

2009, Economics  -   152 Comments
Ratings: 8.50/10 from 50 users.

Americans generally like to hear good news. They like to believe that a new president will right old wrongs, that clean energy will replace dirty oil and that fresh thinking will set the economy straight. American pundits tend to restrain their pessimism and hope for the best. But is anyone prepared for the worst?

Meet Michael Ruppert, a different kind of American. A former Lost Angeles police officer turned independent reporter, he predicted the current financial crisis in his self-published newsletter. From the Wilderness, at a time when most Wall Street and Washington analysts were still in denial. Director Chris Smith has shown an affinity for outsiders in films like American Movie and The Yes Men. In Collapse, he departs stylistically from his past documentaries by interviewing Ruppert in a format that recalls the work of Errol Morris and Spalding Gray.

Sitting in a room that looks like a bunker, Ruppert recounts his career as a radical thinker and spells out the crises he sees ahead. He draws upon the same news reports and data available to any Internet user, but he applies a unique interpretation. He is especially passionate about the issue of "peak oil," the concern raised by scientists since the seventies that the world will eventually run out of fossil fuel.

While other experts debate this issue in measured tones, Ruppert doesn't hold back at sounding an alarm, portraying an apocalyptic future. Listening to his rapid flow of opinions, the viewer is likely to question some of the rhetoric as paranoid or deluded, and to sway back and forth on what to make of the extremism. Smith lets viewers form their own judgments.

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5 months ago

Really makes me wonder why so many of these amoebas in their Tesla's and white collars and oversized houses ... why do they continue procreating? How can't they see how selfish it is to bring more people into the world?

1 year ago

2022 we're here

9 years ago

Everything is still going backwards 2015, these negatives are stepping it up. Well that don't matter, there are those of us here not going to let this happen, not going back to their world. Out they go.

ira Prresslaff
ira Prresslaff
9 years ago

Short with no answers stated only negative thoughts. I believe the answers are here and there will not be a collapse for the answers to our problems are already here. We must and will turn from a profit motivated nation to a resource motivated nation. There are plenty of all that is needed. I see an abundance for all which will come about though science and knowledge. It not only happen in the future it is happening now, yet not quick enough. It can be slowed by staying on a profit motivated track solving problems for the short run yet the rapid movement of science and knowledge can not be stopped.

10 years ago

So, a transcript is in order here as an alternative to the road we are heading down. Although this was said back in 2012 we are still going through this - Thinking outside the box, this from
Alex collier - Aliens Are Helping Us: -
"In talking about solving the problems at the very top of our power structure the planet lives in a pyramidal power structure. Extraterrestrial no longer use that power structure, the pyramidal power structure. They have been using a holographic ever since the Orion wars which would be about 360,000 years ago. Since then the benevolent civilizations including some of the rogue regressive groups, and they are a minority, have been using a holographic social structure. We would need to create a creative Domain Of Knowing: a space in which we can create an opportunity for earth to be mentored, because we need some help here, we are a 'little bit' in over our heads. As of the last several days much of the Pancini? Project has been classified. The reason for that is because all the mothership activity that has now been filmed and documented in the Satrurian system around Saturn. We also have, a million and a half miles off of the South Pole, a 20 mile craft that has sat and is stationery. NASA and other organizations telescopes have been monitoring it for 8 months. They watch it's projectory to us, it is stationery and there are craft going in and out of this 20 mile structure, I don't know any more about it than that.

I also want you to know there is a very large planetary structure coming in 18 degrees right ascension of Neptune's orbit, it should be visible sometime in the next year. There is an awful lot going on, of course you are all paying the bills and no one's being told anything about it. Now it goes far deeper than spooking the herd, that is not really the intention here at all. The intention here in what's really been going on is simply this, Bob Dean made a reference to the government in almost feeling sorry for them about the situation that they're in, I would have to concur with him on that in the fact that the government made some treaties cut some deals for technology in exchange for experimentation and observation and they were tricked, they really did not know what they were getting themselves into and now the hand has been dealt. There are many UFO people in the community that say that all the extraterrestrial are benevolent, ladies and gentlemen it is in my own personal opinion based on the knowledge I have that that is a completely irresponsible thing to say, we live in duality. Because if it was all Love and Light we would not be going down this road, to global fascism and the power that be wanting to eliminate two thirds of the world's population that is not Love and Light.

