Way Beyond Weight

Way Beyond Weight

2012, Health  -   136 Comments
Ratings: 8.08/10 from 89 users.

Across the globe, millions of children are struggling with being overweight. It's an epidemic that places the longevity of our future generations in peril. The feature-length documentary Way Beyond Weight examines the factors that have led to this health crisis, and searches for solutions that can free our children from its deadly grip.

The film theorizes that the epidemic likely started in the United States with the proliferation of processed foods after World War II. Today, the scourge of obesity touches every corner of the world. The filmmakers travel to the U.S., Brazil and other regions to speak with a panel of health experts, food industry representatives, researchers and many children who have fallen victim to obesity and all the diseases it encompasses. In each stop along the way, the causes and symptoms of this destructive condition are strikingly similar.

Few are without blame. The parents of these children may be overly permissive or poorly informed, but many of them do not have access to healthy alternatives. On every street, their children are battling the bombardment of fatty foods and sugary drinks. Public parks and school gymnasiums have dwindled, and their absence effectively limits a child's exposure to physical activity. Technology has overtaken a child's desire for play; instead of jumping rope or climbing walls, modern video games encourage children to remain stationary and often isolated from others. Corporations look upon these children as easy prey, and their seductive marketing masks the truth behind the addictive and dangerous products they sell. Portions have grown substantially, and sugar content has risen to historic levels.

The film shows us how the consequences of unhealthy eating and limited physical fitness go far beyond health risks like diabetes and heart disease. It also attacks a child's psychological wellness, and the shame and loneliness induced by obesity often fuels its continued dominance in their lives.

A thoughtful and thorough investigation of the obesity epidemic, Way Beyond Weight arms its viewers with essential information, and empowers them to take control of their child's health.

Directed by: Estela Renner

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6 years ago

It is important to note that most things that don't have a NON-GMO label on them ARE GMO. Among other things GMO is internalized insecticide, which for corn, eats out the guts of the corn bore. It is my guess, despite lies by Monsanto to the contrary, that GMO also attacks the guts of humans. If eaten in enough quantity, which it would seem easy to do, a person could develop leaky gut syndrome, which seems to be yet another thing related to diabetes. It would seem wise to avoid GMO foods like the plague, because in a way it is; a slower acting plague.

6 years ago

I recall seeing one or more documentaries that featured some inner city good-natured types making locally grown vegetables available at low cost to combat this very issue. They were grown from a small lot or two with salvaged wood greenhouse and teaching those who wanted to, how to do it themselves on even a smaller scale. Meaning anyone with a window could grow some of their own food.

When I was young, which was a long time ago, junk food was very cheap because people didn't live on it. We even referred to the fast food burgers and shakes as "gut bombs" because that is how it made you feel. And as silly teenagers, we would laugh about it. Potato chips, cookies, tv dinners, all of it was cheap because very few made a habit out of it.

Now, even the super market once known for keeping all prices low on everything it sold (not walmart) must have had a management change. It like most of the other stores has discovered that people are addicted to junk food and has decided to gouge the heck out of those items. Even though that ticks me off in the processed food I probably shouldn't eat, in a way that is a good thing, forcing people to consider more healthy, much cheaper alternatives. For instance, at this store I can buy an organic apple at the same or lower price than other stores sell non-organic apples. Their organic celery is very inexpensive and excellent. Any time a kid is whining about nothing to eat (nothing that they want to eat), like I used to do, break out the organic celery and carrots (organic carrots are available most places at decent prices). If they don't want them then they aren't hungry and say so.

One thing about raising kids that my wonderful folks didn't have to deal with: WEASELS in schools and other govt agencies looking to remove kids from sane non-liberal non-socialist parents. It has been discovered in the UK that the Weasels "social worker/inspector" get kickbacks for such removal and placement into certain "homes", because those "homes" get a dandy sum for taking care of the removed kids. It wouldn't surprise me if something similar occurred in the usa in certain areas.

Like a great many things, the ultimate responsibility rests with the parent or person getting fat. What person doesn't have access to the internet in the usa these days? Be it at school or a library or their friends phone, etc.? The parents could assign their kids to find out what is making them fat and what would make them slim. That way they have some time invested in it themselves instead of having to constantly be harped on and them defiant.

