Capitalism: A Love Story
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Capitalism: A Love Story

2009, Society  -   202 Comments
Ratings: 7.07/10 from 44 users.

Capitalism: A Love StoryMichael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story comes home to the issue he's been examining throughout his career: the disastrous impact of corporate dominance on the everyday lives of Americans (and by default, the rest of the world).

But this time the culprit is much bigger than General Motors, and the crime scene far wider than Flint, Michigan. From Middle America, to the halls of power in Washington, to the global financial epicenter in Manhattan, Michael Moore will once again take film goers into uncharted territory. With both humor and outrage, Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story explores a taboo question: What is the price that America pays for its love of capitalism? Years ago, that love seemed so innocent.

Today, however, the American dream is looking more like a nightmare as families pay the price with their jobs, their homes and their savings. Moore takes us into the homes of ordinary people whose lives have been turned upside down; and he goes looking for explanations in Washington, DC and elsewhere.

What he finds are the all-too-familiar symptoms of a love affair gone astray: lies, abuse, betrayal... and 14,000 jobs being lost every day. Capitalism: A Love Story is both a culmination of Moore's previous works and a look into what a more hopeful future could look like. It is Michael Moore's ultimate quest to answer the question he's posed throughout his illustrious filmmaking career: Who are we and why do we behave the way that we do?

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6 years ago

Free trade without rules is a cheater's paradise, whether capitalism or communism. Cannot be cured by Consumer Protection Bureau to level the playing field. Needs the morality of scruples even churches no longer teach enveloped in the system of sink or swim called Capitalism the way we allow it to be unleahed among corporates and banking, even in government & Congress. Autocrats choice of winners and losers, emboldened by the power they hold, and seek to misuse it for their own benefit. Trump is the perfect example too many tolerate to preserve the system in hopes they one day will become such a winner, the object of his show, The Apprentice, where the show taught the dark side of capitalism and entrepreneurial spirit - the benefit of greed and malice toward all as the new spirit of America?

8 years ago

To everyone here complaining about MM claiming "capitalism" when it should be "corporatism":

If you had heard/viewed any of Moore's myriad interviews, website articles/comments, or read any of his books, you'd already know that he's stated multiple times he has no problem with the concept of capitalism. Nor does he have a problem with the concept of profit, conservatism, or those who wish to carve out a better life for themselves involving bigger and better things.

His problem is that corporatism in all its excessive greed IS what capitalism has become today. It is no longer defined as the simple concept of a business struggling to stay fresh and competitive while remaining beneficial - it's now defined as a system where businesses are juggernaut entities that have the government in their back pocket, and continually place ridiculous profit margins ahead of anything else, to the point where they literally leave devastation in their wake for the sake of saving a few extra dollars.

The race to acquire to excess dominates American society and it trickles down from these business giants and shady politicians, right to our educational system, media, and our pop culture - in a way that is staggering when compared to any other advanced nation in the world.

The people of the U.S. take this rat race toward the American Dream for granted, and all the while the entire system of shady business practices, outsourcing, downsizing, lay-offs, grossly uneven distribution of funds, for profit healthcare, poor education, etc., can all so easily be eliminated should the people realize THEY have the power to instill regulation, standards, ethics, and a little humanity into how everything is run in their country.

10 years ago

This by far is my favorite Michael Moore movie. He stays on topic, he stays off camera for the most part and has a very good story to tell of the haves and have-nots.

Rick Conrad
Rick Conrad
10 years ago

20 years in from "Roger and Me" and Michael Moore still continues to be one of the ultimately greatest voices for political sanity I know of, by making what is BY FAR one of the most important documentaries EVER! I'm re-watching it at home, and realizing TOTALLY, that it is/(was) impossible to get it all on the first viewing... and I'm now also discovering that the DVD extras are truly FANTASTIC! Congressman Elijah Cummings, shedding a tear from his right eye, as he is being interviewed by Michael about the PERMANENT and catastrophic LOSSES being suffered by middle class and poor people, is SO SUPERB! The FDR speech about a new (2nd) Bill of Rights is incredible!!! Spread this film around... it is relevant now more than ever... and its issues are SO crucial to our survival as a species on the planet and any lasting hopes for "We the People" to be free from the obscene + greedy bastards' oppressions! If I were a teacher my class would see this film... whatever I was charged with teaching. Live forever Michael Moore - you are TRULY a saint!!!

