The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging

The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging

Ratings: 6.90/10 from 180 users.

Making A Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic DruggingPsychotropic drugs. It's the story of big money-drugs that fuel a $330 billion psychiatric industry, without a single cure.

The cost in human terms is even greater-these drugs now kill an estimated 42,000 people every year.

And the death count keeps rising. Containing more than 175 interviews with lawyers, mental health experts, the families of victims and the survivors themselves, this riveting documentary rips the mask off psychotropic drugging and exposes a brutal but well-entrenched money-making machine.

Before these drugs were introduced in the market, people who had these conditions would not have been given any drugs at all.

So it is the branding of a disease and it is the branding of a drug for a treatment of a disease that did not exist before the industry made the disease.

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Y. L. Jacobsen.
Y. L. Jacobsen.
2 years ago

Well this is a propaganda film made by that org. So why would you think otherwise?

Stephen Thomas Kudelka
Stephen Thomas Kudelka
2 years ago

Funny how anyone who questions basic psychiatry and mental illness is immediately written off as a Scientologist.

2 years ago

This is riveting and rings true with my experience with these quacks since my divorce and Service Connected physical disabilities.

4 years ago

Absolute garbage and doing harm by spewing a lot of misinformation. They show little to no proof to what they claim. What they fail to say is that most psychiatrists warn you of the side effects and TELL YOU THAT DRUGS ARE NOT THE SOLUTION. You have to see a therapist and whatnot to overcome depression, anxiety, or whatever. YES there are corrupt psychiatrists, but what department doesnt? This documentary left a sour taste the moment they said social anxiety disorder didn't exist. Lexapro gave me such bad anxiety, I would vomit profusely if I had to go past my driveway. But I'm not going to sh*t on all fkng pills because I, ME, didn't react well to the drug. Everyone is different and will react differently! I was put of Gabapentin for my anxiety and zoloft for my depression and regularly saw a therapist and worked on my depression anxiety. It is much better now. But this documentary doesn't say how most psychiatrists will warn you that drugs wont solve your problems. They take snippets from people on the street, especially when they're talking about bipolar disorder, and of other interviews of others talking about drugs. No context on what they were saying. I do not trust that. My best friend's mother has extreme bipolar disorder and she goes f***ing berserk and ends up in jail and psych wards when she is not on her medications. Spreading lies like this is disgusting and is harmful to those who do not know better and actually have disorders that could be helped.
I heard that this was propaganda for scientology, and hell, it sure seems like this. Utter bs that doesnt give both sides, proof of what they're saying, and tests on random people that doesn't mean anything.

Bradley Harwood
Bradley Harwood
4 years ago

Scientology called me in as I was walking past that way and tried to sell me this book in Sydney in the city. I said no and I don't have any money on me so they took my chain with a cross and a star that I was wearing around my neck and they said they will give it back to me when I come back with the money and buy that book. I went back to them and asked them to give me back my chain with the star and the cross. They denied taking the chain with the cross and star off me and I never got my property back the scientologists stole off me. They even tried to sign me up to work for them for free that is without wages but I said no.

4 years ago

Not for the A.I.'d, rosy colored glassed, extremely naive,that does not believe they have entered a covert, chemical torture program for grant funding expedenitures. Welcome to Solzhintyns' Gulag open air Archipelglio.

Philip Harding
Philip Harding
5 years ago

How do I know this was made by Scientologists? Should I just go by David Miscarriage's (frightening moniker) word?

