Stephen Hawking: Master of the Universe

Stephen Hawking: Master of the Universe

2008, Science  -   181 Comments
Ratings: 7.65/10 from 34 users.

Stephen Hawking: Master of the UniverseA voyage through space and time with Professor Stephen Hawking. The series charts Professor Hawking's quest for a 'Theory of Everything'.

This 'holy grail' hypothesis could explain everything from the mysteries of unimaginably vast phenomena such as supernovae, black holes and dark matter, to the secrets of an infinitesimally small sub-atomic world.

A portrait of the most famous scientist in the world, Prof Stephen Hawking, and an attempt to explain his work to non-scientific types.

This excellent documentary from Channel 4 does very well to convey the basics of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity in an easy-to-understand manner, as well as to acquaint viewers with Prof Stephen Hawking's extraordinary life, mission and character. A thoroughly enjoyable, inspiring and enlightening watch!

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8 years ago

Hang on...!

8 years ago

when I get 'there' I will let you know what's up !!!

Marvel E Daniels
Marvel E Daniels
8 years ago

What if we examined the question from the vantage point of the true history of man according to Sumerian text (the first writing); that man was created by genetic alteration of anthropoid. I have 'imagined' that since the visitors lived a million years; their admixture into man's DNA causes something within man to survive death of the body; and that essence is mans' soul. The visitors gave consciousness, dexterity, reason, civilization, agriculture etc to the hu-man and man named these visitors 'gods'. Those 'gods' had their own form of religion and called their god: Creator God. The Sumerian text are the long form with explanation version of stories found in the Old Testament. Come, let us reason together.

Letem Dangle
Letem Dangle
9 years ago

Bomba threw us up! Brilliant.

Amir Hassanein
Amir Hassanein
10 years ago

Seeing such a perfectly balanced creation and denying a supreme power behind is an amazing thing, denial of god was never because of ignorance or lack of evidence, it has been always because of bride. When Satan went against God, it wasn't because he believed in science, it was just out of bride. His bride prevented him from accepting human creation. Those who refused God before, they didn't have science to believe in, they just had a lot of bride.. Refusal of a supreme power controlling man and driving him to his destiny, refusal of a designed code and a way of life. Prophet after prophet and a book after a book, and still human is repeating the same old mistake, forgetness followed by stubborness... Once he calls it philosophy, once magic, once science, while it is always the same, bride.. by the way, you go search for yourself, apply science to th last heavenly book, and then come talk about science when sience, math, and logic stun you with the clear evidence of god's existence from that book.

Steven Oosthuyse
Steven Oosthuyse
10 years ago

Now there is this paradox you see. If there is a creator, who created the creator. Don't worry, when you lose your life you will have lost everything, but you will not suffer the loss. You will revert to that which you were before you were born. It is those left behind that will suffer your loss. Now this is the sad part.

Terry Urlich
Terry Urlich
10 years ago

The typical mentality of man and their thought processes, no wonder man finds it hard to live amongst one another. What a world we would live in if the human brain could think 100% alike would we even have wars over religion or would the world be rife with peace and accept the fact each person has the right to choose what ever their beliefs are. The insight of one man is supposed to open our ideology to new ways of thinking, and the ideology is there for us to further expand from. I wrote this statement to hopefully make man understand his place in this cosmic fish bowl. For those many misunderstood. Explains the irony of whoever could. Perhaps the minds of madmen in solemn thought. Albeit the legacies of ideologies taught. Kudos to one of our great god fathers of science Stephen.

Simon O
Simon O
10 years ago

Gods were created to explain the Unknown, and are still worshiped today for the same reason.

I won't go into to much detail as to how I can say this with certainty, you'll have to do the study yourself.

As a personal touch, I'd like to add that religion was a good idea at the time, however, it is much like anything else that age, ancient and should be history. The future is most certainly science.

