various posts in which I have defended a wife beater, especially this one--and leave Shakespeare out of it!

For your information, I am a confirmed bachelor and happily so, considering the quality of today's women.

Also based on history of which you seem woefully ignorant, it's unlikely that the next generation will do any better than the previous ones, at least socially and artistically.

13 years ago


LOL I like your comment! If she had tossed him into a vat of acid I'd still have given her a pat on the back. it saves us tax payer the money that would have been spent on incarcerating him, feeding him 3 square meals a day, and medical care.

Talking with Robert Allen is such a big ol waste of time because his only response is "NO NO NOOO", screaming like a whiny toddler instead of seeing the light of reason.

13 years ago

@Robert Allen

I noticed half this page is filled with YOUR comments. Why expend so much energy defending a wife-beater? Methinks you doth protest too much! What's your reason? Could you be a wife-beater yourself? Maybe it's time to retire and let the next generation of young people change this country for the better.

13 years ago

The illogical behavior is not confined to women. Men often act illogically too. A long time ago, I was in the surgery room with a few doctors who were treating a man with gangrene. I asked the lead surgeon how the patient managed to reach this point in his illness and the surgeon basically told me flat out that he's been warning the man away from his unhealthy behavior for YEARS (the patient is diabetic) but the patient absolutely refused to change his behavior even though it is completely against common sense. I asked the lead surgeon how it was possible that a man would risk his own health and limbs just so he can continue to smoke and drink. The surgeon told me it happens all the time with patients.