So we have a lot of things to cover and a lot of things are going to be occurring and in all this situation is what it is, ah Mr Green [Citizens Disclosure] gave a fantastic presentation yesterday and there is absolutely nothing that I disagree with him about. He made a reference about buying gold and silver I think that's a really good idea, however, you cannot eat gold or silver. It is imperative that you start storing food and I will tell you simply why, if they do crash the dollar which they're going to do in order to create a global currency and a global government you won't be able to buy food. He made reference to the currency being devalued 6 to 1 in the next several months, gasoline will go 18 to 20 dollars per gallon, truckers will not be to deliver products, what you have is what you have. It is imperative if you can to start forming within your community, community gardens figuring it out start talking about this. I know most people are simply not opened to it just do the best we can, I mean we're all fighting the fight. Now America is on the front line of this and the reason for this is simple. America created a new domain of knowing. America was created to get rid of the aristocracy of the old world. To create something new, to create individual liberties, to create personal freedoms, that was never known in the world before and we have that and because of our apathy we have lost virtually all of those and it is no one elses fault, it is our own fault.

We have known since the 60's that the CIA have been trafficking in narcotics, we know this. We have known that the CIA have been assassinating and overthrowing governments. We have known of what there has been a coverup of what there is on the moon and inside our solar system, we know this. We know that there is extraterrestrial life, we know this, that is no longer the discussion. We know that the government has become corrupt. The personages that rule this planet, are NOT us, they are not human beings and I will say this with my very last breath, they are not us.

What happened was that they took over because they think holographically. It was very easy to get around the pyramidal power structure on earth, because it's completely obsolete everywhere else out there. So you come in you see the holograph using holograph technology, but thinking: what you do is you create your structure everywhere so no matter what happens whether one group gets taken out another group takes out is gone. The other components are still there to rise up and still manages and control because each of these components have a picture of the whole and they have all the technology and everything they need to continue to control and dominate and reign, ok? We're in over our heads here. We're not alone.

Now, what happened was they took over. It was very easy to takeover the governments, you dangle technology, you dangle knowledge, you dangle ancient history and you give them this technology in secret, ok? "you have it we're going to give it to you" United States of America made this mistake.

So Bob Dean [Citizens Disclosure] again, Mr Dean, he made a reference yesterday to the missing trillions of dollars to the Federal Reserve, ok I have been told that it is 24 trillion dollars, it's what they carry on their books and virtually most of that has gone into the Secret Space Program and the colonization of our solar system, you can choose to believe that or not, doesn't matter and it doesn't change the reality of it ok. So, what happened was the pirates took over the ship. The governments realizing that they had all this technology and that they were a thousand more years in advance than we were instead of telling everyone "Hey we have a problem here!" standing tall and doing the right thing they joined the pirates. We are literally, only now, as passengers on the ship finding out and realizing "we've been hi-jacked" - that's the movement. And many people are going to have a very difficult time when they realize, that reality is not at all what they think it is, or what they thought it was. Even those of us who have been exposed of this for many, many years have "O shit!" moments. It's impossible not to, you know? Yes our politicians sold out, it was easy to corrupt them. We have and enormous mess, they're stuck in the middle as well.

Over the next year, year and a half there's going to be so many changes, America is the focal point here of this and the reason for that is Americans, despite our educational system, are still very smart. We are very able to think out of the box, we are excellent problem solvers and we are ARMED TO THE TEETH. They constantly have to be looking over their shoulder unless they take us out, and Ladies and gentlemen, that's the goal. they cannot have a world government without taking out the U S and I mean, taking it to it's knees."

Now this is NOT where the whole presentation is going. But it's important to give you this back ground. Because the world used to look to us for the ideas of freedom. Immigrants all over the world have come to America. My grandparents were immigrants to this country because they believed in individual liberties, they believed in freedom, they believed in the principles that were in the Constitution, they had Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, Ladies and Gentlemen THAT is who we are ! We are NOT the crap they show you on television. You are strong, You are Family oriented, You have Faith! and You are Warriors! and you're going to need to take a stand and defend your country and family, make no mistake about it. The two gentlemen that were here talking about the Super Soldiers...yes...they're here, they're definitely here, they're hybrids they're here, and there's more that's been going on. I hoping that one of them would talk about what happened at Dulcie at Mexico, but they did not and I don't necessarily want to go there neither because.... it's's sick, ok? There's other things to cover. I'm bringing it up because many people that have the knowledge that have been in "black ops", "special ops" that have been involved in the Et component, know about that small rogue group, and they're not gone yet. Some of them are still here, right? and they still create and wreak havoc. I also want to tell you, I've been asked to share this with you about the vaccine, the new swine flu vaccine. Mornay has told me to tell you or everyone that this vaccine will PERMANENTLY DAMAGE YOUR DNA. So whatever else comes out of that it will permanently damage your DNA.