10 years ago

The ignorance of economics in this mockumentary film is amazing. BUT WHAT IS MOST AMAZING is the audience who agree with Michael Moron

11 years ago

Mary Brik, you should really do your information and not believe those so-called "facts". Please do your research properly before claiming an argument.

11 years ago

The shortcomings of capitalism cannot be remedied by running head first into the shortcomings of socialism.

11 years ago

"This is capitalism, a system of taking and giving. Mostly taking." Oh, another very well done polemic film by Michael Moore - brilliant at spinning the truth, omitting important information, and painting reality black and white - a master propagandist. He is vague and ambiguous. How about this for example: "This is socialism, a system of taking and giving. Mostly taking." The words capitalism and socialism are perfectly interchangeable and exacts a truth in both ideologies. Or how about this: "This is friendship, a system of taking and giving. Mostly taking." Michael Moore is a very clever man. I just wonder if he realizes that he uses the same tools of persuasion and techniques of propaganda as the government he abhors?

11 years ago

islam is the answer 2 ur problems chek out how the islamic economic system works!!! america is 1 fukd up country and they want 2 go around da world telling other people how 2 establsh "dmcrcy" dat is why islam doesnt deal with usuary of any kind cus it exploits da people!!!!by peggy don

12 years ago

goooooood movie very eye opening

Alex Kirk
Alex Kirk
12 years ago

Capitalism isn't fundamentaally flawed but it allows for too much exploitation. I'm not bothered about statistics and numbers but when 1 per cent of the population of a country not only own 90 per cent of the wealth but also can use that wealth to directly control that country then there is a problem there. Capitalism is a destructive cycle of borrowing, buying selling, debt and borrowing again, and when it does work it works reasonbly well, it's good to most people, but when it dosen't work it has catastrophic consequences, communism dosen't work either, neither does despotism, nor fascism nor it seems democracy. Perhaps we need to find a middle ground, a compromise that gives and takes equally to and from everyone, maybe we need to change our humanity for that to happen but then again do you really want to keep living under this injustice? Just food for thought...

12 years ago

i do not feel that capitalism has failed. i beleive the goverment failed the people and therefore the people should become the goverment. Are forefathers created what they called a near perfect system and unfortunatly this system after many years of service has failed us. it appears the rich have found holes in the system and use it to there advantage. lobbiyst not the people control the votes. we no longer need a house of representives, a senate, a supreme court, or a president. with todays technology the people can vote individually on laws and regulations. why not at the age of eighteen the people recieve a pda that gives a description of the law and a unbiased test to make sure they understand it so they could then vote. hench the eliminations of lobbyist and the rich having control. schools on a highschool level should teach politics to an extent to were they understand the world.

12 years ago

i do not feel that capitalism has failed. i beleive the goverment failed the people and therefore the people should become the goverment. Are forefathers created what they called a near perfect system and unfortunatly this system after many years of service has failed us. it appears the rich have found holes in the system and use it to there advantage. lobbiyst not the people control the votes. we no longer need a house of representives, a senate, a supreme court, or a president. with todays technology the people can vote individually on laws and regulations. why not at the age of eighteen the people recieve a pda that gives a description of the law and a unbiased test to make sure they understand it so they could then vote. hench the eliminations of lobbyist and the rich having control. schools on a highschool level should teach politics to an extent to were they understand the world.

Ulrike Scherer
Ulrike Scherer
12 years ago

What the heck?! Most of the things he blames on capitalism happen just as much, if not worse, in a Communist state. The corrupt law system? Well, try living in f--king North Korea, honey! People in East Germany were usually arrested without even a trace of a fair trial! And the picture he paints of Germany is hilarious - I am German, and I can assure you we are not the promised land where Unions can just fire a CEO, wtf. I love Michael Moore's other docs, but this one is badly researched and based on weird half-facts.

