The New American Century

The New American Century

2009, Conspiracy  -   407 Comments
Ratings: 8.58/10 from 368 users.

This documentary film goes in detail through the untold history of The Project for the New American Century with tons of archival footage and connects it right into the present.

It exposes how every major war in US history was based on a complete fraud with video of insiders themselves admitting it. This film shows how the first film theaters in the US were used over a hundred years ago to broadcast propaganda to rile the American people into the Spanish-American War.

It film shows the white papers of the oil company Unocal which called for the creation of a pipeline through Afghanistan and how their exact needs were fulfilled through the US invasion of Afghanistan.

This documentary shows how Halliburton under their "cost plus" exclusive contract with the US Government went on a mad dash spending spree akin to something out of the movie Brewster's Millions, yet instead of blowing $30 million they blew through BILLIONS by literally burning millions of dollars worth of hundred thousand dollar cars and trucks if they had so much as a flat tire.

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7 months ago

You mean...they dont hate us because we are "free"?

2 years ago

Idk why Alex Jones is credited with foreseeing the attacks and the subsequent blaming of Bin Laden. Bill Cooper announced the same thing before Jones. Cooper didn't like Jones, said Jones was controlled opposition. Cooper gets killed by the government, yet Jones is still around. You can tell exactly who is controlled opposition or a Shill by the fact that they're still breathing.

3 years ago

Joe Bidet is a mental deficient that needs 24/7 care. A hand puppet for China and the Left.
His finger on the nuclear button??? WTF!

Adan Gasca
Adan Gasca
3 years ago

What is the difference between a Joe Biden speech and a Donald Trump speech? When Biden is speaking you wonder if he's had a stroke. When Trump is speaking you wonder if you've had a stroke.

Sara Woodrow
Sara Woodrow
4 years ago

Unfortunately it's been mob rules all the way back to prohibition. PAID protection. SAME today everyone wants USA PROTECTION WITHOUT PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE .
Martial law is comin

Zack Lonbee
Zack Lonbee
4 years ago

You can't "steal" artifacts from a conquered foe.

Gabriel Alberoni
Gabriel Alberoni
4 years ago

That's really evil. Humiliating and destroying other people like that. A sad history :(

5 years ago

Thanks guys for bring the real truths of what's being played out in the backgrounds... The stuff the mainstream media not want us to know.. fantastic documentary

Neo Planta
Neo Planta
5 years ago

I wished I could say America is an Evil Empire, but most Empires leave something good behind. America leaves nothing but destruction and qualifies only as a Pure Evil.

5 years ago

Awesome doc, must watch.

5 years ago

The United States of Greed, Power and Hypocracy raped the world on September 11, 2001 and destroyed Earth's precious virginity. With acts of severe cruelty and unspeakable evil shown in this revealling film, to poisoning Earth's natural food supplies [GMO's/Monsanto], attacking innocent countries for their Natural Resources/Minerals/etc [S.America], using overwhelming economic power to force weaker Nation's to bend,break and crumble [name a 3rd world country], to proclaiming themselves as "Earth's Police force" and the "Rulers of Space" Etc Etc Etc, it is not a question of WHO and WHAT the USA is but ONLY a question of WHEN WILL WE AS A WORLDWIDE PEOPLE SAY "ENOUGH" and END THIS SADISTIC, LYING, BARBARIC, RACIST, SICKNESS OF A COUNTRY and RETURN TO AN EVOLUTION OF RELATIVE PEACE ON EARTH? WE as people worldwide are also guilty of doing nothing while speaking, writing, tweeting, posting, etc our hatred towards them yet doing nothing to end this diseased nation's grasp. WHEN......IS the ONLY question.

5 years ago

Convince your people that doing wrong is doing right and you create evil

Mario Baillargeon
Mario Baillargeon
5 years ago

Solve 9/11 = end all wars. ~ Christopher Bollyn

Paul R
Paul R
5 years ago

There go some of the most evil men in modern history.
We can never undo what has happened with their influence.
Can we ever change? Why do we so easily gravitate towards greed, cruelty and hate?
If God exists may he be merciful upon us.

