Cleopatra: Portrait of a Killer

Cleopatra: Portrait of a Killer

2009, History  -   93 Comments
Ratings: 6.65/10 from 65 users.

Cleopatra: Portrait of a KillerCleopatra - the most famous woman in history. We know her as a great queen, a beautiful lover and a political schemer. For 2,000 years almost all evidence of her has disappeared - until now.

In one of the world's most exciting finds, archaeologists believe they have discovered the skeleton of her sister, murdered by Cleopatra and Mark Antony.

From Egypt to Turkey, Neil Oliver investigates the story of a ruthless queen who would kill her own siblings for power. This is the portrait of a killer.

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2 years ago

What is the actress who played Cleopatra?

2 years ago

Can anyone tell me the actresses in this documentary?

7 years ago

It's interesting that a documentary that MIGHT explain what happened to Cleopatra's sister turned into a religious debate and then a racial one. I have had too many question the original cover of my book, "The Early Scrolls" when I had an obviously pale-skinned Egyptian figure on the cover (a character of my own who was half Egyptian). I was tired of explaining to people "read the book, it is all in there, and she is even compared to the "darker skinned desert people." The ancient Egyptians, in reality, were darker skinned, but NOT what we term as "blacks" today. Some were, but most had a distinct brown color to their skin darker than whites but lighter than full Africans. In Cleopatra's time, so much Greek/Roman/Egyptian mix came into play, that colors varied widely.

9 years ago

This documentary like so many others is more about theatrics than the facts. I also have serious doubts that the young pharaoh's cause of death was drowning due to him wearing too much gold. That sounds too much like roman propaganda passed off unquestionably as fact.

9 years ago

Also the stories of her legendary beauty weren't even started until the Victorians and later Hollywood got a hold of the story. (artistic licence)

9 years ago

I've watched a few documentaries about how plain (ugly) she was; that it
was just a marriage of political convenience for both sides. Of course
though ancient females weren't celebrated for their cunning or
intelligence so she became "beautiful". Her skull told a different
story. This guy narrating isn't even a historian. He is just an
archeologist and apparently real historians quit his other documentary
about Scotland over historical inaccuracies.

9 years ago

the actor who plays the Roman narrator played a similar role in the TV series Rome :o)

10 years ago

This is so full of rubbish! What about the fact that Cleopatra was a skilled diplomat, talented linguists, as well as an able ruler who was loved by her people? They have completely glossed over the fact that Arsinoe and her brother would totally have Cleopatra killed if they weren't killed first! What a single sided portrayal of Cleopatra! I only watched the first 20 mins and I can't bare to finish this!

11 years ago

She was the last pharaoh of Egypt and of greek nationality, actually. After alexander the great's conquest and death, land was split up into 3 rulers. She was the descendant of one of them. This was after the ancient egyptians were taken over by Greeks, nobody is trying to remove blacks from history. Its a pretty accurate movie, and it's good if you're interested in it, though it's pretty long.

Huh What
Huh What
11 years ago

Exactly, I don't know why they have a white woman on the picture. I don't mean this in a rude way towards white ppl at all, but that very thing makes me not even want to watch it because I know it's gonna be a crock of bull just from the falsehood of the picture. I've seen real life mummies and they had "dread locks" in their hair just like the ones I wear,cleary black ppl, no if's ands or buts about it, no excuses or denials. Yet they still try to remove Egypt from Africa and represent the ppl as if they were anything other than black..uh uh, no thankx not even going to bother watching, it already looks like a lie. I agree with you. I also appreciate those ppl who can admit the truth that-Ancient- Egyptians were black just like the Nubians whom they worked with as well.

11 years ago

Don't get discouraged, if the subject interests you, watch it =) You can always turn it off if it's not what you expected.

Michelle Florence
Michelle Florence
11 years ago

Sooo I only read the comments to see if I should watch this documentary and all I got was an insight into feminism, religious back-talk and commentary from someone who is clearly not intelligent enough to use proper English instead of profanity. Great. Thanks people! lol

11 years ago

sigh....just read all the comments and clearly I'm shallow. My main reason for watching is that gorgeous Scots presenter, Neil Oliver

Madeline Keller-MacLeod
Madeline Keller-MacLeod
11 years ago

And to L0LAW0NKA, feminism means that you believe in gender equality, so if you believe in equal rights for people of different genders then you are a feminist. It's unfortunate that people still buy into the racist and mysogynistic myth of the "feminazi."

Madeline Keller-MacLeod
Madeline Keller-MacLeod
11 years ago

I agree with the last comment. While learning about some of the history of Cleopatra it's obvious that this film ignored anything that Cleopatra did that required intelligence instead of her looks. The focus on her looks just delegitimizes that she was worth much more than that. I agree that this film was offensive in regards to the way it treats women who dare to break oppressive gender binaries.

11 years ago

I got to admit I found that program quite offensive and simplistic in its portrayal of Cleopatra. It makes no mention of the 22 years of prosperity Cleopatra brought her people neither does it mention that murdering siblings within that royal family practically amounted to a family tradition! I'm not saying that made her actions right but this programme seems to pre-suppose that her siblings wouldn't have done the same given the chance! Theres no mention of her exceptional education and little of her intelligence except in a shady light and it just exasperates me that in our 'enlightened' times we still have to see powerful, smart women making the same decisions as men made castigated as whores.
Furthermore her children which would have carried on her bloodline are completely ignored. As was the fact that Marc Antony was involved in a power struggle separate of Cleopatra as the agreement he had made with the other Roman leaders was rapidly disintegrating this gave her little choice but to join him as the fall of Marc Antony would have meant the fall of Cleopatra which in the end of course it did.

