For the Bible Tells Me So
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For the Bible Tells Me So

2007, Religion  -   688 Comments
Ratings: 8.16/10 from 85 users.

For the Bible Tells Me SoWe meet five Christian families, each with a gay or lesbian child. Parents talk about their marriages and church-going, their children's childhood and coming out, their reactions, and changes over time.

The stories told by these nine parents and four adult children alternate with talking heads - Protestant and Jewish theologians - and with film clips of fundamentalist preachers and pundits and news clips of people in the street.

They discuss scripture and biblical scholarship. A thesis of the film is that much of Christianity's homophobia represents a misreading of scripture, a denial of science, and an embrace of quack psychology. The families call for love.

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Eileen Mcphail
Eileen Mcphail
1 year ago

Could I play these documentaries on utube?

2 years ago

I wonder if the bigotry by the Church and by self-professed Christians is why most people are leavig the church. If the Church wants people to come back, then they should stop with the hate speech towards LGBTQI+ People.

Alv V
Alv V
10 years ago

I realized that the woman that had lost her daughter only managed to survive mentally because she could blame her bible-teacher for having made her homophobic. That felt like the essence of what this documentary should really be about. Instead it tries to educate people about how it is wrong to make others feel so bad about themselves that they go kill themselves. Oh, really? Is that even something Jesus would agree about? o_0


Mitch Keith Langston
Mitch Keith Langston
10 years ago

All of you people saying, "Religion is a terrible thing!" are really quite dense. Did you not get the part where the entire video was focused on morally corrupt "Christians" (i.e. The a**bag that actually said he'd kill a homosexual and lie to God about it) who take their own interpretation of the bible to better fit their insecurities?

JDaniels Lydia
JDaniels Lydia
11 years ago

I am not gay and have no gay person in my family, but I have friends that are. Every man has a right to love who they want....People are sick. I thought that christians should love not hate...Religion is just a horrible thing!

max cady
max cady
11 years ago

seems to me that christianity has turned into more like a circus in the U.S. Using it as fear for lots of things on tv and the internet etc. In Europe it is kept more pure. you can´t change christianity into what its not - end of story.

11 years ago

Who asked for free will? Why would you want free will if your decisions in a short lifetime can lead you to be tortured for eternity? Not me. That point defeats the entire idea of free will.

11 years ago

Sexual sin, is the only sin where you commit a sin against your own body. All other sin are offences against God or other people. When you betray your own body, it will betray you for you reap what you have sown. There are two ways a person comes to commiting un-natural acts by way of sexual acts with people of their own gender. They have a parent that has a controlling spirit, a jezabel spirit usually from their mother, sometimes the father. The other way a person comes to commiting un-natural acts is through just plain rebellion. I am a pentecostal Christian, we are born-again, Holy spirit filled and baptised in water. We are born-again of un-corruptible seed. We can sin no more. For Jesus has shed every single drop of His Holy blood there is no more blood left for sacrifice. If we commit any sin as a born-again Christian we re-humiliate Jesus again as the death on the cross did. Jesus loves me more than anyone else on earth why should I humiliate Him? I love Him. The Truth will set you free! Repent of your sins, that is receive the free gift of salvation. Jesus came to the world not to judge but to love the world and through Him would be saved. The greatest treasures remain in Heaven for those that gladly choose Jesus now. We are living in the age of grace that's why we aren't killed for our sins, the past 2000 years. God said that in the end days men (and women) will be lovers of themselves... they will commit un-natural acts.. God will give them what they want... hand them over to a perverses spirit... depraved mind... It was prophecised a couple of thousand years ago. These are signs of the end days. Repent of your sins for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Please remember that Jesus is coming back, then it will be too late He will be your judge.

11 years ago

yes you have free will -and that is what will save you ore kill you .GOD gave it to all of use.

11 years ago

Homosexuality is a sin but child molestation by catholic (and other) priests surely is not...or is it???

