The World's Worst Place to Be Gay?

The World's Worst Place to Be Gay?

Ratings: 6.97/10 from 32 users.

The World's Worst Place to Be Gay?How do you get more people to watch your documentary? Give it a teasing title, clearly intended to grab floating viewers by piquing their interest. Gosh, where could it be, the world's worst place to be gay? Afghanistan? China? North Korea? Tunbridge Wells?

It turns out to be Uganda, at least according to the Radio 1 DJ Scott Mills, who is himself gay. He went to Kampala and indeed found plenty of depressing evidence of institutionalized homophobia, and this was before the murder last month of the Ugandan gay-rights activist David Kato.

Africa generally is becoming a dangerous place to be openly gay – no fewer than 37 African countries have declared homosexuality illegal – but Uganda is evidently the most dangerous, with a prominent politician called David Bahati championing legislation – bluntly called the Anti-Homosexuality Act – which would introduce life imprisonment for people found guilty of same-gender sex, and the death penalty for serial offenders.

If only this represented the ranting of a right-wing zealot, out of step with public opinion. In fact, Mills found perfectly bright schoolchildren who are likewise of the view that homosexuality is an abomination, and met a newspaper editor who insisted that it reduces the human lifespan by 24 years. A young lesbian told him that she had been raped in an attempt to cure her of her orientation, yet far from curing her, the rape left her pregnant and HIV-infected.

All this is a relatively recent phenomenon, apparently visited upon Africa by the growing influence there of American evangelists. And where angry shouting doesn't work, glib humour is deployed. In the beginning it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, offered a panellist on a phone-in radio show.

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Virginia Solomon
Virginia Solomon
5 years ago

I have no respect for black people who quote or follow the bible which is a Western creation. The Christianity that existed in Africa before colonialism is not the same as the Christianity that these brainwashed fools are following and the teachings are not even close to being the same. They sound stupid as hell saying that Western ideas is what's making Africans gay and at the same admitting that they believe that based on WESTERN ideas. Homosexuals have always been in Africa and will always be in Africa. It was WESTERN colonizers who brought homophobia to Africa. They don't even know their own history... They are listening to preachers who are nothing but abusers. Anyone who preaches hate and hostility to you is an abuser. I can't believe people actually go get a dose of hate via church at their own free will. I question their character.

6 years ago

This world is so full of hate. I'm glad I live in America, however even here there is much hate between gays, nationalities, religions, races, and ways of life. Why can't people respect each other? We are all human beings, but so many are trying for force their beliefs on others. Yes, I am gay, however I remain for the most part "in the closet", as so many in my family and friends would disown or shun me. I also have a boyfriend that I love and care about a lot. We both have had sexual encounters with others, and respect the fact, as we have an open relationship. We also have a double whammy, as I am white, and he is black. We love and care a lot about each other, and do many different things together that doesn't even involve anything sexual. We care about each other not because of skin color, looks, etc, but because we have a lot in common and enjoy the same things. We seldom even mention our racial difference, as it is no big deal. However coming out to our families and friends, does at times create a problem. They just don't understand. Maybe in time people will become more accepting of others and their differences. I'm an so glad though that I wasn't born in a country with such hatred as Uganda.

Dan Ro
Dan Ro
10 years ago

With all due respect, but African countries which are oppressing gays are not beacons of Democracy or Social Economic Justice. These are countries where poverty levels are some of the worst on earth and where a person can find the worst and most corrupt governments. Such social and economic realities are not the fault of gays, but they are rooted in societies full of greed(foreign and domestic), ignorance and stupidity. So please "Africa" do not try to teach about ethics or morality because you are the least qualified to do so. The Scandinavian countries are the most tolerant towards gays and their enjoy some of the best standards of living of all the first world countries. So, when African countries become the "Shiny cities on the Hill," then you can come and try to lecture the "western world" about ethics and morality.

10 years ago

Reading through the comments section for this doc is quiet telling on how far we still have to go along evolution road. When it comes to tolerance, understanding, compassion and empathy the religious element can't even be bothered with the pretense anymore. They seem quiet happy to justify their fear and hatred through whichever god and associated books they chose to hide behind.