Now many of us in the community and the world as a whole, we can't even agree what the problem is, and because of that we will never agree on a solution. So it's imperative it's open dialogue continue to occur and I know that those who have been in the ExoPolitics - the UFO community - you've had a remarkable amount of patience and your biggest tests are coming. Because as more and more of this information comes out, more and more people are going to want to ask you who they thought were crazy "What the hell's going on?" They're going to want to know and you're going to have to try in a very calm manner explain it to them, even though you yourselves are gonna have all the butterflies. You're gonna be wondering "How the hell am I even going to deal with this?" because you have some back ground information.

Now this Et component is really about us. It is our destiny to travel the stars, it is our destiny to continue to move out and colonize space, specially our own solar system. It is NOT our destiny to be killed by vaccines, any more. YOU will have to make those choices. My choices are already made, my decisions are clear. I am the father of five children. There is no way I'm going to back down and I'm going to sell them into slavery, never gonna happen. ok?
You Need To Make Your Own Choices !
- Aliens Are Helping Us - Alex Collier -

10 years ago

We need to go outside the box if humanity is to survive at any rate at all on this planet. We've been stuck in this way of thinking for far too long and we need to break ourselves free of it. We do have help as a whole to get ourselves out of this, but first we have to start with ourselves, and ask oneself...

"What kind of world do you want to live in? Clearly what we're doing now doesn't work, it has run its course. We have a government that has a lot of problems. We have corruption within it, not all of it, but we clearly have corruption within it. They have sold out and have been totally compromised, they themselves don't know what to do, and their only solution is to turn the power of the military and the pharmaceutical company against the American people, that's their solution. That is not ok, that's not ok!" - Alex Collier

Glen Hale
Glen Hale
11 years ago

through out history there has been a depression about every 80 yrs the last one was over 80 yrs ago but the Feds printing money has slowed it down and will make it a lot worse.

11 years ago

If you pour one gallon of gasoline into your car, and then drive it in one direction until you run out of gas (theoretically burning the entire gallon), and then hire a human(s) to push the car home at a labor rate $15.00 per hour, it would cost you approximately $5000.00 (Five Thousand dollars) to get the car back home.

That is a _very_ accurate representation of how much ''work'' (''labor'') or ''value'' we get from a single gallon of gasoline. When the resource known as ''oil'' runs out, or stated more accurately, becomes too costly to produce (i.e. ''muddier'' grades of oil vs ''Brent Crude'')... our civilization is going to find out just how much of a ''free lunch'' we have been exploiting for the past 100 years.

Ridiculously cheap oil (in relation to how much ''work'' it actually performs vs human manual labor) is the very reason why we live in a world where we throw away our ''gizmos'' rather than repair them. Manufacturing ''gizmos'' at a factory where the labor is performed by machines (which are also made at factories where the labor is performed by machines), in which the machines are powered by hydrocarbons... enables the production of ''gizmos'' at unsustainably cheap production costs. Later, when the ''gizmo'' needs to be repaired, which only a human can do... then, just like with the example of a human(s) pushing the car back from where a gallon of gas had taken it, the repair of said ''gizmo'' becomes an utterly impractical scenario.

It only _appears_ as if ''technology'' has provided us with a standard of living equal to kings and queens of ages past... But the reality is that our current standard of living is all one big carbon illusion, brought about by the exploitation of an unsustainable resource which has been mispriced at a ratio of about 1250 to 1 (i.e. ''cost of 1 gallon of gas at $4.00 per gallon vs $5000 of human labor at $15 per our'').

Ps... Don't dismiss, don't react, but rather THINK ABOUT IT. (PLEASE!)

Ryan Riordan
Ryan Riordan
11 years ago

How can you watch this documentary and not get something out of it or even see the effects today of what he is explaining

Gordy B
Gordy B
12 years ago

Why we are not making Hydrogen generators for our cars which will enable cars to run on Water Yes water.. its because there is no money in for the big Multis. The planet has 70% water on it you can fill up by going down to the beach and the water is returned back into the atmosphere through the exhaust. It's clean burning as it only burns the gas . We live on a lazy planet populated by lazy collective apathetic Humans and by the very nature of who we are and what we represent . We are quickly destroying the only nest we live in .