Hurrii Riser
Hurrii Riser
11 years ago

@Oliver Guendens and all the ones who agree with him: before you even say weather God or gods exist or not let us face the reality that it has not been proved yet as there is much to be discovered..... now while broadening up your mind and becoming a neutral person for, everything existing in the universe has been a result of evolution or came into existence for a reason (that is like galaxies came in existence because of dark matter and the collision of rock matter)... well we can say that universe is here because of the big bang and the big bang happened due to the existence of hyper dense sub-atomic particle... one question that arises that if everything in existence came from something, source or a result of "evolve" then how did this sub atomic particle came into existence? do you say it came out of nothing well than this sounds the most ametuer and forcely self satisfying idea of all... this is one of the merely a daily life prove i gave you becauze you seem to have no significant knowledge or else you wouldnt have been here...

Dea Ktivator
Dea Ktivator
11 years ago

what Einsten actually want to say is that ''The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” (quote also by him).. ''God'' is not material category, it's not physic - it's metaphysic - and those are two different ''sites'' with totaly different methodology

Dea Ktivator
Dea Ktivator
11 years ago

@Oliver Geudens maybe something like this will satisfy your answer ''“We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library, whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different languages. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend but only dimly suspects.” A. Einsten

Olivier Geudens
Olivier Geudens
11 years ago

I am reading alot of 'tarded comments below, mostly about god. Before you talk about god come give some tangible proof he exists. Saying "oh but everything looks so intricate it must be designed!" or "there is a pattern so there must be an intelligent agent creating it!" does not count as evidence. We want to see something tangible or logically demonstrable, or else leave your god at the door before you step into the realm of science and decide to leave remarks. Thank you.

Besides all that, I enjoy the series and admire this man for his strength and mind despite his desease!

Bull Run
Bull Run
12 years ago

The 1st person to use the term, "Master of the Universe". Naram-Sin, grandson of Sargon the Great, in the year 2500BC. Seems strange that someone whom we would consider "uneducated" would use the term universe. Maybe he knew something we don't.

His Forever
His Forever
12 years ago

Happy 70th birthday Dr. Hawking! I'd love to hear your lecture today on your birthday. Perhaps Vlatko can find it for us at a later date. God bless you!

Prince Vivek
Prince Vivek
12 years ago

we know about perpetual machines type 1 but why it not possible to create it on a space?

Prince Vivek
Prince Vivek
12 years ago

why their is vast diffrence in number of satelite of diffrent planets?

12 years ago


Gravitons are not particles, just a name given to be carriers of gravity, they have no resting mass at all, if they did they could "never" go the speed of light without becoming a infinite singularity.

Do not know what to make of your post, hard to decipher. Does not come anywhere near to describe "TOE"

Your gravity thing to me is a bit skewered. To have gravity, there must be acceleration through spacetime. According to Einstein an object moving in a straight line with uniform motion through time, at a constant velocity, means object not accelerating. If the trajectory an object follows has anything but a straight line through spacetime, means it is accelerating, that means curved spacetime.

Einstein formulated and called this the "principle of equivalence".
for anyone of us to feel the force of gravity which most all of us do most all the time, except if you are in the vomit comet, or in a vacuum.
We are all accelerating, even though we may be standing, sitting, lying down, sitting in a plane, and so on.

Since gravity and acceleration are equivalent, if you feel gravity's influence you must be accelerating.

You and the Earth and all other things we consider as stationary are accelerating upwards.

Aaron Deville
Aaron Deville
12 years ago

dov why are you not the no1 Professor in the world?

12 years ago

Fixed that.

13 years ago

Blimey Brent....pretentious.....toi?!?!

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


I still do not know what the h@ll you are talking about, but have a feeling its about ID, well you know what, talk to someone who cares, and yes, getting laid is very scientific, its not just slam bam, thank you mame.

13 years ago

@Achems Razor

To pray or to get laid would be un scientific. The meer fact of not knowing where or to whom my thoughts would go to would be futile. Getting laid is a archaeic, animalistic physical action is not required from scientists that are solely based on intellectual truth and enlightenment!
I am not pi$$ed off but I am wanting you to get real! The universe speaks to us and it wants to heard but quit looking at it as what you see it as and embrasse it as an event that was given the ability to exist because it was allowed to exist! Did you hear me allowed to exist. You as a man telling something to do something. That something has to accept your commandment out of fear or love. As with anything around us. Nothing even the initial creating of itself does anything unless it is out of being told what to do or lovingly/selfishly does itself to exist. If that something is forced to exist there will be rebellion at some point unless it was told to exist with love.
IT IS THIS LOVE, this initiating with explosions, fire and or whatever, we are ultimately talking about.
The atoms in you and the elements in the dimensions of/in the universe have an order, pattern or law. Knowing that(Choas even has a pattern of expectancy) there must have been an initial design for beginning and the expansion of all things in the universe until that thing is depleated. And then there is even the design to recycle all that it is. NOTHING IN THE UNIVERSE EVEN BLACK HOLES ARE WASTED BUT RECYCLED...THAT IS THE INTELLIGENT BEAUTY OF THE DESIGN.

