Losing God

Losing God

2013, Religion  -    -  Playlist 255 Comments
Ratings: 7.80/10 from 210 users.

The author of this deconversion series had been a closet atheist for some time and only a handful of people knew about this. He still attended church; he clapped and sang during worship along with everyone else. Outwardly nothing had changed but behind the mask he was frustrated. When the pastor asked if his words made sense what he really wanted to do was scream: "No they made absolutely no sense. I'm standing here in full-blown apostasy and your God doesn't have a clue."

Instead of receiving discipline what he got were bland pep talks from a deity who was as much in the dark concerning his true spiritual condition. Those events sum up his experience with the supernatural - a lot of good intentions with very disappointing results.

Mary was a member of his Christian fellowship group and she had muscular dystrophy and almost overnight she became completely blind. It shocked all of them... how could this happen? They were determined that this attack of the "enemy" would not stand since God worked everything for the good to those who loved him. The author firmly believed that Mary's suffering would be temporary. He believe God had given her this burden for a time so that her eventual healing would spark a revival on campus. Hundreds of souls would be saved as a result of this miracle.

What Satan meant for evil God would use for good. And so when Mary returned to school it was not by chance that one of the visiting speakers was hailed from a charismatic church. In fact he was the very first charismatic speaker invited to their group in years. Everything was aligning perfectly. After the service he prayed for Mary, they all did and incredibly enough she was healed.

Well okay she was still blind but the speaker insisted God was healing her at that very moment. It was now up to the Lord when he would complete his work. It could take a couple of days, weeks, months... but God is good right? How could God be healing Mary if she couldn't see? It's been 18 years since Mary was "healed" and her sight is no better than it was in 1996.

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3 years ago

Is nobody else upset he burned Hysteria!!! Like fK guys. Who cares about the the god part... That tape was perfect on both sides from begining to end!!

Andreas Enger
Andreas Enger
3 years ago

there is no proof of gods existence , and aslong as there is no proof, no point in believing God is real

Linda Best
Linda Best
4 years ago

Proof positive that God exists, is the true mission of Jesus, which cannot be found in the Bible. I found this when I was 12. With my soul I asked for help: "Jesus, Help me." Immediately, I was given God's Love. If you ask sincerely for God's Love, he will give it to you. These 2 websites I recently found, verify it. "divinetruth.com" and "new-birth.net" This last site Jesus, through a medium, Dr. Samuels, corrects. Bible errors.

maria pezzano
maria pezzano
4 years ago

i love God ....NUFF SAID !!!! LOL!!!

6 years ago

this was the most boring thing i have ever seen, your life is completely average and common Most people go through this as they grow up and grow out of religion. why you would make a doco about it is beyond me......

6 years ago

.....understanding. with a teeny tiny "u".

6 years ago

Be, yourself, a part of the great cooling? The durably predicted apostasy and falling away that you were taught was a birth pang of the End? Might you be living out an important part of prophesy and be blind to it? In fact, you might be inspiring believers in Christ to be vigalent less this loss of faith happen to them.as they fall to relying on their own

C. Rex
C. Rex
6 years ago

Just by looking thru history and the claims of Jesus Christ tells a person He was just what He claimed. Just by deductive reason it tells me the Bible has to be true.Because someone thinks He should be like Santa Claus and give him everything he wants is no reason to believe he is no more special than a rock is a lie of the devil himself. Ask yourself why there is such things as good and evil. What is the need of morals and where did they come from. They are ingrained from day one.

K Sean Proudler
K Sean Proudler
7 years ago

WOW. People still expect freebies from the big boss and thus have missed the entire point of it all. Then if not that, they focus upon their religion and its rituals rather than God.

Such people pray for others, and thus fail the test again. They pray for others rather than actually help the others.

However, if they were in a hospital and were dying of a cancer that can be cured, but the doctor said that he will do the same as they do and thus will just pray for this patient rather than actually do the operation that will save them, they would become violently upset. To them, it is OK to just pray for someone else rather than do something, but they believe that the very same rule should clearly not be applied to their very selves ???

animus apertus
animus apertus
7 years ago

Btw, It's not "Julian Bare" Syndrome. Its Guillan Barre Syndrome (hard g...geeyahn baray). My recovery from religion was not born from a self-focus of what I didn't get, but the abuse of rational thought, and also the realization that what people believe is based largely on where they are born. I also spent years being spiritually abused. But thanks for YOUR story.