12 years ago

This is all so very confusing. Even if oil can't condense back down to earth again which is an opinion that sounds pretty clever to me we still don't have to worry about running out of fossil fools cos we don't have to make petrol out of fosssil fools. There are huge mountainous sources of oils and hydrocarbons that are being made every day in the earth.And we can synthesize the necessary products sourselves anyway. Goddammit, we even have cars running on veji oils so what makes u think we'll run out of fools?

Matt Kukowski
Matt Kukowski
12 years ago

Cops are ALWAYS over dramatic... however, this does not discredit that if TOO many BAD things happen at the SAME TIME can result in Rupperts nightmares coming true. But, chances are they wont.

The money collapse will be interesting but it will not mean the Universe and your house and sky suddenly falls on you and kills everyone else. It just means we need to rethink the concepts of money distribution and make it more balanced.

He is right about the 100 monkey thing. It is called the 20%. If 20% of the population decides to do something new, the rest follow, typically.

He also did not mention that fresh water is in very short supply.

Right now we are utterly dependent on OIL. For food, transportation, plastics etc... However here are alternatives that scientists have ALREADY invented... they just are not utilized yet due to BIG OIL and Corporations not wanting changed... but when push comes to shove they will be forced to change.

Food Pesticides/Fertilizers : Vertical farms, enclosed in sky scrapers used as farms. Enclosed means you can grow no matter the season conditions, pest control and HIGHLY efficient food production. ( Think hydroponics, no soil needed in some foods. )

Electric CARS, computer controlled, no accidents. Also, SHARED cars that you use when you need it then give it to the next person that needs it... We can do Hydrogen hybrids... all types. Scientists also found replacements for all car upholstery and a new type of OIL FREE Tire. Basically they already invented cars that are biodegradable. Reference:

Instead of coal plants we use Nuclear until fusion or solar and wind are better refined. Germany recently closed most of their Nuke plants after Fukushima and will close the rest by 2020, replace with newly invented thin film and other highly efficient solar arrays. Roof top and large area solar arrays.

There will probably be a need for a child birth law. If a couple produced 2.2 children the pop stabilized (due to accidents, disease and other ).. so if you mandate a 2 child max per couple will bring down the population at a reasonable rate without the need to do wars and genocide. ( as medicine makes us live longer this number may have to be adjusted. )

So, here are just a FEW examples. The smart, calm and loving will carry us through, but the dumb and violent will need to be dealt with... those types of enraged scared violent people will probably just kill each other and save us the effort. :)

12 years ago

All this torc about oil peaking as tho there really is an oil shortage is a joke. Wake up everyone how can there be an oil shortage? Theres more oil than there are people! What dyu think happens when oil is burnt? It is evaporated into the air and then gets condensed back down to earth again and so is resickled. It may not be in the same place the second time around but who cares as long as we get it back. We can scoop it up whereever it is,refine it and bobs ur unc a neverending source of fuel forever. Actually we're more likely to drown in the bloody stuff as new layers of fossels get laid down from all the dead bodies and the vegetation and trees and things. So I'm quite optimitic about the future except that maybe if we use oil for long enough we'll all have to go around with gas masks on.

12 years ago

I dont agree

12 years ago

All this torc about oil peaking as tho there realy will be an oil shortage. Wake up everyone how can there be an oil shortage? There's more oil than there are people. What dyu think happens when oil is burnt? It gets evaporated then it condenses back into the soil again and so is resickled. It may not be in the same place the 2nd time round but who cares. We only have to scoop it up again whereever it is, refine it and bobs ur unc - a neverending source of fuel forever. Actually its more likely we'll drown in the stuff when new layers of fossels get laid down from more dead bodies and vegetation and trees and things. So I'm feeling optimistic about the future except that maybe we'll all be wearing gasmasks by then.

