The Greatest Truth Never Told

The Greatest Truth Never Told

2012, Conspiracy  -   121 Comments
Ratings: 7.21/10 from 352 users.

The Greatest Truth Never Told is a video series that has been 7 years in research and development.

It is centered around the truth that humanity has been enslaved over and over again throughout history.

The Greatest Truth Never Told lays out the case for even the most cynical and indoctrinated individual.

The paradigm which we operate under is mathematically going to end. The end of the world as we know it does not mean it is the end of the world.

The way of life we are currently leading is pulling humanity down and should be shown the door. We cannot change the world to make our self happy or free.

We must change our self to make the world happy and free. The awakening process is a very hard road for those with no guidance. All of the problems we face in the world start and stop within our consciousness.

When you realize that you have this power, nothing can stop this change. Humanity has the ability to truly free themselves once and for all.

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dan hill
dan hill
3 years ago

We need population control and I population cap read the Georgia guidestones

4 years ago

Stunning work. Life changing clarity.

winter andresen
winter andresen
4 years ago

My first thought was, if the dollar collapsed anything made in America would become very cheap and foreign countries like the heathen Chinese and Japanese would buy our stuff instead of the stuff they make. The trade imbalance would be finally fixed! But then, I remembered that USA no longer manufactures stuff.

6 years ago

It's very good true story IFor who really need to know the truth ..well done

6 years ago

Maybe it would be a good idea NOT to use a crop of the movie: The Human Centipede as your video icon image? Just a thought.

6 years ago

So I probably only watched about 3 minutes of this, when I got to the six freedoms that everyone should have, he said Financial Freedom. How can you possibly fucking build a world of fairness and peace and equality, with money? How can you ever be happy if you're slaving for money? How can you possibly be fair if you're always trying to get someone over and take more from them because you need it for your family? How will you ever get ahead in life using money? How will you ever be happy with money? You can't. That's the answer.

It's , very simple. If you want peace in a perfect world all you have to do is take out the money equation. Then people will do things because they love to do them, and the ones who don't just love to do their jobs, will do it because they know the society they're building is free, free of slavery, free of unfairness, Free of thievery and greed, free of Illusions, free of all this bullshit chemicals in our food Water and Air, free of the Mind Control. People would be free to live their lives, be teachers if they wanted, be firefighters if they wanted, and Architects if they want, be genius is if they want. Instead of slaving in a mechanic shop because they have to. Or children never knowing what it's like to grow up in a world where they can afford what they want, because nothing cost anything. They can go to the school they want, and get a real education, free of the agenda of others, because money pushes that as well, other countries will be able to support themselves, when they don't have to pay.

And we don't put them under our thumbs like we so love to do. Wars would stop, because let's be honest there hasn't been a real war, ever. They are all over money. Everything is over money. If you just stop money, everyone could be happy, healthy, free, safe, imaginative, individual. Open your mind and think outside of the box people. I know money's been around since the day you were born and before that, and you don't know any other way to get things. But there is another way, it's called kindness and compassion, it's called sharing and giving, it's called giving without asking what are you going to do for me now. You get it? If you just stop saying I've done something for you now what are you going to give me in return, this world would be literally perfect wouldn't it?

But people can't even fathom that, because they've been indoctrinated, naturalized, and brainwashed into thinking that money is the only thing that has any importance in this world, and the only way you can ever have your children happy, is if they have lots of money to fall back on. The truth is guys, money comes and money goes, you can come into it just as easily as you can lose every penny of it. Making something for your generation doesn't mean shit. When it can all be taken in a lawsuit, or bad gambling deal, anything can happen. Change your level of Consciousness to understand how they're controlling you with this money, I beg you.

8 years ago

All commenters terming the presentation as a "film" discredit yourselves more than disparaging the author.

Zac Tolan
Zac Tolan
8 years ago

This is a good movie, though. Pretty funny at times and scary too looking in the eyes of billionaires.

Zac Tolan
Zac Tolan
8 years ago

Basically, it all comes down to power. One time, I told this guy I believe in anarchy. He said "Oh yeah?," and he grabbed my yogurt drink from me and walked away and said, "That's anarchy." I didn't have the power to live out my ideal of anarchy.
Mt. 28:18--He has all the power and authority, and is waiting for people to acknowledge it.

