Taboo: Transgender

Taboo: Transgender

Ratings: 7.02/10 from 65 users.

Taboo: TransgenderIn the west, our gender defines us as individuals and as a society. It influences how we act and interact, even our characteristics.

Strength and aggression are seen as masculine, sensitivity and insight are feminine – so when you can’t tell who’s male and who’s female, it can be confusing, disturbing and at times; frightening.

This is the story of America’s post-operative transmen, Thailand’s kathoeys, the Fa’afafine of Samoa, the sex-reassignment surgery capital of the world, Trinidad, Colorado, USA and a couple in a long-term relationship in which both partners are transgender.

Around the world, customs differ, but almost every society shares one thing the concept of gender. Many believe that there are only two: man and woman. But in India, transgender women who cut off their genitals live as women and form a third gender.

In Indonesia, hermaphrodite priests lead a society that recognizes five genders. And in rural Albania, women swap one gender for another to gain equality. Sometimes even the most conservative cultures must make room for those who challenge convention. But for many, embracing additional genders is still taboo.

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4 months ago

It comes down to just be who you are as a person. I’m a guy and proud to be a guy eventhough at times I like to get dressed up and go for walks at night as people drive by or walk by me and stare at me idc bc I only do it because being humiliated and “getting caught” wearing girly clothes is a huge turn on….

In other words I dress up and enjoy it from the feeling I get from it not because I feel like or want to be a female. In my mind I’m so attracted to females and they’re sexiness that I wanna wear what they wear and feel sexy lol. For those who read this and think wtf? all I have to say is try it and you might be surprised you like the feeling of utter humiliation as you’re walking down the street just knowing that whoever drives or walks past you is gonna see you and you can’t do a thing to try and hide, but you just keep walking and if they laugh at you, laugh and smile with them bc the fact that they just caught you turned you on…

Of course you’re gonna be embarrassed and utterly humiliated but that feeling turns me on. Maybe I’m different and if so it’s cool I accept it and I’ll continue being a guy and doing the masculine things I do as well as dressing up like a girl whenever I’m in the mood. Ya wanna know the funniest/riskiest part of all this…I don’t wear a wig so I’m very easily recognizable. If I did wear a wig ppl would still know I’m a guy big of my broad shoulders, semi-muscular arms but if someone who knows me drove by 9/10 chances they’d have no clue it was me….but if I don’t even have a wig to cover my identity then if someone who knows me sees me I’m screwed. I’m sure if they have no clue that I dress up, it would make all future encounters with that person awkward lol it’s just a risk you have to take.

From a str8 guy who’s a completely non-passable crossdresser and has hooked up with females while dressed up!

9 years ago

I couldn't watch more than a few minutes of this. If the rest of this "documentary" continues how it starts, then it's obviously sensationalist crap.

Transsexuality or being transgendered has NOTHING TO DO WITH SEXUALITY... yet from the very outset this "documentary" makes it clear that from their perspective, it is.

Ignorant and uninformed.

10 years ago

I'm sorry but being transgender doesn't have anything to do with sexuality!!! It has to do with gender and might I add that nobody is "changing" anything sex or gender, sex which is the physical part of it is "corrected" or "reassigned".

A transman's (person who was assigned female at birth but possesses a male brain) brain chemistry is exactly the same as someone's who is biologically male, are you then suggesting that the same part of your brain that drives any man to "believe" they are male makes every man a pedophile also? Ridiculous!

There are plenty of women who were and are born with male genitalia ovaries and a womb and chromosomes xy, or men born with something of a mix of male and female genitalia and chromosome xx, so how can anyone say that one needs the right set to be whatever one knows and feels is right.
And it is pretty much an accident, foremost because the factor that causes the the fetus to have xx or xy chromosomes is the sperm cell and there are thousands of them, and secondly because sometimes chiasma (crossing over) can happen during the meiosis where two chromosomes break and reform into a completely new allele group.

Someone who says hateful and hurtful things without a better reason than ignorance and lack of humility gets called a bigot for a reason and doesn't have the right to get mad at anyone but themselves for not being kinder in the first place.

11 years ago

In my opinion, you can change genders, but you can never change your sex.

