Zeitgeist Refuted

Zeitgeist Refuted

2010, Religion  -   972 Comments
Ratings: 5.48/10 from 111 users.

Zeitgeist RefutedEven secular scholars have rejected the idea of Christianity borrowing from the ancient mysteries. The well-respected Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard writes in Theories of Primitive Religion that The evidence for this theory... is negligible.

The first real parallel of a dying and rising god does not appear until A.D. 150, more than a hundred years after the origin of Christianity. So if there was any influence of one on the other, it was the influence of the historical event of the New Testament (resurrection) on mythology, not the reverse. The only known account of a god surviving death that predates Christianity is the Egyptian cult god Osiris.

In this myth, Osiris is cut into fourteen pieces, scattered around Egypt, then reassembled and brought back to life by the goddess Isis. However, Osiris does not actually come back to physical life but becomes a member of a shadowy underworld... This is far different than Jesus' resurrection account where he was the gloriously risen Prince of life who was seen by others on earth before his ascension into heaven. –Dr. Norman Geisler.

Directed by: Elliott Nesch

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11 years ago

This film refutes nothing. It is the same old worn out, ill-formed, unsupportable, and laughable arguments that religious zealots have always been barking mad about. In Zeitgeist they offer us verifiable evidence, and even tell us the sources so we can actually double check them. And Zeitgeist tells us to do something that no religious zealot will ever, ever say: Zeitgeist tells us NOT to take their word for anything, but to research and review the evidence and see for ourselves. Christians remain convinced that their 'faith' itself is suitable evidence, and that their man-made collection of ancient political propaganda is also itself conclusive evidence for god. Really. I can never make up my mind whether to feel sorry for zealots or just laugh at them.

11 years ago

So the whole Zeitgeist movement is wrong based solely on religious inaccuracies??????

11 years ago

@Neil Phillip Melly

Have you watched this ''doco'' . If so what are your thoughts on the similarities between, Joseph of the old testaments and Jesus in the new testaments and how would you explain this?

11 years ago


Your comment may not be completely right, however would it be true all things/theorys and lifes lessons have to be taught or learnt. All babies are born with the ability absorbe knowledge to help them develop into active member of their community.

over the edge
over the edge
11 years ago

Neil Phillip Melly
please discuss the documentary and the issues contained within it. your preaching is not only against the comment policy it adds nothing to the conversation

Neil Phillip Melly
Neil Phillip Melly
11 years ago

I pray one day that everyone
will fall in love with GOD's True Son
He is the Christ Emmanuel
who died for us and went to hell
to defeat the father of lies
Jesus won which is no surprise
since His Power is Heavenly
and HIs Love Perfect and Holy
theres no way He would ever lose
thats why you must make sure to choose
to take your heart out from this world
and commit your soul to the Lord
reveal your true spiritual side
so you no longer have to hide
the love you have for our Shepherd
who is also known as the Word

11 years ago

God has to be taught, so it is just an idea or opinion, if god was real we would be born with the knowledge without teaching.

William Brigley
William Brigley
11 years ago

Not to mention Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard has a bias opinion against Zeitgeist given his education is completely Christian from his beginnings and yet states there was no dying and rising God before Christianity; which any amount of amateur research will tell you is a lie. Numerous unbiased researchers have confirmed findings in this area over the years; so if not simply in the defense of the church does he deny it?

Justin Harris
Justin Harris
11 years ago

I keep seeing comments about money and dereliction within the church. Especially the topic of money.

The bible is often taken out of context by MEN who usually quote Malachi 3:10 when they need money for the church. The problem there is that that context is completely meant for the the Jewish priests from God. It had nothing to do with the common people.

In the OT when God wanted to build the arc He had Moses take up a free will offering. Also in Paul's epistles where the modern church gets its foundation and guidelines (or at least where it should) we are told that people should give as they feel and not be under compulsion. "God loves a cheerful giver". Paul himself however states very clearly that he would not burden the members of the church to support his ministry because people may consider him as just a money grubbing person peddling the Gospel for profit . He instead quoted the proverbs "the parents should lay up for the children, not the children for the parents" He worked and supported himself and his ministry everywhere he went so that the Gospel message was not hindered by such things. The church today has been corrupted by men, as I stated before. But this was nothing new. Men screwed up the Law given to Moses, so God had to intervene and so therefore sent the Messiah to fulfill the Law. And by the righteousness of His sacrifice, we have a means to receive salvation if we believe on that alone. We can do nothing in and of ourselves. This is a common misconception by many self righteous proclaiming Christians. This does more damage than good and only detracts from the purity of the work of Christ.