Faiyaz Amin
Faiyaz Amin
12 years ago

Anyone who says capitalism works because it provides a motivation is ignorant and fails to see the bigger picture. Of course it does for a time, but the only way for a seller to make a profit is if the consumer spends and money is transferred from the consumer to the seller. This has, is, and will always result in a perverse exploitation in which the consumer is bound by the expenses of necessities, and can never make a living due to the discrepancies of wealth. For example, a person cannot make a profit out of selling apples if he does not have enough money to buy the apples in the first place, and this is what is happening without regulation of wealth and money. And do you really need to have all these luxuries? Do you really need 5 homes all across America while people are struggling to find a job and living in the back of vans? I hate America as a country because it claims to offer equal opportunity , and yet it seems like only the rich will ever be able to afford good education (and so their children will have more chance of being rich etc.) and healthcare. These need to be nationalised. We Europeans are always antagonised by America because of our socialist principles and yet generally we seem to be the ones who are happier and not being revolutionised by our own people.

Vincent Licitra
Vincent Licitra
12 years ago

Capitalism is best. Not the way it is now practiced. I buy what I want. I persue my goals as best I can. I try, may fail, then try again and may find some success. With what I have I may choose to help others to an extent I feel capable of and willing to. Capitalism is best. Not the way it is now practiced.

Yusiley S
Yusiley S
12 years ago

We're going to end up trading chickens and computer chips... I just know it.

Edited: I forgot to mention that this video upload isn't that good. It kept stopping every five minute or so. Best that you download it from a respectable file downloading program like piratebay.

Larry McKenzie
Larry McKenzie
12 years ago

Gotta get down to it,soldiers are cutting us down!

Nathan Schuh
Nathan Schuh
12 years ago


12 years ago

Capitalism - A failed economic system.

audiotech musician
audiotech musician
12 years ago

Despite the biggest financial catastrophe in history I see there's still some are still selling the "free market" American dream, when it's clear Goldman Sachs et al took advantage of that dream. It's the ideology of "free market" capitalism that is the reason behind the crisis, ie, the deregulation and associated practices was the ideology of "free market" capitalism in concrete practice. The "free market" only exists in fairy tales written by the likes of Hayek and Friedman. It is in reality your worst nightmare.

Boy Wilmsen
Boy Wilmsen
12 years ago

You're talking about the 1000 richest... After rich comes wealthy ;) Those are like 1000 in total... And they don't care about you only about getting more more more and more!!!!!!!!!!!! Those didn't became rich by working hard but just because they were born with the right (blue) blood

Emmett Graham
Emmett Graham
12 years ago

I am amazed that the people of America are now so divided that they will not work together for a common good. This is a sad fact, and our children and grandchildren will pay for our complacency.

Money`s value is whatever people make it, so lets use it for collective goods, not the individual`s greed...

Verity Handlon
Verity Handlon
12 years ago

Essentially and let's keep this simple...the system is not working for the majority.

In this century it is a reality that millions of people from 1st world to 3rd are living in extreme poverty without the basics needed for human existence. This continues because it is profitable.

We are distracted on a daily basis, to want things, to strive to achieve a certain level of existence weighed against wealth and possessions, men and women are sold insecurities through celebrites, make up, miracle cures- all to make us strive for what cannot be achieved, to keep us spending, wanting and indebting ourselves.

While people starve, get kicked out of their family homes because mortgages rocketed without notice or reason, countried where citizens have to pay for health care, education becomes for the wealthy- ostracising the gifted, hard working, creative, passionate people who can't afford to learn...or they do at a higher cost of crippling themselves with debt for years.

Time for everyone to peacefully protest, speak out, take issue with these things and try to make a contribution...

Every year in the UK we are encouraged to give to charity, huge televised events with big celebrity names pushing the public to give and fair play...they really do and raise millions for the sick, needy etc...

How much easier would it be for the top 1000 richest people on Earth to give half of their wealth...truth is the top of the pyramid don't want the whold world to be prosperous, self sufficient and without need...because those countries wouldn't need to borrow any more money and pay high interest either...perhaps they would be less willing to sell their land at flat rate too...

Everything has a reason...
For every suffering, injustice or madness...trace it back...
Often the reason is greed.

marie sylverne
marie sylverne
12 years ago

Amazing movie, very poignant! I am going to use it as a recruitment tool for youth activism at my college, because it is sophisticated yet frank enough to get the point across easily to students, although it doesn't directly go into depth on how the system is screwing students I'll use that as my cue to connect the dots for them. Thank you for taking the time to make such a great work for the people.

