Earth: Making of a Planet

Earth: Making of a Planet

2010, Science  -   94 Comments
Ratings: 8.05/10 from 148 users.

Earth: Making of a PlanetImagine cameras have been around since the creation of Earth to record every major event.

Take a photographic journey through time from the violent birth of our planet four and a half billion years ago, through ice-ages, massive volcanic eruptions and the dinosaurs' reign to the first humans. For the first time, see the incredible story of our planet unfold in one single, seamless camera move.

The history of our planet is an epic journey. From its birth out of cosmic rubble to the unique complex of land, sea, atmosphere and life we know now. See how water was transported to Earth's surface inside millions of meteors.

Through CGI recreations, meet the inhabitants of Earth over the ages, from slimy mats of algae to the great dinosaurs and the ancestors of mammals and humans.

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2 years ago

Is that documentary on Blu-ray If it is where can I buy it? I really want it on Blu-ray with that narrator

2 years ago

Camera guy is built diffrent

5 years ago

If you get the message that the video is "unavailable", use a VPN to watch it as Google is tracking you and not allowing it to be viewed in certain countries. (Google's Pres-CEO is basically a puppet of every gov't on earth, remember?). I just downloaded the entire video using Opera browser as Pale Moon let me know it was "unavailable".

Maxime Daigle
Maxime Daigle
5 years ago

good cameras to see 3900 million years

8 years ago

Outstanding documentary.

8 years ago

this is some incredable stuff! outstanding document! Very nice and conplected details

10 years ago

Man with his finite mind cannot understand and accept the infinite God who created the Heavens and the Earth and all living things on it, so they try to conceive all type of theories of creation!

Elizabeth Wesley
Elizabeth Wesley
11 years ago

Nicely done but it seems to be based on theory and speculation. Nothing said about the incredible variety of life from fleas and millions of other insects, cardinals to all the other varieties of birds, reptiles, animals and all the varieties within the species. Who has ever answered that except the bible. I'm sticking with creation, each after their own kind. Amazes me every time I think about it.

Douglas Soares
Douglas Soares
11 years ago

Only the first minutes concerning the Moon formation are worth watching. As for the rest, you had best watching Walking with Monsters (BBC), for the content and even the animal species shown are the same, only much more detailed on BBC documentary; and Earth Story (BBC), way more accurate and rich in Geology research lines.

Many of the concepts presented by NatGeo are oversimplistic and they tend to treat Evolution and Plate Tectonics theories as all of a sudden process, thing as "The Earth moves again" (as if its plates have ever stopped). As a matter of fact, the name 'The Making of a Planet' is too misleading if you expect a Geology documentary - concepts and scientific data about it are very scarce if not totally inexistent. Again I suggest you see Earth Story - it is not very recent, yet one of the best documentaries ever released - very scientific and informative and has a beautiful soundtrack as well.

Sultan Aman
Sultan Aman
11 years ago

Brilliant stuff. It would be great if we could teach these kinds of documentaries to children in order to plant in them reality and love for science and help them gain an intellect that would combat religious indoctrination.

Matt Kukowski
Matt Kukowski
12 years ago


Jerald Eckman
Jerald Eckman
12 years ago


I typed in Planet earth into the search but was still unable to find the documentary I was referring to!

Jerald Eckman
Jerald Eckman
12 years ago

A while ago (2010) I saw a documentary that was maybe 3 hours long or more (I also believe it was on NAT GEO) that used many of the exact same computer graphics that this documentary used to show the evolution of life on earth from the very beginning all the way up to man... I know it was the same, because the animations for the first crustaceans was identical... This doc I am referring to also used a ticking timeline just as this doc did. I have been searching for it for months but I just can't find it. Does anyone know the name of the doc I am referring to?

12 years ago

And when God created this earth 6000ya he decided to make some of the rocks 3.8 billion years old...

john smith
john smith
12 years ago

Great doc, i agree, but i must say im a little disappoint in hearing many people putting down the religious debate. While i am by no means religious, and do not believe in God at all, i am a scientist and all science is best guess only. We can only progress in science by accepting (believe) in what we have read before, so therefore every scientist works of a belief. In addition to this, within the science world we have to accept that everything we think of as a fact could be proven wrong at anytime. For example, the higgs boson has still not been found after a 40 search, and yet allot of are scientific understanding of gravity relays on this elusive particle existing. If by the end of this year it has still not been discovered, as a community, the science world is now starting to admit it might not exist at all. If this is the case its back to the drawing boards on the subject of gravity, and quite allot of science we teach children now will have to be revised. Therefore at the moment the facts we teach people might not be fact, hence in the science community we speak of chances rather than fact. It is for this reason that any good scientist will never state that God does not exist. Yes people cant prove a God exists, but like wise we cant disprove it, and any good scientist will not condemn a theory unless proof can be presented one way or the other. It must also be pointed out that while science has explained allot, there is sill much room in the theory's of the present day to allow for the existence of God.
So for all you people putting the religious argument down for them not being able to prove the existence of God, i challenge you to prove he does not exist. Can you not see you are doing to them what you claim they do to science, use no evidence what so ever to come to a conclusion.

12 years ago

I would like it if the programe "The universe" came back.. PLEASE

Igor Sokolov
Igor Sokolov
12 years ago

Super documentary. Made me search Internet to find answers to many debatable questions like origin of water on Earth and origin of oxigen on Earth. Still no firm answers to these two let origine of life alone....