Whenever the focus is not on God, this happens. Its our nature as fallen men with a sinful nature. I say if you want to hate the church or the Christian faith, that's your business. But please, hate it for the right reasons. Men are the problem and not God.

I still maintain that God himself loves you no matter what you may think. And his love is not tainted with strings attached to your wallet or church attendance, or anything else.
You can be the most morally corrupt person this planet has ever known today. But if you repent of your ways and ask for forgiveness and believe on the finished work of God, you will receive grace for your actions. A free gift and no judgement attached.

It is the hardest thing to grasp for most people. You have a choice of accepting that or not. What you do with that is ultimately up to you and I nor anyone else can make you decide.

But know this, that the Gospel has come near to you.

Maybe this will be dissected and torn to peaces by those of you whose consciences have been seared, but for those of you who read this and by God's grace are made to understand. I am already praising God for you. Welcome to the family.

11 years ago

this is god speaking. i just wanted to say youve all been very naughty. now make sure you all pray to me tonight because i am not happy and my hemorrhoids are coming back. and to all you naughty little athiests out there, stop being so factual and making so much common sense you're making my people look stoopid. and to my followers, dont listen to a word, i swear to god i do exist, so make sure you come to church on sunday and donate all your money. if you dont you know what will happen. - GOD

Joshuah Kelly
Joshuah Kelly
11 years ago

The very first sentence is false, I have no hope for this film.

Nicola-Jane Wiseman
Nicola-Jane Wiseman
11 years ago

Could Jesus come along like an incognito pizza delivery guy or would he kiiind of come along as himself? Coz I asked once that he come into my life and the pizza delivery guy knocked on the door.

11 years ago

@ All you Atheists & Christians,

This website has some really good documentary about debates between Atheists and Christians, perhaps it is long time since even this one was also added here:

Debate - William Lane Craig vs Christopher Hitchens - Does God Exist

One of the Gurus of Atheism seems to have a great time in this debate.

I am sure this debate video will come here very soon. After all the guys running this website are such fair minded ones...

Marc Thomas
Marc Thomas
11 years ago

Christians were a cult and still are. Religion/Cult. I see no difference. I don't judge the people of any religion because many are good peopled but the only difference between a religion and a cult is that the religion will tag the cult as evil or what have you and the cult itself could care less. The Zeitgeist author doesn't need to site anyone to prove christianity is just an extension of the old ways because the oldest symbols and art speak for themselves. The sitings in zeitgeist are just people giving an interpretation of these symbols. when looking at the physical facts any rational person can see relation between paganism and christianity but the first christians were pagans and Jews so there should be much overlap. The stories they knew as pagans just became part of the bible. it seems the writers of this doc doesn't know much about astrology either in fact even less than that of the original zeitgeist. Religious texts were not meant to be taken literally either. Mythology is meant to keep help our understanding of who were are as human beings and is also important for our understanding of where we have come from as human beings. There is no written interpretation of Egyptian stories from those times because they spoke the myth and didn't write it down. There is no literal equal to jesus just as there is no literal equal story to Horus and any mythological being. Each story has original parts but all share parts at some point. the bible and jesus some of the lesser interesting stories because unlike the older stories we are meant to believe at least in the past few centuries that the word is literal. India has some of the oldest stories known to man and these do not need to be interpreted because they still exist! Stories of virgin births Resurrection and space battles with aliens. Not even going to get into your comments on roman greek mythology because this is getting annoying and boring. You have presented a work just as unbelievable as zeitgeist. As soon as you mentioned the Masons and entered the realm of conspiracy theory your work here became just as equal to zeitgeist no better and not any more credible. zzz zzz zzz

11 years ago

"I know that I know nothing" Socrates.

