Ancient Aliens
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Ancient Aliens

Ratings: 6.25/10 from 67 users.

Ancient Aliens: The SeriesAccording to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. But how did this concept develop, and is there any evidence to support it?

Ancient alien theory grew out of the centuries-old idea that life exists on other planets, and that humans and extraterrestrials have crossed paths before. The theme of human-alien interaction was thrust into the spotlight in the 1960s, driven by a wave of UFO sightings and popular films like 2001: A Space Odyssey. The space program played no small part in this as well: If mankind could travel to other planets, why couldn't extraterrestrials visit Earth?

In 1968, the Swiss author Erich von Däniken published Chariots of the Gods?, which became an immediate bestseller. In it, he put forth his hypothesis that, thousands of years ago, space travelers from other planets visited Earth, where they taught humans about technology and influenced ancient religions. He is regarded by many as the father of ancient alien theory, also known as the ancient astronaut theory. Most ancient alien theorists, including von Däniken, point to two types of evidence to support their ideas.

The first is ancient religious texts in which humans witness and interact with gods or other heavenly beings who descend from the sky—sometimes in vehicles resembling spaceships—and possess spectacular powers. The second is physical specimens such as artwork depicting alien-like figures and ancient architectural marvels like Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt.

If aliens visited Earth in the past, could they make an appearance in the future? For ancient alien theorists, the answer is a resounding yes. They believe that, by sharing their views with the world, they can help prepare future generations for the inevitable encounter that awaits them.

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5 years ago

Ephesians 6:12 -“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” In short these so called Ancient Aliens are nothing more than Demons. There is a supernatural world divided by Evil & God. The Fallen Angels that is mentioned in the Bible and in Jewish text is the origin of Evil. There was a rebellion in the heavenly realm by Angels that were their to serve God . These Angels were created by God and had Free Will. They were not robots! Thus they left their place in the heavenly realms and came to earth. (Mt. Hermon) They committed the ultimate act of disobedience by finding women very beautiful and had relationships with them. Thus creating a race of supernatural strength & large beings no longer being what God originally created. The world became corrupt and was destroyed by God by the Great Flood. The spirits of these beings had no where to go after the deluge and remain on this earth to this day as we know as demons. We don’t teach this in Christian Church’s because it is to radical. I will say that when Jesus Christ was raised from the dead that’s radical. We teach this in the Church’s as the focal point! Which it should be! But the origin of evil is avoided. To heavy for believers to comprehend. Finally.. come to know the truth by praying to your Createt and ask him to reveal Himself to you with a sincere heart!!! If you do this he will reveal himself to you!! Have Faith! There are eternal consequences!

6 years ago

We all know true can't be out, imagine Catholic Church well be the worst to be broken, Jesucristo like i know him, a Allien. A joke Where hes "Green Card".. Would like to see Trump deal with that one. Serious note, we not allow to know the truth its against there Allien rules, they problaly thought we never got this far, most Important bout faith. .. Faith its a Fealling that if ever met one of thim, My quiesttion to thim would be if they have r belive in Faith, if they even know what that is? They gave us a God ooook, im thankfull for that, do we know him, see him? Of course not just that a burning bush talk to Moises n gave him the rules on how we should fallow. Insted he send he son Jesucristo su hijo, hes "son". question, why? mi pregunta es por Que? .. Porque se Escondido el atras su hijo? Why he hide behind hes son? Lots more to my theories. More than just a fan of the Show. "Greatful the one who belives n didn't see it r leave it. "... R we were force n training to belive?

10 years ago

wish I had an ancient dragon so I could fly around and scare people to death..that would be so awesome..
...but seriously, it so would

10 years ago

i'm gonna watch it because i need to sleep...

11 years ago


"What we have here is a proof by indication."

I could laugh at it all day. As much as I try to be "open minded", I cannot take these louts seriously.

11 years ago

They would need alot of ground support to keep a plane in the air; spare parts ,metal lathes, specialised workshops, fuel refinaries for the propulsion system or if they diddnt use oil based fuel then some other fuel would have been needed.
There simply isnt enough evedence to make the claim that ancients had flying machines.

11 years ago

Space ships from light years away traveling these vast distances using gyroscopes as thrust? Im getting the giggles now. lol
To every action their is an equal and oposite reaction.