So many kids these days won't drink water because "it has no flavor". So the parents buy them soda. Then the little bundles of joy are over activated on high fructose corn syrup and disrupt classes messing with other students. Then the teacher wants to put the kid on Ritalin claiming the kid has ADHD. The school gets kickbacks for every student they put on Ritalin or used to. Hence an epidemic of over prescribed Ritalin. And the sheeple go for this nonsense because the LAME school teacher, nurse, and/or doc says so.

Why do the teachers feel that is what they must do? A**hole parents who sue if johnny is put in the corner for mouthing off. And who is right there to help them sue the school? A WEASEL attorney.

Who is right there to sue the parents if johnny reacts as a normal kid might to being bullied regularly or singled out by a teacher and crapped on regularly (as a teacher or two did to some unfortunate student in my class and others), a weasel attorney.

Rules and laws are made by and for attorneys. The more laws that are demanded, the more attorneys will reap the rewards. If you want to trace the downfall of nations and the increased power of corporations (and govt), attaining status far beyond their original intent (to facilitate public works projects)... the facilitators of most every wrong thing, be it a congressional act, local ordinance, unnecessary lawsuit, or protecting corporations from the evil they do to the populace and the planet, you can find a person with no moral compass called an attorney facilitating the bad actors. Until I see attorneys regularly suing other attorneys for fraud, as most commit as a regular course, will attorneys regain any honor above snakehood. Judges, typically attorneys also, are worse since they allow it all. Which brings it all back to us, since ultimately we allow them to allow it.

If you want to eliminate personal responsibility, as most liberals or socialists endeavor to do, then nothing will ever get solved and the problems will multiply, as they already have, as a result of this very elimination of personal responsibility.

If you care about your kids (even if you don't) don't let them give your kids any pharmaceuticals like Ritalin. After a couple days tell the teacher you talked to your doctor and we are taking the child off of sodas and sugary snacks (and DO that). The teacher hearing that your doctor is involved (whether they are or not) should have no choice but to acquiesce about putting your kid on Ritalin. If they want some note confirming that, say you'll get that when you drop by the doc's office. Just put them off indefinitely. Tell your kid the choice is theirs, keep still and quiet in class no matter what or how any other kid prods you or get stuck on a med that will make them slow and worse. Throw away the chips and cookies and other carbs and junk and break out the celery and carrots and apples. If they whine, too bad. Those will be much better for you too. And cheaper cheaper.

If you are not factoring in the cost of doctor visits and meds into the cost of food then you are not doing a proper comparison. We are what we eat. If you want someone else to be responsible, move to a country where the flag is a big sow(female pig) with a nipple for every person they want to buy a vote from. Oh hey, that is the usa!

8 years ago

John Krisfalusci is right... correlation isn't causation. Just because you are of low socioeconomic status, depression, genetics, metabolism, etc, don't mean you'll end up being obese. By the way, there is a huge difference between being obese and being just overweight or slightly overweight. For some people being slightly overweight seems to be beneficial for the individual. However, the documentary and Johns' original post are referring to obesity and the complications that rises from being beyond just overweight. Obesity isn't normal for our species, so stop giving justifications for it. This isn't common or limited to a single group of individuals. Being too fat to be able to walk around or being stuck in bed for years is part of peoples' choice and lifestyle. Also, being house bound can be quite expensive. Spending over $1000 a month on just food isn't cheap. I don't even know how some families can support such a fat relative who just lives in the bedroom.

Metabolism and genetics involve a small group of individuals within the human population, so people ought to stop using that an excuse for being obese. It insults and trivializes those who do have disorders and illnesses, such as Cushings' and prevents further study on the matter.

Also, just because you have a predisposition doesn't mean you'll get it. Some of you people ought to stop insulting the intelligence and education of others, if you yourselves don't have any education in the science of the medical field either. I am predisposition for diabetes, heart disease and other health complications, but due to eating right I had avoid such complications that has been in my family for generations. My familys' health has improved, since making the change to live a healthier life. How? Just by avoiding the foods that cause these complications and not stuffing our bodies with food all day. I know people who are predisposition for these disorders and diseases, but they continue to throw caution out of the window (or giving up) and continue to live a life of junk food and unhealthy lifestyle. Yet they complain over their problems? Being an adult is about taking full responsibilities for your action and making a change for the better when *beep* hits the fan. Many obese people act/behave like high school students or worse, because many of them are in denial about the lifestyle choices THEY decided to live with.