12 years ago

The steady privatization of all things natural and otherwise on the planet with the simultaneous consolidation of wealth and ownership of privatized entities indicate a natural evolution of these systems to that of communism. Only instead of the State owning all, private legal "persons" ie corporations will own them. It is no different from the Communist Soviet Union. However, the elite in the USSR simply achieved their goal through the government itself instead of a privatized system for resource annexation. These "persons" are not citizens of any nation and overrule the idea of national borders. Having no physical form to put in jail, the only recourse for these "persons" violations of law and decency is monetary in nature. Given the fact that it is often less costly to break the law and pay fines than to obey the law, we can see the true nature of the corporate state. Politicians go into the system, are processed by a system of legal bribery, and come out stock holders and high profile employees of these banks & companies. And then there's the guys who already had high profile jobs and THEN went into politics (1 of many examples: Cheney). The world has been transformed into the New Rome. The plutocracy have replaced the Emperor. The governments act like the senators. The elite are the true power and represent the land owners. The corporations (eternal and legal persons) and banks are the vessels for the lineages of the elite. Communism / socialism won't work much better. You're still chattel to someone. That is why anarchy is the only way. For you cannot defeat greed. Power corrupts...absolute power corrupts absolutely.

12 years ago

wow..michael moore film as always really really touching and sad.. looked up stock market crash in quick attempt to try to understand it (total dummy in economics)..maybe i didnt get.. but it seems like the whole stock exchange thing is people trading air!! can someone who is bothered please explain how these people get physical paper money not by producing something, not by offering a service.. but by manipulating air!!..i dont get it..

Werst High
Werst High
12 years ago

well, Moore may not be very good in terminology as many of you have pointed out but the message of the film stays.

there are guys who raised millions and even billions of dollars by damning millions and even billions of people to poverty.
I call this a crime against humanity.

I'm from the Czech republic and I can tell you socialism (goverment form of a mild communism) is bad, no doubt about it. But because of abusing human rights and stealing their property, not because of the social welfare. Don't you think this is exactly what the Wall street-driven government has done? Abusing human rights and stealing property?

The problem may not with the capitalism itself but it is with the free market doctrine.

12 years ago

In Eurpoean countries, such as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, the UK, Belgium, Germany, France, there are a lot of very, very rich and wealthy people.And of course a middle class and poor people. These countries are not cummunistic. People of America, you must understand that socialism and communism are not the same. Some countries are also not socialist countries. But they have taken the good from the capatalilsm and the good of the socialism and combined these. This has given the people the basic rights such as a home, education and healthcare. IF you have lilttle money, you dont live in the best area, but you have a warm house in the winter, and you kids dont go to the best school, but nothing stops them from getting a university degree and a good chance in life. Also here houses get reposessed, but on a small scale and much more to blame themselves than a banking system. People are warned before taking out loans and mortgages and the financial regulators are more independant. I am not saying its heaven on earth, but its a lot better and healthier than America. Our systems guarantee the basic needs in life with the option to be succesful and rich if you set yourself to it. So please be open minded and study the alternatives in releatively wealthy countries like the ones mentioned above. You have been dragged into a war in Iraque based on lies, as now everybody knows, and yet the people responsible for these lies, and waste of money and peoples lives are still walking around in freedom and wealth. How do you justifiy this? What if you would have lied in congress under oath?

Phillip Schneeman
Phillip Schneeman
12 years ago

Im a capitalist and support it but im watching this movie to be open minded and understand another view point.

Ralte Croruc
Ralte Croruc
12 years ago

goverment cant be created or destroyed, just transformed

12 years ago

What I find fascinating with people who criticize capitalism is that they ALWAYS do it from a stance of comparing it to perfection.

In essence, their argument always amounts to "capitalism isn't perfect, therefore it's evil" :D

But none of us "capitalism lovers" claims it's perfect or can be perfect. We believe it's the BEST SYSTEM POSSIBLE. It's the system with the most advantages and least disadvantages - not without flaws, not without pain, not without suffering - just the best in real world terms.

The systems they like (instead of capitalism) are always utopian visions that never ever ever ever succeed in practice and always turn out much much much much worse when attempted in practice.

What would you rather have

- An imperfect system that does mostly good, but also some bad, and is upfront about it... Is proven to work better than ALL systems in all the millenia of human existence, in practice.

