

2017, Health  -    -  Playlist 12 Comments
Ratings: 7.03/10 from 61 users.

The vegan movement is becoming more mainstream by the day. Whether consumers switch to a plant-based diet due to health concerns or out of protest against animal cruelty, vegans are challenging the status quo in the food industry. Corporations and certain political powers are on the ropes, and they're working to shift the tide back in their favor with uninformed and deceptive public relations campaigns. The two-part documentary Vegan outlines the battle between the demands of activist consumers and the will of corporate interests.

The first segment of the documentary (2017) works to dispel many of the most common misconceptions about going vegan. Do you receive enough protein from a vegetarian diet? Is it considerably more expensive than an animal-based eating regimen? Is dairy really the ideal solution for calcium consumption?

Food scientists and nutritionists are in overwhelming agreement over the benefits of plant-based eating, and its role in improving susceptibility to heart disease, diabetes and other chronic and life-threatening medical conditions. But some in the industry have been swayed by the well-funded persuasions of corporate pressures and lobbyists.

In one particularly nefarious tactic outlined in the film, lawmakers make efforts to pass the Dairy Pride Act, an attempt to discard soy and almond milk as viable substitutes for traditional dairy products. Additional laws have been proposed and enacted with the sole purpose of protecting organizations that indulge in animal exploitation and the production of unhealthy processed meats.

After establishing the debate, and the power struggles that continue to define it, part two of the documentary (2018) looks at where we are now. With the number of vegans growing by 500% over the past four years, the meat production landscape is at a tipping point. "The future is definitely plant-based," says one commentator featured in the film. In a matter of years, this one-time fringe movement will represent a majority. Attempts to stifle their side of the debate seem increasingly desperate and futile.

The film contains a wealth of media clips featuring vegan advocates and members of their opposition, and original interviews with medical professionals also chime in with sound scientific evidence in support of a vegan lifestyle.

Vegan elegantly summarizes the moral, economic, environmental and health-related aspects of the vegan debate.

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1 year ago

No shot they used a southpark clip. I cannot believe the level of complete obliviousness.

5 years ago

There is no silver bullet for stopping climate change! Only multitude of solutions at a global scale can make a difference big enough. Besides that, we may need to make changes quickly!
Milk made in a farm with Biogas generator nearby could use less energy than SoyMilk harvested on another side of the planet! So both end up being bad for the environment to some extent. Milk is half the price of soymilk so that alone tells me that there is more fuel used to get soymilk here.

5 years ago

This was really poorly done - nothing but sound bites from the same old crowd. Watch EATING ANIMALS instead, that will show you the joys/benefits/reasons to be being vegan WAY better than this.

5 years ago

There is so much misinformation in this film I don't know where to start. Poorly done studies, emotional manipulation and finger pointing. Equating eating meat with the junk food industry is just wrong. Many people have regained their health eating a meat heavy, low carbohydrate diet. The reason some people feel better switch from the S.A.D to vegan is because of all the junk they are no longer eating, NOT removing the meat. But often the honeymoon does not last. Most leave veganism due to the digestive distress, joint and skin problems, mental health issues and other signals from their body that this is just not working for them. And are then shamed and vilified that they did not 'do it right'.
Stop blaming the meat for what the sugar, refined carbs and processed seed oils did.

5 years ago

Human contribution to c02 emissions: 6GT.
Ocean Contribution to c02 emissions: 38,000GT
Solution: "People need to change their diets! It's causing global warming!" haha... wut?