11 years ago

I stand corrected. Thank you Epicurus, walk with God.

11 years ago

Achems razor. ooKkkayy! Not gay. Fine with me. There I validated you. Feel better? Ah! Neytiri, I think I used that shaving gell before, gave me a heck of a rash? Glad you like it. A lot evidently :( Now if you don't have any real business then, be about your recreation? But please don't form a parade to honor it.

11 years ago

Over the edge. Maybe I didn't validate you but you sure seem to need a hand/ boost there. Maybe you are "on the edge?" I was trying to help you. God loves you, sin no more. I can't throw stones as I was born with out arms. I am typing this message with my toes. I have learned to overcome my issues. You might follow my lead.

11 years ago

Achems Razor.. LOL Why are you going to Christian based documentaries? This one even tries to validate your ways. Oh I see seeking out any one who does not believe as you do. Can't you see, YOU ARE BEING USED, and not to shave with. You know not your own master. I would say "satan get thee behind me," but in your circles that's a come on. Be about your business.

11 years ago

Kateye70 check your chromosomes, then we can talk.
Over the edge. Where did I say anyting about fixing gayness? Did not place blam on the person. You see many "gay" folk feel they have to be validated i.e. marching around, gay day parades, up in the face of anyone not in agreement. There are dwarfs , differing tribes of men, gay folk, short people , tall people. All human all have worth. Just don't wear your sexuality on your sleeve and expect special treatment. Agreed there are many who would look at a man wearing a dress as a tad off or a women who over emphasizes her manliness. Odd? yes. But it's OK. There ya go. I validated you, now be off and about your business.

11 years ago

You didn't have to. Let me clarify , not ALL sexually abused children grow up to be "gay. " They are however sometimes deluded into thinking they are gay because that door was opened first by a supposed love one/family member /etc.. MOST sexually abused children grow up fine and live hetero lives, never looking back. Hermophrodites come in many forms but all are hormonally and genetically tweaked off center. Not their faults. If you believe God made them that way ,fine. He did make all things. However Satan has tried to dismantle all that God has done and Satan and the WATCHERS may have had a hand in the "tweaking." Again, not your fault. Read Genesis.

11 years ago

Over the edge? Did I say anything that isn't coprrect here? Somethng that doesn't fit is " you're Ok and anything you do is swell?' Come on clean up and move on. Your sexuality is not and should not be the biggest part of your existence. If it is then you are really screwed up.

11 years ago

"Gay" folk are made in two ways. Sexually abused children and genetically predispositioned (hermophodites plumbing may or may not match the chemical preference for male or female partners). Both can't help it. Abused children may revert back to "straight" given time and love. Genitically mixed/matched are what they are. Cleanliness? Anal sex in any form is inherently filthy as waste/ poop comes via this track.

11 years ago

I think it is bizarre categorising people regarding their sexual preferences. It is a very private thing and nobody's business except the persons involved.

11 years ago

I love how docs like this bring the bigots out of the woodwork.

His Forever
His Forever
11 years ago

Second Thought: If homosexuality is a sin, and people are arguing that it's not, then why would the Bible say very specifically that it is?

I think it would be better for a person struggling with homosexual tendencies to stay abstenent and live a good Christian life (get married with kids if they choose), but not give into the desire for homosexual sex.

Lots of things are sin: child abuse, adultery, beastiality, porn addiction, etc. I read that 80% of pastors and other Christian leaders view porn on a "regular" basis, but like everyone else. 40% have affairs. That's sin. Sin is sin; we all have tempation for some kind of sin we have to overcome if we want to live a Christian life.

Don't give in to the temptation to being a practicing homosexual. The risk to your soul is just to great. No God? Well, you spared your soul form a lifetime of lust and debochery at best. God? You saved your soul from Hell. That's how I view it.

His Forever
His Forever
11 years ago

Ok: Sincere questions time: If the homosexuality is a genitic thing (one that we have no choice about), then are the percentage of homosexuals born to known homosexuals statistically higher? Yes or no? And could that be from nurture rather than nature?