6 years ago

Anybody who has read the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats AT THAT TIME, knows of the shift they made to Republicans of today. The fact that your using that example to make Republicans look better is stupid. Stop trying to using the Constitution, which says it PROTECTS ALL PERSONS FROM GOVERNMENTAL DEPRIVATION OF LIFE, LIBERTY & PROPERTY WITHOUT DUE PROCESS, to help you lie, because you can't. Obviously.

6 years ago

I am VERY happy to live in America. Where we are free from as many obligations and rules as other countries, unfortunately. I'm not PROUD to live in America, with the history of terror to other countries. I wish it would change. I wish we were "Protectors" of bullied nations, like they'd have us believe here, if they could. They can't, though, because we are free. Jesus did walk the earth, so he did exist. What, or why he was here hasn't been proven, but he was here. Facts like that shouldn't be hard to digest. Him coming back or believing someone is hearing a voice and giving him instructions to do something, is. I believe in God/Allah in my own way. Maybe that's offensive to some, but I'm not hurting anyone, so why don't you worry about yourself, and stop being offended about A WHOLE OTHER HEAD AND ITS THOUGHTS.

6 years ago

Why liberals hate conservatives: Mislabeling and related propaganda for the most part. They call this PNAC group "neo-cons" or "new conservatives". They are definitely hate-able but are as far from "conservative" as any. At minute 13:30 Leo Stauss is described as the first to begin spouting the concepts of the "neo cons" and the mentor of Wolfowitz.

Chicago Professor Leo Strauss believed "individual freedom led to personal conflicts", "envisioned a compact society which allowed the individual to pour their personal ambitions into a collective movement."

Neo cons are just different brand of COLLECTIVISTS with a different flavored agenda. But they definitely don't want to "conserve" your freedom. Which the same problem with any Collectivism, such as Socialism, the lite version of Communism.

"Neo Cons" is the mislabeling of collectivist a**holes much the same as the "Alt. Right" is the mislabeling of the collectivist extreme left. For instance back in the day, the Ku Klux Klan were mostly Southern Democrats. It was the conservative Republicans who freed the slaves, not the Demonrats. The conservative republicans wanted to "conserve" the God given rights and freedoms for all. This is still true today. It is the democrats who want to do away with the rights outlined in the Constitution. And want to make the constitution say whatever THEY says it says via the "living document" lies. It says what it intended to say for all time; for the benefit of all us citizens. The progressive socialist democrat agenda is as Obama stated, to fundamentally transform. Open borders is part of that agenda because you cannot have a country with no borders. It will be transformed by the hordes. See how much better Europe is with its middle eastern hordes.

What time will you have to fight and defeat the elite progressives who want you to be their slaves, if you are too busy dealing with the mayhem of immigrants overwhelming the system? Not to mention you will have less dough to fight them with due to the lower wages they will cause, the "gimme free stuff" politicians they will elect.

Truly, enough saw the end of the usa as we knew it and wanted to conserve the good things about it so wisely vetoed Hillary. It was literally ANYBODY but a progressive liberal who may have sunk the last nail in the coffin. And they are still trying with all their minions in the CIA, the media, the FBI, and other agencies. God help us all. Turn off the major media and become enlightened to what is really going on.

6 years ago

As you will inevitably learn on your path to losing weight, effective weight loss is not only about watching what you eat, but much more about changing your lifestyle. This means changing your habits and how you approach your day-to-day life. Read this information to help you throughout the process.

6 years ago

Above I've read religion haters who are as judgemental and hateful as any person of faith. I've read finger pointing towards Christians and towards Muslims and towards Jews.

This is EXACTLY how THEY want you to react. To continue fighting among yourselves rather than pulling your head out to see and solve the REAL enemy.

Who are THEY? The same people who gin up wars to jack the price of oil higher, including imams and shieks and western corporatists (not capitalists, study what that is please, simply the ability of one person to trade freely with another without govt getting in between, long disappeared in the usa) and international banksters (those who own the central banks who also own the military supply companies and media).

In other words a very SMALL group of individuals behind the scenes who get their minions to stir up conflict and war so they can profit and grab power. PNAC is just one group who have cooperation with the other "powers that be" in order to accomplish what the world lets them.