11 years ago

Jo, Is clearly an example of the ignorance that is floating around the world. No one chooses how they feel. It is true that you choose to act on your feelings or not but no one should be miserable and made to live trapped inside a body that doesn't feel like their own. It is like being buried alive, I personally feel like if someone doesn't have any knowledge of how it actually feels, that they don't have any business commenting about things they know NOTHING about. I also don't think it is anybody's business, other than the person themselves, why does it bother anyone? It's not your body that is changing, so don't worry about it.

11 years ago

I think what Jo was trying to get across is that in the same way that a transgenders mental chemistry leads them to believe ther are of the wrong sex, is the same as a pediophile having a different brain chemistry that in turn makes them attracted to children. I highly doubt Jo is condoning the concept of pediophilia but instead drawing to the fact that both of these parties do not have control over the sexual emotions they have. In the same way that a hetrosexual man cant overcome his attraction to women.
Clearly Jo is being sarcastic unfortunately another Christian feels the need to jump on their high horse, most likely ignorant to the many pediophile's within the establishement they so idolise.

12 years ago

Dudes that want to be will NEVER be women because you were not born one (no XX chromosomes). It wasn't a mistake. You were born to be male. And to say that you are a woman is an insult to the women whom were born that way. What may have caused your disorder would be the hormone imbalance that you may have. Just because you like to dress in women's clothes and wear make-up or do the effeminate things stigmatized in our culture does NOT mean that you must be a trans. As for actually feeling that you should be a woman....anyone can fool themselves into believing something they are not. Ever heard of the placebo effect? Pain is mental as is most everything in this world.

Stephanie Gebhardt
Stephanie Gebhardt
12 years ago

I haven't even read the comments, but I can tell from the first lines of brokenguitarist... This is crazy. I live in San Francisco, so I forget there is such ignorance and hatred outside.

Trans rights. Trans/Gender/Queer have much to offer the rest of us in terms of wisdom. It's an ironic situation, isn't it?

12 years ago

The comments on this documentary definitely show the wide range of opinions in the topic of transgenderism, and definitely highlight the stigma, stereotypes, and misunderstanding that still exist in modern society. It's very depressing to me, as a transgender person, that people like me still have to endure being treated as second class citizens just because we don't fit neatly into the societal norms that exist. Whether it's being ostracized within our own families, having a far more difficult time finding employment, or even something like finding a place to live, we always have it more difficult because of how society perceives us.

It isn't just a case of wanting to "mutilate" yourself in hopes that it will cure simple depression, and it isn't the same as just amputating a limb just because you don't like the fact that you have legs. It's a much deeper emotional issue than that. Those who have these perceptions have no idea what it's like to look in a mirror, see yourself, and want to vomit, or how simple acts such as using the restroom can make you feel so disgusted. Yes, it affects self-esteem, it is depressing, and it takes a major toll on your daily life, but it's gender dysphoria that causes these issues, not the other way around.

There are as many different flavors of sexuality as there are people in the world. We are all individuals, and have the right to be who or what we are. After all, even the U.S. Constitution grants that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights, and as transgender people, and above all, human beings, isn't that all we're pursuing? We're the same as anyone else, with hopes, dreams, feelings, wants, and needs. The fact that our minds tell us that we're in the wrong bodies is the only difference.

Grow up. Evolve.

Trans. Rights. Now.

12 years ago

trans rights ,now .

Jamey Boyle
Jamey Boyle
12 years ago

Maybe the solution to this is...
Its not the body that is wrong, its the idea of what is feminine and what is masculine. Why do boys have to play with trucks and Gi Joes? And girls dollies and learning to cook??
They don't they can do whatever they want. I don't have a problem when my son plays with babies or dolls, hes learning how to be a good father...
Nothing wrong with the transgender people, AT ALL...its what SOCIETY makes them think they need to be...what SOCIETY pressures on us...these cookie cut images of who we should be...what we should do. I say this only because when I see the transgender people, they act in a way that I see as acting...and they are still not who they are...I don't think they know who they are...

