The Planets
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The Planets

1999, Science  -   29 Comments
Ratings: 5.38/10 from 24 users.

The PlanetsEmploying computer graphics, space race archive material and first-hand testimony from scientists around the world, The Planets is comprehensive and spectacular account of space exploration and discovery.

This series is a historical production about the history of space travel including both Russian and American perspectives.

It focuses each episode on a topic like the sun, atmosphere, giants, moon etc... The film footage on both country's programs reaches from the Sun to Neptune and the moons in between.

  1. Different Worlds: A look at space travel and the latest planetary explorations.
  2. Terra Firma: The story of the pioneering missions to our neighboring worlds.
  3. Giants: Uncovers the secrets surrounding the massive planets in our Solar System.
  4. Moon: The answer to one of the greatest mysteries of our Solar System - why does Earth have a moon?
  5. Star: The latest scientific advances bring us a new perspective on the Sun.
  6. Atmosphere: A fantastic voyage through the skies of the Solar System.
  7. Life: A look at the very latest robotic explorations of other planets.
  8. Destiny: How are the planets going to evolve over the next four billion years?

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4 years ago

Richard, I was hoping you could help me out. My recollection of this series from 1999 was narrated by an American voice similar to Mike Rowe. I was hoping you might be familiar with that narrator and his name.

I find this series one of the best not because of its content so much but because it’s a time capsule freezing what limited knowledge we had at that time. Like Cosmos if we don’t keep these original our newer generation looses the chance to experience what we thought to be cutting edge information.

Petar Vitanovich
Petar Vitanovich
12 years ago

props for Serbian subs

12 years ago

"Religious nonsense" has nothing to do with the creation of the planets. In the first video, you heard a guy say that planets were formed from very fine dust... hmmm... what about the vast expanse (est. 70%) WATER! Aye, "intelligensia" make me sick with their arrogance!

12 years ago

Thanks for expanding our knowledge. I have enjoyed watching nearly all of the science section. I have also liked reading comments from the more intelligent viewers.Your contribution to mankind is truly noteworthy.

lex lexich
lex lexich
12 years ago

the best!

Neal Boyd
Neal Boyd
12 years ago

Love this series so much... no telling how many times I've rewatched or at least had 'em playing in the background while working. Classic... I'm especially keen on our GIANT planetary neighbors.

Thanks again Vlatko!

12 years ago

Dated but still a great documentary. I have been alternating episodes with the doc on WW1. Getting smarter by the minute (or well informed). Thanks for posting them both.

farhan arain
farhan arain
12 years ago

things gona so easy day by day...
lets watch future what would come in the path

Richard Troiano
Richard Troiano
12 years ago

The Planets (produced by BBC) It is nothing but straight up FACTS but presented in a way that I find to be interesting. No extra speculative bullshit.
BTW I think this is a perfect example of how documentaries created for american audiences ( A Travelers Guide to the Planets, The Universe) are devoid of real information. IMHO, both A Travelers Guide and The Universe are TOTAL CRAP. The information is presented is watered down and sensationalized to make it seem 'more interesting'. This series however, does not once mention "You could on to try and make the viewer not change the channel. I think part of the reason why there is such a lack of interest in science in America these days is the fact that real scientific advances are never mentioned, except for when something goes wrong. I rarely find fellow Americans that are aware that we currently have spacecraft orbiting Saturn (Cassini), another spacecraft en route to Pluto (New Horizons), Jupiter (Juno), another rover en route to Mars (Mars Science Laboratory), another satellite that has literally found THOUSANDS OF NEW PLANETS AROUND OTHER STARS (Kepler).. Why are these things NOT FRONT PAGE NEWS (at least in America)? Instead, we have worthless, mindless dribble like the Jersey Shore and X-Factor being exported as shining examples of our culture instead of our ability to explore space and create new technology. I am getting wayyyyyy off topic now, so I will stop.

Sieben Stern
Sieben Stern
12 years ago

Loved it! Why can't we go to space :C

Richard Troiano
Richard Troiano
12 years ago

One of the best space documentaries ever made. It is a bit dated and in many places will say things like "when the Cassini probe launches to Saturn" which has already happened. Regardless, the information is presented in a very understandable and interesting way. This doc is one of the things that originally got me interested in astronomy. I now volunteer at a observatory in Northern California.

Iain Nicoll
Iain Nicoll
12 years ago

Thanks Vlatko. Haven't watched yet but I'm sure I will get weeks worth of entertainment from these!

12 years ago

always a great topic for a doc.