In addition, junk food isn't cheaper, but it can be addictive. To use the excuse that people eat a lot of junk food, because it is inexpensive is a weak argument to use. The gross income of my household is under $30,000 and we are a family of four. Based on IRS website you can clearly see I would be consider below the middle class status of the social-economics scale. If my family and I ate BK, McDonalds, KFC, Taco Bell and eating junk food in general I couldn't pay the bills or buy the supplies needed to run a household, much less deal with the medical bills due to poor lifestyle. By making a choice to eat healthier and decrease food intake my familys' health has improved, which decreased the medical bills too, thus avoid other issues with having a low gross annual income. In the long run, eating healthier is more inexpensive than eating poorly nutritional foods. Eating junk foods will be more expensive due to the medical costs from the complications of eating poorly. Anyways, the healthy foods themselves aren't that expensive. I took only $20 with me to a local market. With that I was able to buy rice (20 pounds bag lasts about 2 months within my household), four tomatoes, a bag of onions (yellow and red), kiwis (the fruit, not the bird), strawberries, lettuce, collar greens, 3 bags of mixed veggies, eggs and a gallon of cashew milk. How is this possible? Paying attention to the weekly ads, using coupons and buying from local markets. Also, junk food isn't inexpensive. It cost just about the same as the appropriate healthy food. A bag of Oreos cost about $4. That is two boxes worth of strawberries. Eating a meal at most fast food restaurants cost minimally $8.... are you kidding me? That is expensive, not cheaper, especially if you have to feed a family of four. I don't have $32 to $40 to get food from fast food restaurants everyday.

Conclusion, It is simple logic. You eat highly processed foods your predisposition condition genes will be activated. You eat *beep* you'll become *beep*. Simple as that. Stop giving excuses to poor lifestyle choices.

bigbearbland .
bigbearbland .
9 years ago

Good info for those of us that are open to it and willing to do the hard work to change. For the rest, there is nothing that anyone can tell or show them to make them do anything different. They have been successfully marketed to and brainwashed into a herd mentality that will lead them over a cliff. They will die from disease after living a shortened life that was plagued with discomfort, disease and misery. Personally I am tired of wasting my time, knowledge and breath talking to people on how to save themselves, from themselves and not on the subject of food alone.

9 years ago

I have read that this is deliberate for the purpose of population control. Make it taste good and kill or harm while selling for a profit. That is western capitalism.

beer wig
beer wig
9 years ago

If your dumb enough to think soda pop is good for you, then you deserve what you get.And moms who fill their babies bottles with pop should be tried for attempted murder.

9 years ago

I wonder if some of these kids have prader willi syndrome

Karri Lewis
Karri Lewis
10 years ago

The problem is kids sit 8 hours per day in a classroom. This is unnatural in human development. Kids need to be able to spend hours playing and they're not getting it. The biggest travesty in modern day society is that children are not allowed to develop like healthy human-beings. Formal education should begin much later in a child's life, while the first 10 years of life should be filled with tons of active play (which builds many neuro-pathways that open a child up for later learning) and many hands-on field trips. Children learn so much while just having fun and being themselves. There is absolutely no reason to stuff a child away for the majority of all the hours in the day and then wonder why they're fat, can't sit still and bored!

10 years ago

3 minutes in and I can tell the cause of obese children, bad parenting... Some parents are trying to seek the child's approval instead or try to find the quickest way to get them to stop crying. The stricter parents tend to have the healthier looking children because they dictate what is consumed and how the free time is spent. There's a difference between raising a kid and having a kid.

10 years ago

sugar makes u fat
-said everyone

10 years ago

Interesting doco, but doesn't really say much more then what I knew instinctively already (not the exact facts, but the broad brushes). When I think back to my own childhood though in the late 80s, I don't remember my mum being particularly controlling about what I ate. I also wasn't much for the outdoors, preferring to read instead. I also did watch TV and watched many snack ads. And yet somehow I wasn't obese - in fact, I was fairly skinny. Why?

I thought about it, and oddly enough, it came down to money and being reminded that snacks were treats and "not good for you". Growing up, I always knew my parents were strapped for cash. Knowing this, I wouldn't ask for snacks too often so they were treats. I also did not get any money to take to school until I was in high school, and even then it was barely enough to buy a handful of jelly snakes a week. And because I was hungry, I always ate whatever food my parents put in front of me or gave me to take to school.