Well ladies and gentlemen I come bearing a solution which will rid you of the bile that eats away at your heart day in day out. Yes, fear no more, demons be gone. Praise jebus/allah/spongebob/yaweh/odin/zeus/mazda/einstein/jay-z/etc

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Tired of trying to pray the gay away? Sick of asking gods forgiveness every time you secretly suppress an urge to ask your wife to cram a finger in your bunghole at that critical moment? Worry no more. Just listen to what disgraced former pastor Ted Haggard has to say about Rumyodin:

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Ask your Doctor about Rumyodin today.

10 years ago

This is absolutely ridiculous. They have this arrogant smuck on the screen representing homosexuals and he comes off as a whore. Look, I speak for all homosexuals, It is not sin to be gay. God indeed made us all the same. Some gay and some straight. It pisses me off that people can't see that we are all the same. I will not be ashamed of my sexuality any longer. Kids are literally killing themselves because they are taught against who they are. This world is a dark place.God gave us ONE job, and it is to love thy neighbor, as ye love thy own self. From what i see, we are all doing the complete opposite. I will not burn in hell because i was born gay, like any other person was born straight. I did not CHOOSE a life of homosexuality but im sure as hell gonna live it. I will be in heaven with Jesus just like the next believer, whether you like it or not. Our job is not to be accepted by this world but to know that we are accepted by God. Anybody who is against me can KISS MY ASS!!! Keep it moving.

10 years ago

Go tell this gay crap to Arabs, Russians and Iranians if equality really matters to you people. You can say whatever you like. We have heard the worst that can be said about us. Like it or not, HOMOSEXUALITY WILL NEVER BE ACCEPTED IN AFRICA, THE MOTHERLAND.

Wagner da Matta
Wagner da Matta
11 years ago

Boys and girls are constantly bombarded with messages about how to behave like a man, or like a girl their entire life.We live in binary society. I definitely do not believe that to be gay, lesbian is just a matter of choice. Perhaps someone might choose to be hetero because it's by far much easier to live like that, and many people surely chose to live a lie.

Khahuzo Felix
Khahuzo Felix
11 years ago

This kind of Western Nonsense is not needed in Uganda.

11 years ago

Basically from the TV advert and from what I saw is just another excuse for Christian Bashing. Why not show how the imams deal with homosexuality in their community and spread your liberal BS over in those countries?
Wouldn't that paint Islam and muslims in a bad light and not good for the BBC agenda that appeases the Muslim faith. Or is it because it would result in uproar and rioting leading to deaths at western embassies across the Mid East?
I think DJ Scott Mills is a coward if he doesn't go to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Jamaica and speak out about it there too...

EnShaquwa Moore
EnShaquwa Moore
11 years ago

I look at this video, and its hard for me to see where this man is hardly being disrespectful to gays. But on the other hand we have this gay guy acting like an arrogant baby. Okay here is the thing I understand both sides because as a child (age of 3) all the way to the age of 20 thought that I was gay, only to be shown the truth about human sexuality. The truth is we in this and many generations throughout history have practiced sexual immorality. In the in of the Old Testament we learn how it all started with Satan and his angels coming forth onto and into the women of Earth in return defiling themselves and the women. You may ask why is this so bad? Well, human and angels are two different species of two different intelligence; example would bestiality. It does not take much research to prove what I say just look up the bibles account of Genesis 6:1-8. Then look greek and roman myths and practically any other religion and you will be surprised by how all of them match with those few verses. And if you are still a sceptic get on youtube and listen to the account of the book of Enoch. It was a book highly respected even past the time of Jesus, but was took from the bible by Constantine. It may surprise you that the account of the book of Enoch is for our generation, and found only 30 years ago to be translated and distributed to us now. But that is for your information only back to what I was saying. When Satan and his angel did what was evil they also in contempt towards God because of his coming judgement of everlasting punishment for them in hell went out to deceive mankind. I.E. sin now in the world, and all sorts of false religions. We are ass backwards nowadays and f--k every and anything, but for your relief things were worse in the older days. We should all stop our fornications because it is not love, but only lust. That goes for Gays and Straights. God may forgive a Gay who is in a loving relationship, but never a Straight who just is out for pleasure.

