George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview

George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview

2011, 9/11  -   234 Comments
Ratings: 5.50/10 from 169 users.

George W. Bush: The 9/11 InterviewNational Geographic Channel presents George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview, a world premiere documentary that reveals exclusive, first-person insight into the former president's experience following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

In the most in-depth on-camera interview he has ever given on the subject, President Bush recalls what he was thinking and feeling and what drove the real-time, life-or-death decisions he faced in the first minutes, hours and days after the most lethal terrorist attacks ever on U.S. soil. Hear in unprecedented, intimate detail what he grappled with as both commander in chief, and as a man concerned for his family and fellow citizens.

George W. Bush: The 9/11 Interview also takes viewers behind the scenes with extensive archival footage and exclusive materials directly from his library that open a new window into his personal experiences during that historic day that changed the face of America, and the world, forever.

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1 year ago

This criminal accidentally confirms the 9/11 was a false flag operation. Between 20:13 - 20:25 George bush on their way from Air Force One to the bunker tells the young driver to slow "Al Qaeda is not here" the only "Humorous" part of the he claims ? The attacks are still happening and Georgie Boy has already solved the case, oh America wake up and take your country back from the money men of this world, history will hold you all accountable for your inactions and your grandchildren will suffer your failures if they survive.

3 years ago

George seems sincere, but 911 was not a terrorist attack. Either he is naive or out of the loop or both. Sad that people think a few monkeys in two planes could bring down three nyc towers. The u.s. did it for war, via Israeli demolitionists. Ask any top international architect.

4 years ago

ITS NOT AN Interview...

make china great again
make china great again
5 years ago

surprised to find that anti-intellectual Americans believe conspiracy theories that their government blowed up its own city in order to launch the hunt for Bin Laden costing billions of dollars.

6 years ago

I am a soldier, British Army. Corps of Engineers. Who is he trying to convince. The world is on fire. He and his mates started it... cause they spent all the money on candy, all the gold and oil too. carefully place thermite and c4 cutting charges, not civvy aircraft but military fitted with a neclear weapon. Time delay or remote det. A master class of explosive engineering and mass murder, all to cover up the fuck ups. Waht a joke the USA is... and now always will be. Do Not believe a word tat comes out of this mans mouth.

Jason e
Jason e
8 years ago

Yes I have already come to the conclusion that the facts & evidence show that this was premeditated murder. It was big enough for the US Govt to justify the BS that they claimed at the time. Ironically they "The Americans" are about to vote in Donald Trump as their new president. I don't know what is in their water over goodness people. Why do you continue to allow the corrupt to run your country & get away with it? Can you imagine Donald in the oval office with all that power. Something tells me property prices will go up lol.

robert paulson
robert paulson
8 years ago

if u watch the frames of the missile hitting the pentagon.... only 3 frames really - first is nothing - second is a tiny while entrance of the missile - second is start of explosion... but u can see the line of smoke from the missile engines from right to left - thin white line

sooooooooo obvious it wasn't a plane - and virtually no damage

also love how he wasn't allowed to fly home - with 2x airforce fighter jets and no one else in the sky the CIA wouldn't allow him back to the white house

personal fav part was his story about taking his little dogs to the security safety bunker in the white house - i don't think he was in on 911 attacks - but I'm sure he was thinking its an inside job and shitting his pants when he was sitting on that kids stool for 7min in the class room - feel sorry for him - get the retarded kid into office and then use them like a puppet

David Ray
David Ray
9 years ago

Cannot finish watching this lying sack of s*it, Its a wonder he doesn't choke the amount of gulping and swallowing after each blatant lie. Shame on you Bush, Shame on you.

9 years ago

This was no interview!! A interview consists of a unbiased person asking questions, this is the bush show, its painful to hear lie after lie knowing this man as got away with 3000 murders, plus the deaths of the brave 1st responders still to this day, this tragic day still angers me daily to no corporations, plus bushes av profited billions of dollars. 9 11 victims and families, and citizens are owed a new investigation!!!

9 years ago

Good interview..removes him from the Media image if him as a buffoon...I admire him and Laura Bush for their work in Africa to overcome cervical cancer which few people know about and is a cause close to many womens hearts

10 years ago

5.2 rating, looks like everybody already knows there just going to listen to bullshit, biggest mass murderer on the planet, i wouldnt even bring myself to touch him if ever the day came when for some reason he was in town, i would go out of my way to spit on him

10 years ago

So he tells the kid to slow down "Al Queda's not here" but he doesnt have any real idea that it might be Al Queda until hours later at Offutt Air Force Base when he talks to his security advisors there. If that isn't suspicious nothing is.

10 years ago

Bush was a great president! For all you hater....All I have to say was we weren't part of the government so we do not know everything and we never will! Get over it! It happened! Plus everyone that watched this more than likely voted democrat! lol

10 years ago

If only he went after the right people

11 years ago

he sink like a greatest liar in the world.@ 3:10 he was told ' the second plane hit the second building' so, you knew the first plane and you just went there pretend nothing happening to cover his ass..

