

Nature  -   12 Comments
Ratings: 8.44/10 from 63 users.

GalapagosFollow the filmmakers from the Smithsonian Institute on a visual journey through the lush Pacific Ocean paradise that is home to some of the most precious flora and fauna on the planet. Scattered across the equator, this largely unexplored series of volcanic islands is host to a stunning array of endangered species that remain virtually unknown outside of the archipelago.

Darwin came up with his theory of evolution after contemplating variations in the bodies of birds and land animals isolated for millennia on the islands. But the real focal point of this film lies deep in the islands' waters, where Darwin never got to explore.

Because of currents flowing back and forth between the islands and the Ecuadoran mainland, the evolutionary separateness of the sea creatures (as compared to the land-dwellers) has been diminished, but they are marvelous nevertheless.

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6 years ago

A place of enchantment and contention for Ecuadorian natives who live there. We lived in Ecuador for two years and declined to add our footprints to a once closed ecosystem being rapidly eroded by tourism.

7 years ago

Ever read "Satan Came To Eden"? Great story about a strange German couple who decided to colonize an uninhabited island in the Galapagos in the 1930s. You can get it on Amazon.

Isabella davis
Isabella davis
7 years ago

Beautifully filmed and narrated ....great way to start the day...on my list of magical places to see one day...

8 years ago

I love this documentary who knew that the world could be so beautiful it is just outstanding how everything is

John Simon
John Simon
11 years ago

It's Human Nature to search out the most pure of everything, without knowing the cost. Fact is, We have known the cost for hundreds of years. Whenever man touches with ignorant hands, It spells certain death for whatever we touch.

11 years ago

Many thanks for posting this..

lex lexich
lex lexich
12 years ago

great doc, but with the sad reality factor at the end

13 years ago

why do we do things like this? it's just wrong.

13 years ago

Is it so wrong to just leave the Galapagos Islands alone? Is there not any irony in the fact that introducing new plants and wildlife to the area is not only killing off the native wildlife, but the introduced wildlife as well? No wonder there is natural disasters, we deserve them.

Thomas M
Thomas M
13 years ago

Great doc mixing stunning images of the wildlife with a historical context.

Unfortunately in the HD version starting from the second part the episodes are out of sequence.

14 years ago

Wow, this is just an amazing documentary. Every image shows the beauty of nature at its best.

14 years ago

Amazing documentary, i am surprised no one else commented on it. I never realized how remarkable the Galapagos really is. If only everyone could just stop for a moment and realize how beautiful the world they are living truly is.