Stuart Grossman
Stuart Grossman
12 years ago

amazing movie, everyone should see it

Stuart Grossman
Stuart Grossman
12 years ago

amazing movie, everyone should see it

Schaffer Leon
Schaffer Leon
12 years ago

Tomoy0 i kneo that sun will real this country soon!! I know willl change thing every bay this world

Shannon Elizabeth Staley
Shannon Elizabeth Staley
12 years ago

Very good. If you are not familiar with how our monetary system works or about our foreign policy re: oil, it might seem far-fetched. And while it is extreme, after much research (not mainstream media), he simply lays out a worst case scenario which truly has begun to happen. When will things really unravel and is there anything that the people can do to slow it or stop it? I don;t know and neither does he. Much of what he says is factually correct, which makes him fairly credible. Doomsday? Maybe so. Certainly having petroleum in almost every facet of out lives, in every product, in our food.....If we are running out of oil (PEAK oil), what could possibly replace it?

Guy Haratani
Guy Haratani
12 years ago

I really appreciated reading all the comments here. Not sure how to feel about Mike Ruppert , Collapsenet, lifeboats, etc. I'm not much into the Pacha Mama and talking stick crowd, even less the Ted Nugent gun lovers groups. However I do enjoy reading all the blogs having to do with survival skills and conspiracies, but since I am very prone to actions based on flawed thinking, I guess I'll probably just end up as a very well informed deer in the headlights casualty when the sh*t finally hits the fan. (Looks like the video has been deleted, but I watched the dvd from our local library.)

Susan Donovan
Susan Donovan
12 years ago

I'm concerned that people like this man will discredit the very real threat of peak oil becuase of their hostile, paranoid manner of presentation. It is naive to think that one can without civilization. (It is certainly possible, but it is not a lifestyle any of us are mentally or physically prepared for.) Cooperation is necessary. That means cheerfully, lovingly and with great patience, and clarity explaining the dangers resource depletion pose to the general public. It means selling the idea through sound science then planning a course of action to address it as a civilization not as individuals.

This is entirely possible, but but it requires more humility than Ruppert seems to posses. Instead he sends out a divisive message, "every man for him-self" should it come to that we're all in big trouble.

Doesn't matter how much you fertilize your lawn or the quality of your local watershed. We will face endless invasion, resource wars, short lives filled with fear.

Life is really only worth living with civilization as we know it intact. So, our first principle should be that we will preserve our cooperative institutions.

13 years ago

He's done his research and used a logical approach to figure out how to prepare for the future. It is a sad story. Other countries are taking measures to avoid the scenario he presents. The United States unfortunately is still involved in war and ripping off the citizens. A sad state of affairs.

13 years ago

"Listening to his rapid flow of opinions, the viewer is likely to question some of the rhetoric as paranoid or deluded, and to sway back and forth on what to make of the extremism."

Should read:

"Listening to his rapid flow of facts, the viewer is likely to question some of their prior assumptions as deluded, and sway back and forth on what to make of the situation we're in."

13 years ago

Ruppert became really defensive with the filmmaker when asked how he deals with confirmation bias, a not unreasonable question to ask of a man with complete certainty in his beliefs. This is one of the reasons we have double blind studies and peer review, because everyone is prone to look for facts that support their conclusion while ignoring the contradictions.

Responding with "I'm not going to debate you" to a question we all have to ask ourselves, makes him look like a religious fundamentalist who quotes some passages out of his holy book and gets offended when they're subject to polite scrutiny.

There is no doubt that oil will eventually run out. The question is when, and how will we respond? These are complicated questions and I urge people to take them seriously without resorting to the alarmist "the sky is falling" reaction.

13 years ago

This fascinating and eye opening documentary makes me think that joining the nearest Amish population would be the wisest thing to do in preparation for the huge load of -hit that innevitably going to hit the fan. I say this because they have a sustainable lifestyle and haven't succombed to the "buy buy buy more more more bigger bigger bigger" mentality that IS the U.S. and much of the developed world. I'm accepting it and will prepare for the worst.

13 years ago


Was that a sarcastic joke? If so...very funny in the irony ( people are cruel...we all need to die). If not...yikes!

The Earth needs it? Pretty sure the Earth doesnt need anything from us. Its a rock with animals and trees. Before that it was a rock with single celled organisms, volcanic explosions and earthquakes all the time, and a gaseous silica atmoshphere.

In saying the Earth need a cleansing or whatever....thats jsut your ego wanting a habitat suitable for yourself. The Earth will go on either way.