Jamey Boyle
Jamey Boyle
12 years ago

I like to ride motorcycles, shoot guns, and work out.....I also like to play guitar, practice martial arts...drink beer, eat meat...and curse like a sailor, but Im a chick. I am aggressive, I have a high sex drive. My friends are men, and I am "one of the guys" I have the mind of a many ways. I am not sensitive, nor am I very feminin, I don't want to wear dresses, and I rarely wear make up...I don't act all sexy and sultry, LMAO...
If I had short hair, and wore dude cloths, you would think I was a dude...
BUT...I am a woman, and proud of it...
I suppose we all get what we WANT though right?
Well, I wanted slightly bigger boobs, a bigger but...sexier legs, and a smaller nose...
Should I go do that also to make myself happy?
...Naw. LoL, I've become content with who I am...and I realize after all these years...I am beautiful...and I absolutely love myself.
...and I wouldn't change a thing, because this is who I am, what I was born...and you have GOT to respect that. Clean slate. ---- pure mind...not by changing yourself, but by changing your perspective and way of thinking.

12 years ago

PS: Think of how many starving kids a optional surgery of any kind could feed.
It's a shallow use of resources considering how blessed you are to have the money. I can't think of a reason why a optional operation is more important than the 20 or more young lives that could literally be saved. I know it's society as a whole not people getting optional surgery causing the problem. Just food for thought when your talking about who has it hard:)

12 years ago

I'm very much for what makes whoever feel the happiest. My favorite is any reason for adoption over birthing kids.
Currently U.S. prisons use tax dollars to cover estrogen therapy if a inmate has been using estrogen for a wile. It's a costly process as is loosing the physical ground gained if you are the inmate being forced off the therapy. Is this a good thing? Also who's to say you can't be abstinent, dedicate yourself to charity or science and be just as happy if not more. Granted your efforts may fail and you could die miserable either way. Everything is a gamble and nothing is particularly honorable.

12 years ago

I'm all for gay rights, however mutilating the body to be something you are not, is not a right at least not at the cost of my tax dollars. I suppose if one chooses to do so (as disturbing as that is) then it should be respected, but it should never come to a point where this surgery is publicly subsidised. I don't care how confused some of you think you are, there is nothing natural about transexuality. I say with no malice attached, please seek help!!

13 years ago

This is probably the nicest transgender documentary I've ever watched. They don't make transgender people out to be freaks, and show the human side and reveal the different variations of transgender types. It's accepting, positive and non-judgmental.

13 years ago

I could never be one of those people who turns my child away over an issue like this. I really admire Nangtomb's Mother for supporting her child through something so emotionally challenging.

Amy Neice
Amy Neice
13 years ago

I enjoyed this doc :D As a transgendered person myself it was informational to learn about this subject from other cultures perspectives. I am genetically male, and I have my first financial screening in a week and a half. I totally can't wait ^.^ my first "official" step is coming up! My goal is to be on hormones before 28.. which now looks to be a real possibility. People in my position rarely have life easy. I have lost my family except for my father, step mother, and my dear sister <3 Living through this for over twenty years of my life has truly enlightened my outlook on what it means to be human, and to love.

13 years ago

I'd care more if a person is peaceloving, educated and tolerant when I meat him/her than what kind of person or people they would want to fulfill their sexual desires with.

It is nosy and arrogant (imo) to bother people that don't have it as easy as others in finding out what they want.

I agree this doc should use the words frightening etc less. It made the featured people sound like criminals or sick.

In the end if it happens with consent, above the age of consent, then it isn't anyone's business but their own.

Arnold Vinette
Arnold Vinette
13 years ago

This was a very interesting documentary on the different types of genders there are in humanity. I was especially intrigued by the acceptance of Sumona culture of men who act like women and actually encourage it.

Human genders:
1) Man in appearance, Male in mind, sexual attraction women - Mamawom
2) Woman in appearance,Female in mind, sexual attraction men - Wofemen
3) Man in appearance, Male in mind, sexual attraction men - Mamamen
4) Woman in appearance, Female in mind, sexual attraction women - Wofewom

5) Man in appearance - Female in mind, sexual attraction men - Mafemen
6) Woman in appearance - Male in mind, sexual attraction women - Womawom
7) Man in appearance - Female in mind, sexual attraction women - Mafewom
8) Woman in appearance - Male in mind, sexual attraction men - Womamen

9) Androgynous - neither male nor female, sexual attraction both - Androgynous

So in human beings we should have designations for all nine kinds of human variations rather than just two, man and woman.

It is time to come up with designations for all nine types and integrated them into our society.

I agree with Kolaw, the program overly used the words disturbing and frightening. I just found it all interesting to see how different societies handled different variations of the human condition outside of male and female that western society accepts as the only two normal conditions for a human being.