There is something else that we all know exists that nobody can prove..... your internal dialogue that voice inside your head. How do you prove that?

...because greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world.
"I am God " oh yeah you are too.

11 years ago

This documentary (NOT) is a church service disguised as a documentary. It has no basis in reality and it argues points for which it has no evidence to back it up. I am willing to bet it was funded by a religious organization that consists of a bunch of republican right wing nut jobs. My suggestion to them is get a life. Don’t waste your time watching this propaganda biased bull.

11 years ago

What part of this simple sentence do you religious dumb f--ks not undersand?????

11 years ago

hahaha brilliant!
ever thought of writing a book? sounds like you're worth a follow...

Malachi Molina
Malachi Molina
11 years ago

Ughh so I either take the apostle Paul's view on jesus or madame Blavatkly's view that jesus was an astrological space ghost.What happen to Truth.I need to know the truth.The Truth probably is that we all come up with convenient opinions and assumptions to serve our own agenda;which both the zeitgeist and this film do ... So who was the real jesus (if he really existed) and what was he truly like?

Dawid Crafford
Dawid Crafford
11 years ago

My Religious Philosophy is simple, I would rather believe that the diamond ring I lost Is still somewhere in my house and to one day find it. Atheist believe that the diamond will never be found and give up because it is the easier option because it releases them from the responsibility of searching.
There is absolutely no solid proof that god doesn't Exist just as much as there is no proof to the contrary so why do Atheist feel like they can take some sort of "Intellectual" High ground because their priests are called scientists.I know some radical Christians and I Dislike them just as much as the next guy and honestly a lot of them are a bit strange but on the other hand ive only met a handful of atheist that have solid personalized opinions and arguments....Most just adopt their smartest buddy or role models Philosophy... I believe until proven wrong, not the other way around. Some might say they would prefer to not to have God exist but In my Opinion, They are either lying to themselves or have a fear of eternity which is a scary thought.

11 years ago

This film, Zeitgeist Refuted, does not refute anything whatsoever. It is a bunch of fundamentalist religious people citing their belief and faith as proof of God, then supporting their ejaculations with more belief, then more faith, and then to top it all off they close with even more belief and even more faith. They offer not one shred of fact or evidence to support their claims. It may be news to many in the general public, but the information in the religious part of Zeitgeist is old, well accepted hat in academia. That Jesus is a myth contrived partly from earlier god myths, and partly from a Markan composite of characters from the Homeric epics is well know and widely accepted by thousands of historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, linguists, classical studies scholars, theologians, etc., in the US and around the world. This fact seems new to some people because most scholars (in the US at least) don't publish their research findings to the general public, because they know they will be viciously attacked by christians.

12 years ago

I'm waiting for 'Zeitgeist: Refuted: Refuted'. Let's face it, those of us that have families and jobs that take up our time, the only way to come to some kind of decision on what is real and what is hearsay, is to pick and chose which doc's and books to read and form your own opinions. Short of being a biblical scholar where you get paid to read the various scriptures and the enormous amount of books about them, there is no way a layman can have enough information to be sure about anything.

That being said, while part of me feel that Zeitgeist is truly a conspiracy theory and not representative of any truth, it is so well laid out and cohesive as to be very persuasive. This 'Refuted' doc however is so all over the place it is difficult to even follow or process any of it. And it comes off as more trying to disprove something instead of trying to prove it. A disproof doesn't mean proof.

I am not a religious person but I am not so set in that that I am not open to ideas that may change my mind in the future. This doc however doesn't come close to changing my opinion.

Shawn Stetsko
Shawn Stetsko
12 years ago


I will say first that I am an atheist, and this work does not convince me to change that, though it definitely tries. I will say, however, that if you pay attention to it it is a much more competent presentation of a Christian defense than the vast majority of what we usually see, and it does throw enough opposition on the possible roots of Christianity as presented in Zeitgeist to make me accept that Zeitgeist may quite possibly have this point wrong. However, to call this a refutation of the entire precept of Zeitgeist is also in error... absolutely. In feeling threatened by the presentation of Christianity in Zeitgeist the creator of this work missed the much larger, and ultimately more important arguments that Zeitgeist sets out to present. In fact, I think if the author here had not been so impulsively reactionary he might have found that he, and the bible, in many ways validate the ideas of Zeitgeist and the two can quite reasonable co-exist.