And the strife among people is necessary. Without strife there is no challenge to rise above, and humanity becomes stagnant. With all the strife humanity has suffered through there has been progress. Without good people fighting for a better life, we would still be spending our time just looking for food all day, suffering from horrific and simple diseases for which non have a cure, a small gash while hiking means you are going to die, and you have to have 20 kids just for 2 to survive into adulthood.

Yeah the world is messed up and there are messed up people. BUt the tolerance for it is far less than it use to be. Sure its not an ideal time to bring a baby into this planet...but it more than likely never will be and its DEFINITELY far better to live now than in the past ( with all our advances in medicine, entertainment, nutritional, judicial, political system etc).

David H Longford
David H Longford
13 years ago

Geez Mimi: The Earth needs us. Just as we need it.. Let's all just do the best that we can.

13 years ago

great documentary, but I think there is a 4th kind of person on the Titanic, people who are welcoming it's sinking. Human beings are vile violent cruel people who torture their own species and ever other on the planet. They also ignore the suffering of others, apathy which is just as bad. We are the earth's cancer, and to be honest, I will be glad when this happens, the earth needs it.

13 years ago

Huh. I took this away from reading the comments and watching the video a few times.

Regardless of when it happens, its going to happen. Oil is a finite resource and thus has a limited supply.

Let's assume the currently projected best-case scenario.
Remaining Oil Supply: 40-years worth of "recoverable oil".

According to BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy, we still have 1,333 million barrels out there to pump, enough for 40 years at current usage. - The entire report is available online in pdf if you google it.

This still means that in 40 years, when I and others in my age group will be starting our early 60's. That's right, the current, young early 20-somethings will be old one day, along with all the idols they worship.
In the best case scenario, we will have changed our ways of thinking early enough and quickly enough to have found and accepted a practical and efficient means to drastically restructure how we live our lives. We gladly give up many modern pleasures and enjoyments in order to maintain a relatively sustainable or at least far more energy efficient means to live and we do this before we run out of the needed energy to produce the "new-energy" machines on the scale that we currently require.
In sum; we find a way to avert a global collapse and age of chaos by all joining hands and being friends once we all suddenly realize that we will run out of oil one day in the not-so-distant future and need to plan now and could very well die if we don't.
Remember, Best-Case scenario.

And now the Worst-Case scenario.
Remaining Oil Supply: 5-10 years worth of "Recoverable Oil".

Assume that the world suddenly becomes aware that we only have enough oil for another 5-10 years of smooth running. HOWEVER, we are not told about it even though the World Leaders already knew it was coming long before any of us realized. This would be the darkest time Mankind would have faced yet.
Once everyone comes to realize that everything from food to the Internet will never be there again in a very, very short time...they will panic. A single human is a thinking being, a rational creature of sound mind. When you get a group of people together, especially when times are hard and everyone is suffering and frustrated, a Mob-Mentality is highly likely to form.
Law and order break down as wars rage across the earth to claim the last few resources left. All vestiges of what was once the Great and Powerful Human Race will be obliterated and only pockets of survivors make it through the genocide, violence and panic.
The remaining population will be too small and will lack the needed technical skill to make use of any remaining oil-based technology to any large degree. Mankind reverts back to hunter-gatherer type communities, never to claim technology again, as there is no longer a powerful enough source of energy to build upon. Ends with a moderately paced extinction.
Worst-Case Scenario.

Now consider that the truth is somewhere in the middle of these two extremes and remember that Oil is indeed finite, and will run out one day. The question isn't "when will it run out?" but instead we must ask "When would we rather deal with it?"

Would we rather deal with it now while we still have a fair amount of resources left? Or later on, when we risk using up too much to make a difference.

Either way, Humanity is in for a rather rude awakening.

Peter Carson
Peter Carson
13 years ago

@ CKI et al

Kindly accept my humble internet apology.
You are absolutely correct, and deserve at least an apology.

If Puppert's "packaging" succeeds reaching a few thousand people, who actually do the work, that in itself will be a great accomplishment, which is my hopeful anticipation.

But there is more, much more.

Kindly RSVP with news of your own NEX-GEN 100th monkey trap-lines stories.

An online Collapsenet progress update would be enlightening.



Peter Carson
Peter Carson
13 years ago

@ Kelly
Love your numbers.
Queen B(itch), really does own the hive.

If what I have been reading is close to true : Apparently, 71% of all money in circulation is: U$D.

Pound Sterling amounts to less than 4%, Euro 8%, RMB ^4%, leaving somewhere around 11% divided between approx 26 countries.