Sharron M
Sharron M
11 years ago

Look everybody don't want too be gay...ok...So quick trying too force this behavior on the entire world...Africans culture is not and never will be gay. Homosexuality has alway been open among the European race of people...I rather die first then too embrace your Gay ways...Oh and I am African American

Sara tayeb
Sara tayeb
11 years ago

I feel sorry for those who die gay and not a muslim believer. Because allah would at least punish you for all your sins and then admit you into heaven if you were gay. But if you are and gay and you are not a true muslim beliver, then you will burn in hell for eternity and i think that is awful loss. Wake up people... noone is BORN gay. I mean the purpose of making male and female is for reproduction. Whats with this gay business now adays. Its dirty, filth and you are fooling noone , allah is watching. fear him for he will punish you for what you do

Mark Casper
Mark Casper
11 years ago

There is a lie in monogamy. Who says we are ONLY to love one other person. Love can be shared, it can be physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Notice how that black guy jumped from sex and equated it to not being able to love? Terrible logic. Who says we can not love many

12 years ago

Afghanistan is the worst place to be gay (2012), because they can actually LEGALLY sentence an individual to death just for being openly gay. Then again they kill everybody...

Phil Ondusko
Phil Ondusko
12 years ago

Does Uganda not have bigger problems then gays?

Juan Colon
Juan Colon
12 years ago

If you love someone it's your business not the whole governments. I think gay people can either be confused sexually or their completely sure their gay since they were born.

Fenix Ramos
Fenix Ramos
12 years ago

Wow i feel so sorry for there ignorance. then they wonder why they are dying from diseases and hunger. Shame shame shame on the church.

Carl Frodge
Carl Frodge
12 years ago

All I'm thinking is...why would he want to go there?

jemuel bryan
jemuel bryan
12 years ago

you cannot blame Uganda for this kind of issue..that is their society, their culture...England's society cannot be the standard society of all nation

Rachel Strack
Rachel Strack
12 years ago

I am so depressed after watching this. Unbelievable

12 years ago

" At the beginning it was Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve" LOL, good point !

12 years ago

wow, Iv been replacing tv with these docos for weeks now and this is the BEST one I had seen so far. Insightful, educational and a great representation of culture and views regarding homosexuality. EXCELLENT! That dude was great in this, kind, brave and strong.

guerkan hantal
guerkan hantal
12 years ago

Well, that society's rather uneducated than macho. This reminds me of european prehistoric times. And once again of course, the curch's controlling the unknowing herd.

Brandon Gordon
Brandon Gordon
12 years ago

the only thing a gay person chooses about their sexuality is to stay in the closet... and at times for so long that they now have kids and a wife they don't know what to do with. that's the only thing wrong with being gay... misleading your self and the world just to fit in.

one thing that my mom brought up to me " why is it when people have an issues with gay people do they only think about sex?" good question mom!

last time i checked i don't sit around think about who that guy/ girl was just f--king... so why when i tell you i'm gay do you automatically care what i do with my husband in our bedroom, in privet ?
the only choose that we all should have is to stop caring about what others are doing and take care of them selves, honestly.

if your a strait person worried about getting hit on, dont think so highly of your self... we gays are often really picky, and honey your not my type... a new gay is to much work! and im married Sorry! (to a man)
And if some how you are a strait man that is hit on, and the person doesn't get the hit and still keeps on hitting on you. now you know how annoyed the woman that you hit on are when you dont stop after they'v told you no.
its still no reason to go all gay bashy on us ... it meas they are just as drunk as you are.. and are defiantly wearing there beer goggles and not thinking clearly. obviously!

Yollie Michelle
Yollie Michelle
12 years ago

im sory but i cant tell whos a chick or a guy in the clips from uganda so theres just gonna have to be mad if i hit on someone whos the same sex lol

Brittney Kroiss
Brittney Kroiss
12 years ago

What is going on right now throughout the world with the LGBT community saddens me greatly. It is a huge violation against human rights... to ban being something is utterly ridiculous. It's ridiculous enough that gay marriage is banned in the majority of the world but banning someone for BEING gay makes me sick. How about we ban hate instead?