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


You sound like a P1$$ed off religee.
Have no idea what the h@ll you are raving about.

You better go and pray some more, or get laid.

13 years ago

I read these responses to my rant,sorry, did not mean to rant like I did and Christian is the wrong word. I meant to relate people that believe in a creator/god. My statement was like a father watching his children, repeatedly putting a fork into an electrical outlet. If i said don't put a fork in the electrical would rebell (AS A SCIENTIST) because the outlet, itself, makes no sense the way it is designed and created! would say "daddy it is created to stick something into looks looks non threatening". Yet, it is very dangerous/deadly!

Achems Razor??? a "play on words" for Occam's razor! Wow, to mock William of Ockham is very insulting.
WHY? because every scientist has but a little tiny role in the broad spectrum of scientific understanding and we need to praise every person that devoted their pissy-ass, short lived lives in these scientific endevours devoting their lives for THE pursuit of truth through science.


How interesting yet expected that all the other comments before mine did not get such a response from this glowing and intellectual AUDIENCE.

eireannach666 A dream? you speak of this hippie logic slander? What if the dream is a Fantasy? Fantasies are induced and considered a lie. Science is NOT a lie nor a FANTASY. Therefore any dream might possibly be considered a fantasy which is a LIE!!!!!! So, how much of this science is a true dream and how much is a FANTASY (self induced)?

Know that non of us have definitive, infinite knowledge of the universe! We were not born, singularly or as a collective group with the knowledge of definitive, infinite knowledge of the universe.
WHY? We do not know why but we can intellectually assume there must be a rule(s), laws or walls that keep us from it!
No matter how many humans it takes, "on the shoulders of giants" or individually, over a period of time to aquire this definitive, infinite knowledge of the universe it wouldn't matter because the universe is in MOTION. The universe is building and destroying, constantly in every dimension.

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


If you want to read some hilarious comments, see..."through the wormhole-is there a creator"... here on TDF...1,217 comments!

Actually, the wormhole series are great docs.

13 years ago


The good ones don't all get deleted?

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


According to many worlds theory we do inhabit unlimited worlds/ realities at the same time.
Just not tuned into the different vibrations. when we dream is a bonafide reality also.

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


Well yes, most, should say all, science docs here on TDF are spattered with the religee's, always mostly christians doing their thing, ad naseum:

The docs on evolution are basically the same.

13 years ago


Oh, I see. I didn't read far enough to see that they were getting at intelligent design. I used that site because I couldn't find the first one I saw and I didn't wanna look like a sourceless bonehead. At least I didn't look sourceless. :P


Technically, if it walks and quacks, it could be a parrot.

I wish I would have taken a screen shot of Brent's comment. I was going to use it in a presentation as an example of theists making negative assumptions about scientists. Everything I've found on the subject is satire. XD Do you guys know of an online source where theists, particularly christians, are just being jerks about science?

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


Ha,Ha, can't understand why the religee's hate me, they think that I am a heathen. Probably because I am (LOL)

Dreams, have delved into that stuff in earlier years, mostly new age, in my hippie years when have read all of Jane Roberts books, "Seth Speaks" etc:, but was not alone, a lot of bonafide physics majors read the same things, and still do, as in "is this universe one big sea of energy-are we all connected?

Or "youtube-a conscious universe-the observer effect"

Does not mean I believe all that stuff, but look at all viewpoints.

Yeah, where is Randy when we need him EH?

13 years ago


Whats happnin' captian'? I see youve angered some people here, great hostility is my favorite habitat. Be nice if oposition actually made himself familiar with that in which he speaks upon.