I don't know the statistics to this quesiton. It's a sincere question.

Sieben Stern
Sieben Stern
12 years ago

you'd think if the stakes were so high, such as burning in hell, that god would have made the rules and message super clear and there would be no room for widely varying interpretations.

12 years ago

adnoses, your not quoting anything and not allowed to preach.If your going to do so make sure aof your Book, Chapter, & Verse

Mini MB
Mini MB
12 years ago

Very moving documentary :)

James Colwell
James Colwell
12 years ago

@Charles Darwin your not funny...

Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin
12 years ago





Theresa W
Theresa W
12 years ago

Meaningful documentary, which should be shown in schools.

Judah Moore
Judah Moore
12 years ago

This breaks my heart and infuriates me at the same time. I

Marshall Jarreau
Marshall Jarreau
12 years ago

That was so beautiful. A reminder of the power of unconditional love.

That is the key . . . some religious people don't even know what that means. It's one thing to preach about it, but a completely different thing to experience it and to share it with everyone. Jesus could do it, why can't you?

April Leigh
April Leigh
12 years ago

Brilliant! Leaves viewers educated, inspired, hopeful...***** I was raised in the Episcopal church yet so was my husband, both in Texas but in different areas and have had debates what we were taught on oh so many subjects. Every scripture pointed out is how I was raised and pointed out even in the same church how we are indoctrinated different. So for this video I thank God, Father Hungaford of Odessa, Texas, and my Dad a lay reader of out church who had the patience to explain to me the dogma my mother's side was not only wrong but abusive which was also pointed out in this video. Thank you from someone until this video didn't realize how much of my open mind was formed by my younger years. Until this video I had not seen it side by side. So, yes, though about being LGBT is natural/normal, it finally made it OK to be disowned at 13 by a side of my family for not believing what they believed in scripture and dooming me to 'hell'. No Im not gay. but support and love, Ive been married for 25 years with 2 daughters - but have been fighting the evil known as misrepresentation of the scripture. I have been alienated and disowned but never alone for I knew I was right because The Bible Tells Me So! 80)

12 years ago

@ Rebecca Julius

Rebecca, I am not being snide when I say I feel a little bit sorry for you, not because you see the world differently than I do, but because you are so concerned for my well-being and, presumably, for the well-being of others, that you may be neglecting your own well-being.

Rebecca, I know you think I am headed straight for hell, and I know you want to help me. But there are an awful lot of people in this world and, as you know, most of us are going to go to hell. I know, Rebecca, you believe that it is you duty to Jesus to spread the word and to witness so that everybody has at least a chance for salvation and heaven. But Jesus did not mean for you to try and save the whole world. Only Jesus can do that.

A gentle suggestion.

For your sake and for the sakes of those to whom you witness and, not least of all, for Jesus' sake, realize that the best witnessing is through example. Maybe what Jesus really wants is for you to let people know you are saved and then to witness by setting a worthy example, Watch me. This how a saved person conducts herself.

If you must witness directly, maybe you could consider asking the person first, so as not to push people even further away from God, which I am sure you neither intend, nor want. You might be surprised how many, not everyone, but many, say, 'Yes, please tell me more'. Coming on to folks the way you have with me is not helpful for anyone, least of all, you.

I do not want you to be upset, or angry.

I want you to enjoy the best life you can.