Arnold Vinette
Ottawa, Canada

Arnold Vinette
Arnold Vinette
13 years ago

This was a very interesting documentary on the different types of genders there are in humanity. I was especially intrigued by the acceptance of Sumona culture of men who act like women and actually encourage it.

Human genders:
1) Man in appearance, Male in mind, sexual attraction women
2) Woman in appearance,Female in mind, sexual attraction men
3) Man in appearance, Male in mind, sexual attraction men
4) Woman in appearance, Female in mind, sexual attraction women

5) Man in appearance - Female in mind, sexual attraction men
6) Woman in appearance - Male in mind, sexual attraction women
7) Man in appearance - Female in mind, sexual attraction women
8) Woman in appearance - Male in mind, sexual attraction men

9) Androgynous - neither male nor female, sexual attraction both

So in human beings we should have designations for all nine kinds of human variations rather than just two, man and woman.

It is time to come up with designations for all nine types and integration them into our society.

Arnold Vinette
Ottawa, Canada

13 years ago

i think it was good film. They overly used the words disturbing and frightening though

13 years ago

I was at the doctor today! I just got approved for my next surgery!! :D Here in BC they cover everything except for phalloplasties and metoidioplasties.

Phalloplasty is where they take skin from your arm or leg and make a phallus out of it, do a urethroplasty and implant to create the part. This is functional but not as enjoyable for intercourse for some.

Metoidioplasty is where they release the 'cl*torus' from the pubic bone and pull it out of the body extending it. Then they do a urethraplasty, build the shaft out of the skin in the area and presto. You have a perfectly senstate, fully functional, though smaller, part.

I should be having my chest reconstruction in the next couple months. I had a hysterectomy in 2008. The hysterectomy is necessary as being on the hormones puts us at a much greater risk of cervical, uterine and ovarian cancers.

One guy in the states developed cancer and the physician refused to treat him because he was a transman. He died as a result. So now there is a big push to get them done. It also eases up the estrogen/testosterone battle.

After my hysto, I went into menopause (which happens to anyone who goes through a hysto regardless of age). The symptoms are FINALLY dissipating now :p

Even more positive: I got an email from an A & R company (Artist and Repertoire) and they enjoyed my bands music and wants to work with us in finding a record label!!!

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ Ez

Ive just sent you an email! - dont laugh - this is a mega moment in my life!
(dear diary.................) lol

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ roachinkansas

yep! I gotta say that everytime I read yr blogs, I have a stern word with myself...(DONT laugh Sadie.....the man may be serious......)
but youve done it again - Im keeling over - Ive probably bought those vegetables...and ate it on the way home (b4 I washed it)- like an apple or a carrot? oh who cares - it was well worth it....and yes I would do it all again!
oh boy guess what? was chewing my pen....snapped the cartridge, my lips are black, my fingers and my keyboard. Quite frankly Im in a mess -

@ Ez
thanks for the clue about the s t o o p i d word - yes thats about all i really use - SO f%$"K&*g ROCK!
I had the pen in my mouth because of you EZ - I was jotting down yr email .....dont feel bad! lol emailing you now. I cant keep finding everyoe here - Im thinking its a chat room but the rooms are called 'Taboo' and 'ApeMan' and It just doesnt "connect" - oh except for Randy - hes usually down the Wormhole methinks! MEGA! X

13 years ago

@ Sadie

hey we can't really just chat here I think they like it to stay on topic pretty much. Heres an email address you can reach me on. ez2b12 at centurylink dot net.

13 years ago

@ Sadie

Oh, and Sadie- You got blocked in moderation cause you used the stu$#@ word. I think Vlatko wants to see how its being used before he lets it through. I don't KNOW- that just a guess, mind you.

I know what you mean about "that little voice" just hang in there though. Let me know if you need to talk to someone and Ill get you an email address we can chat on. Sometimes it does help to talk to someone that has been through it. I stay busy with school but it would probably help us both. You're never really out of the woods, I'm not any way.

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ Ez

kk im gunning for Bill Mayer now - Im gonna like this I think! Thank you x

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ Ez

Im actually sitting here with an inflatable doll, and a banana, practising doing a M-F sex change! oh and did I mention the kitchen knife? and the apple corer?