11 years ago

Im a glider pilot, they guy 3.44 has no idea about wing design as there is no distinction between the leading edge and the trailing edge of the model so saying it is like a " highly developeda modern wing" is disingenuous to say the least.
A plank of wood will give lift in a wind tunnel if air is passed over it fast enough so that test was pointless. this object is obviously a toy bird.

11 years ago

wow, wow. This is the most ridiculous piece of "documentary" i have ever seen. we just looked at each other and.. "what the ****?, grown people.. really, really??". If you take a piece of an ancient relic and use your imagination, change it a little bit here and there, it can become anything you want it to be. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time

????? ????????
????? ????????
11 years ago

well i think that we gonna meet extraterrestrials at the end date according to maya calendar and that is 21.12.2012 just look the activity of UFO's around the world ... and yes i suggest you to watch corp circles documentry its fun and good to analyze all these circles ... thats all form me ... enjoy your time ..

11 years ago

I think its interesting how they open with the Saqqara bird, which seems obviously a toy.

Similarities in worldwide culture do not suggest aliens. They suggest a similarity in the human brain.

11 years ago

I find 20% of the series very interesting, 80% crap. Facts presented are amazing: All the huge stones, artifacts, sunken cities, etc., which clearly do not fit with mainstream archeology. The series is called "Ancient Aliens" so obviously the discrepancies are shown through the prism of ancient alien visitation. We are shown that ancient cultures possessed or at least witnessed knowledge and technology far superior than what was available at the moment when history began to be recorded, especially of the astronomical type.

Making the aliens the source of such marvels supports the idea of a lineal progression from the caves to current "greatness", somehow initially triggered by their intervention.

The reasoning is: Since we know that they didn't have the tools to build such things at the time they were built, we must conclude someone from the outside either built those things or told us how to do it.

But of course it could as well be that we did indeed possess the knowledge and ability to build those things, that humanity once had a greatness of a very different kind than "ours", in which it made perfect sense to build pyramids and so on. Which would imply that civilization is much older than we are told.

And I am almost sure that those who built the pyramids didn't use iPhones.

12 years ago

One of the problems faced by archaeology, is the dating of ancient man made sites, There exists no accurate method to date rocks. A
possible solution to this problem may well be to date the weathering or rounding of rocks. Ancient civlisations appear to have built these
structures with a high degree of accuracy as to the squareness of there structures and rock blocks, if you have data on the climate over a
long period of time, such as earth cores taken at the site, and you know the composition of the rock, it is very possible to date these
structures with a relatively high degree of accuracy, give or take maybe only 50-100 years.
Small scale experiments could be done in the lab, subjecting a square block of rock to weather over the course of a year. It should be
possible to speed this process up. Careful analysis of the before and after of such a sample as to its degree of weathering, could give
archaeologists a new tool in dating techniques. An ice cube is a rather simple example of this, taken out of the freezer, a square cube of
ice will first begin to round at its edges, and the time taken recorded. Rock is obviously a much slower process, but very similar. Data
on this approach should make it possible to computer model, if sufficient data can be collected on rock weathering of different types, in
conjunction with core samples from an area of interest.

Sendy Yagambrum
Sendy Yagambrum
12 years ago

Jesus is true God, creator of the universe and all that exists within it

12 years ago

Knowing advanced space travelers were simply coined the name god, then what's everyone going to church for? Church must keep those astray, maybe kept afraid, perhaps even trained to deny actual modern day truth, which logicly unfolds in front of us everyday.

Ramona Erdman
Ramona Erdman
12 years ago

enjoy these videos, at least they will or should get people to think even though these day's most do not even know how.

12 years ago

the antikythera, the first computer.Sounds more interesting to me then a cray in the facts of being able to for tell your future and tell you your position in the earth with respect to space and being over 2000 years old how much more of an advanced world do we live in?