7 years ago

My state representatives received this DVD in the mail. I viewed it with one of them. This "documentary," made by one of the Church of Scientology's front organizations, is a boring, repetitious, and bizarre mix of highly selective information, rapid-fire mini-sound bites from people in the street repeating short phrases or single words (e.g. "bipolar" "Zoloft"), "experts" opinions, and ominously-colored and flashing graphs and numbers (e.g. millions of dollars) with portentous-sounding voice-overs. The message is that psychiatry is a mercenary hoax threatening everyone and that psychiatric medications have no good effects and kill lots of people. Since the film provides no research supporting claims made in the film and the "experts'" credentials — and even, in many cases, their actual positions regarding psychiatry — seemed dubious, I looked for facts online. I was saved considerable time because someone else had already checked all the presenters that could be found and had written them asking if they were aware of the nature of the film they appeared in, providing them with the minutes where their comments appeared so that they could check to see what was included in the film. Some seem to have responded. I found an extensive article by University of Texas bioethicist Dr. Howard Brody who appears often in the film. In his article he expresses his positive opinion of psychiatry and psychotropic medication and presents a clear and careful analysis of the entire film. I can't include the URL but it isn't hard to find. I also found a statement by a state representative from another state about how he narrowly escaped publicly endorsing Scientology's anti-psychiatry position, explaining, "They misled me." (not by this film, however). There may be a good documentary somewhere about the very real problems with the pharmaceutical industry: the profiteering, the way they advertise, conflicts of interest by professionals, etc., — but this isn't it. This video merely promotes Dr. Thomas Szasz's incorrect ideas from his half-century old book in complete ignorance of facts and sound subsequent research.

7 years ago

Absolute scientologist xenu tom cruise garbage, based on the fact that l ron hubbard was against science and medicine, therefore his brainwashed minions believe this crap.

It is no small irony that many of those in scientology will eventually realise that they are in a cult, and requite psychiatric intervention, possibly institutionalisation for the good of society,

Thetans, you absolute knobheads....

Marial Arts
Marial Arts
7 years ago

I was rasied by these drugs. .

Josey Wales
Josey Wales
8 years ago

A very close friend of mine was taken to a hospital nearly 2 year ago in a ambulance, with cops. Why? a "friend" of his called the police and told them he was dangerous and possibly suicidal. He was on Prozac and per him started getting worse mentally, anxiety attacks, constant headaches. He was evaluated for 72 hours and kept for 2 more weeks, put on several psychotropic drugs. Now, 1 1/2 years later, he is physically worse, has mindsplitting headaches regularly, grew paranoid and ran into the street thinking someone was after him. I printed out the drugs he was on and the "side effects" and they all included increased depression, paranoia and headaches. The fact that when I bring up to other friends and even his doctor that these drugs are making him worse, I am looked at like I'm crazy. But it is abundantly clear that he has gotten mentally worse since being on these drugs. One thing is for sure here - he is insured and has lots of $$$ in the bank. So I conclude at least in this case, that he is being slowly driven to his death because he has money and certain psychiatrists and doctors are using legal means to get it. I say slowly, because if he is killed off right away, there's no continual income from him. Now this may all seem strikingly one sided and crazy, yet, it is happening right before our eyes. What to do?

8 years ago

I think the fact that "The Untold Story" documentary "does not exist" any longer tells a whole lot. It touched the nerve of Big Pharma. Don't want to get to much info out there. I've tried five anti-depressant meds in twenty years. The last and very last was Seroquel in approximately 2005. The first was Prozac in about 1988. Everything in between had the same affect. I wanted to die. It was as suicidal as i've ever been. The way they did help was that i realized I wasn't as depressed as i thought I was. This cow manure did a number on me. I've instructed my children that in the event i become unable to talk for myself they keep an eye on my meds and NO ANTI DEPRESSANTS! anti psychotics. Have had a few of those as well. Big Pharma has alot of talking to do before Jesus thumps them downward. God bless the sick people that are simply a number.

8 years ago

I also know that the iron infusion caused it because I checked up on cosmofer and ferinject which is what I was given. Had I not been given these drugs I KNOW that I would not have had schizophrenia.

8 years ago

Hi I'm in Hampshire in England and I agree with the documentary. In 2007 I broke from an abusive partner and had cultural issues and it took me a couple of years to try get back on my feet as my problems def were not the norm. However the first thing my doc said was take drugs. Now I am a logical person and after 11 years of abuse you learn to try n deal with it but obviously I would have to adjust over time as I had list Everything, home family friends money business husband everything overnight. The doc was constantly pushing me to take drugs, and the more I met yhe doc the worse I felt as I felt I was being pushed into something I didn't want. 3 years in I saw a different doc same surgery female as I couldn't talk to a male about issue. She kept sending me for counciling and physical examinations by womens who were very rough and then the male doc who kept trying to push drugs on me told me I needed iron. y this time I was exhausted I took iron tablets and told him I was violently ill so he knew I was intolerant, instead he sent me for an iron infusion now each time I would go to doctors they kept fobbing me off ie one lady told me to look on the net for symptoms and would not examine me then another lady was physically abusive I told her she hurt me and she said I'm fine. So the stress understandably made me give up and say fine I'll take yhe infusion when I took the infusion I was violently ill and kept telling the doc that the iron made me sick both physically and mentally and that I have some other female problem going on. No one listened they kept telling me it's in my head.

