Royal Babylon

Royal Babylon

2012, History  -   119 Comments
Ratings: 8.38/10 from 249 users.

This is an investigative poem about the criminal record of the British Monarchy. Heathcote Williams has devised a form of polemical poetry that is unique, no-holds-barred personal and political. It is a great collection of facts that most people are unaware of.

Can we go on bowing and curtsying to people who are just like ourselves? We begin to wish that the Zoo should be abolished.

That the royal family should be given the run of some wider pasturage – a royal Whipsnade. Will the British Empire survive?

Will Buckingham Palace look as solid in 2034 as it does now? Words are dangerous things remember. A Republic might be brought into being by a poem.

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Alicia F
Alicia F
2 years ago

Very well done, thank you. I thought I knew history but this is brilliant.

peruda hudson
peruda hudson
3 years ago

i want to puke blood whenever i see any of these parasites, look into the missing canadian kids, and whats happened to the investigation into that nonce andrew?, and wtf would that sicko savile be best pals with this shower of shite

6 years ago

Guarantee the scum duke has hunted more then just animals.....

6 years ago

F*** the Queen and all the Brit's who grovel before her.

7 years ago

Worth watching.

8 years ago

Liked most of it, but the Michael X part. Don't believe in the death penalty, but the activist was definitely not the hero as suggested here. Just because he was an activist doesn't mean he was a saint.

8 years ago

Great documentary and Schools should show it.

8 years ago


its scary that in the 21th century people like you are still living in a bubble about reality.
I sincerely hope that you wont be part of this world once the people (the real intelligent one, not your stupid kind) will finally take it back from your masters.

9 years ago

British forces liberated Bergen Belsen concentration camp in Germany, yet Philip and Lillibet married in '48 while many, many war crime trials were going on in Europe. His sisters in law were banned from the wedding, all married to SS officers. The hype was how glorious a little Princess married her shining Herr Right. Pedophile Phil met and bedded Lillibet when she was 13... Nary a word was said in protest because inbreds like them have no idea what they're doing wrong.

Tom Carberry
Tom Carberry
9 years ago

A one hour documentary can't come close to documented the historical psychopathy of the British royals, but this film does a pretty good job of giving a general outline.

The history of the little island of England consists primarily of families of psychopaths killing each other off over the centuries until only the most violent and unscrupulous survived. If you like to read about mass murderers and serial killers in very bloody fashion, then read the history of the British royals of any period. From 1381 to 1603 saw the rich sort out some bloodlines, while at the same time slaughtering the poor in great quantities.

9 years ago

the way i see it the monarchy is very important in British society. It seperates power from influence.

Without the Royal Family we would have presidents, who are essentially monarchs in their own right.

President Blair, President Cameron, President blood runs cold just thinking about such things.

If any of these maniacs had the power the crown denies them then we (especially the poor) would be looking at a much bleaker reality, in the UK and abroad.

The really ironic thing is that by opposing the toothless monarchy you are supporting the creation of an unchallengable power in the form of president.

elizabeth wesley
elizabeth wesley
10 years ago

The toilet doesn't recognize royalty; an a** looks the same no matter who sits down.

Richard Neva
Richard Neva
10 years ago

A movie about scum bags and every country now on this sad planet has it's share of them and it is a plan devised by the Zionist Talmudic folks that see that this all happens!

Laura C
Laura C
10 years ago

This is sour grapes coming from the uninspired.

Russ Tul
Russ Tul
10 years ago

How can modern society tolerate this useless brood of parasites?

10 years ago

How Ph*k#ng absurd! NO ONE OWNS THE EARTH. i checked out a long time ago and now at seventy i realize that was the best thing that ever happened to me. I too cast a shadow - my sun dial - the moon is my screen saver

Edmund Holliday
Edmund Holliday
11 years ago

Even though this documentary is flawed I'm glad I saw it. Reminds me of UK TV 25 years ago: it was intellectual, edgy, challenging. Not like now.
Incidentally, I've met someone from the Greek royal family who was related to every European house. She seemed incredibly ordinary, not regal or ladylike. I found her attactive, intelligent, unpretentious, shy. I was in an acting class with her and she didn't tell me, nor anyone else she was a Princes. I recognised her in her tiara years later on the internet. She didn't want people to see her as superior. She wanted to feel like an ordinary woman.
Kings and Queens are like us but Republicans miss the point. People want monarchy because we've lost innocence.