12 years ago

I don't agree with the homosexual life style but this is so sad what is happening to the homosexuals there. Even if you don't agree with someone and their lifestyle you don't have to kill or abuse them.

12 years ago

the westboro church and its holier-than-thou members should move to uganda. this country with its medieval beliefs and lifestyle should be a paradise for them.

Claire Albrecht
Claire Albrecht
12 years ago

You would think that a news organization as "esteemed" as the BBC would have chosen a person to host a documentary on such an important topic that was more articulate and well versed on the subject of Homosexuality in Africa. This is a very important topic indeed, and the host misses repeated opportunities to engage in meaningful discussion with Ugandans about the issue. He fails to back up his position with anything more than a joke or his hands over his face. When he visits the "slums" where the 5 gay men are living together he says that "they are forced to live here in this shit because they are gay." What about all of the other families living in that housing? Do those living conditions really have anything to do with being gay? The lesbian who he goes to visit is "living in a prison" with bars over the windows, if he had looked into the lives of Kampalans at all he would acknowledge that many affluent homes in the area are designed with the same security precautions.
Most importantly, he should have been open and up front about his sexuality in every encounter, he would not have been attacked as he wasn't in the encounters when he did disclose his orientation. He had a marvelous opportunity with those young students to really reach out to them. He could have pointed out that- while they think that homosexuality is coming from "the West" it is actually CHRISTIANITY and HOMOPHOBIA that is the Western influence affecting people perceptions on the issue.
He HANDED MONEY to the witch doctor, directly promoting the trade and the idea that people can be "cured" of their sexual orientation.

Seems to me a wasted opportunity at what could have otherwise been a very interesting opportunity. Perhaps the BBC should send over a gay man or woman who is well-spoken, informed, and not willing to compromise who they are and hide their sexuality for fear of a confrontation (really would he have been attacked on camera? cowardice) instead of a radio DJ who has had life so easy (which he feels inclined to remind gay Ugandans about as if they didn't know that already).

12 years ago

This documentary made me very angry. The first time I read of the anti-gay bill I felt sad, but after seeing these images I feel mostly anger.
Luckily, I am not the only one.
Many governments threatened to withdraw their financial aid if the bill was passed.
So far the bill has been postponed, but most likely not forgotten.
And Mills is definitely right. Having lived in a place as tolerant and open minded like London, it's very easy to forget how bigoted the rest of the world can be.
But then again, oscar wilde was jailed for homosexuality a bit more than 100 years ago, and British poets had to come to Italy in order to be free from their society's moral judgement, so I shouldn't forget that all places evolve in their own time.
Let's just hope this cultural evolution doesn't take too long and cost too many lives.

Chantel Muzzerall
Chantel Muzzerall
12 years ago

Wow. This Documentary... Wow!
To go over there, knowing the risks, weather in hope to raise awareness in Uganda, or to raise awareness here. Regardless of your personal views on this topic, is it not fair to at least appreciate that Scott Mills went through all of this. Risking his life..?
Now getting into the discussion topic itself, personally.. If someone is willing to go through all of that trouble -go to a place where he/she could be killed just by a sexual preference- to say that its not real to gays? I understand that a lot of people struggle accepting homosexuality because so many OF those people do not understand it. Some people cannot understand what they can not relate to, see for themselves, witness first hand. Aside from that being a similar argument against religion, does that make it right for anyone else to judge? Weather its judging people for their Religion (i.e. Second World War-Current Wars) their skin color (i.e. Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr.) their gender (i.e. Women's Movement) or Sexual preference (i.e. Where to Begin..) Who's to say what is right or wrong.
If one's choice is to support the religious, traditional, and/or conservative perspective on this topic, then it wouldn't be right for anyone to stop them..?Why does the opposite apply when it is about a minority?
The homosexuals -in my opinion, and the opinion of Scott Mills- is that gays are not trying to convert anyone, but instead defend themselves and ask for an equal chance. Just as it was hard for a couple of different nationalities, religions etc. to be together, over time and patience this matter has become less and less of an issue. Homosexuals are only hoping... and asking, for the same respect.
Just as Hitler was trying to kill off all of those that he didn't deem fit for this world, Uganda is trying to pass a bill, that will let them do the same.
How is it okay to justify harming, arresting or killing someone for being gay yet - as a society we have evolved to accept that people are who they are. It may not be the lifestyle everyone else wants to live, but instead accept them for who they are.
Thank You for Your time of Reading this.