So what's the lesson in this? I don't have kids yet, but I know it's hard to say no to them. My parents were just really good at saying no back - and instilling some kind of appreciation for worth and value at a young age, as well as education, could help with self-control. To this day, even though I have money to buy snacks (and I do), I still try to control myself and allow only a little at a time.

Sophia Washington
Sophia Washington
10 years ago

If someone is wearing a white shirt-subtitles should not be white

Sherman Monro
Sherman Monro
11 years ago

very intersting doc. thank you. however, one thing that must be added here is that in order to change the behavior of your child, first you have to change your own behavior. if you want your child eat fruits and vegetables, you must eat them and eat them at the table with your child. remember, a chick follows the hen and the rooster and learns what to pick up from the ground! if you eat junk, your child learns to eat junk and it's worse for him/her because he/she is also under peer pressure and follows other kids at school. the best thing to do is to eat good food on front of your child and with him/her starting from the early age when he/she is just few months old. this way you instill the habit in child's brain.

11 years ago

This is the Best Documentary about Food that I've ever seen! It's a Must SEE! Cheers - Davi

11 years ago

Another popular urban myth is that junk food is cheaper than healthy food. Really??? Here is just one example to prove that statement is totally false: A 10.25 ounce bag of Lays potato chips is $4.25. That means this bag costs $6.63 cents per pound. Additionally, a Digiorno frozen pizza, typically 20 ounces, is around $6.00, which means this costs $4.00 per pound. At McDonald's: A Big & Tasty burger (weighs 6 ounces) is $3.49, which means it costs $6.98 per pound. A large french fry at McDonalds (6 ounces) costs $2.19, which means it is $5.84 per pound. Conversely, the last time I went to my super market (yesterday) I purchased a 10 pound bag of fresh potatoes for $1.49 (which comes out to just under 15 cents per pound); I got a nice clump of broccoli for $1.29 per pound; I purchased oranges for .99 cents per pound; I got a head of cabbage for .49 cents per pound; I got a large head of romaine lettuce for $1.49, not per pound but the whole head. I also bought a pack of fresh chicken hind quarters for $1.19 per pound; finally I got a packet of fresh chuck steaks for $3.69 per pound. So you tell me how junk food is cheaper than eating healthy?

Martin Screeton
Martin Screeton
11 years ago

Corporate Politics, Corporate Food, Corporate Values ... is literally killing their workers and their families and the population!... this is a death death scenario.

11 years ago

The supposed link between obesity and low income is another urban myth, The truth is that people of all incomes simply choose to eat unhealthy foods and also simply choose to not exercise. The last time I checked it is still free to do 50 jumping jacks after each meal. All of this laconic discussion that diet is the real reason for obesity flies in the face of the fact that anybody can counteract the effects of a high fat, high calorie diet by simply exercising more. And exercising is FREE. Exercising has absolutely nothing to do with income. Anybody can do jumping jacks, situps, pushups in his or her own home or go outside and do the same. Trying to state otherwise is simply subterfuge. So even if somebody supposedly has no place in his or her neighborhood to buy low fat, low calorie food (which is extremely doubtful), then doing more exercises will counteract this, and again exercising is free!

11 years ago

Where I live in Canada, many low income earners are very overweight, especially the children.
Fresh fruits and veggies have become terribly expensive.
One certainly has to learn how to prepare cheap, healthy meals and try to include all the right food groups for a growing child.
This can be extremely daunting if you are not creative enough, or don't live near a discount supermarket.
Also, children of all income groups are getting porky because they never run around playing outside all day and they are driven everywhere. For the past 15 years I have rarely seen kids just "playing" in our neighborhood unsupervised.
It's really sad.

Michael Oconnor
Michael Oconnor
11 years ago

Wow, who was the id**t in charge of sub-titles. half of the time they are white text on a white background. This had the potential to be good, but it sucked pretty bad for a number of reasons. People need to lose weight, oh my god! Eat a fruit and go for a jog.

11 years ago

The following is BS, but...don't let the truth get in the way of a good story sometimes... ;) Kinda' on topic.