Zac Tolan
Zac Tolan
8 years ago

The practical solution is: surrender to Yahshua. To try to attain to the perfect society apart from seeking the advice, wisdom, power of God, etc. is exactly what humans have been doing for 6,000 years. We have all the advances in technology etc., but injustice and abominations are still rampant. Also, don't be a hypocrite and say you love God if you don't love your neighbor/brother.
It's all fun and games until the Son of God splits the sky and comes and kills everybody!
Ahh... I know a zillion people have said the same thing before. All I know is what the Bible says is true and real and if we are truly one with the Holy Spirit, we will be together and be able to be friends.
Men will shout their heads off over a lost golf ball, but they are strangely unemotional about the Kingdom of God.
I wasn't into God either until the devil tried to go in for the kill and steal my soul for good. Then, I was able to recognize my enemy and realize I had become an enemy of God and God was still my friend.
And no, the churches are not legitimate. However, if you come upon a group of people who are legitimate, and you are too, you will recognize it.
It says in Daniel that "In the days of the ten kings (of a one world empire), God will set up his kingdom that will never be destroyed or be given to another kingdom." That's what I'm waiting for. I know the Spirit and the angels are masterful coordinators of human lives.
And everybody who is real and comes to the light will all be a bunch of friends, and all the scoffers are going to crucify us. Cheers!

8 years ago

Everybody should move to French Guiana where there is plenty of gold, in the Amazon forest and leave for the "new cycle" coming up.......7 years of research? Hmm...........

8 years ago

At the very beginning you said ALL men want freedom. WRONG ! All men do not want freedom at all. Slavery has been a huge part of world history unto this very day, in many forms. Men have always sought to enslave others from the beginning. Why, because of greed, jealousy, lust, hate. Men have refused to adhere to a set of defined morals, such as the Great Law of Liberty, Gods 10 Commandments ! ........You are a Cliff Clavin philosopher, feeding on the ignorant yourself. Good luck !

Aarggh Butt
Aarggh Butt
8 years ago

It;s constant shaming of those unaware and promoting "being prepared" and "creating generational wealth". Poor infomercial with zero punchline.

Bos O'Sullivan
Bos O'Sullivan
9 years ago

Another overlong monotone sermon by a male. Aaaarrggh!

don't tread on me
don't tread on me
9 years ago

I just would like to say if you have taken the time to watch the vid then surely you most have gotten something from it. personally I think all of us need to at very least spread the message (its time the sleeping giant to wake up) tell 2 people and help them see the light, Have them tell 2 people and so one. You get the point, within a short period we will have power in numbers and we can start the huge task of taking back this country from the idiots that think they are in charge.

9 years ago

I thought it was arrogant of the narrator to state that it was his goal to bring about a massive paradigm shift and thereby 'free the world' by video-editing and quoting the works of others and calling it a total freedom project. A four-hour regurgitation of social and economic theories paired with stock photos isn't going to accomplish anything even close. Real change takes a lifetime of painstaking work, and just telling people that they don't think because it is hard comes off as patronizing. This was just a hodgepodge of memes giving the same tired message: "most" people are sheep who need to wake up. That doesn't sound particularly enlightening, it just sounds like another thirty-something libertarian spouting insults disguised as wisdom. We've seen this movie along with the obligatory bumper sticker logic before. Disappointing.

Jacek Walker
Jacek Walker
10 years ago

You cannot have a sane society which is based on lies upon lies. Your politicians are pathological liars and indifferent psychopaths, your entrepreneures are mostly greedy and inconsiderate fast-trackers, your neighbours are envy of virtually everything you got and they don't.
But even in your closest circle of family and "friends" dishonesty and manipulation are on the daily basis.
And you are talking about a higher spiritual freedom? For an average Joe the journey to freedom is sadly still in its infancy. I don't ask you to believe me - just look around.
Until envy will arise in your heart when you see a neighbour's new car and until jealousy erupts when your wife smiles at other males, forget about all those spiritual freedoms or higher states of consciousness.
Start from the beginning.

Eric Lawson
Eric Lawson
10 years ago

You have me up until my spiritual connection with my higher power !Basic needs and wants when balanced bring a sense of awareness. I once had all the money in the world. At least in my world and my families !I do not believe in any Higher power. On of my biggest breakthroughs was to free myself from the yolk of religion and belief in a supernatural being !!This documentary is good for the the young and should be watched by all !!!

Schon Hughes
Schon Hughes
10 years ago

This is a great doc.