In the end it was discovered I had endometriosis a problem with my overies so I was right but as I was being fobbed off I was stressed out by the doctors and got schizophrenia from the iron infusion. Of course speaking to my doctor he said I was suffering psychosis because of all the abuse from family. I know it was bought on by abuse from the doctors.

9 years ago

These people are not saying that mental illness do not exist! What they are saying is that there are way too much false diagnosis!

I was diagnosed critically depressed and anxious almost 2 years ago. Fortunately I had a very good psychiatrist who helped me and got me out without using medicine. If the first answer from your therapist or health professional is a pill, he's NOT doing a good job. Look elsewhere.

The brain is a physical part of your body just like any other. If you have back pain, or muscle aches, yes you can take a pill to help the pain but you don't cure the problem. You would want to go see a physical therapist or else to help it cure. It's the same thing with your brain. If your brain is ill, you can follow a good therapy and fix the problem.

Now, sometimes there are no answers to a problem and drugs are needed. I admit to that. But it shouldn't be the number one answer to any mental illness.

9 years ago

Thank you so very much for posting this video. As one that their life and everything has been totally destroyed by these drugs I hope people start taking seriously the bad that these drugs do to people and not much good. Never ever worth it never......

Maris Garden
Maris Garden
10 years ago

This is sickening. I've had psychiatrists nearly save my life. I assure you depression is a very real and deadly illness that is not just something "everyone deals with".

10 years ago

mental illness is real there are ppl suffering from all kinds of it this documentary is crazy !

Richard Neva
Richard Neva
10 years ago

This documentary has serious technical problems of stopping periodically!

Sandy Marie
Sandy Marie
10 years ago

Yes, people do have troubles and yes, there are solutions but drugs that change the brains wiring is not the solution. a true solution does not create other problems. Imagine having the problem of your car not running right and then you bring it in to a "professional" mechanic and then getting it back with another problem.... That wouldn't work for you so you bring it back and they try to fix that but now you get it back with that problem and a new one, once again, now your angry and you don't want to pay for it. That's whats happening in the psych community. Churches, friends, just listening helps more than these drugs and that is for the majority of people, the others may need more help but that is for another forum.

Sandy Marie
Sandy Marie
10 years ago

Facts are facts. Sounds like anyone that says this video is bias doesn't understand what a fact IS. Unfortunatly the truth can be hard to swallow. And hard to confront but one still should not confuse facts and truth with opinion and theory. You don't "agree to disagree" when it comes to fact and truth.

Darby Campbell
Darby Campbell
10 years ago

WORST documentary I have EVER watched! So biased!!!! and these "DOCTORS" keep contradicting themselves!!!! WTF

10 years ago

My father killed himself after struggling with depression after 22 years. His third depression came when his drug stopped working but this time, he decided it wasn't worth it to keep looking for help. He was prescribed meds without ever being prescribed therapy, lifestyle changes and coping mechanisms. I'm a yoga instructor, Chinese medical practitioner in the making and believer in healthy diets, except cues, community involvement and talking out ones problems. My father is the second in his side of the family to successfully kill himself. At least 5 on his side have tried that I know of. Depression can be alleviated and controlled but there are no quick fixes. Psychotropic drug use is an evil pandemic out of control.

