Environment - 6

Fracking in America

Fracking in America

Energy independence. Two words that became very important in the U.S. politics. For years now, the United States has tried to lower its dependence on foreign oil for its energy needs. With stability in the Middle East in question,...

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Global Dimming

Global Dimming

Since measurements began in the 1950s, scientists have discovered that there has been a decline of sunlight reaching the Earth; they called it global dimming. But according to a paper published in the journal Science, the dimming...

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Eleven years in the making, FUEL is the in-depth personal journey of filmmaker and eco-evangelist Josh Tickell, who takes us on a hip, fast-paced road trip into America's dependence on foreign oil. Combining a history lesson of...

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Seeds of Permaculture

Seeds of Permaculture

2013, Environment

One of the reasons for shooting this film is the global climate change. All around the world, as you know, places are experiencing odd weather events. All around the world, whether you're in South America, in North America, in...

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Great Lakes, Bad Lines

Great Lakes, Bad Lines

2016, Environment

Many environmental documentaries recount the aftermath of a grave disaster. Great Lakes, Bad Lines is refreshingly different in this regard. The film concerns the inevitable erosion and malfunction of Enbridge Line 5, a...

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A World Without Water

A World Without Water

2006, Environment

As less and less water is available, you have yet another problem being added and that is the problem of privatization. There are companies now saying why don't we bottle it, mine it, divert it, sell it, commodify it. That...

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Milked: White Lies In Dairy Land

MILKED: White Lies In Dairy Land

2021, Environment

When we think of the current environmental crisis, particularly pollution and climate change, we immediately start thinking about the usual suspects: plastics and the fossil fuel industry. We don't think about meat and dairy at...

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A Climate of Change

A Climate of Change

2014, Environment

Produced as a prelude to the 2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Canadian production A Climate of Change relies on the expert insights of several revered scientists to debunk the skepticism of global...

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Meat the Truth

Meat the Truth

From the author: Climate Change and Global Warming - yes I know, it's a hoax, it's a scam and designed to keep us in fear and implement a Carbon Tax, as if we aren't already taxed to death. This...

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Polar Bear Man

Polar Bear Man

2014, Environment

It was supposed to be a soothing and serene camping excursion in the Torngat Mountains of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Matthew Dyer, a civil attorney based out of Lewiston, Maine, was anxious to take in the splendid...

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