11 years ago

she was no different than the other woman devils today but i still love them

12 years ago

When it was thought that Cleopatra was a white women - she was lauded as a great leader and queen. Now that evidence provesotherwise - she is branded as a ugly, tawdry, killer.

12 years ago

"Portrait of a Killer"?? Oh right. So it's okay for male pharoes to kill for power, but it's not okay when a WOMAN does it. This stupid world ruled by men. Women have as much right to kill as men do. In fact, women have proven to be better rulers than men. I'm not a feminist, but I still advocate for equal rights. If men can kill power without being judged, then women should be able to do the same.

This double-standard is encouraging me to become a notorious female serial killer or a ruthless politican. Tsk.

12 years ago


12 years ago

This was amazing. It dispells the myth that cleopatra was all white and it brings to life the reality of cleopatra as a killer of her family.

12 years ago

The reconstruction of the skull to show what Cleopatra's sister actually looked like was extremely interesting to me; but I was also offended slightly by the title of this doc. And how do we really know that it was Cleopatra's idea and not Marc Antony's to have the sister put to death??

Steph Baker
Steph Baker
12 years ago

Why does every comment on here NO MATTER what the doc was about end up being about bloody religion - I just want to know if this doc is worth watching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

Cleopatra was not beautiful. She used her sexual prowess and fun making ability well. - Hunting, intelligence, and being a good sport. Women of today would do well to take heed.

Lola San
Lola San
12 years ago

"Portrait of a Killer"? A woman in power is always criticized, hated and insulted. What about ALL of the men in power who killed off everyone who stood in their way? Why are they not "killers"? Not even Hitler was referred as a killer. No, they were harsh, brutal Leaders, not killers. Fair should be fair; and if they can't be fair, then they should die.

12 years ago

If anyone makes an inflammatory comment about another person's religion, then please expect a defense in response. By saying how we can or cannot respond in defense, you are telling us how to practice our religion; violating our right to freedom of religion.

12 years ago

@Cody: Yes, I see now. A couple things you told me I didn't know before; my apologies. I meant it as a simple message of Jesus because possibly you didn't know, but actually you do. Ha-*laughing at last part you wrote*! Thanks, I see you put thought into this, instead of ridiculing, which would have been easier.

12 years ago

"It is not for me to convict your spirit."
I'm glad you realize that it is not your place to judge me, many do not. However I have still seen no evidence that there is a such thing as a "spirit" or anything like it.

"That is the work of the Holy Spirit."
No, it's not. There is no reason to believe that there is a Holy Spirit. Let's assume the Christian model of God is accurate... It created me with certain flaws and shortcomings. It made up a bunch of rules and standards it knew I was incapable of living up to (because it created me to be incapable of doing so). It gives me no evidence whatsoever that it exists. Then it tortures me for eternity in a lake of fire if I screw up guessing what it wants from me. Where does this guy get off?

"It is only for me to tell you."
Mmm, I have to disagree with you here. It's not for you to tell anyone what to do.

"The people who gave you these labels were wrong. If it were right, then you would not be able to speak kindly and take things to heart. There is a peace that surpasses all understanding, and that is my wish for you. What do you have to be guilty of?"

I can sort of guess what you're saying here, but we're speaking different languages. The people who put the guilt in me were wrong, but not because they misinterpreted the Bible or lack some special understanding of God. That guilt-trip thing is wrong because it's irrational and counterproductive to good living. There's also no reason to believe in any of it. I don't hold it against those people though - they were indoctrinated, too.

12 years ago

@Lakalm: This was a documentary about the Ptolemys, who were real live human beings, who ruled an actual earthly kingdom. There's plenty of historic records and archaeological remains to corroborate this. Your non sequitur is astoundingly off-topic.

@Winston-Smith: You nailed it. We are indeed shunned by off-world intelligent life.

Re: The documentary: I loved the overly-dramatic presentation, I think it added, err, drama to the film. We do all know that Cleopatra was reputed to be beautiful and seductive, that she was married to her brother, then became the mistress of first Julius Caeser then Marc Antony. The additional information about her family doesn't seem to be so well known and I enjoyed being able to place events that didn't always make sense to a larger context where they now do. While some of the details may be open for revision, the broad premise (that Cleopatra had her younger sister (in fact, all her siblings) killed for political reasons) seems to be supported by the evidence. A very entertaining doc! although not so flattering to the Ptolemy's parenting skills. But then, its not easy being Queen.

12 years ago

The jesus narrative has strong parallels with other Middle Eastern narratives about life-death-rebirth deities, parallels that Christian apologists have tried to minimize.
A myth is a myth and Jesus is right there with Osiris, Adonis, Krishna and others in that respect.

Layla Phelps
Layla Phelps
12 years ago

I will not voice my opinion on the existence of Jesus.

Michael Brown
Michael Brown
12 years ago

Cleopatra existed over 2000 years ago and there is scarce evidence yet it is still held as fact by some, yet their attitude to Jesus is quite the opposite.

12 years ago

Sorry, not buying it.