David H Longford
David H Longford
13 years ago

Sigh. Take deep breath. The world economic system is managed by the few. The queen owns half the worlds resources. Whats left of the elite is grovelled over by the spawns of ancestry and existing oligarchies that defeat the concept of 1 person - i vote right. Financial change will never happen. The puppet masters will never give up their entitlement view of the world. They own the money supply.

13 years ago

My dad grew up during the great depression, he said the way the world is going, I would see it too. When his father died 40 years ago, he hurt my arm on his deathbed, he made me promise not to sell the farm, I'd see a day you wouldnt be able to survive without one, it was like he had a vision on his deathbed, and now its all coming true. Fractional banking that many early presidents like Andrew Jackson fought against, ruined this country. Find out who owns the Federal Reserve and you'll find out who controls banking in 188 / 194 countries. This has been planned for a long time. Looks like the Georgia Guidestones are going to hold true. Cities will be killing fields, if you have a farm with ability to grow food, livestock, you will be under attack, just a matter of time. This guy sees what I have said will happen since 2006, and he's right, it's already started. Very smart, informed, realistic man.

David H Longford
David H Longford
13 years ago

Ah well, the truth in that any human conflict, it is that the truth is the first casualty. Wish you well, Michael Ruppert. Have a place for you to stay. Hide out if you like. Let me know. But you have to like cats OK. Smoking is OK. LOvE that second hand smoke.

Hambone Littletail
Hambone Littletail
13 years ago

When I get to finish watching the last eight minutes (grrrrrr!!!!!), I will no doubt post my full comments. For now, just let me say this:

This is, hands down, the single most intelligent, well-articulated voice of reason that I have EVER heard spoken from any one man. I don't believe in "gurus," but if I ever change my mind on that score, I have found my man: Michael Ruppert. This man speaks the TRUTH. I will forward this video to all 306 people in my mailbox, and feature it on my Youtube page, Humptydumptytribe. Thank you, TDF!

13 years ago

...and besides he made it very clearly known that the website was shutting down. Talk about your lack of research. One must first take ones own advice before he begins to profess others'.

13 years ago

More witty banter from the village idgit I see, one problem Pete, are you ready?, it don’t count for squat. I will wallow in my own ignorance as the intellectual juggernaut that you seam to think you are blathers on about other peoples ideas to bash anothers…enjoy.

13 years ago

More witty banter from the village i@#$% I see, one problem Pete, are you ready?, it don't count for s@#$. I will wallow in my own ignorance as the intellectual juggernaut that you seam to think you are blathers on about other peoples ideas to bash anothers...enjoy.

13 years ago

It sounds like you're mad at the website Peter. And to "not trust Ruppert to deliver" before the chance was given is just...well ignorance at it's finest. He should be accountable for the website I agree, but to just outrightly dismiss his facts and rhetoric based on poor costumer service is laughable and irresponsible. You say to research Ruppert's claims, well have you? And if so, please enlighten us all. It's superbly lazy to try and bash someone's character in an effort to discredit him. The burden of proof does not lie with him that is for sure. You cannot disregard all facts just because you don't "believe" whats said or because he has creditors after him...who doesn't? Stop fishing for friends and face facts.

13 years ago

Read the "read first before watching" link pub

13 years ago

That's a scam. I didn't get the entire documentary. And I waited 30 minutes.

Peter Carson
Peter Carson
13 years ago

@ Jonny Quest

3 sides to every story : Mine, Rupperts, and the facts somewhere in the middle. PLease do some research and you will find the truth vector is nowhere close to Ruppert`s litany of false claims and personal gaurantees of templates to build lifeboats.

FYI, I never trusted Ruppert to deliver, which was why I took only a 1 month memberSHIT at collapsenet. The site was a complete gong-show of bimbo`s trading personal messages on a single thread supposedly reserved for lifeboat builders.

I was one of dozens of new members posting a litany of questions and requests for changes - in good faith that somebody in the IT dept would make changes to separate the gossip thread from the main board for members to exchange ideas on individual threads to discuss solutions or request changes to the site.

After 3 weeks of posting the same questions and requests for changes to the site, by myself and at least 100 other people without any movement or response from collapsenet HQ, I began increasing the TONE OF MY STATEMENTS - which were all well received by the community at large - who generally felt similar as myself that collapsenet and Ruppert were both dysfunctional.