The question was asked several times, "what can we do?" This is the lazy minded response of those who desire to do nothing for fear they would have to spend 1 minute or 1 hour doing ANYTHING but racing home to sit on their backside sucking on a beer like it was their baby bottle.

The answers are simple and quite easy: 1. Spend 1 hour per month gathering together away from the media to find wise incorruptible people to run in numbers, from all parties, for all offices, who know what the swamp is and will root them out and fire them. Who will imprison the ceo's of all those corrupt companies and all the guilty including both Bushes, both Clintons, Obama, generals, ceos, etc. But it has to be a big movement, a big cleaning house. One or two will not get it done, we have that now, only about 4 in the Senate that are worth a hoot.

The second answer is to support those who are bringing back the energy generation inventions of Nikola Tesla and others or like minded new energy generation methods. If you believe that oil, natural gas, nuclear, or solar is the only energy choices that we have, you have been indoctrinated by those same few in number "powers that be" that own the media and donate huge sums to the universities to control them and what they teach the teachers.

Most wars are truly about money and power. Religion is just a convenient tool to gin up a war so they can profit. If religions were banned, they would find another convenient tool such as "nationalism". Which in fact was the tool used by the nazis and by the usa. When the average citizen in the usa "learned" that someone attacked us on 911, we didn't care what religion they were. They could have been from Germany or Sweden. We would have reacted the same. "Kick their butts." It was my reaction also, until I looked into the twin towers and bldg 7 coming down. Religion was fed into the stream of tension to keep things going worse. To create more war.

So, 1. There is no excuses. 2. Not for usa citizens doing nothing. 3. Not for muslims raping and taking over parts of Sweden and other European countries. 4. Not for those in the military who are warped and kill or harm for fun like dogs after cats.

There are groups in Islam just as bad as those of PNAC who want to rule and dominate the world. To deny that is to follow the q'ran and lie as it teaches you to do to the infidel. A concept muhammed learned from the corrupted jewish leadership who calls us goyim. The elites the world over think so little of you, think of you as cannon fodder, and rightfully so; you keep falling for their plots. You say they shouldn't be like that? True, but they are. Whining about it does nothing. End their power the easy way. Vote them out.

Unfortunately, the indoctrinated fools in the usa will take that to mean vote in socialist-communist-progressives = collectivists which are the Stalins of the world who would eventually get around to killing off all the rest who disagree with them. Why do all those collectivists want gun control? So they have no opposition and can then enact what they really desire. YOU SLAVE, THEM RULER. We are 2/3s the way their if you haven't noticed. They keep perpetration atrocities to blame on "guns". Fortunately we haven't fallen for it. Gun crimes PER CAPITA are nearly as high in other countries. Violent crime is actually down in the usa. If you don't realize it, the media is propaganda and nothing but propaganda; turn it off and you will be more informed and less misguided.

All religions and atheists will have to pull their heads out and look to the REAL common enemy, the banksters, their media, their war mongers, their minions, instead of falling into their hands as we have chosen to do.

John A. Randolph
John A. Randolph
7 years ago

How does the Trump Presidency fit into all of this?

7 years ago

"Dick Cheney is far more honest than people give him credit for."

God, please help us. We're far worse off than originally suspected. lol

7 years ago

Very insightful Tracy T. I wish everyone got it. Sooner or later someone will mention 'The Illuminati,' or 'New World Order,' and the unenlightened lose it. I truly believe if everyone with an IQ above about 75 were sat down and things explained to them, and put forth the minor effort of paying attention, EVERYONE would get it. We're not talking about Lizard People running the government from their underground lair, but men doing what (many) men do best. Waging war for fun and profit, exploiting others, and trying to get every last dollar they possibly can, by any means they can. It's nothing new, or so hard to believe.

7 years ago

It's sad to see that some people still don't see the obvious. Some never will. Some are too limited in their intelligence, while others could never accept the truth. At least more are waking up everyday. The fools and cowards can ride our coattails and reap the just rewards - equality, TRUTH and justice.

7 years ago

Thanks @Ivan, they say misery loves company. That says a lot about what you're about.