How do Zeitgeist and the bible's views on usury compare?
How do they compare on the value of war?
How do they compare on the true value of a person?
How might a GOOD Christian interpret man's role as the stewards of the Earth-- is it to be exploitative or symbiotic?

In fact, in an interview with Peter Joseph he commented that there are many things he likes in the bible, he just sees the evil in its application as a religion, and the division it has spawned amongst people. In some ways the author of this work even supports this claim, but he is careful to keep saying true Christians believe in peace, love, and harmony, and argues that many (if not almost all) are not true to the bible or Christ's teachings. I will not concern myself with how he knows his IS the true faith-- I believe he is trying to be true to his own moral compass. I will not get into every detail of his 'refutation', which are in at least a few cases apparently not more validated than the passages to the contrary in Zeitgeist. In fact, I think it unfortunate that Zeitgeist gave so much attention and such prominent placement to the views on Christianity, since it must so polarize many people's responses that for many it render's them incapable of moving on and finding the value in Zeitgeist... it creates the most division on this point alone, and undermines the message.

Take Zeitgeist with a grain of salt... sure. It would be contrary to the message of Zeitgeist not to. But in getting caught up in the issue of the existence or absence of God, do not throw out the baby with the bathwater.

12 years ago

"The first real parallel of a dying and rising god does not appear until A.D. 150, more than a hundred years after the origin of Christianity. "



That's enough right there to stop me even watching this video.

12 years ago

Why is it, that the most discussed topics here are religion-based? We as a civilication are at the brink of collapse, and people are still shoving their heads in the sand. Religion does not solve any of today's crisis', it only fuels them. All wars fought today (and in the past) are about religion. Millions and millions have been murdered, tortured, mutilated, and deprived of their most basic needs, in the name of God or Allah or whatever you will name it. In my opinion it is the deadliest invention of humankind ever. I lost almost all hope of our species to survive in the future, and as I am to chicken to kill myself, I will turn my back on civilication and go back to the roots of mankind. I'm learning how to survive in the wilds, how to live of the forest, and when I'm ready I will go as far away from here a possible, and let the rest of the world kill itself. And if people don't want to starve, die of dehydration or commit suicide because of all the debts they have, they would be wise to do the same. You don't need money to live, as well as religion. You need food and fresh water. That's all. And nature will provide, if you just know where to look. I believe.... not in god, not in politics, not in financial institutes, not even in mankind... I believe in myself, and thats all the belief I need!!

12 years ago

For me, this film only adds strength to the Zeitgeist series which seems to be able to lay things out in simple logical connected order while Zeitgeist Refuted has all the feel of the endless religious mumbo jumbo and chaotic feeling that religious fanatic puppets live in and crave.

One of the best features of our society is the freedom to express different views on the same issue letting each of us decide for ourselves.

12 years ago

This film, Zeitgeist Refuted, does not refute anything whatsoever. It is a bunch of fundamentalist religious people citing their belief and faith as proof of God, then supporting their ejaculations with more belief, then more faith, and then to top it all off they close with even more belief and even more faith. They offer not one shred of fact or evidence to support their claims. It may be news to many in the general public, but the information in the religious part of Zeitgeist is old, well accepted hat in academia. That Jesus is a myth contrived partly from earlier god myths, and partly from a Markan composite of characters from the Homeric epics is well know and widely accepted by thousands of historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, linguists, classical studies scholars, theologians, etc., in the US and around the world. This fact seems new to some people because most scholars (in the US at least) don't publish their research findings to the general public, because they know they will be viciously attacked by christians.

12 years ago

Why is it that those who don't believe, assume that those who do are afraid of intellectual stimulation? That they are the ones who cannot be questioned, and anyone who disagrees, will have a religious reason. I think that comments like those, show just how limited your own intellectual capacities are. Most consider Newton as the biggest contributor to physics, and he was a believer. How anyone can make generalizations like that , and still expect to be taken as unbiased, is beyond me. I guess that it just goes to show that you don't have to believe to be an idiot.