I stayed overnight at a mates place one time. We thought we were 'it', as we sat down for dinner. My mate said to his Mum, 'pass the ffing potatoes, b*tch'. She slapped him so hard he went a$$ up backwards, landed and started crying. She turned to me and said in that weird, 'calm' tone, 'docoman, what would you like to eat?'. Silly me spoke my last words of the night saying, 'you can bet your sweet a$$ I don't want any of those ffing potatoes!'.

11 years ago

And on the topic of custody, women are pretty much guaranteed custody of kids upon divorce, regardless of her situation. This needs to stop. I guarantee you that if dads were given custody when a divorce takes place that the obesity rate and rate of kids being drugged would drop dramatically immediately.

11 years ago

Peter Proctor, the man who is featured in this video, bases his approach to farming and gardening on composting as a means to producing fertilizer for free by simply using any plant life which can be used to compost with in addition to animal waste. The approach is so simple it is brilliant. His website is onemanonecow dot com. For anyone who is interested in gardening and creating a supply of healthy foods this video is extremely compelling.

11 years ago

There is a tremendous video you can watch for free on youtube called One Man One Cow One Planet which explains how farming organically is cheap, easy and will save the planet. This video changed my life. Peter Proctor, the man who is featured in this video, bases his approach to farming and gardening on composting as a means to producing fertilizer for free by simply using any plant life which can be used to compost with in addition to animal waste. The approach is so simple it is brilliant. His website is onemanonecow dot com. For anyone who is interested in gardening and creating a supply of healthy foods this video is extremely compelling.

11 years ago

Ironically Southern Culture on the Skid's "Too Much Pork for Just One Fork" popped up on the playlist.

Bob Robinson
Bob Robinson
11 years ago

Its not about eating too much, its about exercising to account for what you eat. I mean you can only eat 1k calories a day, but if you sit on your behind your gonna get fat. Its important to exercise and you never have to worry about getting fat. The problem is laziness not food.

11 years ago

docoman: "2 meals at 'McChuckers', around $10, is about the same price as a couple of decent cuts of meat are. Then you have to add the veggies, then preparation and clean up costs." This is simply not true! By the time you get each kid his or her own meal at a fast food restaurant you end up spending $10 per kid. This is not even including the gas you just wasted to drive to and from this restaurant. If you shop wisely at any commercial grocery store you can make a healthy meal for one tenth that cost. If you buy lean meats and fresh potatoes, broccoli and make your own steamed rice or beans from dried beans, you can get your costs per person per meal down to $1.00 each. You just have to want to. it is that simple. Sadly, too many people have convinced themselves they cannot do this, or rather lie to themselves that they cannot do this.

11 years ago

What most women aka single moms do is go to the grocery store and buy a whole cart full of pre-prepared food which is mostly fat and sugar. This is because they have convinced themselves this is easier than preparing a healthy home cooked meal. Again, this more female pea-brained rationale. Any dad will go to the same grocery store and buy packets of lean meats, a bag of potatoes, fresh broccoli and go home and make a mountain of healthy food for 1/10 of what an idiotic woman would waste on pre-prepared food. This is what is causing childhood obesity: idiotic single moms who are too dumb and too lazy to make healthy meals for their kids.

11 years ago

Women are also convinced it is mean to make kids go outside and play and exercise if it looks like they are getting heavy. Women also think it is mean to make kids go to the gym if they look like they are getting heavy. Instead women just give the kids more junk food to make them feel better about being obese. This is how women's minds work. This is why there are obese kids and kids who are heavily medicated because women are stupid and weak as parents. Kids who are obese and being raised by an idiotic single mom should be taken from them and given to their dads who are natural disciplinarians.

11 years ago

Women are by and large (no pun intended) responsible for the obesity epidemic amongst children in the United States. You moronic women think in your pea brains it is mean to make kids eat right. You placate them with fatty, sugar-laden food instead of doing your jobs as a parent. Being a disciplinarian takes a backbone and integrity, which the majority of single moms simply do not possess. It is sad but true. If kids were given to their dads upon any divorce i guarantee this obesity epidemic would end immediately. This simply needs to be said because it is true.