12 years ago

you see whats going on here is the earliest forms of the African and native peoples prime of their Life and art that was far superior then the people who concurred them in the near future,there were no aliens just the direction of the one and only GOD who made us all (but them first) directions for showing their Knowledge, and existence of math,architecture,science,astrology,Art,and superior human communication through super highly advance architectural feats that stood the test of time, during their last of times while our feats are only just beginning like the cray supercomputer,the Hubble Space telescope,Computer graphics,the Hadron Collider all that's been going on is they've been trying to show us that they knew this all alone too seeing things in our earth's history as they stand is why they've done so.

Jonny Myrén
Jonny Myrén
12 years ago

If you like this documentary you should really check out another one called Men In Black. The truth is out there!

Em Z Jones
Em Z Jones
12 years ago

oh dear well look how far our technology has came in 2000 years? then realised the worlds been here eons... then realise how stupid you are if you fight the ancient aliens theory lol we are hybrids... they are our ancestors its blindingly obvious

12 years ago

The "space shuttle" figurine @ about 12min looks a lot to me like a flying fish which probably lived or still live in the area. You could argue that the tail is different but it would have to be if they intended to set it down without falling over.

Simple Simon says
Simple Simon says
12 years ago

Just do a gold audit, we know how much gold has been mined, if most of it is missing then we know it has been sold to aliens, little fact, we have no enzymes to digest any food on this planet without heating it to 80 degrees, seems we were bought here to mine this planet, and the hybreds are still here, they call themselfs the chosen ones and have now taken over the planet using the banks, wake up people, we are being farmed.

12 years ago

I'm fed up with all these people on here acting like they know something more than everyone else. No theory is ultimately right that's why it's a theory.

The only comments worth ******* reading on this page are as follows (with the exception of one or two):

Epicurus -"history channel will air any pseudoscience program that they know will attract lots of viewers...remember, there is a sucker born every minute. thats a lot of suckers thus a lot of ratings."

Mark Pedel- "In the realm of science, theory is the pinnacle of argumentation. Strictly speaking, there exists no such thing as scientific fact. I know, crazy. Check out Karl Popper and Willard Quine, they'll blow your mind."

Tilen Hrovatic- "This is most certainly one of the best documentaries in the last few years or so. Really interesting and full with facts and experiences. Recommended for everyone who is interested in various explanations of our existence and the beginning of our planet and civilization".

Everybody else is just being one-sided. And to @GallowaySTFU my appeal to emotion is intentional, and if you don't know what's wrong with showing me a single link to back up your view then your not a critical thinker.

P.S. @simon If your backing up the Big Bang theory with such adamant approval then you should jump right on every theory.

12 years ago

While the possibility of alien life elsewhere in the universe may exist I find it rather unlikely that the 'ancient alien' hypothesis hold too much water. The fact that there are some explained aspects of human development and evidence of civilizations beyond our current archeological record should actually not be too surprising. We do not have any perfect timeline to know when the first civilizations developed and we have evidence that many civilizations developed at rather different time periods in different locations pretty independent of each other.

I see with some problems with the 'ancient alien' hypothesis. If there actually were intelligent races of aliens that had visited earth and they would have had to have advanced technology capable of space travel. Most of the evidence which the 'ancient alien' hypothesis seems to be based on first is ancient myths of supposed magic and gods, which I'd imagine are placeholder explanations for the alleged aliens advanced technology or abilities. People are quite capable of creating on their own myths and stories with even lesser basis. The second part is various ancient stone monuments or evidence of earlier civilizations with little explanation to explain how such stones were cut or placed in certain locations. If ancient aliens with technology capable of space travel actually visited earth and your best evidence is unexplained stone monuments that seems kind of flimsy, one would think that with that level of technology there would be a greater way to either record history or build things than simply stone works and carvings.

This theory also really doesn't solve anything in and of itself. If the question of how mankind got certain knowledge and developed civilization is answered by it being second hand taught by these ancient aliens then the next immediate question is; Where did the aliens come by the same knowledge and experience which enabled them to pass it down to humans?

Juho-matti Kallio
Juho-matti Kallio
12 years ago

This has to be the stupidest documentary series ever. There is NO real evidence to any of these claims they are making. The only good part of this crap is Giorgios hair.

Martin Micheal Dillon
Martin Micheal Dillon
12 years ago

You people say its just entertainment, yet your provided with a lot of evidence that points to their claim. you cant ignore evidence.