8 years ago

I just found a great show on Hulu that took 6 episodes before introducing a fantastic loving homosexual couple and then introduced Christians as hateful. With Hollywood setting the modern compass of societies, it is amazing that anyone is still a Christian because Hollywood hates them - not to mention colleges filled with anti-God rhetoric. It turns out that God has never proven himself to someone without faith.....instead, He rewards faithfulness with supernatural events. So while the world confuses the media with science, several of us are seeing supernatural intervention that our pragmatism cannot write-off as coincidence.

8 years ago

On behalf of myself and the other 1.5 Billion Atheists Globally, I must say we find it unbelievable that the religious will allow themselves to be led around like sheep by delusional creationist who believe the universe is 6000 years old and claim to be speaking on behalf of their "imaginary friend". They're indoctrinated from preschool age children through adulthood with this piffle about a nonexistent deity in the clouds and end up going through life brainwashed into believing in this man made mythological nonsense. Some of these delusional "believers" end up going off the deep end and are they're ones who end up flying planes into buildings and exploding bombs at marathons.

8 years ago

Hi, I hear what you're saying and can relate completely. But do you really know the Lord and have a relationship with him? There are many who proclaim to know his will but don't. I',m not passing judgment because I have struggled with my faith so much But Jesus is true and if we call Upon him he does respond

8 years ago

So satisfying to read so many sensible contributions on this thread like uraniophobiac, Maxine and coryn to name a few. Organised religion is entirely man made. It has caused and continues to cause suffering and discrimination based on a raft of fairy stories written about an imaginary person with superpowers much like todays spiderman, which is also the invention of man.

If you are religious, keep it to yourself. You have no right to inflict it on others.

9 years ago

Would almost be funny, if this poor guy hadnt wasted so much time being lied to, and putting his trust into those slimy faith salesmen. I can, however, identify and it makes me think what would my life have been like if I didnt have the right friends growing up, that encouraged keeping open minds and thinking for yourself.

9 years ago

It is not God that causes me to question His existence. It's His followers, or more specifically, the "Christian" conservatives, or the Christian "right". They spew such vile hatred , They don't follow Christ at all, but their own hateful translation of Paul . Christ has been wiped completely out of Christianity in favor of Paul. It's not a church of love, It's the church of Hate. It's so pervasive, so evil. When I see the hate increase exponentially daily, I believe less and less. I hope God intervenes very soon.

9 years ago

*This guy gives up on God because God neglected to heal the girl. Most people know that God can only heal all of the people some of the time or some of the people all of the time but not most of the people in the morning or something, I don't know, it's talks about it in the book of Genesis I think. God gives blessings to people that He wants to, not to who you or I think he should.

If there was an event where I would have to risk my own life to save another from tragedy, (Now, I'm not saying that I am more charitable and more loving than God, but,) I hope that I would show courage and help. Unfair suffering is difficult to understand. How a child can ache with the retching pains of starvation, begging the heavens for some relief, while God watches on with inaction, but then He blesses Tim Tebow with a great pass and enough wealth that could have eased the suffering of thousands of children. It almost doesn't make any sense. God is very mysterious. (*sarcasm used to highlight irony.)

9 years ago

He did not lose God; He never had Him to begin with. Every argument he makes is based on his lack of understanding of the Scriptures, because he does not posses the spiritual discernment to understand them:
The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Cor. 2:14

Furthermore, his rationale for rejecting Christianity is based on a series of disappointments not actual evidence. LIfe is full injustice and suffering. We live in a fallen world and are fallen beings.

His biggest obstacle, besides not possessing saving faith in Christ, is that he fails to see his own sinfulness. Therefore, he has a very high view of himself and a low view of God. He doesn't fully understand the Gospel: God is good, we are not. We deserve his wrath. BUT He chose to make the ultimate sacrifice: Sending the perfect sacrifice for an undeserving, ungrateful world, Jesus. Jesus took our punishment and died on a cross. He defeated death and is now in heaven as our Mediator. Now it is by Grace through Faith that we can by forgiven and cleansed from our sin, and thus have hope in eternal life with God. This is good news!

