We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists

We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists

2012, Society  -   189 Comments
Ratings: 8.18/10 from 33 users.

Chernobyl HeartSo who is Anonymous? They've been called criminals, "hackers on steroids" and even terrorists. But the vast majority of those who identify as Anonymous don't break the law.

They see themselves as activists and protectors of free speech, and tend to rise up most powerfully when they perceive a threat to internet freedom or personal privacy. Whether you are a soccer mom or a member of Congress, you live in an electronic landscape that has exploded with largely unchecked intrusion and surveillance.

You are tracked by government databases while corporate advertisers are looking to buy your personal data for pennies. In this landscape, the existence of the collective internet culture called Anonymous makes the case for anonymity.

Using tools of disruption and spectacle, they have also become the face of dissent for a variety of human rights and information freedom groups around the globe.

They are a legion of loud but largely masked geeks, hackers, pranksters and outraged citizens who have unwittingly redefined civil disobedience for the digital age, and found themselves in the middle of one of the most important battles of our time. Please support the authors. Buy the DVD, stream or download the film.

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Lisa Jezza
Lisa Jezza
10 years ago

Why is it now saying does not exist?!?!?

11 years ago


art found on the web

Patrick Gainor
Patrick Gainor
11 years ago

I follow Anonymous on FB...and I support the fight...but I am puzzled why i cant seem to watch the flick...says its private?..someone hook me up! Power to the peeps! Stop bein sheeps!

11 years ago

Excellent, excellent, excellent vid!!!! With all the god docs that are seeming to be pushed by TD, it nice to see that there's a nice break from the crap being forced down my throat! Really liked the story line and a good history with some of the players in the movement. Wish I could have been there with you guys!

Amanda Carroll
Amanda Carroll
11 years ago

hell you guys are too much.. gotta stop posting w a real name... but someone has to stand up.... go get f ed... otherwise owed and operated and such

11 years ago

from what i took on this is it was a matter of standing up for your principles in the manner that best expresses your self.

Allan Young
Allan Young
11 years ago


I am aware of what would happen if they showed themselves or had a spokesmen. And my point is the fact that they're not willing to go through any of those obstacles directly correlates to the lack of belief/importance of the issues they're "saving" us from.

I'm glad you brought up Assange, a true martyr; the antithesis of Anonymous.

Allan Young
Allan Young
11 years ago

Personally I think wearing a mask is a symbol which represents your lack of belief in what you're fighting for.

If somethings really important to you, you'll go to jail for it.

11 years ago

@ Lak

No, you are wrong about that. You almost couldn't be any more wrong about that. The only thing these two groups have in common (and bear in mind that I'm talking about Anonymous at its BEST - like I've SAID, more than once, already...) is that they both fight anonymously for what they believe in.

And that's it.

Anything else you might try to shoehorn into it would certainly just stem out of a (predictable) petty contentiousness on your part, because I can't believe for a moment you are so morally blind as to be unable to see any real difference between the two.

And I watched every single minute of the doc, thank you very much.

"It's LIFE, Lak: Pick a side."

Nope, not Dubya... Not even Anakin Skywalker. Nothing whatsoever said about only two choices here, either... Evidently, you suffer from some sort of "printed language Asperger's" (perhaps more accurately characterized as a stiff-necked failure to read between the lines), so let me spell it out for you very carefully: I mean, just the realization that very little in life is so black and white as you'd apparently like to insist everyone believe it is, and that if sometimes a just, necessary fight has to be waged a little outside the bounds of what is strictly legal, or even WITHIN the bounds of what is not altogether pleasing, that does not, ipso facto, make it one that shouldn't be made. There are times when all sorts of factors need to be weighed in the balance, and most people are capable of understanding that.

11 years ago

I think for the most part that what you’re saying has an element of truth in it, and you are brave for dealing with it like you have with well researched arguments. You see, I have managed to read most of it now, albeit it being rather hard to follow. I just wish you could be more concise with your posting so that there is some element of understanding to be gleaned from the many posts that you have written. Twaddle means nonsense – purely and simply. If you look at your posts, that’s what they become in such a density as you have posted. You may have the most relevant argument in the world, but what’s the point if it looks as disjointed and nonsensical as what has been seen here.

Heh...Now I’m doing it....

Eric Tong
Eric Tong
11 years ago

To me doing something for people all over the world is much better than sitting at home and resigning yourself to the gluttony of entertainment and luxuries. If selfishness is life then might as well be live like an innocent little sheep and watch as you lose your freedom bit by bit.