11 years ago

Britain has never "served" US purposes, not in SE Asia and not in the middle has always been the other way round. We are still for all military purposes British colony.

Ian Thorpe
Ian Thorpe
11 years ago

I thought it was interesting that the Narrator made the following observational statement "The fact that each U.S President's record without exception would earn them seats at the docks of Nuremberg, doesn't prevent the Royal Family from honouring them. But by an ironic twist each President morphs in to George the Third, they declare wars on a whim, they're tyranical plutocrats and they imprison their own people."

This might have a lot to do with the fact that the majority of the U..S presidents have been directly related to the British Monarchy, which is amazing when the diversity of the U.S gene pool is considered. I am British and really enjoyed this film, but a warning to our American cousins... dont believe for a minute that you ceased to have a Monarchy when the british left your shores because as we have found out to our costs, this Family of Inbreds don't and won't just go away.

Ian Thorpe
Ian Thorpe
11 years ago

thought it was interesting that the Narrator makes the following observational statement "The fact that each U.S President's record without exception would earn them seats at the docks of Nuremberg, doesn't prevent the Royal Family from honouring them. But by an ironic twist each President morphs in to George the Third, they declare wars on a whim, they're tyranical plutocrats and they imprison their own people"

This might have a lot to do with the fact that the majority of the U..S presidents have been directly related to the British Monarchy, which is amazing when the diversity of the gene pool is considered. I am British and really enjoyed this film, but a warning to our American cousins... dont believe for a minute that you stopped having a Monarchy when the british left your shores, as we have found out to our costs this Family of Inbreds don't and won't just go away.

Lee Gee
Lee Gee
11 years ago

the sex pistols where a bunch of talentless wank£$%^s who took advantage of a liberal and less repressive world to attack those ‘who have’ to make money. Such crap music as well. and probably none of the band members have any ancestors who achieved anything or ran anything. criticism of royals is all about jealousy and envy and envy and it so easy to have a go at the rich.

11 years ago

video is not playing...:(

11 years ago

I love this, pity it doesn't even begin to cover the crimes of those hereditary gangsters

11 years ago

LMAO. Times change but people don't. Mean people rule the world because running this world makes meanness necessary. Don't forget the Golden Rule now. All this documentary does is reinforce the fact that the vast majority of people are completely powerless, carp about the fact and then let you vent your (our, I'm a disposable work unit too) frustrations. Just be thankful they're OUR bastards because there are always plenty of wannabees lurking in the wings ...

Steven Pridemore
Steven Pridemore
11 years ago

I sat here trying to do this film justice in words then saw devlinwaugh's comment"The dulcet tones and the serious nature of this film is delightful " and it was exactly what I was struggling to say ....Thanks dev !

11 years ago

The dulcet tones and the serious nature of this film is delightful .

11 years ago

This just proves that you can fool most of the people most of the time.

Rocky Racoon
Rocky Racoon
11 years ago

This institution is preserved to justify the social inequality that surrounds us-to naturalize it. The communists realized this long ago to bad the rest of us didn't.

11 years ago

I am shocked and sickened, although I should be used to it all as the US has the same type of story.
Isn’t there anyone in a position of power that is good and kind?

11 years ago

The sickness of wealth brings out the true nature of people. To allow a few to control the wealth of the nation makes the nation sick. If you allow the young to never know worth and only wealth sickness will follow them all their life. This is why a monarchy will always fail.

terence galland
terence galland
11 years ago

where is the borderline between truth and propaganda its just band of brothers and sisters stuff if you ask me if the royals are guilty of crimes surely the old bill would be after them would,nt they?

11 years ago

Best doc I ever did see.