He doesn't believe in God, because he chose to believe a lie instead. He sees God as evil and himself as good. The complete opposite of what God's Word reveals. This is very sad. He will get the shock of his life when he stands before his Creator and realizes that he was deceived the whole time. I do not wish this on him, nor does God. The reality is that God is simply allowing him what he wants: Freedom from the loving protection of God. How tragic.

9 years ago

I feel as if this person has not gotten the healing he wanted so he uses this as an excuse to bash God. He is basically throwing a temper tantrum. He misquotes, selectively quotes and dissects the bible so that it seems like a senseless doctrine. Christianity has not been a perfect religion, but it has helped very many people. God doesn't condemn us, we condemn ourselves! God sent his Son to save us and show us the way. His hair splitting of doctrine and lack of insight suggests to me his faith was not really very deep at the onset.

The audacity of someone thinking that God should be at an individual's beacon to perform a magic trick of burning rubbish in the middle of a floor. What does this have to do with faith at all? But it was his pivotal sign that God wasn't present. It seems he is looking for a magician, not a God who suffers with real suffering.

So much of what is in the bible is symbolic. This isn't even mentioned. How juvenile!

9 years ago

This guy can't stop complaining! Okay, fine. Don't believe in God. Next subject. On second thought nevermind, he'd probably complained endlessly again.

Martin Wood
Martin Wood
9 years ago

I am an agnostic and have spent much of my life in search of answers. Everyone's journey (figuring out what and who God is) varies in scope and depth. My advise is to not accept any answer someone may give you. Do your own research. Be open minded enough to seek out knowledge. One of your keys will be to look within yourself. When you find peace within yourself you will begin to find the answers to your questions. The internet has a plethora of information, use it. Above all become conscious. Most, if not all, ancient religions and modern religions' scriptures have very similar stories. If you are interested in finding "your" truth, researching these stories and their similarities would be a good place to start. The rabbit hole is very deep and time consuming to traverse. But well worth the effort to do so. I wish you well on your journey.

9 years ago

I do not believe in god. There is just to much that does not make sense.

9 years ago

This man never judge thru Holy Spirit, because he puts his thoughts above the word of God, when this is logic. The desease reapeare because of sin. The diference betwen churchs is because of freedom of christians. And eternity of hell is becauze of infinity majesty of God (when attack the president is different then attack a dog)

certavi et vici
certavi et vici
9 years ago

There is an answer...just don't confuse reason with circumstance.

Sam Warne
Sam Warne
9 years ago

There is a great deal about this 'de-conversion' experience that echoes my own and rings true with me. I do however think it is sad that this individual's loss of faith has completely detached him from the concept of spirituality and the supernatural. At no point through my gradual loss of faith and disillusionment with organised religion have I felt like rejecting the idea of a universal power that is beyond absolute human comprehension. Call it what you will, but what all religion, however primitive- along with many other uniquely human constructs serves as evidence for, is that hardwired into our being is the assumption of something that operates on a higher plane to that which we normally have access to and control over.
This is the great mystery, and to switch off to this is to accept a blissfully ignorant existence, where nothing can have meaning beyond its physical form. This is a convenient ideology for the privileged, but for those who have been given the worst hand in life it removes any motivation to live.
The very fact that we ask 'why?' is evidence of there being an answer. Perhaps just not one that our waking mind is capable of comprehending.

Mark Filby
Mark Filby
9 years ago

I agree that mainstream religion is total disinformation and my search started with 5 years research and a trip to Egypt. I like many burnt my old bible and had a burning ceremony to end the quest. Something was always nagging in the back of my mind that the version we get from the money junkie churches was amiss. I found hidden meanings dot com. The 'church' folk hate him because he brings science and religion together without the pious fraud. Initially I thought Bill was one twisted loon, but when I actually took the time to listen and not try to mock, he made logical sense, considering the topic. Most religious folks do not realise said bible is a Greek Mystery book and it advises the reader it is all allegorical, ergo, if you imagine it is the word of Gawd you will kill yourself taking what is written by the letter, which it actually warns the reader, because it is a spiritual book. IF, you care to find God, I suggest at least checking out some of his 700 vids on YT. Even you atheists will laugh and smile during Bill's vids. He is very controversial and backs up what he says with documentation. You can even get a copy of the documentation. I am not associated with any church or religion. Do yourself and the world a favour and at least have a look. Good luck.

