Home Project

Home Project

2009, Environment  -   40 Comments
Ratings: 8.37/10 from 103 users.

HomeThe film, produced by the brilliant and ecology-minded French director Luc Besson, is the work of acclaimed aerial photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, whose cinematography, covering landscapes in 54 countries, provides a journey you'll never be able to experience anywhere else. Bertrand's views of Earth from above are so powerfully exquisite they will bring you to tears.

Nut, along with its enthralling images, the film delivers alarming statistics about climate change and how quickly it is transforming our beautiful planet into a place that will be uninhabitable. Glenn Close does a beautiful job with the English language narration, Salma Hayek voices the Spanish version and other ecology-minded actors contribute the French and other language editions. They're all available online.

The documentary is intended to spur you to sustainable behavior, and ends with some instruction about how you can help conserve our Home.

Besson told me that the reason they named the film Home, although it's actually extra-terrestrial in its point of view, is because "the word 'home' has the same meaning in all cultures, all languages. It is a place that people of all ages--even little kids--can identify and love. It is central to their sense of themselves. Earth is the only 'home' we have, so we must care for it that way."

This is a must see film, especially for kids. Well, and parents, too. And, yes, any and everyone who thinks about what the future holds for our species and all the others that share our Home.

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Jianjun Tang
Jianjun Tang
6 years ago

This movie should be made available to all school kids. Caring for our planet is everyone's responsibility.

7 years ago

Blah blah blah. The indoctrinated BS never ends. When all those who live in countries who don't really need population control but want to force it on me anyway (the west), when they lead by example and off themselves to save the planet, I will then consider them to be true to their cause and less hypocritical. Keep in mind this indoctrination paid for by those who own the media, el governmente, the corporations, i.e. the banksters, have been promoting this population reduction theme for decades in spite of the fact that many of the western countries birth rates barely keep up with the death rates, some don't.

Now if we had sane govt we wouldn't be paying welfare mothers to have a bunch of kids. That simple lack of handing them the means is what is insane.

As for Asia and Africa? What are you going to do? Tell ME I need to limit my family to 0.71 children and that will fix the ACTUAL problem where the ACTUAL problem is?

Sure, yes, quit polluting, quit making planned obsolescence crap. However, now I know why no congress person will do anything about GeoEngineering/Chemtrails, GMO frankenfood, and Billy Weasel Gates favorite way to off people (corrupted vaccines and GMO). They want you dead.

Problem is THEY ARE KILLING THE PLANET via CHEMTRAILS. That is a much more serious problem than ANY other. And where is the mention?

Ashok Revanna
Ashok Revanna
7 years ago

#PratikRaut, exactly what the movie was explaining, and you are already at it.? It is not a bollywood movie to make a sequel for your f**king entertainment, it is a message sent across to the people after carefully putting things together from information by historians, archealogists, scientists, etc for us to get an idea about happening to our planet earth. Please understand there will be no sequel or a second chance for the destruction happening to our one and only HOME to be in! Good luck, minimise your fossil fuel demand for travel, energy and other personal 'wants', because earth has been devised itself for meeting the needs not wants!

Pratik Raut
Pratik Raut
8 years ago

Home (2015) movie : It is too awesome movie, me and my friends are waiting for it's sequel/2nd part and hindi dubbed too. Please make it's sequel and it's Hindi dubbing too.

8 years ago

I really feel this can change the world. But my brain says different.

8 years ago

The best documentary I have ever seen. Amazingly beautiful. I will see it again.

9 years ago

Truly an awesome film, just unbelievable shots..... Don't miss this one.

I'm not optimistic regarding the human's ability to save himself, or the planet. Something over 7 billion people now, growing exponentially (ever faster), and soon to outstrip the natural resources required for sustained life. But so what, it's not like it matters, does it? We're all stumbling around wondering why we're here in the first place. It is a mixed bag as they say.

Or, perhaps once we fill the planet with our warm bodies, we'll be harvested.....

Ilona Randall
Ilona Randall
10 years ago

This is an amazingly beautiful documentary, the filming is spectacular and the message powerful.

I think thought the solution is more complex than just having less children or something like that. There's so much intertwining factors to take into account that really, we need a total social change to really make ourselves living on this planet sustainable.

Our current greedy, super consumerist society reinforce this sort of destructive behaviour and many people think it's time for a change of values. Think critically, watch documentaries, lectures, read and decide what is the best for Earth and ourselves, as a whole.

I personally support a resource based economy idea as the solution but I'm sure some will disagree with the solution... The important part is for our thinking to change and recognise that it's not an issue that we can just patch up with our current socio-economic system, which treats the planet as infinite.

11 years ago

why is the video now private on youtube? What happened to it being free?