Rebecca Julius
Rebecca Julius
12 years ago

some people are (not biologically or psychologically) inclined to be homosexual. this is because the human race as a whole is sinful and corrupt, and we all struggle with sin. maybe for some this "thorn in the flesh" that the scripture speaks of could be lying, lusting, stealing, hating... the list goes on and on, homosexuality included. so maybe having those sinful urges is not something you can control because we are all sinful from birth. but you do have a choice to reject that sin and chose to live a sanctified and forgiven life. you may still struggle, but the lifestyle is a choice... i don't care what psychologists or scientists say about whether it's right or wrong or dangerous to "internalize" those feelings because they have no authority or say over what is truly right or wrong - only God has that power. and that being said, homosexuality is WRONG and SINFUL, no matter how much "scientific proof" this world has to offer... thing is, you either take God at his word, or you reject him. God is the same yesterday, today, forever... some of the things that are in the Bible aren't necessarily rules that we follow today - not because they are not valid, or modern enough, but because in the Old Testament, God was not only a spiritual and moral guide to his people, but a political and worldly leader as well... so arguing that times have changed ONLY applies to those rules, rituals, punishments, ect - not the moral and spiritual code of God's people.
so argue all you want against God, against his "fundamentalist" or "conservative" followers, and your conscience all you want, you will never change my mind. God hates sin, but not the repentant sinner. amen.

12 years ago

The bible is a book. God is an imaginary being that lives in the sky. I am Human. I am real. I am gay. And I have every right to love whoever I want. I also like shrimp. It's tasty!

12 years ago

DISGUSTING!!! I cannot Believe that our country has gone down so far that people actually believe this garbage!!
Homosexuality is a SIN! Look what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. God destroyed the city by fire because he couldn't even find 10 men that were righteous. if this documentary is a reflection of what american's believe then it won't be long until God punishes our country.

It makes My heart break to see how many are blinded, lost and on a path to eternal damnation. I believe that we are to Love the sinner but to hate the sin... I hope and Pray that God draws people closer to Him and pulls them out of their life of sin so they can serve Him with an awesome testimony to His grace.

12 years ago

@ Achem

For the Bible Tells Me So:

I once chanced upon a book laying on a park bench. With no likely owner in sight, and having a moment to spare, I sat myself down, and read:

All written herein is Truth.

Score after score of pages followed, all blank, presumably to be filled in by others.


Sweet Thang
Sweet Thang
12 years ago

Wow...there is more hatred towards God than I thought by reading this! I can not believe that ANYONE "thinks" that The Bible is a MYTH!!!!???? This subject is very touchy with my family because there are 2 of my nephews in which was brought up in church their whole lives and their dad is a preacher! Yeah, church 3 times a week faithfully and had gone to revivals! If there was a ball game on a Wednesday or Sunday.. they couldn't play. God first and everything else is second to Him. With my 2 nephews "coming out of the closet" doesn't mean there isn't "hope" or that my love has changed for them but I pray for them each and everyday! I pray that nothing happens before they can repent for their lifestyles and escape that Fire down below. Yeah just like you will have eternal life in Heaven.. you will feel the heat of that fire for eternal life. I don't wish that upon anyone!

April Patricio Decio
April Patricio Decio
12 years ago

where can i watch the full documentary?i already tried in veoh but it said it's not available in my country,i'm from bahrain by the way.i already tried searching in youtube but no :((

David Edward Hollis
David Edward Hollis
13 years ago

This film moved my heart all the way thru my soul.Amazing every human should see this film.Being a Gay male could totally relate to the people in it.

13 years ago

I still believe in Dog...oops dyslexia

13 years ago

This was a good watch. Clearly religion, for many families, can be a source of strength and comfort, and it is nice to see people being able to embrace both their religion and their gay child. The idea of having to turn your back on your faith, I would imagine for some, would be as unrealistic as turning your back on a child. When these 2 loves can coexist it is really remarkable. Thanks for the doc!

13 years ago

Why do people keep refering to AIDS or HIV as if it were a "gay" disease? Its a horrible diease that kills PEOPLE. Please stop refering to HIV/AIDS as tho it was "Proof" that God hates gays. Its just mean.
I believe in God but religion is IMO a way for those in power to control the population thru fear and intimidation as well as a means to justify cruelty and savagery. This is MY opinion. What I stated above is a fact. AIDS kills all types of People.

