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2011, Psychology  -   115 Comments
Ratings: 7.44/10 from 115 users.

AnimaAnima from Dominoes Falling Productions, is a feature length documentary using a collaboration of various material.

The film examines our relationships with ourselves, others and the environment around us.

Other themes include our creativity and our power as individuals and as a collective to manifest our own reality.

an·i·ma - The Latin translation of the Greek word psyche.

1. The inner self of an individual (soul); a relationship with that which is greater than self.

2. Expressions of the unconscious or true inner self of an individual (Carl Jung's school of analytical psychology).

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2 years ago

Where did this video go?!?It's been deleted everywhere!!! I agree. something is going on. It was too profound, they don't want anyone thinking that outside the box.

5 years ago

The video has been deleted from every single site on the web. Something going on here, I can't get in contact with falling dominoes.. Please re upload!!!

5 years ago

Can't find this docu anywhere, someone has backup since this mirror seems down?

5 years ago

I personally find it distracting the way film was put. Visuals with subtitles while philosophers talk in the background. Some bits are way too loud others too quiet. I found no balance here and struggled to concentrate. Its is a good idea of the film tho, i am a sucker for philosophy, shame i didnt like it

urban dweller
urban dweller
6 years ago

Great video! Love it. Deserves a 2nd run-through!

7 years ago

Loving this, although the reoccurring playback problem is annoying..

michael mathwig
michael mathwig
7 years ago

what video!? Theres no show. Says its not here!

8 years ago

I think this documentary has some amazing insights and words of wisdom. Indeed, I agree that the society in which we live is currently built upon weak foundations that don't complement true development in life. However, I have to say that this documentary was difficult to really enjoy because there was a lack of coherence and substantial discussion/data. Nonetheless, I'm also aware that this is just my opinion and there may be a lot of people who have enjoyed this... it is indeed a commendable doze of positive radicalization and ambition & we all need this in order to start something amazing. Maybe I just prefer less dramatic effects and a slightly more objective exchange of ideas/worldviews :)

8 years ago

I think people need to just stop taking **** so seriously. To me this was just somebody's expression of how they see the world. It's a raw representation of opinions, collective knowledge, and media. Watch it. Enjoy for what it is. Or not. But just because somebody presents an idea, that doesn't mean they are forcing their agenda on you lol.

Steelman V
Steelman V
9 years ago

This is no documentary. Its a mish-mash of peoples opinions. Many are just repeating the thoughtless popular mantras of those who rebel just for rebellions sake, without ever really understanding what they are rebelling against. They use absolutes, saying 'all' society is bad, etc. and ignoring the difficult truths in life - we don't always get to do only what we enjoy (in reality, life is unpleasant sometimes, life is work, not everyone gets to do only what they enjoy) and that society and religion have survived the centuries because they work! they do some good! And religion *really can* help us in our relationship with god. This film just rambles on and on with new-age rhetoric with no clear point or organized thought, made more to "look cool" than to find truth.

Jodie Smith
Jodie Smith
9 years ago

A-MAZ-ING, my favorite documentary now. It is long so it's a bit hard to soak in everything so I will re-watch in segments as I always need a good reminder to be aware. Make sure to watch til the very end when Stephen Fry goes on about the haters who leave comments. I never heard of Joe Rogan before (although he looked familiar) and now I am a hugggge fan, way to call it how it is, especially when the kid says "I want to be a nightclub owner," love it!

9 years ago

dont let the rating on this video fool you its absolute rubbish - VAPID !

10 years ago

Cheezy, useless mental can do anything! you are special! don't let the man get you down! nothing against the great men who have been quoted, they are cool guys...but this film is garbage

10 years ago

amazing, quite scary. I think more people should watch this.

10 years ago

This is a propaganda film for the non-dualistic view of reality. Well made, though. Better than Kymatica.

10 years ago

This is a propaganda film for non-duality and the anonymous movement. Not that there is a problem with either. This film is better than Kymatica.

anna miller
anna miller
11 years ago

Dominoes Falling Production, Joe Rogan, comedian is the dinner host. this is fantastic. Intense revelation.

Guests at the party: Alan Watts w/voiceover from South Park animator,

Bjork sings live with full symphony. It is about opening up or shutting down, attitudes that will allow you to bypass your ego. Stephen Fry on Everything. Terrence McKenna unleashed. "The lacking ingredient is

courage." George Carlin. You do it or it does you. Jacque Freso from the Venus Project. Carl Sagan. A short film from Nature By Numbers, A younger Peter Joseph, of Zeitgeist, Good art clips. Deal with the raw data and trust yourself. Liberate yourself from the illusion of culture. Kymatica and Krishnamurti, We Are The Gnostics, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, Tell society to F-off, they don't know what to do. Take responsibility for what you think and do. self-governance. A Fave*****

11 years ago

Worth to watch dco, however, the background music is too loud and repetitious in some parts and annoying to the point that concentration becomes impossible.

Steve J
Steve J
11 years ago

This is probably the closest to truth. I am thankful for getting a chance to see this pure lay out of true life. Thank you for posting this video!

11 years ago

Some ideas were so much alike those discussions I hear once in a while between young people in the society I live. There is something! Definitely worth watching and remind yoursfelf whys do are we here..

11 years ago

Rambling nonsense. I gave up after David Icke going on and on about how we make our own reality. If so, why doesn't he create a reality where we are not ruled by soul eating lizard people?
No consistency. No real message. Looks like a guilt alleviation exercise for a bunch of spoiled egos in our society who don't have to do real work for a living. So they just pontificate about how creative they are, which is good for them as they sure cannot connect two rational, coherent thoughts together.Doubt if they'd dig a ditch, build a house or clean the streets, either.