Eric Lawson
Eric Lawson
9 years ago

I am now Convinced that religion is a forum of Mental illness!!!Peace

Eric Lawson
Eric Lawson
9 years ago

I was a closet Atheist for a very long time. There is no God this deity is man made from the get go!! A judge for the rich and powerful. Of the day. Some kind of guide for the masses. God does not intervene ever. Why because there is no God !! How many more will be taken advantage of by this Mumbo Jumbo!! Please give some real proof that there is a superior creature. Any kind of proof. Tangible evidence. This is a great beginning. This video should be shown to all high school students !! Peace!!!

9 years ago

Simply put, there is no proof and never will be any undeniable proof. The war in Heaven resulted in 1/3 of the angels in Heaven being cast out onto the Earth where we now live. God knows that if he gave all his powers to Satan, then the destroyer would tear down all of God's Creations. There would be no way to take them back. He showed his true colors during the war. God is not stupid. Any pleading by Satan for any of God's powers will never given and he will never be trusted. On this earth, we must live by faith. Faith means, among other things, that we must have the hope that there is a Perfect God and without us waring with the hope that He does not exist, we will try to obey Him without knowing if he really exists.. God wants to know if we have a destructive nature like the devils or a God like nature. Why? Because he has literally promised to give us all that he hath. He has sent us to this Earth to test us, and will throw challenges our way in life and dreams to let us prove our nature to ourselves. It will not be a surprise to us if we fail the test that shows we have a God like nature. The final judgement will allow us to recall our true nature perfectly. It will reveal what we hope for! God will have shown us who we really are and what we hope for. Will we be granted all that God hath or fail to win His trust. He will know if trust can be granted and we will see right in his determination.

9 years ago

God had a Son that he sent to earth with a special mission and purpose. The essence of God's plan was to send his first begotten Son to Earth to be our Savior if we would accept Him an allow Him to pay for our sins. From all the evidence we have, he was endowed with special powers to heal and defeat death itself. Evidently, it is perfectly fair if somebody has a debt that they can't pay, to allow a kind benefactor (a Savior) to pay that debt. Jesus found out that he had no other way to pay our debt than to take the punishment required for that sin in order to dispense perfect justice. God must abide with perfect justice in order to be a perfect God.

Perfect mercy is a concept that most atheists do not grasp. A perfect God must also provide perfect Mercy. How does perfect mercy work? You will need to pray for help with that! Part of the answer is that God has commanded us to forgive everybody who offends us. Essentially, we could throw stones first (exact our own justice) only if we are without sin; no man but one can make that claim. God said that all else have sinned save Jesus Christ alone.

9 years ago

This film is so true if there is a God its is game with people's life but also God is from the Bible and man wrote the Bible but the Bible also says don't Belive man's word mean humans but a man wrote the Bible so why Belive in the Bible also the devil was once a angel beside God and other angels in a time of No sin or sinful thoughts..God sent Satan and his followers to a lake of fire we now call hell cause he was jelouse of God and try to be greater then him so whouldent this be a sin in it's self when at this time there was No devil so there was No sin or sinful thought so how does this happen...

Paul Herman
Paul Herman
9 years ago

What makes you say that Keli?

Paul Herman
Paul Herman
9 years ago

I've experienced God on various occasions. When I first met God I was not in earnest pursuit of God. Actually I was an unbeliever. What I was in pursuit of that first time was a way to help people. Love was my motivation and compassion for all the innocent suffering, for everyone's suffering. The love I experienced from God has been so powerful and penetrating, I've never had to struggle with the matter of faith. I simply know God exists. I know the next world exists and I know that my actions are the main determinate of my happiness in this life and the next. God has given me the freedom and both God and others that I love have given me the impetus to use my freedom responsibly.

9 years ago

in certain contexts i am also a closet atheist; one who goes to church on required occasions, claps, sings, smiles and pretends. the reality of my lack of belief would cause damage and pain to my family that i do not currently wish to impose. at any rate, thanks for sharing. it helps. i too once believed sincerely and passionately... the delusion was, and is, simply not sustainable.

San Pedro
San Pedro
9 years ago

So funny to hear about people still believing, they will be saved by someone. You have everything you need to survive, prosper and heal yourself inside you. Dieties you call forth are still frameworks/beings/cells/ideas (call it whatever you want) inside you. Those around me that understand this message changed their life, and who cares if some diety changed their life. They are flowing with the universe, they are acting on their gut instinct and their life is great. So crusify my but change your life. THere is no rational thinking except for you recieve what you saw. Mind is a field and what you plant, grows.