13 years ago

God saved one life and made the newspaper today!
(not in your lifetime)
Modern society brings an ancient bible from the Dark Ages and uses it for a guide book to enter into mans new modern advanced future, has failed. The complete focus on humanity gets further ignored. Because the focus on a non existing entity recieves all religious focus, while dark forces laugh at this senceless act and their success... New understandings get ignored and neglected even further by the focus on pathetic religions which was invented by dictators in the first place. Religious truth is nothing but commands to obey and follow. Be a leader instead, for once and for all. Do you really need a book to tell you? Have you ever once had to think for your self?

13 years ago

It's really sad reading through these comments. Everyone knows how obnoxious religious zealots can be. It's no secret. What bothers me are the atheists who are equally as insulting, presumptuous, and aching to discriminate at the first opportunity. And I say this as someone who doesn't believe in God. What's the point, are you trying to convert people? Yea right, Christians just love being belittled and are so incredibly receptive to it. You just enjoy feeling intellectually superior, separate from the poor pathetic masses who are too stupid to let go of God. Guess what, most of the world believes in some sort of deity, so society isn't going to change if you keep alienating people.

13 years ago

The Lords ok with me if I rape a slave but I have to keep the slave for 7 years. Bible doesn't really specify male or female. Perhaps I may be stoned to death at the edge of town if the Lord shall decide my fate, if I was to do some sort of sick homo act to a same sex slave. (but that's not what I'm about,(the video)). Or, if I try and kill a slave (male or female)and the slave lives I don't get punished, but if the slave dies I get punished,(Exodus 21:20-21)dang. So the Lords ok with me almost beating my slave half to death, okay. Of course the Lord is pretty busy and has over 6 billion others to worry about. Anyway, If I sell my daughter into slavery she goes for 6 years,(so do men slaves) and the only way out of her enslavement is for her to marry the slave masters son, unless she don't enjoy being constantly raped by him or them. I can also keep a slaves wife and children captive until the slave decides to become my permanent slave, because the bible tells me so, heeeee. Most people are certain this is the best book to bring into the future of mankind, yup. (?) Even though it was not written by God but "inspired" by the filthy loving Lord himself. Perhaps a third revised holy bible would sweeten up Mr. Big a little more, huh? Yeah lets write another 3rd holy bible to really get this enslavement thing going even deeper, and restrict all new understandings. heck, and give all the homo's full reign to do as they'd like, (Nicht unter dem Regenbogen mit Tieren bitte).

13 years ago

Let me understand. If I believe that homosexuality is wrong just like adultry then I am a hater? Even if I like the person but believe they are sinning, and that natural law and God's law wanted man and women to unite and not man and man. I have not right to this new interpretation now and if I believe it wrong then I am a hater? Just because the Bible has old testiment out of date things then I am forced to accept this as something "normal?" Do you advocate the Courts telling the Church what is should teach from the pulpit? Perhaps they will be forced to marry people that they believe should not be married? Is that what you believe? You like to show the radicals screaming at people but most people dont sprew venom out but deep down they do not agree with homosexuality so they are ignorant and unenlightened?

13 years ago

@ Kurrrt- Ich nehme an, Sie sind Deutscher? Hallo! Perhaps that explains your unique way of wording. However it still does not explain why nature constantly changes and evolves. Many things in nature change, adapt,evolve from their original natural design. We see this in the plant world, animal world, biology, and so on. The behavior we see in humans have also been observed throughout nature. To say gay have a mix match spirit of sexes doesn't make sense. There are gay men who truly don't wish to be female nor act or look feminine (as having a female spirit would suggest). And what would explain peoples attraction to both sexes? A bisexual cannot be defined as a homosexual, nor a heterosexual.
I can understand Moot's position on Christianity. I like it's concept of love your neighbor as yourself/do good to your fellow man. I don't think doing those things are harmful to anyone. But as Justice said, this is not uniform among most Christians. Christianity is surprisingly the largest religion in the world with over 2 billion followers, yet it's the most divided with approximately 38,000 denominations in the world with each having their own distinctive beliefs or practices. So clearly it's a religion of division. And yes, anyone who has studied the bible will come upon some abnormalities in it's writings that raise questions. I find that many Christians think the bible as a book that fell out the sky intact without any knowledge of the formation of the canon, the translation and cultural context of the Gospels and letters.
-Many have no idea that there were other "books" and letters also once considered part of the "Holy Bible" which is supposed to be inspired by God. It's a book that's been altered repeatedly down through it's life cycle.
-many seem are oblivious to the history of how the bible was formed through the canon, which books were decide to be kept and which weren't, things that were discovered in archeology digs that shed light on early Christianity, and so on. The reason many are not aware of this is because they are told to refrain from such thinking. It isn't allowed to question faith.
My point is, the fundamental concept of Christianity is to embrace faith, but it creates a source of conflict and contradiction that has caused so much division. I've met many Christians who helped a lot of people. But I've also met just as many who caused a lot of hurt and pain to others.