11 years ago

Too many questions about 9/11 and too much "benefit" for certain aspects of the US business culture. I don't buy this story at all, and it seems that they're trying to put National Geographic's name to endorse this version.

11 years ago

Tell me when he reached Louisiana and the enlisted man was driving his convoy, he told him to slow down, their is no Al Qaeda here. The term wasn't even a common one then, it also means he apparently knew who committed the act hours after it happened. Bush is a Liar. Watch his eyes blink.

11 years ago

Even feed back is being deleted, I geuss someone is being one sided

11 years ago

All I see is a smugness and arrogance of someone who got away with something

11 years ago

The thugs are Massad and the leader is goerge bush

11 years ago

So far every picture of the pentagon crash I have seen is only an explosion not one shows an aircraft in it. Not even this doc.

11 years ago

It is amazing that we had just been atacked by air and our defense system had no clue as to from where it came from and yet the president is flown around the country from one place to another. Its realy kind of funny so far.

11 years ago

So far agree with george bush. He said the only enemy was the only plain left in the sky, which was air force one. And he told the kid to slow dow al qaeda is not here.

Florin Georgescu
Florin Georgescu
11 years ago

You want justice, Bush?
1) INVADE ISRAEL. Destroy Mossad.
2) Hang the Jewish traitors that crawled in every strategic place across USA.
There's your terrorists.

Florin Georgescu
Florin Georgescu
11 years ago

You want justice, Bush?
2) Hang the jewish traitors that crawled in every strategic place across USA.
There's your terrorists.

11 years ago

In the most in-depth on-camera interview he has ever given on the subject, President Bush keeps lying through his teeth in his usual disgusting way, demonstrating once again what kind of disturbing individual he is. Worth watching!

Nickson Beverly
Nickson Beverly
11 years ago

You will find this documentary in the fairy tale/folklore section of your local library.

Chris Hager
Chris Hager
11 years ago

W reminds me of a discarded puppet: A hapless, minor member of a vaudevillian cast, not so very bright, thrust by fate into a starring role for which he was ill-equipped.
I think he only peripherally understood the ways he was manipulated by darker forces, and in that way I feel sory for him. But, he had his talents. He was a writer's thespian. He played the role as written. He served his purpose, uneasy with his legacy as the curtain closes on the greatest of American tradgedys.

11 years ago

nice adress to blind and deaf ppl...adress to those that not use their brain to think and let the government think for them...

Christian Klinckwort Guerrero
Christian Klinckwort Guerrero
11 years ago

Frame 38:30, when you where looking at ground cero, with a wery disturbed face you descibe it like "looking at Hell", in that instant, you smile. How can you dare, you just gave yourself up. You MEGA ID**T

11 years ago


Carla Axelson
Carla Axelson
11 years ago

@35:34, he says he was going to deal with Iraq later but thought we should deal with alqeda now? I don't quite think that was the order of things.

12 years ago

The "truth" in all these so-called documentaries are always coloured with great melancholic music and emotional-triggering smalltalk.

There is no reason to explain what I conclude right now, which has already been a conclusion a billion times and is well-documented for those who google up some of the keywords below:

9/11 was an inside job.

Google works! Just try and connect the dots here:

Trilateral Commission, Prescott Bush nazi connection,
Operation Paperclip, PNAC, Council on Foreign Relations,
Rotschild history, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg, amero,
Project INDECT, and of course: one world agenda.

War Dog 666 - U
War Dog 666 - U
12 years ago

National Geographic & George Bush are from the same sad nest of neocon fanatics in the same manner N.I.S.T. supports the official version on 9/11.
National Geographic distributes disinformation about 9/11 because National Geographic has always supported the status quo whether it's right or wrong or worse. Unfortunately we live in a time of the magnificent liars.

Terry Beaton
Terry Beaton
12 years ago

The only good thing one can say about Bush is that he is probably ignorant of all the real facts. He seems to be a nice guy and is definatly not a sociopath like his daddy. However, he was most likley just a puppet for others to control. Kind of like Obama. Go along to get along! Isn't that how it works?

12 years ago

10q rupert murdoch

12 years ago

There is a book l read as a child Arabian Night's 1001 Tales, very unlike the Tale l have just heard in this documentary. The Former President of the United States never mentioned Building 7? That was rather odd, l saw great sadness in his face, or was that atonement one can never tell, no l am afraid this documentary provided nothing. My two questions remain unanswered, perhaps one day they will be.

12 years ago

Yes they were. It was the biggest slaughtering disgrace in history! Along with slavery. There isn't a country that wasn't taken from somebody else. I live a mile from a reservation and have a lot of native buddies.
What I'm talking about is people here taking that sense of security for granted. Just exactly how do they think it comes about?...handshake?....World wide peace treaty......a$$ kissing?

12 years ago


Who are you calling a redneck prick!? Did something bug ya about my post? Im just just sticking up for the US that I owe a little respect to. Not a single person in this country has ever had to wake up to a war siren or stripped of their dignity and been forced to live by a foreign belief.....NOT ONE! (unless they came here from another nation that has) Things are done for a reason here.