Matt Kukowski
Matt Kukowski
12 years ago

why is it so hard to think that humans of old times MIGHT just MIGHT look at the stars and the sun? Why are we scared of the Sun?

If you are a Christian and truely believe and KNOW your God to be true... then no one can question that... anyone that does can just be ignored.

So, why is this documentary trying to refute or defend itself just because of some other film? Example: If someone says to me, "I am not a man." I would laugh and walk away. I would not spend hours making a Film trying to reaffirm I was a man...

This is what this Film is trying to do. If the facts of the Astro-Theology were not true or even partially consistant, then why spend all this time making this film to refute it.

The act of making this rebuttal film shows to me even more that The Sun and the stars may have something to tell us.

That does not mean to say it is wrong to have compassion as good Christians do. But, the Bible is all too well used by Dictators and money hungry churches... one must use caution in believing ANYTHING.

Zeitgeist or Bible.

12 years ago

This can't and shouldnt be called a documentary. To prove Jesus's existence through quoting biblical scripture is just ridiculous. My advice to whoever made this...find a pastime that does not require any intellectual stimulation whatsoever ...Mcdonalds perhaps or better yet become a pastor!!

12 years ago

Zeitgeist Refuted is extremely biased, juvenile, nonsense. A bunch of LIES.
I've been working in the world of academia for over 20 years, and while it has not been widely reported to the public, it has long been well accepted common knowledge within historical linguistics, history, archaeology, and other academic disciplines that the Jesus story is indeed based on other earlier mythologies. There are a few christian scholars who don't like this, but the overwhelming number of scholars around the world agree that the historical evidence is clear -- the Jesus story is hardly original, or compelling.
Please, don't take my word for it. Do your own research. See for yourself.
But research the historical evidence, not the biased, religious, defensive, reactionary barking.

12 years ago

I'm an atheist and I do not believe in a historical Jesus.

Zeitgeist is a pile of trash.

The facts are generally false. And the argument is hugely simplistic and even that simple it's generally wrong on all the facts it claims. You can look up the mythological figures in question and find out what we actually know about those gods cited. The differences are so vast as to summon the specter of lies. It could be that the makers of Zeitgeist simply took Graves' claims to heart and were terrible at the most basic bits of factchecking. But, it's hard to get that wrong without knowing it.

David Scott
David Scott
12 years ago

Zeitgeist is based on fact and exposing fallacy. I don't neccesarily support peter joseph because what he is saying in his documentaries isn't really an epiphany to anybody who uses common sense. This is just some Christian religious bimbo trying to validate religion once again. people just want to be in a box. Not just Christianity was created as political control system, but Islam was too. Why do you think there are so many Arabs in Africa??? Religous conquests . . .

Karma Lodro
Karma Lodro
12 years ago

I can't believe the title of this documentary, or the absolute Biblical gibberish the author hopes will persuade any critical thinker, Jesus did in fact walk the earth. He's refuted nothing from Peter Joseph's film 'Zeitgeist'... thanks for coming out there professor. Feel free to give it another shot if you like...

Alex Edge Totterdell
Alex Edge Totterdell
12 years ago

just about the worst attempt at refuting anything I have ever seen.

12 years ago

jesus is pisces, not leo.
moses time wasn't the ram, it was the end of taurus, the golden calf? abaraham was the ram.
the way the christ could move thru his disciples is as energy, not a person. christ consciousness? you can feel it quite distinctly on shrooms.
jesus wasn't ussuring in the age of aquarius, he was the age of pisces! now, 2000 years later, is aquarius.
this movie is so full of ignorance at only 15 minutes ...

Scott Robert Fudge Alpen
Scott Robert Fudge Alpen
12 years ago

Zeitgeist was about Horus not Osiris you id**t!!! Apologies about the rudeness, it's just so damn obvious if you HAVE watched Zeitgeist!

12 years ago

Id like to find one christian that has never "questioned" their faith, or better yet one that felt like if they didn't go church on Sunday they would be hunted down and dragged into the confession booth, I mean come on is religion any cruder than science? Is it not science that is responsible for the advancement of human warfare and killing on this earth? is the 200,000 people killed in the 200 year history of the crusades not comparable to the the 160,000 killed by the atom bombs the Americans dropped on Japan. Why Is it so shameful when a "christian" kills yet honorable when the word christian is removed?

