Sacred Spirit of Water

Sacred Spirit of Water

2013, Environment  -   15 Comments
Ratings: 7.66/10 from 61 users.

Water is a living organism, water is sacred, water is life, water is worth defending and protecting for those yet unborn. Rivers and lakes in Alberta don't stop at provincial borders. These rivers and lakes flow throughout Canada and the United States, therefore everyone will be affected by the ominous bills which have become law.

This means the previous 2.5 million lakes and rivers that were protected have been diminished to only 62 protected rivers and 97 lakes. If you enjoy the benefits of the Canadian outdoors, camping, canoeing, boating, fishing, for that matter clean drinking water, you need to ask yourself how will you be impacted by the sale of your water resources?

Treaties stand in the way of the federal government. Traditional treaty territories within Canada protect the natural resources and within these traditional territories the four legged, the winged, and those within the waters, all your relations, will no longer be protected, as well as your human rights.

The government has cut 186 million dollars from the First Nation water and waste water action plan and sunsetted the entire program. The government ignored the calls to provide the First Nations with the basic services other Canadians have become used to.

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1 year ago

I don't mean to offend native beliefs but you must be rational to survive. Before the 16th century the "spirits" led a sacrificial demand on all Mayans, they were capturing their neighbors to offer their hearts to the "spirit" until they realized they were on a path to extinction and fled. You can say the same with the Pharaohs, they were buried with their servants, so how do you know your "spirit" is the real God?
For one thing, God will be on your side, giving you moral instruction to prosper and counter the actions of satan. Demonic forces disguise themselves as protecting "spirits" but are bent on destroying humanity, they demand you give up all your sustain: water, food, virtuous living, and submit to unknown authorities that are bent on destroying all humanity: what do Paul Ehrlich, Eric Pianka, Michael Moore and lately Yuval Harari have in common? They all support mass human extermination, "we don't need the majority of people" said Harari, and this is what conceited environmentalists have planned for all who give them an ear.
If you are really concerned for the environment, nuclear energy is the most efficient, less residual form of energy, but environmentalists oppose it. I know climate wars are spirit wars, and the real God in heaven has an ear for you if you seek him. Just ask honestly, God is at the door waiting for you.

8 years ago

The war on water is a war on humanity. The evil destroying nature knows that if they lower the vibration of water it lowers your awareness. No need to fight with them. It's time to awaken the inner spirit. Meditate, pray, sing, dance with the intention of peace. You are more powerful than you can even begin to imagine. Research and adopt ancient symbols like the swaztika. Be deceived no more.

10 years ago

I just immigrated to Canada 3 years ago from Alaska. I was shocked to see how the indigenous peoples are being treated in Canada. Unfortunately they have little to no rights. If an oil or gas company wants to extract from their traditional lands, they have no say in the matter, and must also deal with all of the consequences. I went to my local elected official, Nicolas Simons-Member of Legislature, and he told me that Canada will not give the Indigenous peoples land title rights and settle the many long standing issues because it would mean that the government would have to admit they had made a mistake and then would have to apologize. Please be helpful and support the growing movement in Canada, Idle No More!

New Pearce
New Pearce
10 years ago

Unconscionable as a civilized society. Fracking is nothing short of premeditated MURDER to these people. Put them in Canadian FEMA camps on these sites and let them drink the water.

10 years ago

The real issue is capitalism. Capitalism will eviscerate your mother or your child and rationalize it as an economic benefit for all.

10 years ago

WHAT ominous bills have been signed into law are you talking about?
What sale of water rights have happened without anybody hearing about them?
I hadn't realized that there was a First Nation fresh water and waste water action plan in place, but surely you realize that that would entail fresh water treatment plants, massive infrastructure with pipes, sewer lines, waste water facilities, settling ponds and other such eye-sores that you are expounding against.
This documentary doesn't have a cohesive message. If you are insisting that reserves have all the convenience of fresh and waste water that most other Canadians have, but refuse to allow development along the lakes and rivers, then you are asking for the impossible and it's no wonder the government dropped the plan.
However, there are sustainable solutions being tried out with success in numerous places, but they are people driven. With modern technology combined with respect for the environment and understanding of the cycles of nature, it's possible for hard working communities to enhance their resources to the point where they are almost totally self sustaining.
It takes a message, a goal and the will of the people..... not government.

Khalid Masood
Khalid Masood
10 years ago

Sacred Spirit of Time: Time is sacred. Time is life. There is no water, no living, no universe and nothing without time.
Khalid Masood

10 years ago

Water, who needs it...oh