To be labbled a redneck is an honor you little sh!t stick! Some coal miners fought a bloody battle in the Virginia's against the greedy coal mine owners. So, as to not shoot any of their fellow miners, they tied red bandanas around their neck. Giving them the label of jacka$$!

The next time you have something to say to me why don't you put my post name at the top of the comment box instead of that ignorant "I could be talking to anybody" crap I see on all the doc threads here.

12 years ago

You know, when the reality of human nature rips into the unity of a countries people, there's always going to be a few that point their fingers at it's leadership. These people raise their voices in disgust for no other reason then having a mentality that their entitlement to the American dream without a single blister on their hand. Some, if not most, think the gov. role is to hand out good paying jobs without any effort on their part. These same complainers also reek of a false sense of self worth and importance as if they were highly marketable. Ya..ok!..if you were highly marketable in this country.....ah..youd be working! So they just begin to ame everything on the gov. Sure our gov needs some serious work. But these

Dpk Mht
Dpk Mht
12 years ago

This bushy guy can speak lie as good as me :)

12 years ago

I don't believe a word this man says.

12 years ago

I think if you were going to conduct a black op, the last person you would tell is this guy.

James Johnson
James Johnson
12 years ago

Despite my disgust at the time when I heard that US forces would invade Iraq, I knew that it was wrong and had a very deep regret for us all as a nation.
This whole thing felt surreal worse than any fiction out there. But my reaction changed, for two weeks afterward the US was united and everyone treated everyone as equals and it was a wonderful feeling for just about two weeks then the ugliness returned and everyone went back to their me first american consumerism mentality again.
Probably what was worst of all was that the church praised this guy in the south and compared him to FDR! I was told by my church that this liar was the best President since Washington himself! I then embarked on a useless journey to bring sanity back to Christianity. It ruined my life, alienated our family from our community, and just proved one thing. The only safe place to be as a thinking adult was another country all together.
I think the worst thing Bush did was claim Jesus name to procure votes. A disgusting use of the name of Jesus to fool voters into electing him.

12 years ago

I have already made a couple of comments on this page to state that I have uncovered 16 signs of deceitful body language that Bush makes in this interview. However, I never stated what those 16 signs were and only said that I posted them in the comments section of the youtube page where this interview can be seen in its entirety. Well, I have decided to put them in this page as well, so without further ado, I present to you the 16 signs of deceitful body language that Bush shows as well as the times where you can find them:
Bush leans backward as if in distress at the start of the speech while adjusting his tie, and he gulps while doing it.
2:10-Shows micro-espression on face as his facial expression goes from sad to happy for a split second back to sad while saying he thought something extraordinary happened to pilot of? plane that hit WTC
3:23-Bush gulps after saying "America is under attack"
4:34-Waves hand out of sync with speech while referencing reporters on cell phones
12:05-Eyebrows went up and moved inward when Bush talked about deciding what best thing to do was (sign of fear)
14:33-Bush's face shakes while explaining decision to order air force to shoot down unresponsive planes. ?He also stutters while saying this.
15:13-Bush gulps after mentioning heroics of passengers on flight 93 and his left shoulder flinches at 15:10
17:13-Bush's head nods out of control when he explains his determination
21:00 Bush gulps when he says "government is on top of the situation"
24:30-Bush claims that his 1st inclination? it was Al-Quaeda was at national security meeting at the Nebraska base, yet earlier in speech he claimes that he jokes about it being Al-Quada at Louisiana base, which happened before being in Nebraska
27:27-Bush's face does micro-expression of sadness to happy for a second back to sadness when he states he decided not to declare war to protect the homeland
27:58-Eyebrows went up and moved inward when he mentions hugging his fellow cabinet members after returning to? DC (sign of fear)
28:52-Bush's left shoulder flinches upward when he states that his speech was as close to being a declaration of war without actually declaring war
31:29-Bush gulps after saying he was unsure of how his job would unfold
36:16-Bush's eyebrows shook when he said that "maybe some of his own household members were critical of him wanting bin Laden dead or alive" (also deceiving cuz it's odd that he would use? the word 'maybe')
44:20-Bush's right eyebrow moves downward when he says he "felt a sense of gratitude that justice had been done." He then gulps.

Those are the "hot spots" that show that Bush is lying. If anyone wants to be a critic, please make your opinion clear and I will be more than happy to respond to your criticism of my analysis.

terry howard
terry howard
12 years ago

Sooo....a documentary promoting a fairy tale , led by a treasonous, lying, crook?
Great job...not!

12 years ago

I like many of the commentor's are thoughorly discussted that this Doc. is on this site for viewing. To give this traitor to the US a forum for his views makes me sick and I demand it's removal! Since he's taken away everyones freedom's and liberties in the false name of security, I see no reason to recognize his freedom of speech! Please for the sake of this republic remove it immediately.

Laurence Vanhelsuwe
Laurence Vanhelsuwe
12 years ago

I can't watch this documentary. The idea of watching this guy lie, lie, lie and lie even more on camera for a whole hour. No thanks. :-S

Miles Taylor
Miles Taylor
12 years ago

I pity the men and women among us who don't question this system.

2012 awareness will prevail !

12 years ago

Lying sack of s#!t.