A Fall From Freedom
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A Fall From Freedom

2011, Nature  -   99 Comments
Ratings: 8.90/10 from 62 users.

A Fall From FreedomThe first comprehensive film to reveal the long and sordid history of the captive whale and dolphin entertainment business.

Many of these marine parks and aquariums are directly or indirectly responsible for the death of thousands of the very animals they use for public entertainment.

Premature deaths. Trainer injuries. Illegal practices. Educational misrepresentation. Government incompetence. Secret deals.

These and many other issues are presented, and documented for the first time in this powerful documentary, narrated by actor Mike Farrell.

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5 years ago

Seaworld needs to let these whales retire. Haven’t they done enough. The circus gave their elephants to a sanctuary. Let the celebrities who refuse to play at Seaworld but offered money for Seapens and their trainers. These whales are sunburned and bitten by mosquitoes and some whales have West Nile virus. Seaworld takes their teeth out to stop them from chewing the cement out of boredom. They put the whales on antidepressants and meds for their stomach ulcers. Last year a whale in Orlando Seaworld fin was split whide open and infected. His trainer sent photos to newspapers. When Seaworld got the first baby whales the pod followed the boat crying out and the babies were crying to. They had the captain shoot the whales and put rocks in them to sink. Orcas are a family unit. Look how they helped the mom who carried her dead baby for two weeks. They took turns holding the baby up. They have babysitters to watch the babies so the moms can get food. There is a whale was hit by a boat and she gets tired easily. And when she does a whale goes to her side another whale goes to her other side and they help her swim so she can catch up to the pod. . Poor Lolita 48 years old in a pool to small with one dolphin. Seaworld was fined for the pool. They even left her in the pool during a hurricane.. Yes the rescue animals but they keep some that were supposed to be released. Like the 13 dolphins. Somehow 9 went back into the ocean. I will never take my son there. He got to see dolphins from our hotel balcony. They promised to make the pools bigger but instead they built a rollercoaster. Was put out that they lost a million dollars from attendance being low.

8 years ago

While SeaWorld critics demand they close their captive cetacean exhibits, up the road a few miles the Scripps institute predicts that in 50 years or less man will have killed off all the life in the world's oceans.
I hope I don't have to explain this now but I know what to expect from ideologues.
The knowledge and expertise SeaWorld has gained in its operations will be absolutely critical in maintaining examples of these species and preventing their complete extinction.
So please for the sake of preservation of these species butt out of their business unless it's to promote them and what they are doing. Its vital whether you realize it or not.

11 years ago

Abusing animals to teach people to respect animals is text book human hypocrisy. I used to work with conservationists studying bears. When the bears started dying in the traps and the researchers had to choose between the bears and their grant money guess what they choose. They repressed knowledge of the incidents and threatened to fire me if I wouldn't shut my mouth. This video elicits exactly zero shocks from me. It follows the most basic law of human behavior, whatever a person tells you, the exact opposite is true.

11 years ago

Anyone that makes a living off of captive cetaceans
does not care for their well being.

Barbara OConnor
Barbara OConnor
12 years ago

This documentary made me cry. How awful that these intelligent, social, self aware creatures are subjected to the abuse of captivity. I have been to sea world, I was very young. It did not thrill me near as much as watching their migration from the shore in northern California. It is one of my favorite memories. One I cherish that I got to see that. So much better than seeing them perform in a tank. More breath taking and beautiful seeing them in the wild. The movie Free Willy was very helpful in bringing to my awareness of the cruelty these creatures suffer at human hands. Sometimes I wonder how we justify ourselves. I truly believe some things are meant to be left in the wild. Whales and dolphins are just two of many.

Anthony Pirtle
Anthony Pirtle
12 years ago

I'm not as anti-zoo as some of the commentators below, but I think there's no excuse for keeping intelligent, social, self aware creatures in captivity, be it dolphins and whales, great apes, elephants or big cats. Unfortunately these are the big draws for zoos.

12 years ago

Birds in cages, guinea pigs in cages, fish in cute little tanks and whales in swimming pools continue to give many humans the warm and fuzzies.
Domestic animals such as cats and dogs however, have over the many many generations,genetically aligned themselves to living along side humans, and have adapted mentally, emotionally and socially along these lines.
If you want to see an animal behave like it wants to amuse and please you - get a dog. xx

12 years ago

I find it double standard when i see someone who is all for science knowing full well how small animals are used for experiments in labs but these same people get bent out of shape when they hear of a zoo like the San Diego zoo who's research goal is to keep animals alive. The San Diego zoo has participated and has succeeded in putting back into the wild some species that would not have had the chance to survive.
As i have written earlier, there are many zoos that should be closed as there are many labs that should be reprimanded and fined.
I have never owned a dog or a cat, i prefer to see wild life. Here in Canada we are lucky to still have many species roaming freely. My choice of not having pets doesn't make me judge people who enjoy them but frankly i have seen the situation of many dogs i would not want for anyone or any animals.
That said, let's keep in mind that there is some bad in every thing good, and there is some good in every thing bad.

