Tijuana Drug Lords

Tijuana Drug Lords

Ratings: 7.40/10 from 30 users.

Tijuana Drug LordsIn the late 1980s the Arellano-Felix brothers take over the Tijuana Cartel. Using a network of tunnels, modified cars, boats and planes they flood the US with billions of dollars worth of drugs; quickly establishing themselves as the worlds largest smugglers of cocaine.

To protect this business the brothers recruit and train an army of American gang bangers. When rival cartels attempt to muscle in on their business the result is a war that claims thousands of lives.

Mexican and US law enforcement join forces to take the Brothers down but they're powerless to stop a wave of violence engulfing Tijuana.

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4 days ago

Why is ghost not done

it doesn't matter
it doesn't matter
1 month ago

don't say 1995 like that

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

idk how people go missing so easy I've been trying to do that since I've been little af

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

if they think the marijuana grower was an atrocity they are f ing clueless

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

David Barron is really famous on cute dead guys

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

Luis must not be a full blown druid because druids don't keep records

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

Luis was a afo member!!!!!!

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

Steve is wrong people know how to nurture they just choose not to

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

the afo and Montreal mob agree on the way to get to the top

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

see the problem is, just the Escobar, Benjamin should have been president and the second thing is you never want to ask the US for help, you don't want that believe me

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

I believe 1 of the 2 gang members for the cardinal ended up dieing in prison

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

as you can see here everything is ok just don't forget the thurible

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

if you read the wiki there are conflicting reports on the death of the cardinal

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

yes Guadalajara that is where El chapo is from

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

there's the Tijuana swag markets!!!!

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

Tony seems to regret leaving the afo

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

yes the angel of death, Slayer speaks of this

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

who killed Armando's brother!!!!!

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

"in the 1990s" LOL

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

Benjamin seems like a visionary

death Angel cartel
death Angel cartel
1 month ago

no mood for negotiations!!!!!!!!! 111111111111

afo forever!!!!!
afo forever!!!!!
1 month ago

this is the best movie ever!!!!!

2 years ago

Fish stinks from the head. Mass murdering war criminals in charge, who rob us blind, control us via hate and fear, attack our self worth ( you will never be good enough, pretty enough etc) Convince us we are free and exceptional, while we live in inverted totalitarian states that spend more money on taking life than preserving it. We are exceptional alright....exceptionally, disconnected and exceptionally uncaring, as we vote for war criminals and enable their crimes against humanity.....and according to my mate Oscar Wilde we are exceptionally stupid for putting up with the deprivations of "private property" as the infantile libertarians scream ITS CORPORATISM, the obviously is NOT the form capitalism assumes in crisis....not really, not completely. Libertarians must go through a shit load of crack.

People take drugs to escape the nightmare of their reality...returned vets for one, whose rate of suicide is just tragic.

The problem is we don't hive a fuck. Its about I'm alright Jack. What sort of human being could be in favor of a Mexican wall, as the US is currently breaching the sovereignty of over 30 nations....and slaughter and displacing millions. We are the problem, not migrants and not the government. Where are the heroes of the revolution today?

200 years on and people still think private property has something to do with their personal belongings earned via their labor

"THE first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows, "Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."

Jean Jacques Rousseau (1754)
On the Origin of the Inequality (and stupidity) of Mankind


Mikko Majaniemi
Mikko Majaniemi
11 years ago

BULLS***! This is totally paid media.

Daniel Briones
Daniel Briones
11 years ago

The reality is that the drug war won't get to an end until the U.S. government decides to give a high priority to this issue. There is no point in sending millions of dollars south of the border to help the Mexican government on its war while the government fails to enforce the laws on U.S. side. The drug cartels have huge financial means to fight the Mexican police force and an endless supply of manpower. The only way to stop them is by reducing the demand of drugs which can be achieved by enacting legislation that provides for more severe punishments against the drug traffickers here in the U.S. and by really enforcing the laws.

12 years ago

Funny they started with the murder of Kiki Camarena. The Us govt new who had him all along. Kiki was on to the Govt dealing dope during Iran Contra. Some other were killed as well, like Hugo Spadafora in Panama. How did the Gov. obtained a tape of KikiĀ“s torture and killing?

Christophe Parent
Christophe Parent
12 years ago

Santa Muerte is not a Satanic cult. This sort of sensationalism is no substitute for doing research...

Jorge Gutierrez Ruiz
Jorge Gutierrez Ruiz
12 years ago

Besides the consumption problem there's a gun industry that is supported by the US Goverment. All the weapons that the mexican drug lords are using are actually saled by the US. I don't think the US Goverment is interstating in dissolve that huge and profitable bussines.

12 years ago

Angeru your statement is bang on point. It is quite simple as that, "stop taking the s*** stuff and the drug wars will end." There will be no market. Because no one is forced to get high. Its only through peoples weak wills that give in to those temptations of the drugs. Its defenitely true that the Americans have got the biggest appetite for illegal drugs throughout the whole world.

Also no one cant deny the fact that it is a multi billion doller business yearly. thats a hell of a lot of jobs and wealth but usually gets distributed to only a hand full of people usually to the high ranking officials of the trade and that very minority of people is off all backrounds and usually people of power and influence as well as your average crooks,thugs,trammps,rats etc of the streets.

Like all drug trades theres always going to be rivalies.Someone always wanting piece of the very lucrative pie. So people are going to try and protect their pie. And that protection comes in the form of bullets and plenty of it, sometimes i think an infinate number of ammo. The most important point to make is that always innocent lives get caught up in the war. Many lives are lost not only villains but many innocents as well. Then its a absolute battelfield on all sides and it becomes a f***ing international tragedy.

And it is wordwide problem.

Angeru Mikami
Angeru Mikami
12 years ago

If people didn't CONSUME the drug, there would be NO need to import more drugs. Duh. So people, STOP CONSUMING DRUGS, and the "drug war" will end.

His Forever
His Forever
13 years ago

Hasn't done much to stop the drug wars. The last year or so has been the bloodiest. I'd like to see the latest documentary update to this issue.

Farking Spamhell
Farking Spamhell
13 years ago

British annual exports of opium to China,
1730: 15 tons
1773: 75 tons
1820s: 900 tons

>1830s: Opium wars UK/FR(US+RS) Vs China
China lost:
Hong Kong ceded
Legalization of the opium trade
Opening of Trade ports
Grants for Protestant and Catholic missionaries

World annual cocaine consumption: 600 metric tons
United States: 300 metric tons

Still lots of potential growth, especially in less expensive drugs ;-)

13 years ago

that ending statement about America having the drug apetite and not Mexicans is wrong.. lol they the ones who introduced us to jane.
its because America has the money (borrowed of course), that is why cartels sell to us. Mexico's economy is poor making for a bad market to sell ur drugs.