-Chantel Grace.

12 years ago

I've noticed the "choice" arguement has come up. Being attracted to your own sex is not a choice, having sex with them is.

Harry Walker
Harry Walker
12 years ago

0zyxcba1 and Jay Gannon, it's like reading youtube comments... within two posts that had descended into petty insults.

Ozyxcba1, just because you don't know any gay people that hold some concept of a gay gene, doesn't mean that such people don't exist... a simple google search identifies that the idea has been thrown around. It's an outdated, falsified theory, but that doesn't exclude anyone from still believing it to some degree. They may have just not read anything on the subject for a while, or not understand genetics very well... there's plenty who fit that description.

And as to applying the same theory to describing heterosexuality and homosexuality, you shouldn't. The view epitomised by many religions - that because homosexuality doesn't result in reproduction, it is unnatural and unintended by god(s) - IS oversimplified, IS ludicrous, IS an incomplete argument, but DOES have a basis in fact. So saying that because a person didn't choose to be straight, they therefore didn't choose - in some way - to be gay, is missing a few steps in logic. In short, the human species has an absolute need to support heterosexual sex, which is not shared with homosexual sex. Does that mean homosexuality is wrong? Of course not, because by that criteria anything other than hetero sex, eating and sleeping would be wrong. And therein lies a counterargument to the "natural way of things" view of sexuality.

But having said that: Jay, the mere fact that something may be a choice doesn't mean a legal system "doesn't have the right" to control, or "take away" that choice. Western, indeed most, legal systems are based on the concept that individuals have choices in most, or every, part of their lives, but some of those choices should be controlled, or punished for whatever reason the society decides. Of course the case at hand isn't one I support, and is incredibly misguided and needlessly discriminatory, but legal systems govern their citizens' choices.

Having played such a devil's advocate, perhaps I should clarify my own view a little more: Sexuality is fluid, best described as a continuum, and is determined by a mix of heretidary, environmental, and unidentifiable factors. There does seem to be a larger set of us at the heterosexual side than the others, but nonetheless "everyone's a shade of grey" seems to fit best. It's a good point that Jay brought up about pre-western japanese culture: the distinction of gay, bi, or straight, and even the concept of one sexuality for life is entirely arbitrary. Although maybe arbitrarily stipulated for some reason? A more stable identity, while possibly making us feel restricted or contrived, can make the other parties in our relationships more comfortable around us. So the advice I would give to clients?
Be aware of your desires, maintain your freedom to express them, and work towards understanding these needs in others as well as yourself.
I couldn't be gladder to live in Sydney. Definitely not perfect, but on the opposite pole to Uganda.

Jay Gannon
Jay Gannon
12 years ago

To suggest that sexual preference is likely determined by anything simpler than a complex, poorly understood mixture of biology, environmental factors, and free will is likely a gross oversimplification, and the explanation may vary from person to person. The truth is, we simply don't know, and to pretend we do is ridiculous and unscientific.

It's a gross oversimplification to suggest that it's all a matter of choice, as religious conservatives do, and a gross oversimplification to put everything onto the shoulders of a gay gene as many gay rights supporters do. Actually, the whole debate sadly excludes more radical members of the LGB community who identify as "queer by choice". I leave out the T because gender identity is something quite different than sexual preference.

So what if it is a choice? That doesn't make it an invalid choice, and it doesn't give you or anyone else the right to take away that choice. It actually seems a bit contradictory to be pushing for pride on the one hand and 'i can't help it' on the other. As far as I'm concerned pride should be reserved for ones own accomplishments and decisions that define us, not things we can't help. So be proud if you're gay, bi, straight, whatever you are. And stop saying "I can't help it" or "I didn't choose to be this way" because while maybe you didn't consciously choose it or maybe you did, does it matter? would it really be a bad thing if you did?

12 years ago

Thanks to colonizing, africa is one of the most retarded places on earth. Really disgusting that they allow churches and politicians to lie to the public and the children.