- A system that claims to be perfect in theory, but when implemented makes everything go to s*it, half the people starving, the other imprisoned... regardless of how well-intentioned it's original theorizers were

12 years ago

Capitalism is the greatest system in the world, man's most beautiful concept. It allows for people to trade actual value for actual value. When followed properly, it is the idel of justice. This movie attacks how capitalism has been abused, though it claims to attack capitalism in and of itself. The Banks certainly did evil and are in the wrong--but not because they are capitalists, but rather because their asking for a bailout is a contradiction to the capitalism they seek to defend. This film should be called something more along the lines of "the sins of plutocracy." Never stop believing in true capitalism---without it we have no freedom.

12 years ago

This film does not argue against capitalism, it argues against how capitalism has been abused. Capitalism is the most ideal system in the world--it values man's mind as his highest asset--which it should be. It allows for productivity to run free. Look at the wonders of Apple, among so many other great companies. The real problem is when professed capitalists undermine capitalism by requesting bail-outs as the banks did. This movie has its fair share of good points, but is filled with bad ones.

12 years ago


Rickie Lee
Rickie Lee
12 years ago

I feel every high school should be required to show this to all students. When will the insanity end?

12 years ago

Great movie, but one thing we have to understand, " For the love of money is the root of all evil". Notice it says ALL evil. All we can do is trust in God and live our lives with God's love. We know this world is going to come to an end because of wickedness. Please people , read 2 Timothy 3:1-4, and that will explain it all. People are going to love pleasure more than God and this we can see. Continue to love one another, and those who are rich be willing to share and ready to help those who are less fortunate. You will still have plenty.

12 years ago

Great documentary, this film is very informitive and real, wake up America change is coming. The most absolute truth is that every thing must and will continue to change. Michael moore takes you on a journey and at the end of that journey is truth. The richest people in this country need you to stay poor it is how capitalism works at the end, in the begining it was all about competing and getting ahead, but once your on top and you want to stay there, well you do the most logical thing, you corner the market so there is know more competition!

12 years ago

Capitalism: A Love Story I LOVE the Movie we need alot more People to open there eyes before its way to late POWER TO THE PEOPLE

12 years ago

Michael let Ronnie Raygun off lightly there. Not only did he give the nation away to the corporations in the 80's, he was a big figure in Hollywood part of the McCarthy witch hunts which were about removing all socialists from positions of influence regardless of whether they were a threat or indeed an asset to America or not.

Thanks to the likes of Raygun et al the actions of that evicted family forcibly moving back into their disused and boarded up home is actually a crime. The actions of the window glass factory, a crime, the actions of the banksters, well thats just business baby.

It is unfortunate that America is only waking up to some of the downfalls of capitalism. Unfortunately the other isms were so thoroughly exorcised from the American soul that to not compete in the "That smells of communism" game is to make election nigh on impossible.

The bad news is you have got a long way to go before the system is taken over by people who value society's welfare (Oooh another dirty word) over the wealth of a small minority of individuals being dressed up as economic theory and policy.

Here in Europe the scourge of the international finance men has had its effect but the song "The International" is actually known by more than history buffs and academics and its ideas though not always practiced have been freely allowed to circulate. I always found it funny how American friends would fail to understand why we had so many strikes over things they felt were trivial but now the web is full of angry voices saying "start the revolution" but dont know how they are started and more importantly how they are put down.

I hate to say it but the very small numbers and lack of solidarity shown in these publicised examples of worker action/community action tell me one thing, when cameras are not there heads are getting cracked and butts dragged to jail. These were nice feelgood tales of hope by a man who thinks he is a socialist or wants socialism.

To be a socialist you must absolutely despise the bankers and politicians under their influence with the same lack of remorse they display in their pursuit for money. Its not a battle of superior ideas but powers. The American press quickly hail people power before any power is ever exercised and the powers that be back off and regroup while their opponents pat themselves on the back and disband. European socialist are aware of that so always take the battle that much further even in the face of criticism by the press and often uninvolved members of the public. The last action of people power in America was The Vietnam era actions.

I hope you take your country back, not for socialism but for yourselves. Learn the words of the international, coz the opposition have been international and united for a while and thus have a massive headstart.