So whats your take on the idea that entanglement could allow us to consciously inhabit to realities at once. For instance while we sleep and dream we switch our dimensional perception to another part of our brain, while resting the other, pointing out that i.e. When i smell bacon in this reality as my sub or other consciousnes will also be reactive to the smell and even manafest the bacon and interact with it. Loose example sorry but do you see where im going?

@brent (his comment is deleted)

Why resort to name calling? Besides you dont have any idea about Q/M-T. First of all you misquoted or misunderstood mr Hawkings. And secondly , string isnt even really on the table now that weve been able to complete it and answer those questions by adding supergravity(d11) into the equation. It fits like a 18 year old gymnist , shes snug like a bug in a rug.

So you know, mtheory is where we sit today. Which is backed up with all the supporting tested and tried visual evidence that backs string with its newest friend d11. Your behind by a few years so please update yourself instead of ranting mad into a spew of dribble and self pride driven arrogence. Besides thats not very christian like and im sure is at least two sins in one.

Just to add a little, we fan SEE and recreate the things that support the theory of m from string. We can show you how and why. Just because we dont know where , doest hurt the theory it only says we are closer than your rediculous claim of god will ever be or ever has been. Id like you to provide some visable , tested proof for amy idea or claim , if you can and please source it if possible so i can go see for myself.

And yes Achems , is correct , ID-creationism, creation science, and any god , religion etc is one in the same. Iys just like calling a beer a brew or a bible a last minute toiletry. Same difference. If it walks , talks, and quacks, its a duck no matter what you say it is.

If theyre differant, prove it, Brent.

Quoting scriptures and faith are not evidence. Only hearsay amd delusion and would never hold up if put on trial and since the claim you make is so extraordinary, id expect you got some extraordinary evidence to back yourself up , after all you made the claim so the onus is on you to provide the proof.

But dont worry ill show you mine and let you play with it , after you whip out what you got and we all get a laugh when it cant be found.

Go ahead, its on you now.

Sup Randy,my friend and elder Celtic diety desolver! Missed your voice so to speak , how are you feeling ?

Did Stephen ever pay up his arbys debt, or do we need to go pawn that suped-up hova round of his?

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


ID in case you did not know it, "IS religion", just a sneaky way to get into the creation thing, no science at all, just some invisible deity, one of the 28,000,000 gods in recorded history, bad odds to pick the right one, don't you think? I'll stick with LOTTO. I don't even bet on "Pascals Wager". Thank you!

13 years ago


I didn't see anything about religion on that site. I don't consider God a good enough reason to think we're alone. Making up scientific facts to prove that God made only us would be pretty rude. But I guess some one could have done it. -_-; People manipulate and lie too much.

13 years ago

I don't believe in blind faith (period)

Religion is the root of all the evil that men do.

Not one single person on the planet can say that their god had came to and spoken to them directly. They have merely heard of their god through stories and through word of mouth and chose to believe. I used to believe in Santa Clause!!!!

Humans are a carbon life form. We are no different than a cat with the exception of self awareness and thought. Does a dead cat live its after life amongst the gods?

Spare me your irrational thoughts, science can and will answer all mans questions so long as man does not kill himself first!

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


Looked at your site, pure Intelligent design propaganda, this doc is about science, not religion! Religee's everywhere! (LOL)

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago

Conservative estimate of numbers of "planets" in universe.
10,000,000,000,000.000...ten million, billion.

Of which may be billions of "exo-planets" that support life, any one think that our planet is the only one?

13 years ago

You don't say "this Hawking character" about Stephen Hawking. -_-; Jeeze. If anyone is going to take evidence for anything into account, it's him. Besides, the chances that there's life on even one or two other planets in the whole universe are tiny, whether or not that's what anyone wants to believe. Look it up. Probably what you think is evidence from 'far off civilizations' is just stuff the government was testing and people got pictures of. And y

13 years ago

How can we take this Hawking character seriously when he completely ignores the vast amount of evidence that indicates we are being visited on a regular basis by people from off planet civilisations.
He's either a complete fool who refuses to step out of his comfort zone and deal with the evidence or he knows and is part of the push for arming space, a lackey of the Military Industrial Complex.

13 years ago

archaeobee: "though you seem to divorce thinking from science".