13 years ago

The separation and the division that religions create is horrific. In the past and now. We as one human race has outside interference. God, and is not a human being in which expresses nothing but mans written words, invisible entities cannot create action. The growing of the fetus is one thing, but there is an issue with the entering of the spirit into what ever sex the fetus is. So, whatever sex the fetus is may receive it's opposite spirit, it happens within in the first 40 days. First thing to realize their are two spirits, male and female. If the new spirit is a female and enters a female fetus, that fetus will grow to be attracted to a male subject. If a male spirit enters the womb that carries a female subject, that female will be attracted to a female and visa-versa. Some who read books will argue about when, how, why, etc. Regardless, the reasoning behind this attraction comes deeper then what any man made books can relate their theory too. I'm no expert and my information is a comment and I kindly share to open minds, pages and authors of various books is not were I get this particular info, not important. Those (gay) with a mix matched spirit who's attractions cannot be personally altered are very innocent of their feelings, and cannot control their attraction to same sex. It happens, and it's lived through in this complete tour through this physical life cycle. The acceptance is harder lived through in a world of ridicule. Be human, and accept and embrace occurrences that really is out of the hands of our physical lives. Live happy in harmony with whatever creation offers, and just kindly be human to all other humans as one race. I'm all for the separation of church and hate, the future of peace. Negative comments about others, one day will define to those, what they will truly realize about themselves. Have a great day- everyday.

"Nur nicht aufgeben"

13 years ago

Ein Experte bin ich nicht. Sobald neue Erkenntnisse verfügbar sind, werden alte verworfen.
Using ancient teachings entering into a future of mankind is going to work as it once use to. Only restricts advancement. When man accuses his fellow man of being not correct according to their indivisual historical standard approaches, only deeper defines their cariacture of what they do know. I'm not an expert, but here, I'm a witness to many willing to restrict new advanced findings unknown to them.

13 years ago

@Justice - I am a straight ally of LGBTQ people and I am a Christian. I am tired of the sweeping generalizations that people make about religion and Christianity. Not all Christians abandon logic, reason and critical thinking. I don't believe that God controls everything. And if someone is using a "Divine Pursuit" to justify a horrible act, then they are certainly not doing God's work.

A completely disagree that religion serves to distance us from the natural world and each other. If anything Christianity call us to connect more with each other, to be in community and to help one another.

I don't base my thoughts and conclusions on the Bible but I read the Bible for inspiration as there are many timeless truths within its pages. There are also many stories that are racist, sexist, and violent that I don't agree with and I don't feel that I have to accept all or none of them to stay true to my faith. My faith is not contingent on the pages in a book written by men in power with their own agendas, but there are pages in that book that have inspired me and guide me to be a better person.

I agree that organized religion has indeed done a lot of damage to a lot of people, but don't make the sweeping judgment that all faith paths are the same in this regard. All Christians do not fit into a mold of mindless drones. Some of us find meaning in our relationship with God that drives us to work for social justice, protection of the planet and love and support for all of our fellow humans.