12 years ago

Feel sad for these clueless idiots, thanks to religion.

12 years ago

I can't believe how so many "heterosexuals" on here think it's a choice, when I can sit back and ask, "Is being heterosexual a choice?" If you answered no, then that translates to what it is like being gay. If you don' understand what I mean, well, then I simply feel sorry for you.

Fanny Adams.
Fanny Adams.
12 years ago

It's not ok to be Gay, but you can go ahead and rape children or beat women.

Luke McCarty
Luke McCarty
12 years ago

It's funny when the idiots on the radio said "You're destroying Africa" when ther Egyptians (the granduer of African history in terms of recent years) embraced all sexualities, including the Aztecs and the Sumers (although I think the Sumers were southern Europe).

In any case, they're wrong, and I felt like smacking them upside the head.

12 years ago

the old man at 4:19 knew too much too well...... :P

Clix (????)
Clix (????)
12 years ago

I merely stated that the knowledge of the universe and everything that we know today was not known back then.

Really? On what factual evidence do you base such assertion? Here is one contrary example to your assertion. Have you heard of the Dogons, a remote Malian people who have known for generations that a dwarf star named Sirius B accompanied the brightest star in the sky, Sirius A, long before NASA built a powerful enough telescope to view Sirius B in the mid 1990s?

However, I will say that many of these giants we speak of have lost their lives for studying subjects that went against the Church.

Please name one scientist who was killed for bringing up a scientific though that challenged the church? Don't forget, the mere idea of the theory of evolution was synthesized put forward during European medieval era when persecution against scientists was at its highest. The truth was, there wasn't much of a distinction between science and matters of faith until we made them matters of opposing values in modern times. Most early (medieval) European scientists were monks. Contrary to popular belief, medieval Europe was not a period of dark age for Europe. In fact, contrary. earnest examination of the world about us started in the church in Europe at this time. Keep in mind that this has been going all along among other people going back the Egyptian civilization and past.

As far non-violence, you stated that the idea is based on the teachings of Jesus and outdated, which prompted my initial response to you. You have never said violence is the only way explicitly. But your earlier comment indicating the non-violence teachings of Jesus are outdated implicitly imply that non-violence is an outdated form of conflict resolution in our time.

Clix (????)
Clix (????)
12 years ago

Interesting that you confuse everyday people for power-hungry African politicians. I believe there is more difference between two than simple semantics.

12 years ago

So this guy saw the documentary "Missionaries of Hate" a previous documentary made about the uprising against gays in Uganda and decided he was going to hop and skip to Uganda. This ignorant leader of this uprising later shows this fetish porn in a church to the congregation. Now you show porn in the Lord's holy house what hypocritical fire are you dancing around. As far as human rights this particular group killing people based on their orientation will get a great surprise on judgment day that's all I have to say.

12 years ago

StillRV's post, from which I drew my comments,
unedited, unabridged:

"I don't believe that the majority of homosexuals 'choose' their lifestyle. I however think that the whole 'gay gene' argument is a bit over reaching. There has been no proven gene for homosexuality, or for any preference for that matter. Bottom line is that sexual attraction is a preference. Saying that there is a gene that controls that you may as well say there is a gene that controls liking blonds over brunets, or even liking apples over oranges. That is just silly. I can understand the desire to say there is a 'gay gene' because it would provide an indisputable reason to those who find sexual preference to be a big deal. As to the argument made earlier by someone here that homosexuality is the next step in evolution...No just No. Seriously it is fine that someone is gay but that is just insane to say that. Evolution by it's very nature is about the survival of a species. Evolution is about some physiological change that benefits the species in terms of survival, and the elimination of species procreation is the opposite of that. Just saying to all of the homosexuals who take up the cause of acceptance and equality there are much better arguments that are not either baseless of patently false. Don't go off on me now as if I am somehow anti-gay because I absolutely am not. I just think that a more supportable basis for your cause would be a benefit to you all. And yes I did say majority in the beginning because some people do choose to be homosexual. It is not, for them, about attraction but about rebellion or some other motivation. And you all have seen these people just as I have. The girl who dates all men then one day is making out with chicks at bars etc. only to eventually go home with the intellectually deficient dude who thought 'that was so hot'."