9 years ago


9 years ago

I never took religion very seriously. I feel for people that invested time and effort into it only to come to this realization later.

9 years ago

Most of the commenters are watchdogs for this site to refute truth and promote propaganda for the NEW WORLD ORDER! Most of the doc. on this site that push EVILUTION and that there is no CREATOR are actually being done on purpose to use mind control on people, but most are aware of this. God has given us intellect and the human race is smart enough to see through the smoke and mirrors! The only ones who are fooled are those who keep slamming a GREAT MIGHTY AWESOME GOD WHO LOVES ALL-THE TRUE GOD and SOVEREIGN LORD JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD!

Cellar Door
Cellar Door
9 years ago

Thanks for all your work. I watched this video to find out how another interracial 70's child developed. I was born in 71'. Although i passed judgement on you. I recanted, and now can allow you to live your life the way you decide to walk it. Myself never had a religion or faith. My parents told me I should find it on my own. I can say I'm still searching for that all encompassing religion . But I don't expect to find it. What I have found was another beautiful soul, on its ongoing journey. Thank you.

9 years ago

Truthfully, God The Almighty Creator of everything visible and invisible knows everything about every single one of His Creations, especially people! We are His Creation, and His LOVE, that is why He Created us to begin with, to have a relationship w/us. He is all powerful, all knowing and present everywhere at all times-Omnipotent, Omniscient Omni Present! We need to seek Him as much as He seeks after us!

9 years ago

Slightly long-winded doc tbh. I don't see other animals going to church or the local mosque. Actually I would urge people to watch shows like "The Island with Bear Grylls". Actually humans are pretty weak and fragile. Nature has just blessed us with hands and a very curious mind that can imagine tools that might be of some use. Once we got fire and food supply in order it allowed our minds to explore complex questions which essentially brings us up to this point now. Most of us would struggle to last 1 week in the wild. (Some of us would even have difficulties killing another animal on ethical grounds) I think the idea that you die and return to nothingness is perfect. The universe is perfectly capable of creating new life (Why does it need some kind of heaven to maintain previous souls/memories?) I am pretty convinced there is no god/gods or heaven. The idea that there is some kind of man/women/creature/thing/voice sitting on a desk/chair somewhere making sure things run smoothly is almost laughable. (Think of all the preventable deaths that take place every day on planet earth?, then on top of this you have natural disease, natural disasters, man-made actions, such as murder, terrorism, war, genocide, car accidents and so on). Also lets say there was a god, he/she/it isn't going to be angry at you for not believing. If there is a god and its an intelligent super animal then it would surely understand our reasons for doubting its existence/powers....... As Epicurus put it so well over 2000 years ago (Before Jesus even popped into existence)

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

Adam Young
Adam Young
9 years ago

so you die and vanish into nothingness. only problem is nothing doesn't actually exist, everything on some level is something so there is no such a realm of nothing. not to say that God is a blue eyed ,white bearded giant sitting on a cloud somewhere above the american bible belt cause if other civilizations on other planets exist ( which seems completely likely ) then he/she/it would be their God too. i don't think the core of the bible is wrong or total fiction but i think it's not all there is to the story and any parent knows you don't talk adult understanding to a toddler cause they won't understand. so why the church assumes God would divulge all the knowledge of the universe onto his earth children.
i don't think there is anything deluded in believing in Good and that striving to do good in all areas of your life. it sure better than believing that this is just a cosmic accident and nothing matters. only thing worse than that is making it your life's mission to make sure everybody else believes that to.

chip griffin
chip griffin
9 years ago

you went through the movements, but never took thought or time with GOD, yet alone took a long look at the world. check out an ant, watch a bird, figure out water. most of all shut your mouth and read the bible. most go through what you are simply voicing. no easy task to find the truth, you must seek it like you seek life when faced with death.
you talk a good game but your words are enepty. you believe your own bs.
a few words a preachers tells you to say does nothing but prove you can repeat what you have heard. to find the truth is truly life saving. try a church that reads the bible, better yet stay home and read it from page one until the last page. until then turn off the camera and start the true search.
a smart guy unlike you keeps his mouth shut until he is sure of what he has found and you will find others will find it without your words. the church has got and got rich and put down the truth years ago.

one of two, time is so short, if you would have read the bible instead of making this film you just might have found it...