Its gotta turn out right cos Charles B. told me how its allegedly done - (just making the hole - with the apple corer)

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ Ez2b12

hello Ez u been playing Jazz? cant believe you play Jazz - thas wikkid ez - nice 1 -

13 years ago

@ Sadie

It's Bill Mayer and he is a comedian that has a political twist. Very pro-atheist and anti-religion of any kind. Open supporter of the legalization of pot. He has a show on HBO every friday night. Used to be called politically incorrect now it is Real Time with Bill mayer. Google or youtube him and you can check him out. Funny and in my opinion very politically savy.

13 years ago

@ Ryan

No problem, all is forgiven. I have jumped without looking several times. Welocome to TDF, if its your first time. Looking forward to your comments.

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ Charles B

now that was interesting Chaz! when you said about it being 'split 3 ways.....and inserted into the body cavity'

little voice inside my head says 'STOP'!

WHAT body cavity?

I thought men only had one.....oh gawd, I feel stupid now

13 years ago


I just wanted to say I am sorry for jumping. I was quite tired and it would have been better if I stepped away, reread and then replied, which is what I would normally do.

I offer my apologies.

Ryan (In Canada)

Reasons Voice
Reasons Voice
13 years ago

While it has been prooven in some cases that a corrilary exists between gender identity and brain anomallies those tests have been done on very few individuals. This is a classic "chicken or the egg" issue where self identity is involved. Does the low self esteem arise from the gender issue or vice versa. Before any drastic measure such as gender reassignment is done, I feel the testing for the corrilary should be done. Reassigning gender to an individual who has the brain anomaly is perfectly reasonable. However doing this procedure for someone who is suffering from gender identity issues due to psychological illness is wrong and will not solve the persons issues. For examle a man who at an early age was abused and molested by a male can at times,later in life, feel disconnected from his gender identity. He will no live a happier more complete life with a vagina. Deep psychological councelling is needed.
The diagnostic tool for finding the corrillary is either PET or SPECT scanning. These tests are very involved and expensive, and most likely not even available in many of the countries mentioned in this film.
As to the comment in regards to individual freedom; While I hate to use the term "slippery slope" it does apply here. There has to be a consensus as to what is and is not ok. That consensus can be updated fairly regularly. However it cannot be determined simply on individual will. I will direct you to the perspective of NAMBLA. Wherin it is felt that a sexual relationship between a man and a young pre-teen bor is quite natural. We infringe on their "rights" with laws against this activity. Is that wrong? Is that not limiting their freedoms? It is. The idea of complete self determination is a tempting ideal that is completely shattered by the fringe elements that would do harm by right.

Charles B.
Charles B.
13 years ago

That was a really interesting documentary. Surprisingly so. My wife asked me if I would EVER want to do that, and I said, "Never!"

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ EZ

I just asked you a question but it got blocked into moderation, what am I doing wrong? I asked you who Tom Mayers was, if this gets thru Ez. Thanks

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ Ez

Just a quicky....can I ask you, who is Tom Mayors? whats his political & religious stance, (broadly speaking) ?
I am like 'duh' when it comes to american stuff - and I am very stupid at Intenet too.
btw Is this a chatroom?? am I blogging or chatting??.....and does it matter?
does u tube cover the whole world? do I get the same utube as america? (or Canada?) i got soo many question, so Ill leave it there for now. thanks EZ

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ EZ

WOW-O-WOW Im genuinely (genuinely) honoured at what you just wrote Ez2b12 - Im so imperfect & sadly lacking in my interpersonal social niceties (since my HUGE drug habit)
-Im riddled with remorse, & full of doubts and insecurities..with a tiny little voice telling me to 'score'!
..oh heck - (too much information Sadieeeeee!)

@ Achems
so your an 'unarmed american with medicare' huh? - now what smart retort can I come up with for that....(I wonder? ........!!

ps do you get bandages for nothing? Can you have your very own free pschychiatrist?....nah nah nah nah nah ME TOOO!!

are you both boys?

right, I am going to do what I am supposed to do now - and watch a documentary - yeah, lets get the boring bit out the way! LOL

Sadie in South Wales

Charles B.
Charles B.
13 years ago

I want to watch this after the boy's asleep. But, I do have a friend who has done transgender surgeries for her doctorate. She said they split the penis like a banana three ways and push it inside the body cavity. I also had a friend whoes cousin underwent a surgery where they tuck the whole penis inside the body and make a fake vagina, but not from the penis itself. This surgery is actually reversable, should you decide later to restore your "manhood". I can't see how it would keep from rotting inside your body cavity, but that's what he said. Out of ignorance, I assumed he was telling the truth.