11 years ago

If you can get past all the evolution bull & one world garbage it is a pretty good watch....it does have some great cinematography!

11 years ago

heaven help us all.....

11 years ago

Excellent documentary.

Wonderfully composed. Beautiful soundtrack. Fluid pace. Both entertaining, and profoundly revealing.

I should mention, I'm exceptionally critical and find that many documentaries use hyperbole and emotional rhetoric to win audiences. This documentary is genuine, and reveals truth through facts stated without subjective demeanor.

Sherman Monro
Sherman Monro
11 years ago

Absolutely great film for content, photography, video, and selection of tunes. However, the music a little too loud in some parts when the words are spoken --- it becomes like a torture at times because you want to listen to words and focus, but music is pain on the***.

Altogether, very awakening and inspiring film. Before watching this movie my eyes were open but now they are wider open.

We are really in a mess and if we don’t stop the Greed, selfishness, and Consumerist Culture today, perhaps, we will definitely be extinct 60 to 100 years from now.

This requires complete change in attitude and actions in 80% of the Earth population. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to convince those potato-heads who are the decision makers and key-holders. This applies to the whole world particularly US and China. Our way of life isn’t sustainable and we must either make a U-turn NOW or perish soon.

It’s so frustrating to see Greed and Stupidity of few is costing the extinction of life on this immaculate and intricate planet. This planet can provide for all its inhabitants if the resources are used wisely through compassion, cooperation, and collaboration rather than pulling gone on each other.

Unfortunately, US has given a BAD model to other countries --- Consumerist Culture. Now, although the party for even Americans is nearly over, others like China and India want to join the party! This puts even more strain on resources and expedites the process of extinction. Other problem is no body has a long term vision and most of those key-holders only think about next weekend! They probably say to themselves,” who cares, I am gone before that day…”

12 years ago

The key is not the Zeitgeist movement. Although I applaud them for trying to find something to change the world we live in. The key is liberty. Freedom FROM government. Who causes the wars? Governments. Who allows corporations to steal our wealth and pollute our land? Governments. Who kills people by the millions? Governments. Especially big, monolithic centralized governments.

My grandparents grew up during the Great Depression. They had plenty of money, but they lived in a modest 2-BR home, rarely went anywhere except in to town to get supplies. They had a big garden, chickens, a cow, cherry and apple trees, a fig tree, grave vines.... you get the idea. They canned food for the winter. They threw NOTHING away... because even popsicle sticks are fun to play with if you're a little kid. Sure, they went to the grocery store to get meat and other staples, but they could've stayed right there forever, living off the land. The whole extended family would come by after work, usually 10-20 people, and eat dinner at their house. Aunts, uncles, cousins. Family was very important.

I had the best time growing up there. People cared about one another. People helped each other out... and nobody depended on the government for ANYTHING. Churches, charities, communities and LOCAL government... the smaller and more local the better... are the way to solve individual problems. Not kings, dictators, prime ministers or presidents. The further the government gets away from the people, the more corrupt it becomes... and the harder it is to fix it.

Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith
12 years ago

Indeed, over population. Anyone who does not agree has clearly not given much attention to our species. And for people going on aout "greed", stop using your vehicle, or burning oil to heat your home. Stop taking 20+ minute showers and using gallon after gallon of precious water, etc. Then you can make such comments. It sickens me that people can e so arrogant, so hypocritcal aout such things. As if they themselves do not contriute. Have you not paid attention to this video? The asic, fundamental message here: We are ALL connected in some form or another. Everything on this earth. Yet it is the human need to push the boundaries. To extract as much as we possily can, and then move on to the next plot of land.

On one hand I am very much pleased with our species. On the other, I am asolutely disgusted with it. Well, more so the developed nations. We have such short attention spans. Had we not lost that intelligence we had long ago, we'd not e in this mess. Tell me, who is more developed... the farmers who do what they can with what they have, or the ones who take the resources for granted? I say its high time we get put in our place. We need a worldwide disaster, of epic proportion.I hate to sound so negative, but its a fact. We have forgotten what it is like ot truly struggle for life.

12 years ago

I'm not a fan of these type of documents, but I give it credit for representing the big picture in a proper light. That what it is about. For someone that is already aware of the most of this stuff, most of this document may be an anxious thing to watch. I already knew those things and waited anxiously what solutions they had to offer, glad I did. Solar panels were, sadly, the only solution they offered I see valid.

Wind power, sea wave power, vegetarism aren't the ultimate solutions if there's any credibility to the latest science. They say that wind and wave are forces that don't renew indefinitely even though they do renew over time. If you think of solar energy though, that if something ought to be renewable, right?
When it comes to vegetarism, eating a balanced diet of various meats and vegetables is the best choise in terms of your health and nature's health. What we as humans, as animals consider a waste coming out of our bodies is a nutrition to plants. Fleshly being's dead carcass is also a valid source of many nutrients, especially nitrogen that helps plants to grow, for them.