How can a thing have a "relationship with itself"? It IS itself and can only have relation with others. Seems like the makers are oblivious to non-dual teachings. Some quotes from Alan Watts taken out of context.

Don't forget: there is nothing wrong with the system. Social change is pointless as we are already living in the best of all possible worlds. All thats wrong is YOU!!!! But don't worry, you can be fixed by buying my book, CD, DVD and enrolling on my "fulfill your potential" course.

And if you don't like this comment. The "don't like" is only your attitude. Why did you make a reality with this comment in it, anyway?

11 years ago

A lot of great ideas. Could filter out some segments though.

11 years ago

Definitely deserves a second (and third) viewing. Brilliant, just brilliant!

11 years ago

interesting but why does these American social philosophical documentaries have to have frequent moments of nauseating cheesy emotionally stimulating music. to get through to the common being? don't get me wrong, some of the music and lyrics are awe-inspiring. the other instrumental moments...ugh...

Kay Gibbs
Kay Gibbs
11 years ago

They still think we are a bunch of animals they jsut let out of the Millbank prison in England.

Kay Gibbs
Kay Gibbs
11 years ago

Must keep the masses ignorant

11 years ago

illuminati or as pac said it killuminati cuz hes killin that illuminate ****

Dominic Bass
Dominic Bass
11 years ago

Does anyone know if the upside-down free you're mind Pyramid symbol has a name? or know a link where i can find the picture?

Ben Shepherd
Ben Shepherd
11 years ago

depressing that the video has been blocked in the USA

Patri Ortiz
Patri Ortiz
11 years ago

does anyone know how I can see the film with english subtitles?

Pete Gannon
Pete Gannon
11 years ago

jk, it was blocked.

Pete Gannon
Pete Gannon
11 years ago

agree with emoem.., it definitely needs more bitches.

11 years ago


11 years ago

where´s the women speakers/thinkers/teachers in this documentary? if you want to inspire humanity, why leave out half of it? meaning; talking about humans as "man", addressed by men.

Evan Stuart
Evan Stuart
11 years ago

f****** america. It's blocked.

Milos Milenkovic
Milos Milenkovic
11 years ago

the only way for someone to not be inspired by this meaningful movie is that he did not understand it.

11 years ago

i dont think it needs your aproval to slap you in the mouth this is a compilation of observation where does your fear baced banter or opinion typed at the bottom of a beautiful multi midia araingement witch is positivly charged to help people who have lost hope in there lives expect to do at all but look like id**dic fefnicute .who the f--k care about spelling exept someone trying to miss the point...

12 years ago

this is trite in the extreme. Pseudo-spiritual self-help manual for tweenies.
without doubt the worst bunch of introspective, shallow, wank i have seen in a while - i guess in this respect it is memorable

Ken Shaw
Ken Shaw
12 years ago

joe rogan is my effin hero. wake up sheeple!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

Got it ... Sail by Awolnation
Just had to read a few posts :))
Awesome doc.

12 years ago

Could please someone help?
The intro song. Who is it?
Help if you can :)

12 years ago

Excellent presentation! a must watch.

12 years ago

I just started watching but from their choice of intro music I know this is gonna be an awesome one :)

12 years ago

Wow...Amazing and well developed movie...helped my reset my view of life a Music Melody that is to be enjoyed and built-adjusted into better states on a day to day bases rather than waiting for distant Goals before earning the momentary feeling of Successful.

12 years ago

Powerful film. Insights from some of the greatest minds of the time.Take the time to watch you will not be disappointed. Oh yeah, and theres some good tunes ;)

12 years ago

Star dust = Start us

The whole fake 3d reality is a gigantic subliminal suggestion.

..the DAZE of the WEAK. we have all been had by the light bringer mind set

Brandon Aalberg
Brandon Aalberg
12 years ago

i guess you can learn alot about a society by how they treat there chickens

Brandon Aalberg
Brandon Aalberg
12 years ago

those poor chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lona mafaufau
Lona mafaufau
12 years ago

I don't usually write comments on this site, although I do read through a lot of the comments by other 'topdoco' members. However, after watching this documentary, I am deeply and utterly moved. Sure, like some of the others that have commented, I too don't exactly agree with everything that was presented....and ok the sound/picture quality may not be amazing at times..but man was I challenged! Not for a very long time have I had to really look at every aspect of my life, and evaluate ALL that I believe in, in an honest manner. Like, if at all possible, an unbiased manner. Trying to strip myself of conditioning and see what is left underneath is actually like trying to rip skin off to see that there is muscle tissue under there somewhere. It's ******* hard. Seriously. I was going to fall asleep to this, and now I'm sitting up with my thoughts in a flurry.

I know that talk is cheap and what will probably happen is that a lot of us will just watch this, be moved (or not), say something here about what we interpret the message to be and whether we think it's right or wrong...maybe hate on someone for whatever reason...and then...move on. Go to work tomorrow, go to school...whatever it is that we do, and perhaps in a weeks time forget the title of the film and all of its content.


Wouldn't it be great if we could really take a hold of the big picture here, the vision and insight, the power that comes from it and apply it to our every day lives? Well, yea...I think it'd be great. Like, I actually genuinely, sincerely think it'd be great. Yes, life is ******* complex and I'm not delusional, I know watching this doco won't save the future of mankind by sunrise...but it's something. It's got me thinking. It is.............something.

Don't know why I'm still writing now. Energy outlet.


Wtf = my first thought when thinking about being made out of exploded star bits.

Challenge to self: don't forget.

To the creator of this site, and your team who make it possible to access this treasure...thank you. "Heaps" , however that is defined ;)

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
12 years ago

This was amazing, love it, really inspiring! I'll be watching it again