Luckily, not much of that has happened yet (or has happened and somehow recovering its freedom as time passes). The video clearly shows that if anyone, no matter how insignificant they are in the scheme of the world, can get things done if they join together, and the internet ensure that something like that can be achieved on a global scale.

To me this documentary seems like a warning to all the law breakers who hide behind a curtain of power. Sort of like, "You think you could get away with all the inhumane things you've done, hiding behind your little fortress of power. Well, think again, you've pissed off the world and the world will come and get you."

In all truths though, if nothing significantly detrimental happens, you won't see very much unified movement (it is notable how people can find discontent in almost everything life). The Anonymous is there and it will often home in on anyone that threatens the freedom and liberty of individuals. Beware!

Ron Maynard
Ron Maynard
11 years ago

might not agree with all of their objectives or the manner which they enact them, but the concept is there strong, and i couldn't agree with that more.

11 years ago

I see. Going after my weak point. The old free the stoners ploy. I can't hear you la la la la I can't hear you la la la la.........

11 years ago

Do you see the same problem I see with that?

11 years ago

And tying up Scientology's phone lines has accomplished exactly what? Are they still being tied up? Are the protesters still protesting? Or is it business as usual? I understood them to say they were going to "destroy" Scientology. I see no destruction. I would not call this even a "disruption". More like much ado about nothing.

11 years ago

What a great documentary! I really enjoyed the cheeky wit of those hackers, and was completely moved by their fight to expose so many different criminal cults/organisations/governments. It would have been even better if there was a meaningful commentary going on below from different people rather than the rather boring scribblings of a couple of inflated egos throwing their weight around over a very pointless argument. Come on people; let’s open this conversation up before it dries out! Did anyone find any other interesting things that Anonymous have been involved in?

11 years ago

Let's get one thing straight about this child pornography thing. I would bet every penny I have in the bank that the authorities have done more to end child pornography than Anonymous has. And when the authorities get their hands on this human garbage they go to jail.

Add to that the exposing of these people by Anonymous ties the authorities hands. The very thing used to jail these people, the evidence, is now unlikely to be admitted in court. So the pornographer gets a walk. In other words, Anonymous' actions in the end benefit the pornographer. Consequences.

11 years ago

I'm still having a problem understanding how "the actions taken in those specific cases was warranted" means anything other than they can take action if they think it is warranted. Either I'm real dense or I've stepped into an alternate universe.

Where did you say it is not freedom? "You ask, 'Once again I will ask you is this justice? Is this freedom?' NO NOT EVEN CLOSE" (your words).

Now as far as answering your questions just let me say I agree 100% with you - the analogies are not the same.

11 years ago

Comparing the good things Anynomous does to an electronic version of a sit-in certainly makes sense.
It's a shame some have to take things too far, but that even happened in the 60's and 70's but the message still got across.
I would hope that these Hackitvists continue risking their talents to fight the good fight and keep "the establishment" in line. After all, you never allow a bully to hit you twice or he will not stop.

11 years ago

Yeah, back home down South we had our own version of Anonymous. These fellas take it in their heads that justice needed to be dispensed then they were the ones who were gonna do the dispensin'. Them boys would all put on their MASKS (Jus' so's they'd be ANONYMOUS ya know). Then they'd go round a grab some poor soul , string him up real good, then pat each other on the back and say, "That b*stard had it comin'. Stringing him up was WARRANTED."

Funny how we never thought to call them boys Anonymous. But I figger if they want to call themselves KKK it's their business. Both appear to do the same thing though.

Moral of the story? Never ever never use Martin Luther King's words in support of a lynch mob. Real bad form.

11 years ago

@ Lak
If an action in the name of what is morally right is just "benefiting me," I'm perfectly content to be that selfish. And if that action has had to be taken by "stepping on the rights of others," I'm perfectly content to be that lawless.

Everything else you're concerned about, or that you're accusing me of, I feel has been well enough addressed, implicitly or directly, in what I've said so far. If you can't, or won't, read it carefully enough, that isn't my problem.

11 years ago

I hope each of you understands that you've given very reasoned responses. Still it is three (sorry) four-on-one. Not that I'm whining. I sincerely appreciate the reasoned response but give me a moment or two (i.e. I'm stoned)

11 years ago

The whole reason I started using this site is for watching docs like this. One of the best."Our goal was to wreak as much havok as possible... because it was stupid." "Riding around in a virtual spaceship with the words f*grydagrydo written on it wearing afros and dropping virtual bombs on little villages and concerts. And waving giant p*n*ses around. Annnnd, that was the most fun time I have ever had in my life." Beautiful.