Jose Manuel Ataide
Jose Manuel Ataide
12 years ago

0:59:39 - Wait a minute... see this guy? At this stage and after carefully looking at him, I'm absolutely convinced that he's an ALIEN !!!

Rodney Solja Wright
Rodney Solja Wright
12 years ago

i must say im in to all of this but if you look at how the earth began i was all because of the big bang ..whats the odds that happend to another planet ,very slim ,but as so many other people have said there is way to many planets an galaxys out there not to be life !

12 years ago

Giorgio Tsoukalos is an alien hybrid.

Rie Jespersen
Rie Jespersen
12 years ago

This fits exactly with the book "The Pleiadian Agenda" by Barbara Hand Clow. It is was a very exciting experience to watch science agree with channeled information from a spiritual medium!

12 years ago

I love this stuff,I don't believe a word of it but it's great entertainment in the same way the Fortean Times is. I did a short archaeology course a few years ago. Archaeologists are a funny bunch, (like muttering old penguins huddled on the ice, always waiting for a go in the middle) and this stuff gets right up their noses, especially when you hint that what they do is more or less the same as this - anything they don't understand usually ends up assigned to the 'probably religious' pile. Relax and enjoy ;)

12 years ago

How the Hell did Ancient Aliens get approved for TV? I'm suprised the writers did not get laughed out of the networks! Its the single most rediculous theory ever presented, and should be treated as a joke. Ancient Aliens is a threat to our society, thus does not belong on the History channel or any other for that matter. According to recent studies, 65% of the American population are mostly gullible by nature. Americans are susceptible to be taken in by new manipulative ideas. If it makes since to them, they will believe. It's how some politicians are able to get elected, by supplying ads with bullshit content. Could Scientologists behind this show? Maybe not. But if we can find out who is truly responsible for this TV show, ( not talking about the writers), we can surely find out the motivation of this rediculous series. What is going on?

12 years ago

I have a few out of the box theories:.. there were certain times of the year, in ancient times, when the moon was unusually close to earth. During these times giant blocks would be as light as bricks and could be moved and positioned easily during these lunar gravity windows.

Another one...there was a race of giant astral travelrs on the planet that had to leave but will return on that mayan calandar date 2012. Like was suggested in the doc.

And another... sure a race without a written language could have built these ancient mega places.. maybe they had the actual understanding of what we really are...a quantum transmitter. This race could communicate digitally..on a quantum need for our analog hiccup we call language.
This collective quantum understanding could move mountains.

Benjamin Dapimp Ben
Benjamin Dapimp Ben
12 years ago

havent finished this yet. but rather than etraterestial couldnt it be someone time traveled from the future?? flying objects looking like our current planes could prob be sum plane that got lost in the bermuda triangle n traveled tru time n got spotted by ancients.

just an idea. the possibility of time travel is remote but so are aliens.

Tilen Hrovatic
Tilen Hrovatic
12 years ago

This is most certainly one of the best documentaries in the last few years or so. Really interesting and full with facts and experiences. Recommended for everyone who is interested in various explanations of our existence and the beginning of our planet and civilization.

12 years ago

can't wait to see Gorgio's hair in season two!

12 years ago

I liked this doc, Gorgios hair is the 8th wonder.

John Cury
John Cury
12 years ago

This was very interesting. I never knew about Oak Island nor about the stones in Bolivia.
Very interesting. I would not go so far in saying I believe the aintiont astronaut theory because I still need proof, but the possibility of life existing in the universe is something I believe in firmly. Both sides need to get over the fact of arguing with each other and making stupid statements and work together on solving each mystery one by one, not jumping to conclusions. Too many things are left unanswered both by science and UFO believers. To this day so many ancient and modern mysteries exist.

12 years ago

Well it is all very entertaining with a lot of possibilities if you have a big imagination after all a lot of their arguments are very persuasive

12 years ago

most humans are so conceted to believe with a billion planets out there that just 1 has intellegent life on it. Start thinking for yourselves and quit buying into all the lies scientist tell you

12 years ago

Lol my brother is so into this stuff. I find it hilarious myself. I'm thinking of making a drinking game out of it. Everytime they say, "it must have been aliens" in one way or another, take a drink. Everytime they say "Here's a perfectly logical, scientifically proven fact. Or was it aliens? It must have been aliens" take two shots. You'll be plastered before the first commercial break and actually start seeing some aliens :P

Does anyone else notice that crazy looking guy with the Eraserhead hair wants to believe it was aliens so bad that he'll readily jump behind theories which condridict one another?