12 years ago

It's all the Europeans' fault. Everytime they "discover" something that they are too stupid to understand, they put it in captivity, enslave it, rob it, rape it, or murder it. Then they say that they are doing it in the name of "progress, freedom, democracy, or science" It's all hogwash! (no offense to hogs) It is time that the oppressed beings of the world UNITE and throw off the shackles of Pan-European global domination.

12 years ago

"...while my pet whale gently weeps..."

For many years this topic/subject matter has ripped & torn at my heart. The majority of my life has been spent in the Pacific northwest of the U.S. & the south west coast of Canada

I will forever remember a chance encounter I had while sailing from Victoria up to Desolation Sound. It was a hot August day, late in the afternoon & we were caught in the doldrums of a dead calm. The middle of Georgia Straight like glass. A few of us took this opportunity along with a bar of soap & dove over board for a quick refresher & thorough scrubbing. It was well into summer & thus the first eight or ten feet of usually brisk water had been warmed from the sun. Any deeper & we were suddenly reminded of where we were. The 49th parallel not the tropics. Quickly resurfacing back up to the warmer water I noticed movement, what looked like a flash of light & then a splash. Then several more of the same. It took us a moment to process what we were looking at. Many shouts, hand waving & much gesticulation from those still on board immediately clarified with sobering effect just what we had indeed seen. The angle of view or rather perspective is far superior from the deck of a ship or boat than it is from the surface of the water.

I have been to aquatic shows & zoos. I have snorkeled with the green sea turtles on Maui. Well not "on" Maui, in the ocean next to Maui. I have done a little scuba & sailed for many years. Countless hours on, in & around the Pacific Ocean & living most of my life on the west coast of North America & not once, not ever, I mean never have I ever swam with "Killer Whales". I rarely use the term "Killer" & in almost all cases I refer to this noble animal as Orca. I realized then just how far I had drifted from the boat. Or had it drifted from Me? I heard some one shout: "Killer Whales!" At that precise moment in time I was not terribly concerned about the correctness of labels or terminology. For a very short while, as I tread water equidistance from the boat & the pod of Orcas I couldn't help but smile , I mean really smile to myself inside & out. What a perfectly sublime thing for this to be real & happening to me! I was swimming in the ocean with wild Orcas. Few others besides the two other guys with me in the water have had such a privilege or ever will.

It was when I heard that shout, "Killer Whales" for the 3rd or 4th time, that my mind went from this "sublime moment with a pod of Orcas" to "I am the same distance from the boat as I am from these Killer Whales". They weren't between us & the boat but most certainly could easily catch us before we swam a couple meters. While the Orcas carried on doing Orca things, we swam as nonchalantly as possible the thirty or so meters back to the boat all the while increasing the distance between us & the "Killer Whales" & trying unsuccessfully to save face & salvage what little dignity we had left with the rest of the crew. This sublime moment was followed by amazement & wonder which was then followed by OMG's & shrieks of fear the likes of which only a tween girl would be proud. Experiencing the profound, esoteric moments in life while simultaneously going through all kinds of fear can wreak havoc with one's emotions. This wasn't a zoo or amusement park. This was 3 guys in the middle of the Straight of Georgia. Orca's back yard without an invitation with real live wild Orcas. I will reflect on this experience for the rest of my life. Almost 3 decades have past & still all I can think is "Wow!" as I remember that warm late afternoon day in August. It was truly amazing & altogether frightening to swim with those Orcas even if for but a moment in time. An experience that at the time was rare but sadly now seems all but impossible.

How long before there is anything left for our children & their children? How much longer before we destroy all their chance opportunities & experiences with nature? The whole zoo & marine mammal amusement centre concept seems so completely antiquated & reeks with the stench of freak show.

My apologies to all for the length of this post.

12 years ago

Humanity = FAIL. :-(

12 years ago

typical such a concern for a few dozen animals when you would have zero interest in the starving or sick children of the world. You mock Canadians like typical americans but you all get upity over some abused dog in Detroit and funnel cash to save the poor pooch when in the slums of the world hundreds of thousands of dogs are abused and injured and on their last leg...pardon the pun. But your evening news doesn't bring that story to you. I guess because the cruelty of the world and how you have absolutely no control would overwhelm you and you would change the channel and then they couldn't sell big macs to satisfy your lazy ignorant american arses.