7 years ago

It makes me ashamed to be an American, or least the America in the image in which I steadfastly believe in. If there were any way to apologize to those devastated by the action of MY corrupt government I humbly wish to do so, knowing it is far short of enough to account for these atrocities.

Bogdan Coseru
Bogdan Coseru
8 years ago

Same thing happend in Romania with Becthel, when they were employed to build a highway. Guess what? No highway and on top of that they lost the contract :D.
This was the price we had to pay for entering EU.
Now they are trying to do the same thing with ROSIA MONTANA. Bilions in gold that they want to steal.

There is an American dream, but it's rated Horror.

8 years ago

All of this is hearsay. People who appose whatever... love to piece coincidences together to support their theories. USA did NOT blow up the world trade centers to start a war, just the opposite. Terrorists who were proven on those planes did.

Tracy T
Tracy T
8 years ago

The story goes deeper than just oil and Haliburton. Research who the neo-cons are. If you don't get that, you get nothing. There's an ancient Mystery here, one that goes back to the "Mystery of Iniquity," the synagogue of Satan. Look at how economies are run, what "fiat currency" and fractional reserve banking mean, look at the history of usury. It ALL starts there, and it will end there as well.

Tracy T
Tracy T
8 years ago

JacFlasche, Hawaii wasn't an American State at the time the Japanese attacked. They bombed and strafed our Navy, not our land.

Tracy T
Tracy T
8 years ago

Don't blame "the U.S.A" or "Americans." We Americans don't have any more control over what the likes of AIPAC and Haliburton do than anyone else. We're overrun by oligarchs, people whose names we don't even know. Our media are owned by people who hate us. Wars are arranged for the sake of Israel and oil. And we're as powerless over it as the poor civilians in Iraq were. Now the entire Middle East is destabilized because of those lies, and "refugees" are pouring into Europe, which few Europeans want, but which they'll get anyway because the same damned oligarchs who've trashed the USA plan on trashing Europe as well. And the Europeans are as powerless about it as we in the U.S. are powerless over what the oligarchs do in OUR name. It's vile. It's unspeakably vile. But don't hate US because of what THEY do. We, ALL of us, are just pawns on some banksters' chessboard.

8 years ago

any documentary that references Alex Jones is pretty much worthless.

DC Jones
DC Jones
8 years ago

What I see Mr Seymour is a man that has been left out of the loop and fears for his life. He knows it's an inside job and trying to figure out who is behind it, why he was excluded, and what could or should be his next move. He knew he was safe where he was, or he would already be dead. If he was to be assassinated it would be after he left the school. He probably had a good idea who the people were behind the plot, but his being excluded from an event of such proportions confused him, made him doubt the loyalties of his allies, and where and how could he have made the mistake that led to his being so surprised. He wasn't in control and he knew it, that is why he stayed right where he was until he sorted out his options and what the intent of the people who were in control were going to be towards him. If he knew what was going on he would have been prepared to play the role of hero, or at least play the role of a leader by acting like he was one. Bush is a lousy actor. His fathers Mr Rodgers act was convincing. It was so convincing that some people thought a former director of the CIA could be a wimp. Though I understand the psychology of how propaganda works and how people can be made to believe obvious lies, GW is such an obvious phony I am unable to assess how far in to the depths of insanity and unreality people are in, how much more insane will they become, or how much, or how little, they will ever be able to recognize reality.

8 years ago

One of the first things this doc says is incorrect. It says that America had never experienced an attack on it's homeland before. Except for the war of 1812 when the British burned Washington to the ground aye? Or the several Canadian invasions of the US. Not to even mention Pearl Harbor. whoops I mentioned it.

monique d
monique d
9 years ago

That was not Bin laden in the fake video of him speaking to a friend and saying he was aware of the attack. Bin laden is left handed and the guy in the video uses his right hand when making talking gestures

Derek Seymour
Derek Seymour
9 years ago

obvious....bin laden had nothing to do with it. bush knew...but i doubt he knew v.much. When he's at the school, you can tell he knew

9 years ago

Wish I would have watched this back in the aughts. But make no mistake, this is bipartisan. See CFR.