10 years ago

Wow, I love how everyone here is saying mental disorders don't exist. I agree that these mental symptoms shouldn't be dubbed "diseases" because they aren't; they are simply a way of brain functioning, but I will honestly say that Prozac and Xanax have saved my life when coupled with therapy over the last five years. These drugs are not meant to be taken over a lifetime, but too many people think that way and it gives these helpful drugs a bad name. Drugs didn't make me attempt suicide in seventh grade. Drugs didn't make me self harm for seven years. Drugs didn't make me have mental symptoms of severe depression for over a decade. Drugs didn't make me have attention problems. Drugs didn't make me impulsive or anxious or obsessively pick at my skin. They didn't and I know that for a fact because I had all of these symptoms and issues prior to attempting suicide a second time. It wasn't until then that I did get on anti-depressants. And you know what? They have helped me in so many ways and I am alive in part because of them. Not just them, of course. But, they are there to clear the fog so you can see the path to a new life of thinking and coping. Like guns, these drugs are only dangerous when used improperly. And for those of you saying mental disorders like depression and anxiety and ADD/ADHD and OCD and whatever don't exist? They do. No, they aren't diseases, but they exist. Just like a cold, these "diseases" are just names for a set of symptoms. They're caused by the type of brain functioning any given person has. Yes, the medical world uses this word "disease" loosely to make money, but that's like blaming McDonald's for making you fat because they made you over eat in order to get money. Stop blaming the system because even if it is largely due to the system, the public have a big part in it too.

10 years ago

I suffer from chronic pain. Where I live now the doctors won't prescribe any narcotics due to my usage of an herbal supplement even though that allows me the greatest pain relief and functionality. Although this wasn't an issue in the previous 2 states I've lived in there is a common denominator in my situation. All doctors I've seen for pain treatment, whether pain management or primary care, attempted to prescribe antidepressants or SSRI drugs even though they are the only class of drugs I've had an allergic reaction to......

Joe Joe
Joe Joe
10 years ago

These made up diseases are just opinions of so-called "doctors". Witch doctors maybe....

Joe Joe
Joe Joe
10 years ago

Every school shooting or mass shooting was committed by a person or persons who have ingested psychotropic drugs. Think about that next time you try and blame a tool.

Joe Joe
Joe Joe
10 years ago

No such thing as ADD, ADHD, and many of the rest of the alphabet diseases. These are made up phony ailments so as to drug the population and dumb down the society. This is just one part of the government's agenda to control a populace. Governments fear a strong independent, family oriented husband & wife and traditional straight society with faith in God. So they must crush all resistance in any way they can to achieve global slavery. Put each brick of evidence there is in place and you have a wall. The puzzle is clear.

10 years ago

Let's separate the baby from the bath water... There is a difference between psychotic & neurotic illnesses. This video addresses the profits issues made on over diagnosises of illnesses which would be classed neurotic.
In addition, the bias is clear, nonetheless these matters ought to be public information.

Michael J. Midlo
Michael J. Midlo
10 years ago

This is the truth that I and my family know all too well. It has damaged my mind permanently, devastated our family and friends, permanently scarred my oldest daughter and caused the death of my son Jonathan. It has corrupted the medical fields so that to trust a doctor should be looked at as a potential Fatal mistake. Even well meaning doctors and medical professionals have become part of the problem because they have been manipulated conned and lied to to the point where all I can say is forgive them father for they know not what they do. As for the others they should have all they've made from the death and suffering that they have caused taken from them and locked away as the heartless self-serving murderous drug dealers that they are.

As for CCHR and the courageous efforts of the people who are bringing the truth about the corruption and deception and destruction of human lives to lite should not only be applauded but brought to not only the net but to the forefront of local, national, and international news and kept there until this epidemic of greed driven deception is stopped
Sincerely: Michael J. Midlo

10 years ago

Google mind control thru your t.v secondly google DEPOPULATION AGENDA. In the movie 1984 people were just walking around like mindless zombies. They weren't aware of their surroundings & each other they had no human emotion at all. The government told them what time to take their meds & if they questioned the police was called as the government was monitoring the sheeple thru their T.V sets. This society is on the breaking point 1984 "their" spraying the planet with chemtrails GMO foods". You take your vaccines as prescribe you drink milk that had puss blood hairs growth hormones & vaccines. Your meat is radiated chickens are the size of pets now are we ever going to wake UP! I don't believe there's no hope for humans we can't even say no to processed foods drive thru because most people are lazy! While your walking around sleeping they have you under control stop taking their drugs! The movie THEY LIVE IS TRUE this is why we're in the situation because people are dumbed down & unconscious WAKE UP & get informed.

10 years ago

This is bull....This film is made by CCHR (a suborganisation to Scientologists). This is propaganda. Do not rely on this movie.
Sure, sometimes it can be too easy to get prescription drugs written out but it's not as easy as they make it seem.