Amor Malakain
Amor Malakain
12 years ago

For more info about how Christianity is just story of symbolized and personified version of astrology watch The Naked Truth. They go more in depth with examples and religions and even explain where 'Amen' came from and noah's arc and so on. I do believe people should be spiritual, but organized religion with never take you to your spiritual limits. Faith = submission without question = control over you. Control = Power. Power leads to corruption. Christianity in theory may not be corrupt. No, objective person can say that any organized religion to has not been without corruption, and many say it is today. Televangelists for example.

carolina munoz
carolina munoz
12 years ago

I would rather to have been created by something greater than I rather than to have been created by chance and evolved from a monkey. The real issue here is Organized religion and the fact that it segragates people. I am not branded, but that doesn not mean I dont beleive jesus existed! If I could meet just one person fact or fictional it would be jesus because he seems like a cool guy, all he wanted was for us to love one another...is that really so wrong????

12 years ago

This "documentary" is an insult to honesty, integrity and intelligence. The makers of this film stretch the truth, twist the facts, and in some cases downright lie. I've asked my students to watch this film as an example of religious propaganda in its most sordid, and ridiculous, form. The makers of this film are clearly desperate to twist reality into what they want to, need to believe. Please, watch this film, take notes, then do some basic research. Every argument they make is easily proven to be nonsense. Don't take anyone's word for it. See for yourself what silly, desperate, deluded trash this film is.

12 years ago

Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

'Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!'

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought —
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood a while in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One two! One two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

'And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

12 years ago

This "documentary" is an insult to honesty, integrity and intelligence. The makers of this film stretch the truth, twist the facts, and in some cases downright lie. I've asked my students to watch this film as an example of religious propaganda in its most sordid, and ridiculous, form. The makers of this film are clearly desperate to twist reality into what they want to, need to believe. Please, watch this film, take notes, then do some basic research. Every argument they make is easily proven to be nonsense. Don't take anyone's word for it. See for yourself what silly, desperate, deluded trash this film is.

Aaron Deville
Aaron Deville
12 years ago

Bill wynne, the number one cause of Atheism is NOT Christinans.
It is from the understanding of Science, And the Truth.
And not liven in some dream world that you cant wake from.

Bill Wynne
Bill Wynne
12 years ago

I am a Christian and as painful as watching this video is I realize that they are getting their facts about Christianity not from apostolic Christianity but from primarily Catholicism. Good research of the history of the infiltration of all the paganism in Christianity is linked back to Constantine.

The number one cause of Atheism is Christians. There is so much hypocrisy and it needs to change. This is a very thought provoking video and has merit but will send people reeling if they have no foundation and are not willing to take time to prove things for themselves after watching the movie.

Greed is taking over the world, the fat lady is tuning up and the s#%t is about to hit the fan. What do I do? What do you do? Is it worth thinking about?

Briän David York
Briän David York
12 years ago

This movie is as bad as the original ZeitGeist movie. Both rely upon bad or no scholarship, and both make hundresds of claims that are contreversial and could be talked about for hours. But why do that when you can make hundreds of sweeping generalizations without taking into consideration the 2000 years of reasearch and thinking that have been done. Also the editing on this movie was horribe. There are too many scenes where there are multiple images superimposed and moving around. The people who like Zeitgeits were ultra-liberals before they watched the movie, and the people who like this movie were Christians before they watched it. Both are terrible.

12 years ago

He is GOD he is the alpha and the omega he has always been there and will always be there. One day you will meet your Creator face to face i assure you of that.

12 years ago

If God is fake then who created you?

12 years ago

This is PAINFULLY stupid.
Poor religious people, I feel sorry for them. Really.

12 years ago

Ya this doc was disproved within 2 months of coming out, it is entirely bullshit put forward by christian propagandists. By watching this you will in fact become less informed although I must say, that if you do watch it, pay attention to how the christian Right literally dismantles themselves as the film progresses and how full of holes it becomes. Funny stuff. Nothing to gawk about tho, sorry. God is still fake, quit being childish people.