Ben Stelle
Ben Stelle
12 years ago

And i don't feel bad for these dolphins or whales, the cove puts this next to second hand smoke for me.

12 years ago

Sorry,going off topic here sort of, but have you seen the Chisora Haye brawl ?
Just glad Vitali won. Wild animals eh, love them !

12 years ago

75 % of animals in zoo's were born in zoo's lighten up. Most of u have been to zoo's admit it, and you would have never seen most of the animals you have seen if it wasn't for zoo's. There well fed fed and taken care of. yeah " set them free., set them all free" then watch them all die as none of them have the skills to survive in the wild. stop super imposing human qualities on animals that don't know the difference. lame

Thomas Meek
Thomas Meek
12 years ago

cruelty for profit unimaginable cruelty shame on sea world and all involved.

12 years ago

thanks for the support everyone! I think I've been watching too much on the Phelps (insane) family and got into a "what the f*** is wrong with people" headspace...

I avoided working with animals for the longest time because I am so sensitive. But someone told me once "Horrible things are going to happen whether you are there or not." The point being that only by being involved can you change what you don't like. This was an epiphany for me and changed my life -- I just have to keep remembering it.

12 years ago

Anything involving animals or kids in the entertainment arena - leave me out!
Who really needs aquatic detainment centres built for the entertainment of mostly ignorant spectators? Anyone can go see whales, dolphins and other magnificent species in the wild, it just takes a little planning.
If you are truly interested and curious, the reward will be much greater than the front row seat at Sea World.
Sure, man dominates the planet, and rightly so - but with that comes a great responsibility and duty of care to all of its inhabitants.

12 years ago

this is completely disgusting. it's breaking my heart.

I'm pursuing a career in wildlife conservation but sometimes it all seems so overwhelming.

how can you fight these major corporations where people only care about money? you can educate the public, but people still go. I've told my family about this issue after I watched The Cove, and my aunt still took my little cousin to seaworld last summer. It either just doesn't sink in for some, or others really just don't care.

It's no wonder our world is going to sh!t; if we can't treat animals humanely, what hope do we have in treating others well? December 2012 can't come fast enough in my opinion. "Flush it all away"

12 years ago

Fantastic bunch of docs lately, thank-you :)

12 years ago


lex lexich
lex lexich
12 years ago

i cannot believe that there are even on this internet site people who are still so ignorant about certain things, in the 21st century, i really hope that 'the gov' shut down the free stuff on the internet and we all become (or in the most cases- remain) ignorant, and pretty soon it would all be over for us humans.

Gary Ward
Gary Ward
12 years ago

petas got vaginas between all their feet, so they always get mad when they smell fish

12 years ago

This reminds me of the practice of eating horse meat or dog meat in certain countries. Very scandalous to some even though chicken, lamb, beef, pork, fish is Ok.
BUT this doc is about something completely different. Should we entertain ourself watching animals sitting in too small a cage in bad conditions with the practice of "Premature deaths. Trainer injuries. Illegal practices. Educational misrepresentation. Government incompetence. Secret deals."?

12 years ago

Mosquitos are asking for it, bite enough people and one of them is going to slap you !

12 years ago

love your response over the edge, you are so right on--dewflirt is a m*ron and one of the people who would buy the leather jacket or shop at a store that sells fur. Even if you do not buy the fur should give these heartless people your money?

12 years ago

No the sad thing is people like you dewflirt, who are uneducated about what they just saw. The film was about how violent thier capture was and how sea world hides them, denies that should only be in the wild or the fact that they never get t retire--just cash cows for sea world. Maybe you should watch this movie again, it was about dolphins and different kinds of whales-- not any other kind of animal. Except greedy humans and educated humans trying to free them!

Melinda Ann
Melinda Ann
12 years ago

Once upon a time, zoos were established for educational purposes. Allowing the inspection and study of animals not native to an area, to be studied without having to kill the anima,
l nor travel extensively to find the animal.

Now it is nothing more than an entertainment venue. (with few exceptions) Like most entertainment venues, profit is the driving factor not health and study of the exhibits.

We as consumers may wish to view zoos, animal parks, act, as a means of "saving" vanishing species. Sounds good no? But do you think these animals are traded between zoos for free, or by animal exchange? Hardly, it is a VERY money oriented enterprise. I personally wonder just WHO gets the bulk of the money from this "Legal" rare animal trade.

12 years ago

Why does it feel so wrong to catch and keep a dolphin and yet kind of ok to catch and keep a lion or a monkey. I am annoyed by my own double standards having been to zoos with my kids and enjoyed it myself. Still feel guilty at the same time though. Sod it, free them all and have done.

12 years ago

So upsetting