I personally think eveyrone should just keep what they are born with, gay or strait, but preferably strait.

13 years ago

@ achem

I love that definition of Canada, very well said.

@ Sadie

I am a jazz musician so I loved the music as well. This guy is really talented, and funny. I think he will do well in the US as long as he gets through to the right markets. He should go on Bill Mayer's show first, they would love him. My opinion is that we have tons of closet liberals in the country just like pot heads. They love the stuff, but don't want anyone to know (shhhhhh).

We do seem to have a lot in common so far. You'll find that myself, achem, randy, erie666, reasons voice, coyote03 (The Coyote to me) and many others tend to agree on most things. Glad to have you join the crowd, welcome.

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ Achems

So your in Canada hey? thats whats different about you! - we are off to a mighty fine start then Achems .......( now, all is happy here on Waltons Mountain)....

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


Minchin is about to break into America? okay. But I am Canadian, but that does not matter (LOL) my definition of a Canadian, is "an unarmed American that has medicare"

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ James

u buzzing again tonight James? only just read yr reply to my post - thank you very much for the info - I cannot agree or disagree - (Ive always been a Woman trapped in a Girls body - its so not fair!) so I will take your word for it, lol Sade x

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

Yeah, and I think Tim Minchin gives a perfect example of the differences in attitude to religion (that doesnt sound right!) - the comparison of USA and UK..and the people therein.
uno wot I mean bruvvers! MAS

Giant Blobb
Giant Blobb
13 years ago

After reading what some of you wrote in answer to me I am left wondering wether you really understood what I wrote. Maybe it's my fault because english is not my first language hmhm.

As so often some things are allowed simple because societie doesn't dan't to discriminate people. But objective point of view, it cleary is mutialation. The body is changed in a way that certain functions that naturally could be performed can't be done any longer. You lose the ability to do something because of the change done to your body. It's pretty much the same as wehen someone losses his genitalia in an accident.

It is an irreversible loss of physical function. You can't actually argue about that. The point thats beeing made is that the psychological gain is worth the pysical loss.

Also my original point was not that sexchange is mutiliation, I wrote that there are people who want to amputate their limbs and that that is self-mutiliation I then went on to say that there are simelarities between that and sexchange, therefore making a sexchange somewhat of a gray to darkgray matter.

Also I never said that I was against it, I only said that I regard the issue as controversial. My reasoning was pointed at the fact that it is not a little pill you take, its permanent and irreversible and therefore it is questionable wether its a good thing or not.

Oh and by the way: I am an Athiest and I do not have any moral codex that tells my that gays and lesbians and those who feel they are not in the body they belong to should dy in agony or be outcasts in societie. I am rational and logical. Next time please read more carefully what I actually write and then take a minute to think about it until you are sure you understood my arguement, before you vehemtly object. lol

13 years ago

@ sadie

Thankyou so much for that Tim Minchin thing. I LOVE IT!!! I am now going through all his stuff on you tube, thanks again.

Sadie the Celt
Sadie the Celt
13 years ago

@ Achems

Oh you made me happy - I love passing on little gems - I know hes about to 'break into' america - but to be honest with you Achems, Im not sure if I want him to - Id HATE for him to change, know what I mean?
he did an inteview on USA tv - he covered religion - and I suppose its this interview that made me relise the differnces in attitudes to relgion across the pond - I think he will appeal to the 'open minded' which is why I wanted you to have a listen. Thank you for giving it a go Achems!

have you listened to 'so f$%^&*g rock? - what timing hes got!
his '1984' is a wikkid spoof of Eminem
and as for 'Canvas Bags' - well!!!!
His timing is sublime 'if i didnt have you' watch for the knee tremble...just enough to make me wet myself

im laughing just typing this! rock on Achems and Tim

Achems Razor
Achems Razor
13 years ago


Okay, you got me hooked! yes, loved "Tim Minchin's" "Storm"
Have not even heard of him before. It was a blast!

Randy, and eire666, would love this also.

13 years ago

@ Ryan

You seem to have misunderstood completely, boss. The write up I supplied came from the AMA and is in refference to body dismorphic disorder, not gender identity disorder. I never even spoke of gender identity disorder in the post you reffer to. Read a little closer befor you jump next time pal.