No, I'm trying to connect science and religion as people not trained in religion think, that there is no method in it. And let's put this straight: I do not speak for a particular religious denomination but in the name of psychological and social pursuits known by names like organisational sciences, and kabalah.

archaeobee: "2nd paragraph…….what the *@$& are you talking about."

We get what we deserve :)

13 years ago


Woohoo.....1st paragraph makes sense, though you seem to divorce thinking from science. I can assure you that they are not mutually exclusive. Perhaps you mean he is more theoretical than a hands-on astrophysicist.

2nd paragraph.......what the *@$& are you talking about. Make sense old chap!

13 years ago

Hawkins is more of a thinker than a scientist, so I don't get what is the point arguing about science versus religion. Religions are implemented 'theories of everything', they're not based on math, but what do you expect a complete scientific theory will give you? Satisfaction in life, attitude towards one another? Or maybe a pill you can swallow and become a god that doesn't exist yourself?

This is all there is. If you can not respect this, you will not respect tomorrow, bacause the problem is not in the environment but in your lack of appreciacion of things.

Charles B.
Charles B.
13 years ago

I'm not entirely sure why it bothers me so much other than in nearly every doc they propagate evolution. Even in the crop circle doc, they could't resist the plug on the end with the little apeman becoming human. That has absolutely nothing to do with crop circles. It's their personal bias, but nowadays, you can believe any such thing you want without reprisal, except to be a fundamental Christian believer.

The people "worshiping" in the crop circle made me feel even more inclinded that perhaps it is a true demonic ruse. Seriously.

Just saying, JC: The Way the Truth and the Life!

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago

@Charles B:

Becoming more vitrolic? only to religee's, everywhere I turn there is a religee.
What are they even doing on this science doc? Don't get me wrong, all are welcome of course, as long as, in ("my books") they do not spew there religious nonsense.

Have a good notion to infiltrate their religious docs, and see how long I would last there. (LOL)
Why should it even bother you Charles, you I have respect for.

Just sayin, Carl Sagan,


Charles B.
Charles B.
13 years ago

Razor: I think you're becoming even more vitrolic lately. I'm quite sure you will be very disappointed, but not entirely surprised when we all eventaully find out that the "religees" as you call us are right in the end.

Smugg: Not my favorite human emotion. Humility is more pleasing to God.

Pease to you.

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


In case you did not know, this doc is a science doc! Not a religious one!

You could not pay me enough to watch the religee link that you gave!

As @Smugg: said, STFU!

13 years ago


No offence old chap, but it sounds like you've just been to your first philosophy class and think you know it all now!! Oh - and you contradict yourself - you say
"the idea that god exists (without proof) is untrue, and the idea that god does not exist (without proof) is untrue. both ideas are neither true nor lies"
How can something be untrue....and then "neither true nor lies" (sic!!!!)?

Of course we need to debate about the existence of god or not - human beings are naturally inquisitive and want to understand things from the great matters of science and philosophy to the mundane.

Just because you don't like debating - or simply just thinking about things - doesn't mean that other people shouldn't. atheist defending religion!!!!!!

Well not really - just defending against the moronic holier-than-thou attitude that some of the agnostics spout. If that means standing with some slightly nutty religious typesthen so be it.

13 years ago

When you believe in things that you don't understand,
Then you suffer,
Superstition ain't the way.

~ Stevie Wonder

13 years ago

very interesting

an excellent doc

last word
last word
13 years ago

YOU canNOT prove to me that God exists...and i canNot prove to you that God does not exist. so going around posting comments about god existing or not existing is ignorant. you want to believe that god exists, then think it to yourself don't spread an idea Without proof.

the idea that god exists (without proof) is untrue, and the idea that god does not exist (without proof) is untrue. both ideas are neither true nor lies. pretending to have the answer and spewing sh** on comment areas is moronic.

you look at all the proof for an idea and decide for yourself. don't let others make the decision for you and don't make the decision for others.

Dog Park
Dog Park
13 years ago

There is only one person who deserves the title of ‘Master of the Universe’, That person is the actual Creator of the Universe, Jehovah.

Q&A with brain fart Laura4.

Is God a person?

if heaven is above, where is it twelve hours from now?