11 years ago

Childhood obesity is the fault of the parents. This is a no-brainer. If the parents are too weak in character to make their kids eat healthy then the fault rests squarely on the shoulders of the parents. It has nothing to do with marketing or advertising. It has to do with a society where parents are too weak to discipline their own kids. I blame a lot of this on the fact that dads are not in the picture in the lives of so many children, who are being raised by women who by and large are deplorable disciplinarians. More often than not you see obese children waddling alongside their obese parent(s), which is sickening. Childhood obesity should result in the parent(s) being prosecuted for child abuse, because the lives of these children is ruined from the get go. These very same kids are more often than not also heavily medicated thanks to the myth of ADD / ADHD, bi-polar disorder and so-called depression.

11 years ago

Walking around town I rarely see kids outside playing. Play is a serious thing.

11 years ago

There was a really interesting documentary on PBS a while back, called "Good Meat." It followed a year in the life of an Oglala Lakota, Beau LeBeau, who made an effort to control his diabetes with a traditional Plains Indian buffalo diet.

The theory was that his ancestors living in their traditional way were neither obese nor diabetic, and that his body was evolved to eat that way rather than the imposed European American diet.

What the film revealed about the life of Native Americans living on reservations is astonishing, to say the least. And sad.

All this is from memory: He had to get special permission to kill one of the buffalo on the reservation, then pay to have it butchered. He kept it in a freezer, and ate the buffalo and whatever other traditional foods his ancestors ate (corn and something else?) until forced from their nomadic lifestyle onto reservations.

He described the difficulty of working around the government agencies that had conflicting missions--one gave out food stamps that could only be redeemed at the grocery store that was so far away they could only make the trip once every couple of weeks or so.

Or, if they wanted fresh fruits and vegetables, there was a different agency that sent the fresh produce truck once a month--but if he used *their* payment dole for the fresh food, his family lost their food stamps--they couldn't have both agencies giving them payments. Ever try keeping fresh produce for a whole month? It seemed so counter-intuitive to have to choose between fresh foods and preserved foods, since both have their place.

His diabetes and weight came under control--until the year was up, the buffalo was gone, and there was no more money to continue the lifestyle change he attempted.

The revealing parts to me were how hard it was for him to even attempt this diet in the face of his own family's resistance, as well as the governmental agency stumbling blocks.

And this is only one person's obesity story. The odds were really stacked against him.

Edit: I wanted to add that this man had tremendous spirit. He participated in a drumming group that worked to keep his tribe's traditions going. The killing of the buffalo and other milestones along his journey were celebrated by his family and friends, even though none of them seemed to care for the buffalo meat at all. He just couldn't convince them of the benefits of the traditional diet. Also, his program and progress was supervised by his doctor, he wasn't doing it alone.

Dean Edgington
Dean Edgington
11 years ago

Fantastic film. It reveals everything we know to be wrong with the "food" industry. I don't think governments or these Harvard MBAs are going to fix their end of the food industry any time soon or in any significant way so it really does come down to parents and the individual to boycott these scum bags and their awful products.

E.g. Tobacco is here to stay so you have to choose not to smoke. Not easy I know. I gave up 5 years ago and find myself having a few ciggies when partying but lately a few more during the day i.e. the habit is creeping up on me, time to take decisive action. I think it's fair to draw parallels with big tobacco except it’s even worse and more insidious because the harm is well disguised in "food" products that aren’t as obviously harmful as tobacco. The industry knows this and is fully aware of all the harm it does.

John Krisfalusci has made a few ill-advised comments and been a bit over simplistic but we do have to take control of what we put in our mouths or suffer the consequences. Self empowerment. I see these "food" corporations as a personal enemy of mine, that helps me stay away from their poison. Like big tobacco, they don’t care if they lose you as a customer i.e. die! These people really are our enemies. Write to your politicians and these corporations but the best thing you can do is boycott theses scum sucking a$$ holes.

John Krisfalusci
John Krisfalusci
11 years ago

It's very simple really... just lay off the junk food. Stop going to Mcdonalds and Burger King and stop shoving cupcakes down your throat every day.

I mean look at me... I'm 5'7 and 130 lbs and I don't drink alcohol, no cigarettes, no drugs, no caffeine, no junk food, no prescription pills, not even Tylenol, barely any sugar, and I'm healthier and skinnier and cuter than ever ^_^.

Just follow that easy steps and you cannot fail.. it's a no brainer really. It is sad how people just get fat in front of your eyes you know? pity...

11 years ago

Proofreading anyone?