Remember folks, in science you don't prove, you disprove, and if you can't disprove it, it's been proven :P (for now)

Oh and everything you've just read is comming from someone who's seen a UFO, a huge one that could be mistaken for nothing of this world. So if anyone should be getting behind theories on alien visitation it would be me. But even still I can see that what's being presented here is absolutly ludicris.

It saddens me that the History Channel spends so much time and money on producing these programs these days :(

12 years ago

Great entertainment!!

12 years ago

What an interesting and eye-opening series.

Fran Tarkenton
Fran Tarkenton
12 years ago

This is a valid question, unfortunately the lack of concrete data, the bad reputation popular culture has given it, PLUS the huge leaps of imagination the fanatics too often make to answer it have ensured that it remains a question at the fringes of science.

Adnan Tora Mushtaqa
Adnan Tora Mushtaqa
12 years ago

the gold planes= sharks

Mark Pedal
Mark Pedal
12 years ago

Sorry for the repeat comments. I've been trying to delete them (I even deleted them in an edit and flagged them so the moderator could get rid of them, but no such luck), but nothing seems to work.

Mark Pedal
Mark Pedal
12 years ago

Weeellll, unfortunately, that's not entirely true. In fact, it's 100% false.

In the realm of science, theory is the pinnacle of argumentation. Strictly speaking, there exists no such thing as scientific fact. I know, crazy. Check out Karl Popper and Willard Quine, they'll blow your mind.

So, you are right in that they are calling it a theory and they themselves are delving in an unsubstantiated branch of "science" (via their varried disciplines). However, in any branch of science (even disputed ones), it is no small thing to label something a theory. These folks have certainly done a tremendous amount of work and I do not wish to undermine them that, but perhaps calling it the Ancient Astronaut Theory is a bit too bold. I think hypothesis would be more fitting. Given your remark to @gallowaygrumblefield (if your misspelling was intentional, know that I got quite a kick out of it) I think it's safe to say you'd agree.

Mark Pedal
Mark Pedal
12 years ago

I've watched every episode in its entirety (even replayed several sections) and still have no problem with someone bringing an object argument to the table. Ergo, you're point is moot.

It would appear, however, my flappable friend, that the underlying cause of this unrest is non other than yourself. Do try to represent we who want to believe in things greater than ourselves a little better, won't you?

12 years ago

First off I'd like to say that this documentary series is one of the most outstanding shows ever created on this topic. It is neither forcing anyone to believe the theory nor ridiculing it. It's a fantastic collection of possible evidence for the ancient astronaut idea.

Sure many of it can be dismissed and/or refuted, but still there is enough left to make one wonder about the ways of ancient humanity. One thing I know for sure though - the ancient history we got taught in school is not the end of the story - nor was it the beginning!

If not aliens - then it has to be the other option - that mankind was far more advanced in technology than mainstream science tries to make us believe! There might have been many high-tech civilizations before our written history. And what we see presented here might be the remainders or memories about that distant past.

I personally don't care which of the two theories is the truth - either of them would be more than fascinating! And maybe - just maybe - both is true!

To the 'non-believers': To pick one or two things off a vast amount of evidence and offer another option (better: assumption) doesn't disprove the theory - or any theory for that matter. Come up with proven facts, since that's the only way in science! To be sceptic is a good thing - but not at the cost of integrity. Finding the truth must be the final goal!

To the 'believers': Don't let the 'bad guys' drag you down to their level. And I'm not talking about sceptics - I am a sceptic myself. I'm talking about dogmatic, narrow-minded, career-oriented 'scientists'. Ridiculing, suppressing, and ignoring (new) ideas and evidence should remain their 'turf'. Rather find logical arguments instead of name-calling or bashing them. I found the best way to counter them is to show them how weak the evidence for their own - mainstream - theories is! ;)

12 years ago

The animal mutilations are very explainable has nothing to do with sucks seeing things like these in I don't believe anything from this documentary