9 years ago

I think we are all searching for SOMETHING - we do not know what - that will make sense - when you 'have faith' (and I have been in that state at one point in my life) you have to keep bolstering the feelings with the prayers and singing etc because underneath it all you KNOW that you really do not know what this existence is all about, and you desperately want to feel SURE about things. The result for me is that I am now just examining my existence and wondering what on earth the point is of my lovely life when others are suffering so much and there is so much injustice, poverty and pain - I want to shout loud - WHY God do you do this to these poor people who cannot fight back and then I just feel it is useless. He is NOT listening IF HE/SHE is there at all ( something is there, but probably not in a form we could understand). So I just enjoy my little life and wait for my demise, hoping I DO NOT have to come back here again - what a ghastly thought - that is because my chances of having the same lucky life would be infinitesimal and I do not want to go thru what others go thru.
I do what I can for others, and contribute to as many causes as I can afford to improve other lives, but really if 'having faith' is only that state of persuading yourself to cling to a lovely story with no real answers for anything except just that 'trust and obey' stuff, then count me out - if I find myself in a meeting with a deity after I die, I have a LOT of things to say to that deity, and he/she may not like it !!! I think believing in any particular religion is exactly like being in love with a particular person - you let the feelings keep you going until maybe one day you will realize that this person is not who you thought he/she was - the illusion of loveliness cannot be held on to at that point and you pull away. Very sad.

9 years ago

All absolute statements on the "truth" about "God" must assume the human mind operates on the same "realm" as the presumed "God" which would be contradictory in itself. To say "no God exist" is exactly the same in validity as saying I know a God exist. Both assume the minds ability to discern the truth in a "realm" beyond empirical knowledge. You are stating your "belief" in both cases.
"Losing God" only means a person chooses to rely only on that which is scientifically observed. "Finding God" means choosing to believe in something greater than what can be proven scientifically. All religions are human attempts to organize these beliefs through dogmas which may have nothing to do with God. No matter what you believe or don't believe all actions by "believers and non-believers" are acts of humans not of "God". (Unless I'm wrong?)

Janeen Clark
Janeen Clark
9 years ago

even though religions of the world cannot possibly be correct about what god is. it could be god is just entirely different than what the status quo ideas are.

9 years ago

Why do they break up documentaries into little segments like that? So annoying...

Janeen Clark
Janeen Clark
9 years ago

and possible truth of god in any way would not have anything to do with the ideas of man.

9 years ago

I found part of my path very similar to the author.

I moved to a country which culture is very different from my origin, and for the fact to rebuild my social circle, I joined the local church's fellowship and was baptized, with the belief that able to find a job in this new land was god's plan and his miracle.

I want to make clear that I'm not making this post to diminish Christianity. In fact, the moral teaching I received from the fellowship is still very valid to me up till today, and I appreciate that.

I am the kind of person who is kind of like Thomas Jefferson who liked the morals of Jesus the Nazareth, but every time when the church members look down on other religions, give mission prayers to pray other countries will be saved in the name of gospel, and the healing of pressing people down on the ground, I found the statements the pastors made was rather bold and one-track minded. Former USA president Bush did claim war to the Middle-East in the name of God. So...what was that mission prayer all about?

It wasn't until I attended an interesting seminar in religious studies hosted by local university (very neutral perspectives I found) that I realized religion was actually the enlightenment of one's inner self and consciousness. This consciousness is presented in all humans and could be re-established with the urge to pursue it. The consciousness was very much the ground works of all religions around the world, cutting out all the miracles and supernatural aspects in their doctrines.

From my point of view, I think it is possible to live as a spiritual person without religion, to live to love and to be compassionate. I think it is equally important to know the true meaning of why there are religions. It was to provide a guideline for human morality. All the magics and miracles, no matter how many times people tell me, are still fluffs.

9 years ago

I agree with this, however not so much the author. He is still influenced by the church and religion. the Bible was written by man hundreds of years after the events. How could it possibly be true?
Try spirituality--there's lots if info about it--it teaches nothing but love and compassion--not hell and damnation. Religion is all about fear and control.
I don't believe God has anything to do with what happens to us--we have that choice.