9 years ago

When will man learn to live without empire? When will we as people raise our children to be loving and never hateful? In a cosmic sense, this dreary piece, with all its truths intact, gives us an emotion of great loss and waste. It is hard to see hope for us.

9 years ago

I have watched this film and it paints the american elite in a very bad light, they have managed to make a people who were not their enemy into one that is now their enemy, and all based on control and greed.

9 years ago

PURE EVIL!!! How will the USA ever recover from the "Acts of Dick?" L.

Marcia Everett
Marcia Everett
9 years ago

Mike A can you be specific as to what parts weren't true? And I am not a believer in the influence of the illuminati do you recommend a documentary? And why are Rumsfeld, Chaney, Wolfewitz and the others not members of this illuminati you speak of? Also This does not endict the entire Republican thought. Only these greedy ones.

Mike A
Mike A
10 years ago

Pure propoganda. You gotta love when a film billing itself as anti-propoganda is itself a propoganda film. This film goes not after the Illuminati or the true architects of the new world order, but instead seeks to create a right-wing vs. left-wing mentality by going after the right-wing pawns of the Illuminati. They even go so far as to show an excerpt from Alex Jones, who's philosophy would never agree with the good ole "blame the right wing" angle of this film.

Wales Vientam
Wales Vientam
10 years ago

I'm surprised the bbc haven't called this doc into question about its blatant plagiarism. Whole chunks of the contend including the voice over script and pictures have been directly taken from The Power of Nightmares documentary by the brilliant Adam Curtis made for BBC

11 years ago

I find it laughable all these comments (including my own). We all comment and complain. We watch more videos collecting ever more information that signals to us that our worse fears are correct about the way things really are. Yet we do nothing. We have become scared to take action because as long as society keeps moving along at home and we have money to buy yet more s*it we don't need to impress people we know and care nothing about, we will allow all of this to continue. It will remain this way until society at home crumbles. So we can all make these grand statements but that is all they will ever be - words without will to inact it. I think that peace is a lie. People who are peaceful possess minds that are not interested in evil and control and will never possess the faculties to overthrow evil. You cannot use violence as it only creates more chaos. We all will just continue to live our lives with the knowledge that horrific events are being carried out all around us so that we can sleep quietly and have much while so many suffer. Just wake up do your job and continue to complain on a forum or go protest. The gov doesn't give a s*it.

11 years ago

I would seem they took it down. US net crawlers don't want any alternative versions of history. Ministry of Truth in action.

David Stanley
David Stanley
11 years ago

This doc. is trash. They take a dozen issues out of context and try to dump hatred on the military. The military is us as a people. The biggest demon here is Rumsfeld. He had generals fired because he wanted to use 125,000 troops instead of the 400,000 the generals advised. That way he could drag out the war four times as required. The soldiers from top to bottom paid the price for that. The biggest tragedy that will take this country a hundred years to put behind us was the abuse of POWs. This country has always had a reputation for fair treatment of prisoners...notice the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi troops that just raised their hands and gave up in the first Gulf war?...That is gone forever now. This will cause the deaths of thousands of our military in the future...This was traced back to Rumsfeld...Dick Cheney is far more honest than people give him credit for. Just before the first Gulf war he had an informal meeting on a flightline with masses of reporters and told them He was not a veteren..he went on to say he would do the best he could as Sec.of Defence,but if people thought he was not doing the job correctly he would understand their observations and let the admin. choose someone else with understanding...That was a degree of honesty seldom seen in politics. He did lobby for his friends at his last job. If you look at the greater picture we would see that there are not many companies that qualify to take on a job that big on short notice. There are probably hundreds of times execs from KBR called in favors from their business ties in that area that helped our military that we will never hear about..BTW I am a lifelong Democrat,but I call them as I see them