Janeen Clark
Janeen Clark
10 years ago

the world is going to change or we will go extinct. what can we do in the meantime? does this type of information leave you wondering what to do? where could we possibly start at this point? i have been asking myself these questions almost a decade now. i decided back then to research until i had the clearest picture possible to answer these very questions.i have been able to take any instance of domination corruption and break it down to the smallest level of detail in terms of where this all stems from. it begins in the brain. specifically our internal dialog and the method we use to deal with our thoughts. if we have a thought and just accept it as truth it is a roll of the dice. if we develop a specific methodology ,we can ensure constant psychological evolution. lets start with an example let's say a top banker despicable lifestyle of manipulating people and hurting to become richer and richer. (imagined example here) what allows this person to constantly live this particular life style or another say complete empathy giving and dedication to humanity. is the process he uses when dealing specifically with his thoughts. a justification of punishment through domination tactic called the enemy image. once this thinking method is being used the actions of the individual will reflect the thinking. all violence manipulation domination competition lies and unacceptable unintelligent behavior stems from reward and punishment by using an enemy image.

10 years ago

Comprehensively Informative

About 1hr and 55 minutes into the documentary, the guy starts on a rant of individual [social predators, psychopaths, sociopaths] as being the reason for america's and corporation operation. I strongly disagree with this concept.

Does a social predator come to position of decision making or does the institution make social predators? Define sympathetic resonance. How do you change a legacy, the way its been, overwhelming so just comply. Think in the context of Martin Luther King quote on being a member of the maladjusted society. Through programming or manufactured consent we produce those that can perpetuate many social ills, even those that are praised in their contributions to the maladjusted society.

"The ancients denied that there is any natural right to liberty. Human
beings are born neither free nor equal. The natural human condition is not one of freedom, but of subordination. They were right in thinking that there is only one natural right - the right of the superior to rule over the inferior - the master over the slave, the husband over the wife, and the wise few over the vulgar many. As to the pursuit of happiness - what could the vulgar do with happiness except drink, gamble, and fornicate?" -Leo Strauss

"When you look at a corporation, just like when you look at a slave owner, you want to distinguish between the institution and the individual. So slavery, for example, or other forms of tyranny are inherently monstrous.

The individuals participating in them may be the nicest guys you can image. Benevolent, friendly, nice to the children, even nice to their slaves. Caring about other people. I mean, as individuals they may be anything, but in their institutional role, they’re monsters, because the institution is monstrous." -Noam Chomsky

10 years ago

does anyone know where i can download this movie?


10 years ago

Is there anything he missed? Well, there was one thing. He didn't mention the fact that some people will consume today all that they have, while others will save a small amount each day for the morrow. We learn that young, some of us that is. Some will deny themselves something today, saving their earnings instead for the time when those savings are considerable, enough for a car, or a vacation. But those who don't save look at their neighbor, and think "Why can't I have a car like that?" The amount saved was small, and hardly noticeable each day, but after a year or so, or longer, maybe a couple of years, suddenly there's enough money to buy that new car, and for cash at that. When I was a child during WWII everything was rationed. Coke and ice cream were a nickel, a bus ride and a stamp were 4 cents. Our dollar has lost about 95% of it's value since the war years. So there emerged a different mindset for the saver versus those who never saved.

When I took a job with Wells Fargo Bank in the late 60's I had access to their library, so I taught myself about money. I found the 1936 classic book by Freeman Tilden, "A World in Debt", where he writes about debt, not credit. And I learned from Franz Pick that no currency in the world was not devalued eventually, they were inflated until they died. I expected our current money troubles, and felt if we did nothing then, in the mid-70's, we would lose the chance to act. So I stashed away some silver junk coins. Now, 35 years later we've reached trillions of dollars debt, and we have no way out of the downward spiral. There are no answers now, we've already spent all our money, and all our credit, and we've inflated to the limit. We need to produce, not consume. The world is topsy-turvey...... And this is what we're leaving our children?..... Shame on all you politicians and bankers, shame on you...... shame on us......


10 years ago

First of all, thank you so much for putting all of this together. It makes for a very nice "one stop shopping" area when I want to impress upon either my students, their parents, my friends, etc..., the way I view the world.

Just to continue with a series of more or less seemingly unconnected thoughts, IMO, one of the most astute statements you made dealt with critical thinking, and the moronic refusal (okay, so you put it less harshly ) to think by the vast majority of the American population because, for them, thinking is hard. I, however, cannot relate and have real problems with my friends who listen but refuse to hear.I don't believe thinking is hard. For me it's fun.