11 years ago

@John Jacquard

Do you honestly have some kind of notion that the Powers That Be don't play by a different set of rules than the rest of us? And the censorship, more properly called simply anonymity, they employ is for their own protection in a Western world that is increasingly looking very much like inverted totalitarianism, particularly here in the "exceptional country" of the United States, where it is now legal to literally vanish your a$$ forever on not much provocation whatsoever, bypassing completely the former right of Habeas Corpus, so long as just enough care is taken to nail a good enough label on you. And if THAT (among other things) isn't suddenly playing by a different set of rules than what our Constitution guaranteed us, I don't know what the hell is. These people have, by and large, brought down such measures upon themselves, and so Anonymous has chosen to fight fire with fire.

So what?

And if you tell me that two wrongs don't make a right, I'll tell you that two negatives make a positive.

Listen, when they come out in force against apple-pie, grandmothers, and babies, you may well believe I'll be among the first to come out and disparage them and what they're doing. But in the meantime, if they impudently slap the faces of those whom the majority of people would consider have justly deserved it, I am not going to split hairs and pi$$ and moan about their perceived failure to assume some moral high-ground their competition has certainly not done, either. Sometimes it is NECESSARY in this world to be underhanded; the politicos and the corporations have long had that lesson learned better than anybody. And now it is time we the people learned it (again), too. If the PTB want to keep their pretty, privileged heads off of the guillotines, they'd damned well better start learning a new lesson of just how serious about serious change the people of this planet are becoming. And if those who would infringe (or worse) upon the rights of others for their own gain insist on using whatever unfair advantages have accrued to them as a result of their power and position, why on earth would you consider it inherently hypocritical or immoral for those who don't enjoy those same advantages to employ whatever means are at their disposal, in an effort to ameliorate, or even defeat, things that are clearly injustices?

John Jacquard
John Jacquard
11 years ago

there is your evidence.

John Jacquard
John Jacquard
11 years ago

cen·sor -any person who supervises the manners or morality of others.
an adverse critic; faultfinder.
a : the institution, system, or practice of censoring
b : the actions or practices of censors; especially : censorial control exercised repressively

John Jacquard
John Jacquard
11 years ago

they are not against censorship , if it is 1. their means of expression and only identity 2. not providing a solution for themselves to NOT have to be censored so they have no right to makes these claims! they want to mess with whoever and pretend it's a higher cause when they are CHOOSING to censor themselves to not have to have consequenses for their actions just like if someone robs a 7-11! well hey to the robber he just needed baby formula !

11 years ago

The point of Anonymous, at its best, appears to be very simple to me, and not too much different in intent from what activist authors and philosophers, for example, used to do in bygone times, when they felt compelled to publish their political tracts under pseudonyms, to hopefully keep from being imprisoned or worse. And that is: To make the ruling classes, governments, corporations, religions, et al., which will not hesitate to extend their powers as far as they possibly can, aware of the simple fact that, though they do not fear the ordinary citizen, in reality they ought to. And the MORE so when it turns out they can't find a neck to put a boot on. Ultimately, this is NOT their world; it is OUR world. And every power such have ever had has in reality always hung by a thread, which they well know. And now, with this technology of the Internet, this is more than ever the case. The status quo doesn't LIKE this aspect of the modern world; the inherent capability in it is a direct THREAT to their SWAY over all those faceless masses... I think Anonymous serves to remind those in power, whoever and wherever they are, that as broad and tight as they think their nooses are, they will be fools if they depend upon that, and that there will ALWAYS be those capable of slipping away and holding them to account. The point is NOT a proper political idealogy, or creativity in choice of a representative face mask, for Christ's sake... The point is: If you rule a thing, you really only rule by proxy. And you would do well to remember that.

And I think that is a point which is always relevant.

John Jacquard
John Jacquard
11 years ago

what specific mechanism so they offer to substitute so that they wouldn't HAVE to censor themselves?

John Jacquard
John Jacquard
11 years ago

there closet activists

John Jacquard
John Jacquard
11 years ago

so what fight censorship with more censorship? do you fight abortionists with more abortions? if they are serious, proof it, what alternative( to the part of this current system that they are against) do they suggest?