12 years ago

@ StillRV

i n n o c e n c e

12 years ago

One last comment on this page. It is not directly related to the doc and its content per say.
Peaches was a sleight built African American male who lived her entire adult life as a woman. She sadly was also a drug addict and had turned to prostitution as a means to support herself and her habit. On many occasions that habit landed her in an emergency room for anything from accidental overdose to bruises and general illness. On many of those visits to the emergency room she interacted with a hospital staff member who saw only a human who was hurting. That staff member tried time and again to get her to enter a rehab and to distance herself from negative influences in her life. Sadly that same staff member had to watch her pass on from this life after a sickening and evil "john" had beaten and repeatedly stabbed her. the John had done this after having intercourse with her and he did it because he "hated gays". That man went to prison where he belongs and should rot. That hospital staff member was me. And Peaches, the kind, yet broken human being has fresh flowers on her grave at least once a year.
The point is. Do not judge people whom you do not know. If you doubt the truth of this story I will try to obtain a link for you to look it up in the local papers. Thank you.

12 years ago

Wow. I'm not even going to watch this documentary, it is too heartbreaking to think of. "Man's inhumanity to man", indeed!

Fortunately I heard on the news this morning that the international community is forcing the Ugandan government to have second thoughts about the death penalty bill, at least.

Now my rant. People who think gay is a "choice" need a reality check.

This is reality: I have gay & lesbian relatives and friends. I love them dearly. I know they are good-hearted people who have NOT 'chosen a "lifestyle",' but painfully worked their ways through all the obstacles we as a society put against them.

Miraculously, my family members made it through adolescence without committing suicide. I like to think it was because they knew their family would still love and accept them for the individuals they are.

And oddly enough, when they did come out to us it was not a surprise to anyone who cared about them. Nor did it change their basic characters. They are decent, hard-working, caring, loving human beings who contribute to their communities. Some of them even still practice their religious faiths (hey, it takes all kinds!).

12 years ago

If sex wasn't such a taboo thing quite possibly there would be a lot more same sex exchange....and no one to criticize those "loving" embraces.

12 years ago

Casting homosexuality as choice has profound cultural, legal and spiritual ramifications.

There is not a scrap of observable evidence that 'sexual preference' exists outside a person's particular sexual orientation.

The phrase within StillRV recent posting:

"An actual observable scientific fact to throw in the faces of those who would persecute people for their sexual preference."

is a thinly veiled attempt to convey to the casual reader the idea that "sexual preference"(as opposed to 'sexual orientation') is an actual observable scientific fact, while simultaneously, and superficially, appearing polemic in defense of gay interests.

Apart from its context's cruel duplicity, the claim that "sexual preference [is] an actual observable scientific fact, is FALSE.

'Sexual orientation' is the current scientific designator for gender-specific sexual attraction. So-called 'sexual preference' is an informal term used to describe preferences within any particular sexual-orientation(a la 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes').

The hypothesis that homosexuality has little to do with any biologically based 'orientation' but is, rather, a psychological 'preference', biological only in so far as psychology is biological, has been discredited over and again throughout recent decades and is accepted nowhere within the mainstream scientific community.

The term 'sexual orientation', as distinct from that of 'sexual preference', was adopted even by the Catholic Church so as to enable the Church to define homosexuality in scientifically received nomenclature as(to quote the late Pope John-Paul II): "an objective disorder."

Those persons and institutions who persist in, and insist upon, misuse of the term 'sexual preference' in place of 'sexual orientation' are in the main religiously motivated.

Given the particulars of Abrahamic dogmas, acceptance of homosexuality as part of nature, thus not subject to choice, leads inexorably to the conclusion that either some fundamental religious precepts are false or that the god is fallible, cruel and unjust, neither of which would be acceptable.

When in the presentation of convictions concerning homosexuality the author feels compelled to write:

"Don't go off on me now as if I am somehow anti-gay because I absolutely am not."

you can be assured that some of the author's best friends are NOT gay!

Shannon Elizabeth Staley
Shannon Elizabeth Staley
12 years ago

Good. Another BBC production.