11 years ago

I hate the fact that so many people are so stuck on the party rather then the actual people and ideas they vote for at the election. Not much difference in the parties anymore, it's time to focus on the people and issues. I don't get how we are down to 3 candidates and RP is still behind. Ok I get the Obama deal and the racist blacks who favor him only because he is black (well 1/2 anyway), then some want him out so bad they will vote Romney just to get him out. That will be even worse because many Americans will sigh in relief as they relax while Romney pushed ahead in the same direction, while it goes unnoticed at first. What about this constitution defending guy Ron Paul? OK so he is not smooth like a car salesman but nobody likes them. People are uneasy with his ability to deal in foreign policy, with foreign leaders. Take a look around, almost all the other countries fully support him. Most likely the dollar is going to collapse now no matter what and if we become the richest country on the planet, it will not matter w/o freedom, besides, USA appears to have become a bit to big for our britches, it might do us good to be humbled down a bit & our consumer society is destroying the planet. We have got to quit this practice of buying overseas cheap items and go back to making our own, quality, built to last MADE IN THE US products. That it all we have to do to heal, how hard a concept can this possibly be? This may be the last election we have, I would love to ask parents, which would you wish for your child future. a strong economy, or freedom?
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11 years ago

Ouch, you know somethings wrong when the narrator claims Bin Laden never claimed responsibility for the attacks, when he did, in 2004.......

11 years ago

I wouldn't put much stock in the "Culling the Herd" article. I read it after you mentioned it, and followed up on the apparent misreferenced references in the article. The author makes sweeping suppositions that clearly are based on subjectivity, not objectivity. Alot of mis-quotes and non referenced quotes, such as Henry Kissenger. I read the documentof proposed "culling" and for the life of me could not see the section quoted. It would have been easier if the author had placed some indication of where in the document the supposed quote came from, they way you reference properly. Yes the document was about reducing BIRTH RATES, but was not about KILLING HUMANS like the author indirectly alluded to. In fact, most of the propsed "culling" methods included, increased education, especially for women, improved health care, increased wages for the poor, reducing the gap between the very rich and the very poor, I did not see a single mention of starving people, withholding aid, and other unsubstantiated claims of the author. The worst part was when the author made it look like an individual had made direct quotes, however these came from a summarised version of what they had said, from a third party, which anybody who has experience at writing, even in at ametuer level will tell you is a big no-no. Don't get me wrong, governments all over the world have their dirty secrets, that come to light only when a whistle blower shows up, or years later when documents become declassified, some never do. However the one about the culling of humans, by America, is sensationalism at is worst/best. As a side note, checking up on the author, Sheila Samples, yeilds evidence that political commentary is what the author writes about, not conspiratal writing. So far, culling the herd seems to be the only article written by the author in that sort of prose. Kinda reminds me of Enders Game.......

12 years ago

I think this doc should be in a another category all together under the heading 'True Stories' and not 'Conspiracy'. This doc is way to factual for the American public. Some of these politicians are so blatent and sometimes arrogantly confident with their illuminated agenda that they dont even bother about concealing their goals and ambitious endeavers.

This is one of those proud moments to say I'm glad that am not a American. They need to focus more on their own turfs. There are 50 million citizens who are living in dire poverty, another 50 or so millions living around the poverty line. Wont even bother with dozens more harsh factors. Save your own peoples from death before you act like heroes in other countries. Maybe staring with the obesity crisis first. I apoligize, just my FB humour just crept in on the end.

12 years ago

The problem is in the distribution and control of wealth. They, modern-age money changers, have
found out how they can unabashedly squeeze the American public for every nickel they’ve earned, naturally necessitating more observance and control on the streets while turning the public’s attention towards the easily targeted Muslims as the reason for the need for ‘better security’ and fewer freedoms.
The New York NYPD police force is now operating in New Jersey on Muslim witch hunts along with---now listen to this----the CIA. American Muslims are the convenient bogeymen (just like in the McCartney era) in order to kick of a new security posture that will soon be rammed down the throats of the general American public which has begun to realize who is really behind their failed economic and war policy woes. The spying has started on the Muslims ----a trial run that will end up being implemented on the greater American public. The powers-to-be are shifting the focus Muslims with their negative propaganda why they sneakily slip the police forces out of their blues and into military uniforms as the police state starts to take shape. Now the spying has extended to involve those who criticize the questionable policies of the government and free economic reign of big corporations. Does any intelligent person really believe the CIA spying in New York will stop with Muslims or stop in New York? There's no New WORLD Order, but there very likely will be a New American Order imposed on the heads of the---for the most part----oblivious American people.