All Documentaries - 95

The Friendship Case

The Friendship Case

2013, Mystery

Newspapers talked about it, people wanted to know, but nobody could penetrate the mystery. What was going on? Strange flying machines were playing the skies of Italy. It was the fifties. Some people took incredible photos,...

Terror in Moscow

Terror in Moscow

2003, Crime

On a drizzly Wednesday night in October several hundred people were watching a musical at the Ball-Bearing Factory Theater in Moscow. The show was a romantic love story set in Stalin's Russia. As the audience settled down to...

Watch now → 8.77
Cage Fighting in the USA

Cage Fighting in the USA

2011, Sports

It's brutal, it's violent, and yet more and more people are watching the sport that was once banned from television for being too bloody. Now cage fights are prime-time TV events, and mixed martial arts, MMA, is a billion...

Watch now → 7.35
Permaculture: A Quiet Revolution

Permaculture: A Quiet Revolution

2008, Environment

On the eighth International Permaculture Convergence over 200 permaculture design course graduates and their mentors have gathered in Brazil. Together, they unite 43 countries in the common goal of preparing for and mitigating...

Naughty by Nature

Naughty by Nature

2012, Nature

It's time to pull down the blinds because coming up is some of the biggest, hottest, nastiest sex since wild things first did the wild thing. There's no animal more adorable than the cuddly bunny. You may even have had one as a...

Watch now → 7.35


2013, Society

It is no secret that CIA is engaged in criminal activities around the world, some of which are quite deadly, some of which are quite provocative in the sense of laying the groundwork for large scale military conflict, and it's...

Watch now → 8.43
The Book That Can't Be Read

The Book That Can't Be Read

2011, Mystery

Men have always tried to encode secrets, military communication, love letters, forbidden knowledge, and most secret text is eventually decoded, but among all of history's cryptic writings one stands out. It's the world's most...

Watch now → 7.26
The Enigma of Flying Spheres

The Enigma of Flying Spheres

2013, Conspiracy

Of all the various kinds of UFO related phenomena, which have materialized, the so-called light spheres certainly hold a particularly important place. These objects have recently gained greater popularity thanks, in part, to...

Seeds of Death

Seeds of Death

2012, Health

Every single independent study conducted on the impact of genetically modified food shows that it damages organs, it causes infertility, it causes immune system failure, it causes holes in the GI tract, and it causes multiple...

Watch now → 6.46
Mutation: The Science of Survival

Mutation: The Science of Survival

2003, Nature

Monster mutants lurk in the myths of many cultures, and we're fascinated yet fearful of nature's mutants. But mutants are closer to home than we think. Often invisible, mutations are happening all around us, in every living...

Watch now → 8.02
Rise of the Superbugs

Rise of the Superbugs

2012, Health

The human race has always been at war with bacteria, but the development of antibiotics in the 1930s and '40s gave us the upper hand over the bugs that were killing us. Suddenly we were superhuman. Prior to that, bacterial...

Watch now → 7.36