The End of the Game
David Graham Scott from an early age felt repulsed by the slaughter of animals and decided to adopt a vegan lifestyle. For close to 40 years he perfected his vegan lifestyle. He was rigid in this belief system and remained unchallenged. Then he met Guy Wallace.
Guy thinks hunting is a very, very basic thing in mankind. Man the hunter goes right back to the mist of time. But today the government seem to want everybody to end up as a clone to everyone else as a teetotal, nonsmoking, left wing, politically correct, pacifist, vegetarian. That was not sort of Brit that conquered half the bloody world two centuries ago, he says.
This old colonial relic had little time for the modern world. Hunting was in his blood and at 73 years of age it was his last opportunity to return to Africa and relive his glory days. He intended to shoot one of the so called Big Five, the fearsome Cape buffalo. And David the vegan was going with him.
Despite their polarized views Guy had welcomed David into his world. As a first step of their journey he went with Guy to the big house on the estate. The landowner let him keep some of his trophies there. He returned the favor by leading hunting parties out on the moors. David had to admit to himself, it was absurd that someone with his beliefs would have any interest in this archaic hunting culture. But Guy intrigued him as a character. He wanted to understand how one man's loathing could be another man's pride.
Guy's great uncle, Arthur, had been a major influence, helping shape Guy into the man he became. He'd worked for the Indian forestry service shooting man eating tigers.
Guy had purposely chosen to lead a solitary existence on the bleak Caithness moors. The caravan was supposed to be a temporary home until he fixed up the old cottage behind it. David was impressed how self-sufficiently Guy lived. It couldn't nave been easy for this elderly man to eke out an existence in this harsh landscape. But then he'd always lived this way.
Guy's life was like a Boy's Adventure story from the 1950s. He regaled David with tales from his trips to Asia, Africa and the Middle East. He'd witnessed countless of atrocities and that had hardened his outlook. Over the next few weeks Guy took David on various expeditions. He was keen to prepare him for Africa and introduced him to the rudiments of hunting.
Directed by: David Graham Scott
Splendid documentary, a rare example of looking at the other side of things with a truly open mind. It is a very rare thing to find a documentary that truly exercises the spirit of 'documenting' rather than pushing an agenda. One feels no ulterior motives here, yet of course the maker retains his own principles. I don't think we will this the like again.
This film was totally not what I had expected. As a vegan for 30 years myself, I find it disgusting that a vegan would make a film that glorifies a man hunting down and murdering a beautiful majestic innocent animal. I forced myself to watch the entire film only because I had hoped that maybe the old man would have a change of heart before killing the animal. Instead, I saw the sickening murder of an innocent animal, all for a photo with the dead animal and a head on a wall plate. You would have served a much better purpose with a film honoring the beauty of LIVING animals and the protection of them!
Captivating film
The most stupid documentary ,about a old alcoholic .colonialist ,trophy hunter ,who lives in the past of thE glorious England. ,narrow minded , kids enjoying killing , absurdity ,brain washed