Find out about farming with nature, not against it. Farming without tilling. Permaculture. Whatever you call it. If you find it valuable and have the money, time and will, do something about it. Buy a good book of it and donate it to your local library. Share the knowledge. Support those natural farmers or go do that kind of farming yourself. Ask the organisations that provide aid to third world, to take advantage of those farming and graywater utilizing methods. Talk about it to your politicians that are in charge of agriculture.
This system can make things grow in both desert and northern arid hemisphere, where technology of man alone fails. Union of technology and nature, solar panel and permaculture, sensitive species and greenhouse to protect them, will prevail if used. Do not give up.

12 years ago

The best doc i have ever seen so far, in terms of visuals, music, pattern of narration and the intensity, theme, message thrown out through it and for the fact that they presented solutions and not just stopped posing problems. Great job!!

12 years ago

The best Doc i have ever seen in terms of visuals, narration, music, theme, message and the fact that they presented the solutions rather than just posing the question!!!!kudos

13 years ago

I don't like the idea of someone telling me that I can only have one child, and that I have to tie my tubes after. The monetary system is the problem. Giant industrial corporations ripping the earth of its resources is the problem. There is enough land and possibly (ocean) for everyone, its the exploitation and the greed that needs to stop.

Hambone Littletail
Hambone Littletail
13 years ago

I'm with Crow. This documentary -- which I have placed as my NUMBER ONE "favorite" video of all time on my Youtube channel, Humptydumptytribe -- brings "home" the message as strongly as any I have ever seen the OBVIOUS fact that the ONLY way to reverse the problems illustrated in this video is to DRASTICALLY reduce our birth rate on this planet... and I am not talking about "zero population growth," I am talking about a 90 percent reduction in this planet's population. Changing our out-of-control consumption patterns is the close number-two priority of our species (ala the zeitgeist movement), but without lowering the total number of consumers, any savings in that department will be null and void eventually. If you want to see what Planet Earth will look like in about 100 years at the rate we are going, check out the photos of Easter Island, and you will be peeking into this planet's future.

13 years ago

This movie is a visual feast for the eyes. Especially if you get the HD version of it and hook it up to a widescreen HD tv. I tell some of my friends it's a bit enviroscare but watch it for the beauty of the film. Those that did watch it enjoyed the visuals, if not the audio of it.

13 years ago

@crow. what has you so convinced we need to control birth rates? surely we just need to drastically change the way we live on the planet. please do investigate thougherally "the zeitgeist movement".

13 years ago

this is a beautiful doc. despite it telling us some truths we may not like to hear at times. if anyone is keen on looking for real solutions may i suggest they look into "the venus project" which is advocated by "the zeitgeist movement". i imagine many who enjoy watching this type of thing will already know of the 2 groups, and they are groups dedicated to the cause of solving all earthly problems from war to poverty, renewable enrgy to building society to irradicate crime. its very stimulating and can definetly be accomplished, if enough people want it.

13 years ago

When the narrartor askes, “Why didn't they react in time?” in reference to the Rapa Nui of Easter Island, the answer should be evident. It is the same reason why we as a world population are not reacting. When the answer is population control, sadly, human beings just do not want to hear it or understand.The individuals that do are not numerous enough to have an effect on the world as a whole. Unless the population is lessened by limiting births, our population as a whole will go the way of the Rapa Nui, and nature will thin out our numbers as we as a culture will not.

Sunshine Coast real estate
Sunshine Coast real estate
13 years ago

The documentary is intended to spur you to sustainable behavior, and ends with some instruction about how you can help conserve our Home.One of the best documentaries I’ve ever watched. It shows the beauty of the world, its destruction and in the end, it gives some hope by showing some alternatives and the right path to find solutions…..................

13 years ago

Amazing documentary. A must see. It opens your eyes.

13 years ago

Recommended for anyone. Powerful visuals.

13 years ago

This movie is a "must see". HOME is stunningly shot and illuminates the madness of an unsustainable consumer driven culture hell bent on destroying their environs for "profits", and ultimately jeopardising their very survival. HOME is beautiful and tragic.

14 years ago

Click the link provided above the video @dominic.

14 years ago

I would like to watch it but it's saying it's blocked in this country. Are you serious?!

14 years ago

One of the best documentaries I've ever watched. It shows the beauty of the world, its destruction and in the end, it gives some hope by showing some alternatives and the right path to find solutions...

14 years ago

A sad yet beautiful journey through, amazing diverse scenery