Stand up, damned of the Earth
Stand up, prisoners of hunger
Reason thunders in its volcano
This is the eruption of the end
Of the past let us make a clean slate
Enslaved masses, stand up, stand up
The world is about to change its foundation
We are nothing, let us be all
|: This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human race :|

There are no supreme saviours
Neither God, nor Caesar, nor tribune.
Producers, let us save ourselves
Decree the common salvation
So that the thief expires,
So that the spirit be pulled from its prison,
Let us fan the forge ourselves
Strike the iron while it is hot
|: This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human race :|

he State oppresses and the law cheats
Tax bleeds the unfortunate
No duty is imposed on the rich
The rights of the poor is an empty phrase
Enough languishing in custody
Equality wants other laws:
No rights without duties, she says,
Equally, no duties without rights
|: This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human race :|

Hideous in their apotheosis
The kings of the mine and of the rail
Have they ever done anything other
Than steal work?
Inside the safeboxes of the gang,
What work had created melted.
By ordering that they give it back
The people want only their due.
|: This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human race :|

Workers, peasants, we are
The great party of labourers
The earth belongs only to men
The idle will go to reside elsewhere
How much of our flesh have they consumed,
But if these ravens, these vultures
Disappeared one of these days
The sun will shine forever
|: This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The International
Will be the human race :|

L'Internationale : Eugene Pottier, Paris, 1871.

12 years ago

my speakers are at maximum volume and i can`t hear almost anything

12 years ago

It is a must see movie for voters around the world so they study, select and elect the right government officials.

12 years ago

Advertisements are too loud, sorry.

Angelica Guerrero
Angelica Guerrero
12 years ago

Once again, Michael Moore has exposed the weaknesses in conventional wisdom through wry humor and evocative imagery. Well done.

Carlton Branch
Carlton Branch
12 years ago

Amazing documentary.

Vlatko - I just wanted to take the time to personally thank you for putting this site together and tirelessly working to maintain it. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and my life, my actual human existence, has been made infinitely richer and broader and deeper as a direct result of your efforts.


12 years ago

A common mistake is to confuse soviet communism with socialism which it most certainly is not, despite deriving from it. Socialism is not about everyone having the same, as it has been illustrated by the following statement:

"From each according to their ability to each according to their needs "

Is it not the job of government to regulate and tackle unfairness, ensure that sections of the population do not exploit others and provide services which are either unprofitable or essential to a standard and at a cost that all can afford?

Government that follows the principles of Capitalism should be a system that allows private enterprise but prevents market domination by a single or small group of interests. It should provide efficient means of production but at the same time providing for the needs of those doing the work. Competitive markets that are not essential to the needs of the population should be open to private enterprise and allow a fair opportunity to all who would like to invest in them. They should also encourage the development of new ideas and products that enhance the lives of the population as a whole. Surplus profits should be re-invest into the nation in order to improve the living standards of the population as a whole and thereby produce demand for a wider variety of markets that can then in turn provide greater prosperity for all.

In my view, one of the crucial flaws of modern capitalism is the huge corporations which are bailed out with public money and are then protected by governments in such a way that allows them to become virtual monopolies which is completely against the basic principles of capitalism itself.

Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez
12 years ago

...but we can't deny that most of civilization's advancements throughout history have been achieved because of greed and ambition. In a system where we are all equal and we all have the same living standards, there's little incentive to make a difference. When the scientist next door has the same house and income than the junkie across the street, the scientist would get a little bit pissed... I guess. I'm not defending capitalism, I'm just being a little bit realist.

13 years ago

One thing that people need to understand is that when God created, everything in the world was at the dominion of ALL the people. There was no such thing as property because we as humans were to share all things with each other. However, with greed, love of money, and deception comes a new idea known as Capitalism. No "economic" system works if it is based on currency. Of course the idea of "owning" and "buying" and "renting" property for the other person's profit is something that God never intended to be, but because of sin, deception, and greed, this is how we know the world as it is today. For all things on this earth were meant to be shared by everyone. If one is to fix this evil empire (not just the USA) we live in, one has to consider righting the wrongs which have been in the making for thousands of years.

Gouthambodu Bodu
Gouthambodu Bodu
13 years ago

super and extraordinary movie

13 years ago

Let me in, I have some good ideas lol. That's awesome!