Gene Vann
Gene Vann
10 years ago

It's such a relief to see that someone is speaking out about this. We've all seen it, heard about it, but few know the real story. After divorce my ex put our 5 year old daughter on this stuff because she was acting different after our divorce and the mother was trying to date again, so sedating her made her commandable. She's fifteen now and suffers seizures from Epilepsy, and it does not run in our family, it just showed up.

Edward G Hoffmann
Edward G Hoffmann
11 years ago

This needs to go viral. Everybody needs to share this on all social networks.

Corinne McConnell
Corinne McConnell
11 years ago

excessive prescription of drugs is obviously a problem, but there are many mental disorders where medication is beneficial, it's ridiculous to berate the entire field of psychiatry- and narrator's voice sounds like the movie trailer man's...way over the top

11 years ago

Not all Psychiatrists are pushers for profit. Some really do care and monitor their patients carefully.

11 years ago

There is a lot of truth in this film, Psychiatry is a made up profession that use to perform horrible medical procedures on innocent people. They never cured ONE person yet. The like to think they are doing good but they are just greedy self rightious hypocrits with expensive tastes. They destroy lives and cause many deaths. Pschology, on the other hand questions the behaviours and looks for solutions through therapy and family involvement. STOP DRUGGINS OUR CHILDREN FOR PROFIT.

George Mink
George Mink
11 years ago

JIMMY: Well, not JUST fear. They use fear (the second strongest emotion) to sell us the strongest: HOPE. Or in this case, a false and detrimental hope. And the fact that Scientology exists and jumps all over endorsing flicks like this casts doubt over even the very dangerously true statements will be ignored by the masses.

11 years ago

Watching this documentary last night brought extreme sadness and also consternation, as I wondered why the information has not been made public over and over until the practice is stopped. I saw so many parallels to exactly why I lost my sister nearly ten years ago at the age of 68. I still remember the names on so many of those bottles which she was given at the local hospital, the state hospital and finally the nursing home where she chose Hospice rather than have an entire leg amputated due to infection from bedsores. She'd gone from very active, (walking 2 m. daily) to being curled in hands and feet in 2 years from side effects of sometimes three of the drugs at a time. She was brilliant and, at the time of her situational depression at age 65, was dealing with wet macular degeneration which had stopped her from pursuing education to become a Special Ed Test Administer. She was wrongly "diagnosed" (quotes due to what I learned in the documentary) for 1 1/2 yrs. as schitzophrenic, treated on trial and error with multiple drugs and even institutionalized. Finally, a truly caring doctor prescribed shock treatments, which completely changed her to rational. However, the damage of all the drugs had already caused extreme muscle retraction and she could no longer walk. I pray this documentary goes viral and the outrage rises to a level that the practices are stopped.!

11 years ago

Fear! That is what I would attribute the majority of all problems we humans have. Fear of death, fear of rejection and fear of failure. For me personally, once I realized on more than an academic level that everyone who has ever lived is going to die one day, a cloud lifted. When you truly embrace this, you are free to try anything your heart desires, as long as you respect the rights and boundaries of those around you.

11 years ago

we love children and um... (no u don't u love money even more) 39:28 they not going to be your future they are dead 56:30 this is life of the future

Tlacael Sunstrider
Tlacael Sunstrider
11 years ago

I almost died after taking one of these "medications." I have little to no chance suing these people for massive physical and emotional done to my family. They are a bunch of murderers and killers. Corporate America at its finest.
Mental Illness is a lie used to poison very gifted and spiritual people the same way they poison us with MSG, aspartame, chemtrails, and fluoride. "Mental Illness" is in fact, an energetic and spiritual imbalance and must be dealt accordingly. The solution is "alternative" medicine such as Acupuncture, Reflexology, Shamanism and Astrology.

Rick Davis
Rick Davis
11 years ago

It is no longer possible to discern what is legitamate and what is purley used to make a profit. We have put our trust in man and now we have to depend on man's answers. I never hear people focusing on the cause of these "disorders" and what can be done through life and nutritional changes. You will never be truly well by synthetic means. Even if the meds help initially...the long term side effects are more damaging.