11 years ago

let me with creeps thats for sure... ugly faces of total power corruption

11 years ago

That was classic

Pete Leclair
Pete Leclair
11 years ago

Never mind the BOLLOCK's Here is the SEX PISTOL's.Seems to me a changing of the guard is inevitable and the daily mosh that we see and here everywhere is just another ho hum to many but to put it bluntly .WHAT THE F!!! can we do about it? Stay tuned the NRA is speaking and the posting of the guard in every school will most like fit those who arm their militaries and on duty policeman just fine.It is nothing new that profit from war and enslavement due to anarchy is just what those who say peace in our time mean peace be with you and my army will make sure of that

Steve Savage
Steve Savage
11 years ago

Can we go on bowing and curtsying to people who are just like ourselves?

Although we are all made of the same clay, a Jug is not a Vase.

Steve Savage "King of the Beasts"

11 years ago

Royal Babylon coupled with The Power Principle should be enough to make you pucke on your keyboard so cover it with a platic sheet before pressing enter.
I say to the army, navy and air force: why put your arms down when you can benefit from the bones left behind?

Devon Griffiths
Devon Griffiths
11 years ago

The Queen is so deeply intertwined in the laws of the land that getting rid of her would consume a few years of Parliament's time. Basically this is a window-dressing issue and it comes at a time when we're dealing with fallout from the middle east, an energy crisis, a food crisis, and a whole raft of economic crises. The expense would be enormous - entirely discounting the massive loss of tourism and export business, there's still all the legislature to pass (which costs money), all the titles to be changed (all insignia with "Royal" for example) and so on. Billions upon billions of pounds. Especially considering it can't be done without consent from the Dominions, according to the Statute of Westminster 1931, which means they must be willing to waste time in all their Parliaments to overhaul their own constitutions as well. Unless you want to waste even more time repealing the Statute of Westminster which would be very difficult.

Obviously getting rid of the Queen is just a substitute for actually doing something about real problems which are complicated and which people don't know how to deal with. But a change in window dressing isn't going to address any critical problems.

If you disagree, name for me the crises (not just things you don't like, but actual crises impacting the future of the nation) that getting rid of the Queen will solve.

It reminds me of a distressed mother who responds to the fact her son is a murderer and her husband is a pedophile by proposing that the furniture be rearranged and the family savings be spent on some fancy new curtains.

11 years ago

"Having hereditary rulers is like having hereditary mathematicians, it makes no sense" Mark Steel.

11 years ago

Hmmm, probably a halfway reasonable point somewhere in amongst all the drivel, if you could really be arsed, but I couldn't watch more than about 20 minutes. The hunting and game shooting angle was pretty lame and weakened the impact of the documentary in my opinion, but, much as we all love the sex pistols, as soon as the lionising of Michael X started, I switched it off. If that sounds a bit harsh, then google his name along with "Gale Benson".
I have to say, the problem with these half-arsed, tin foil hat fests, aside from being either shoddily researched or just deliberately misinformative, is that they singularly fail to identify the real issue, which is not so much the monarchy, the aristocracy, or a bunch of nude powerbrokers bumming an owl in a wood near San Fransisco, it's quite simply the landowning class and their relationship to government and the tax system. Down with political lobbying, and in with LVT. That'd really hit em all where it hurts :-)

11 years ago

highly appreciated.......& (@mods) thanks for re-instating the option of viewing the perpetrators of the 'like' modus)

11 years ago

quoting 'pistols' & 'crass' me ole punk soul goose bumps !

11 years ago

as an englishman (with irish roots) i can only enjoy with satisfaction that the artstic truth is wrapped in noble words of honest discontent .in memory
of michael xxx

11 years ago

Excellent. Definitely recommended.

11 years ago

Politicians are bad! Royals are bad! Rich people are bad! The rest of us are idi*ts! Get rid of 'em/us all!!

Robert Coxon
Robert Coxon
11 years ago

- long to reign over us? Why? How did she get the job anyway? I don't remember being consulted and I don't feel I want to be anybodys' subject thanks very much.

11 years ago

The 20th is a good day for such a great doc for the people who say that the 21st is a day of awakening. Tomorrow I hope I'm awoken by the mass chants of "enough is enough".

11 years ago

S*upid. I don't even care about the royal family, but who gives a f*** if they go hunting and act like dicks like regular people.

11 years ago


Mick Fraser
Mick Fraser
11 years ago

Fabulously irreverent!