11 years ago

Great doc! Loved the analogy to the bird flock.

Anonymous people? Isn't that what most TDF's participants are. Most won't post a picture of themself, most won't say where they are from (too precisely), most won't tell their real age, most won't disclose their education background, most want to stay as anonymous as possible.
Me, i don't give a flying flip flop. You can find me walking down the streets of Nelson anyday. I have been an open book for 3 years here, and not once have i been approached by TDF, face to face....mind you...i'm not much of a provoker.

Lorna Kennedy
Lorna Kennedy
11 years ago

Great documentary. I will be sharing this one around.

11 years ago

Thank you for being there. We the people need you. Kids or not, I for one am greatful.

11 years ago

What I'm really trying to say is I'm very skeptical. Every political movement that has claimed to be speaking or acting on behalf of the people has, in the end, never been acting on behalf of the people, only on its own behalf. And Anonymous is a self-proclaimed political movement which claims its actions are on behalf of the people.

John Jacquard
John Jacquard
11 years ago

i don't understand anon is against censorship, and secrets but the whole movement is about keeping their personal identity secret and censored? i don't get it?

11 years ago

The last time I threw caution to the wind nine months later I was a new daddy.

11 years ago

All well and good but is not Anonymous becoming a law unto itself? Who's watching the watcher?

11 years ago

Very good doc, if I was younger, free and single and my laptop wasn't pedal powered and I knew anything at all about hacking, I might have joined up. Well they (anonymous) have my support in the form of me stealing their cool stickers from lampposts in town :)

11 years ago

@ fonbindelhofas

I don't think it was "standing for the people" that made the powers that be hate and fear anon, it was/is their ability to disrupt commerce and expose secrets in my opinion. In other words their potency stems from their technical abilities more than what they stand for- which is really different things to different people. We have lots of activist groups that stand for the people but, they are not as practically effective as anon is. When you have the ability to shut down web sites and effectively destroy your enemies ability to reach people, make money, etc. you have basically got'em by the short and curlies. Conventional protests and so forth never empowered the people to this degree.

11 years ago

just like about everything, what stands for common people, anon are branded terorists

Cuddlefish Coelacanth
Cuddlefish Coelacanth
11 years ago

I have to agree with Pysmythe, I was very surprised at the level of involvement, and dedication that modern hackivists have. You can't see this and not have respect for the movement.

11 years ago

Great doc, one of the best I've seen here. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.

Jo McKay
Jo McKay
11 years ago

How awesome was that? Everybody who cares about anything honest, has to respect an Anon Ops based open organization who will fight for freedom - on the internet - and in the world. At a time when so many human rights activists felt alone; when so few were willing to stand up, to stand out, to show up, there is NO question that it is ANONYMOUS who rode to the rescue - not once - but again and again. Sure, people r people, there will always be a few, who sometimes lose perspective, so what. It is anons ability to attract very smart people- with intelligence, humanity, and skills, that keeps some more honest then they might otherwise be. No doubt we have needed this now! I, like millions more, have been watching and am bloody proud of anonymous. My humble thanks...

11 years ago


11 years ago

Every generation finds its voice eventually, a way to "fight the power". My parents generation used conventional protests and civil disobedience coupled with the music scene and lots of drugs. My generation uses cyber attacks, hacking, memes, etc. coupled with the power of anonymity, redundant gloabal connection, and pure technical savy- oh yeah, and lots of drugs. I would say the art of civil protest has grown up a little, despite all the pranks and one liners. One thing anonymous should remember though, your real power comes from the court of public opinion, lose that endorsement and it will all fall apart.

11 years ago

One of my favs on this channel

11 years ago

Law does not equal Justice. Two very different things.

Mercenarry ForHire
Mercenarry ForHire
11 years ago

Thumbs up.

In a side note, i predict that in the distant future the internet will be saturated with commercials and spam, every time you hit refresh or the back button it will show you a 2 min commercial, enter password get a commercial, hit buy get a commercial, don't move the house for 20 min get a commercial!

It will be a day like no other. People will riot in the streets and burn other people while screaming. "There HE is get Them!" Clowns will be teaching tricks inside museums, Samurais will wield fish that fire lasers that explode into more lasers which in turn explode.

And the worst part is that, Mimes rule the world. :o
Thank you for listening to whacky radio, have a great one :D

Jay Erjavec
Jay Erjavec
11 years ago

Great Stuff!