Chelsea Bak
Chelsea Bak
11 years ago

Social Anxiety is very real. If you suffer from it (like I do) then you know it is not just being shy! It does not come and go. I used to not be able to go up to a clerk in a store to ask where something was. I could never answer the telephone or make a phone call to someone I didn't know. I could not raise my hand in class to ask a question, or answer one, even if I knew my answer was right. And the amount of sleep I will never get back because of laying at night thinking about everything stupid I did during the day that would cause people to have judged me is a number so high I am not able to count it. I was VERY offended by those in this film that mocked Social Anxiety. With THERAPY and Zoloft on the side, I have been able to recover tremendously. I still have trouble in social situations at times, but therapy helped me so much. I took Zoloft at the same time, so I don't know how much it helped, but I feel a lot better. I am 20, so I fall under the "black box warning" that says you could become suicidal on the drug. I went through a few weeks where I was feeling that way, but I was honest with my therapist and it eventually went away. Basically I had to turn off this film because it became very offensive to somebody like me with a true mental illness. I encourage anybody to get help from a therapist first if they feel they have any problems, no matter how big or small. Someone once said to me that anybody, in any walk of life, can benefit from therapy, and I really think that to be true. It takes a lot of courage to get help, but it is well worth it in the end.

Dee Slad DeLeon
Dee Slad DeLeon
11 years ago

As a psychology major studying under a licensed, practicing doctor, per his expertise, there are basically three mental illnesses that warrant medication. They are: severe depression, bi-polar, and schizophrenia. Other than those three, most mental disorders can be treated with therapy, not drugs. Please note, being an informed patient is extremely important, however, being ignorant is absolutely reckless.

Cheyenne H
Cheyenne H
11 years ago

This is so sickening and it makes me mad! I suffer from depression, for a long time I suffered because I didn't want to take drugs and be a "happy zombie" like people like the ones in the video say you will become. I finally took drugs for my depression and it felt like I started a new life. There's no way these diseases are "made up". I can't believe such stupid people exist in the world.

11 years ago

what a load of bollocks. while I agree there may be some truth to the fact that pharmaceutical companies lobby to make extra money. but to say mental illnesses and chemical illnesses are invented and that psychototropic drugs don't help is total bull****. for example if you know giving someone a drug that blocks dopamine receptors lessens the symptoms of psychosis it's pretty safe to say that high dopamine levels contribute to psychosis. that's ******* science!

11 years ago

This piece of propaganda masquerading as a 'documentary' was very difficult for me to watch.

Bipolar is not an invented disorder, nor is it a personality disorder as described in this documentary. It is called Bipolar Affective Disorder, and is classed as a Mood Disorder. Although the actual causes are not 100% clear, there are very strong indications that it the episodes of mania and depression are brought on by a hormonal/chemical imbalance in the brain.

It is normal for people to have mood swings. But when the mood swings become so severe, long lasting, and prevents you from living a meaningful life it becomes an illness.

I have lived with this condition for two decades, although I have only been aware of it for two years. These two years have been the most stable of my life! I am taking medication to help control my mood, which stops me having a full blown manic or depressive episode. In addition I am also learning to control my thought patterns with help of CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), and other talking therapy.

There is currently no cure for this condition, any less than there is a cure for Epilepsy or Diabetes... The only proven form of treatment that can help manage the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder is drugs. Just as drugs are the only proven way of managing Epilepsy and Diabetes.

To even think that mental illness is just something psychiatrists are making up in order to line their pockets is just outrageous! Every other part of the body is subject to illness, so it is only obvious that the brain will also develop illnesses. It is after all the most complex organ in our bodies!

Although there is no physical test available to diagnose most mental disorders there is clear evidence that they do exist. A lot of research is going on in this field, which would explain why so many more drugs have been invented in the last 40 years.

Yes, the medication does have side effects. I have gained a lot of weight, I am a little groggy in the morning. I need to keep regular checks on my thyroid levels, as well as keeping in mind the medication I am taking can make me more susceptible to type 2 Diabetes... But without this medication I would not be able to have any stability in my life.

So let the pharmaceutical companies continue to develop medication. Let the psychiatrists continue to do research into the causes and management of mental illness. One day we may be able to find a cure, but until then we must continue to manage the symptoms!

11 years ago

My psychiatrist talks to me for an hour every two weeks, she is amazing.

11 years ago

People have legitimate issues, yes stuff may e over diagnosed yes but there are people who have legitimate mental illness, obviously the people on here have never experienced a mental illness and don't know the pain that it causes.