Finally, in week 3 of my first month i get an email from a useless IT volunteer, just after posting another comment to request Ruppert be removed from the BoD`s of collapsenet, to fire the entire IT group and rehire a completely new team.
This bimbo vollunteer decided to send what may have been my 30th or 40th harsh criticism to his coordinator - and within an hour I was sent notice of termination.

Notwithstanding the fact all of my alleged privileges and non-benefits as a collapsenet member were sumarilly terminated by a lacky, I was still able to log into the site and post comments on the big STUPID USELESS thread of DIMWIT Chatter, as well as to contact my new collapse-friends here in Vancouver BC canaDUH.

When I discovered collapsenet had absolutley ZERO security to prevent me from re-entering or posting comments, I decided to copy and post the entire thread convo between myself and the IT bimbo minion - right on the same single useless bimbo-thread.

As a matter of fact, I even went as far as to send another email to the IT Bimbo to advise my access status had not been rejected or chenged. At that point I ended-up getting email from most of the collapsenet people in Vancouver - offering support and raising questions on my behald.

Suffice-it to say, I may have been the first person thrown out of Rupperts imaginary fleet of non-existent life-boats, just because I happened to MAKE NOISE DEMANDING CHANGES.


13 years ago

i like this guy.....

13 years ago

...and stay in the'll be fine...

13 years ago

"I love apples"

Jim Elliot
Jim Elliot
13 years ago

There have been numerous suggestions that Ruppert himself destroyed the computers in his office in a futile attempt to gain insurance money for paying off a fraction of the mile long list of creditors he owes. Ruppert was ordered to pay a former employee damages for sexual harassment (he admitted having entered said female employee's office wearing only his underwear and a smile). His main source for the Rubicon book is now serving a 336 year sentence for child sexual abuse and pornography charges.
And to top it all off, there is hardly any bragging rights for his prediction of the sub-prime mortgage meltdown when he made it at the same time as half the economists did.
Sorry, Ruppert has none to speak of, the veracity of his claims notwithstanding!!

Jonny Quest
Jonny Quest
13 years ago

@Peter Carson

I'm not saying you're wrong, but there's always two sides to every story. The man did say he was broken, maybe beyond repair???

You believed in him enough to be a member, but now you've jumped ship cause his site isn't original? You're a little harsh just cause the guy's not business savvy and/or he's lazy.

It sounds like you're Net savvy (maybe you run your own site) and you expect everyone to be as savvy as you which proves you're not only naive but have anger issues.

Take a deep breath and listen: not everyone can live up to your expectations, not even people you believe to be leaders. It's not only naive to believe this, it's delusional.

This is why collectivism doesn't work because it breeds too many Indians and not enough chiefs....

13 years ago

Its worth noting that to build all these new high efficiency technologies you need power which as of now is almost entirely generated by fossil fuels. If governments have their head in the sand and continue to act as if fossil fuels are infinite then we wont have the energy to convert to different generation methods, especially fusion which is highly energy intensive and decades from fruition if at all.

Lithium battery and hydrogen cell technologies are energy stores not energy resources so they are not helpful.

I think that the attitude that we need to think about changing from fossil fuel based energy to renewable energy now rather than later is vital because of the fact of peak production of fossil fuels.

13 years ago

Technology can help us sustain THID way of living, there's another way to sustain OUR current social system without needing any major revolution; with technological revolution!, war and conflict can be averted with the invention of technology that can relieve us from dependent of limited fossil energy.

An immediate stage technology would be to increase our energy efficiency; which allow us to use more 'stuff' with less energy consumption, in this stage; we can recycle items; replacing old inefficient items with newer high-tech items without spending too much energy in mining new resources, and in the final stage of technology revolution; we can have new energy source that can surpass the energy output of our current hydrocarbon sources.

High-efficiency and recycling is already here!: garbage landfill is being used as methane energy source, paper and metal and glasses is being recycled, ships and submarines and cars with TONS of metal being recycled; making way to a more efficient ships and car; with no metal wasted. Next generation energy sources; such as the FUSION, already being envisioned (although not yet successful).

Paul Jones
Paul Jones
13 years ago

Here is a real prophet who becomes lost amongst the false prophets in the media, the government and in the worlds religions. Open your eyes people the only truth in the world is that right before your eyes. Nothing lasts forever what more evidence do you bloody need? Man is not blessed, the only paradise he will find is the one he builds or does not build here on earth.