Austin Slay
Austin Slay
12 years ago

this was a fantastic documentary for anyone who loves our planet!

12 years ago

amazing documentary..really shows you that we're just a fart on this planet. loved the comments by everyone especially the ones praising the science and slamming all the BEARDS... why can't they just stop and accept the facts!
i'd love to see a part 2 showing us the projected geological movements of earth.. if they can go back 4.5 billion years they definitely can go forward!!

Paul Rohe
Paul Rohe
12 years ago

Well, I liked this documentary, considering they try to explain such vast expanses of time is 90 mins it was not a bad overyview. Agree with one comment below, a future doc speculating on the next 4 billion years would be fascinating. Also, why just someone always have to bring up the god thingy, no proof for god, never has been, never will be, just a load of circular reasoning to to fill the gaps in science, science progresses, religion does not so what are you god believers gonna do in say 100 or 200 hundred years from now when the gaps are smaller & fewer in number, oh well. GOD BLESS ATHEISM !

Thomas Chang
Thomas Chang
12 years ago

Six days ? or six periods of time that equal to 13.5 billion years, depending on how you " TRANSLATE" the word "day" in Hebrew !!!!

12 years ago

From what i have read, I believe it took six days too create the Earth
and the Heavens.Not Millions of years.

Ina Thune
Ina Thune
12 years ago

There is a big gap between a universe of chemicals, to single cell organisms. One cell alone is about a million times as advanced as the best supercomputers we have today. It just cant come to be from chemicals floating around. Im not religious, but for me its clear that there is something completely outside our capacity of thinking, that makes the real explanations.

Charles Lozada
Charles Lozada
12 years ago

Wait! there must be an error here. the earth is only 6015 yrs old!! I believe it because the bible tells me so.We are descendants of Adam and Eve and she was created from Adams rib! The origin of life and the "chosen people" was in Babylonia.
Jus' kiddin' folks!

Peter Gallagher
Peter Gallagher
12 years ago

so looking forward too the better version made by the bad comments belowe I liked it but thanks and waiting for for below version ??

12 years ago

Computer animation is getting better every time. 90 minutes to show how the earth formed and evolved and changed many times was explained quite well.
Perhaps there will be a documentary that uses past history to conjecture on what the planet will do in the next billion years.

12 years ago

they didn't go over the origin in life in great detail because:
a - this was a short overview of the history of the planet
b - the origin of life must necessarily be a very complex process
c - we dont have much knowlege about the matter

it was a nice doc - i especially liked the presentation of the early volcanic landmasses accreting into cratons & then continents.

would LOVE a detailed, animated presentation of the best current geological theories about early continental formation , AND some explanations why the continents seem to periodically come together to form supercontinentLand.

Dave-tox Lampert
Dave-tox Lampert
12 years ago

indeed, the questions of the origin and early development of life are very poorly covered in this doc. The general geological history is quite good. Killer visuals too.

Dave-tox Lampert
Dave-tox Lampert
12 years ago

significant unanswered question no. 1; at 13:30 it says that a meteor storm at 3.8 bya left minerals like "carbon and primitive proteins made of amino acids" into the earth system. How did those proteins, or even the amino acids form? where did they come from? Until we answer questions like these, we are no closer to the answer of the origin of life than the cavemen were.

kris sto
kris sto
12 years ago

Magnificent !

Lloyd Hendsbee
Lloyd Hendsbee
12 years ago


12 years ago

Mind blowing stuff, the time, millions and billions of years.

12 years ago

Great Doc. I've been on a serious geology kick lately; it's amazing to think (or try to think) in geological time - frames that span hundreds of millions and billions of years. In order to grasp it at all, you need to throw out your internal clock and think about "apes walking upright" as if it happened yesterday. The scale of history is immense.

I once read somewhere, a statement that I always return to in my mind - that if you compressed geological time into a one-thousand page novel, human existence would be the period at the end of the very last sentence in the book.

We are simply "Evolution - Ver. 4,500,000,000.2012". A basic "software update" of life that's been happening since the beginning.

12 years ago

90 mins of pretty pictures, worth every one of them if only for the bewildered look on my little girls face. Great to see the cogs turning :)
Wonder how long before this gets hijacked by the Jesus Army ;))

oh, just read the comments.

12 years ago

After watching this amazing documentary, you would expect most would be amazed by the fact earth was completely covered in snow for millions of years. I mean, really, how crazy is that?!

But it seems we are too busy with our earthly quarrels... OK. If somebody wants to believe in flying horses and burning bushes, I don’t care... They are the ones in a loss. Real life is so much more interesting.

This site is for people who want to know more than what they have been told by their elders.

Wahyudin Syukur
Wahyudin Syukur
12 years ago

Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad have all one thing in common: to remind us that the universe and us the human are created with purpose.

12 years ago years to fill Earth with oxygen!

Jamie Megarity
Jamie Megarity
12 years ago

nice doc :) a lot of guesswork but its a beautiful story with some nice information on forming the atmosphere.

12 years ago

Muhammad ibn Abdullah was not a scientist ;)

12 years ago

This is obviously some kind of joke. Muhammad ibn Abdullah mentioned none of this! And HE spoke to an angel!!!! You Kaffirs have to come up with something better than this OK!?

Ciprian Mustiata
Ciprian Mustiata
12 years ago

Remembers me Miracle Planet... wonderful documentary!