Something I thought could have been added was the problem with what has really become a one party political system, with two branches that disagree on only about 4 or 5 major issues, but agree on 30 or 40 major issues. The last time our country was in an equally bad political scene, the Republican party reached a place of prominence (today's equivalent would be the Libertarian Party), and, after the Civil War, the country had an extremely effective 3 party system which led us to the Industrial Revolution.

Overall though, I enjoyed watching the Documentary. I wish I could get more people to watch it. The things you say in it make me feel that I'm FINALLY not alone, or at least not AS alone as I generally feel when I try to get through to people they need to wake up... That what I've been ranting about since the passage of the Patriot Act is being echoed by others who can see precisely, and for emphasis, again, PRECISELY what I see happening. Reading some of these other comments must make you want to blow a gasket, doesn't it? It's so difficult for me to show all my friends--smart people, educated people, what's coming, only to have them say, and I quote one of my best and closest friends "I don't want to know about it. I want to stay inside my Mommy bubble." She has a newborn and doesn't want to think about the need to prepare for what's coming. I'm hoping she'll watch this and realize she absolutely MUST MOBILIZE!

As for me? Well, I only hope I can spend my "dollar" fast enough and wisely enough to set me up for extreme success after the beginning of hyperinflation through investing in tangible assets which will be worth just as much, if not MORE, once it hits. I am doing my best to get a self-sustaining cooperative put together before the dollar becomes virtually worthless. I only HOPE I can get everything done which needs doing BEFORE the paradigm shift.

I also think it's important to point out the relevance of your excellent, at least FOR ME, UPLIFTING documentary at least a year after you published it. Sir, you see precisely what I see. For those of us just stumbling onto this, we absolutely HAVE TO remember that just 2 short months ago, the USA came dangerously close to defaulting, but didn't because, in effect, nobody wants to be the congressmen or president in office when we are forced to default--nobody but the libertarians that is, as every libertarian (as in, "have the philosophy of a libertarian," not "Libertarian" with a capital L, as in the political party, though smart Libertarians tend to also be libertarians :) ) I know sees the only way America CAN recover WITHOUT hyperinflation. We could do it through an enormous reduction in size of the Federal Government, elimination of the DHS, elimination of Obamacare, elimination of Welfare, elimination of the DEA, severe shrinking of the military (and coming from a career, retired soldier, that's saying something)etc... Of course, this would put millions out of a job, forcing them to start their climb out of poverty, but hyperinflation could make it worse--could make it so pretty much the cash machine would be reset with everyone at zero. People, right now, have to decide which way they want to handle Trillions of dollars in debt. As I see it, we only have two choices: hyperinflation, or severe reduction in size of the Federal Gov't in combination with an increase in Tax revenue (presumably through income taxes on what would become a legalized, highly regulated drug trade. See Portugal's approach to drugs and how tremendously successful it's been).

Of course, BECAUSE I write such things and shout them to the world, I've become (and I know this will sound like lunacy or paranoia to some) a target for the FBI, Secret Service, and the DHS. The latter 2 have already given me a "friendly" interrogation, with a demand, as a disabled veteran, to allow them access to things which they couldn't legally see without my permission. Of course I gave it to them. I have nothing to hide, and for the NSA guys who read this, my goal is to HELP as many of my American Combat veteran brothers survive as I can, and I'm doing it with my own money (at least so far).

To boot, how in the world we can actually believe 1 in 6 Americans SHOULD qualify for disability is beyond me--or WAS until I found out obesity is considered a disability, as are non-diagnoses like Fibromyalgia.

I would like very much to meet you someday, and sit down and talk. From the documentary, I know for certain we would be building one another up, instead of trying to tear each other down, though I would also absolutely understand, with as many whackos as we have on the net, if you chose not to identify yourself or seek discourse on the topic.

Regardless, again, Thank you so much for putting this together. It lets me know I'm not alone, and others DO see EXACTLY what I see. I hope you will take me up on my invitation for discourse. If you can't find me through this post, by all means, let me know and I'll send you a way to get in contact.

10 years ago

IMO, one of the most astute comments you made dealt with critical thinking, and the refusal (okay, you used a more palatable word for it) to think by the vast majority of our population because thinking is hard. I don't believe thinking is hard. For me it's fun.The last time our country was in an equally bad political scene, the Republican party finally reached a place of prominence (today's equivalent would be the Libertarian Party), and, after the Civil War, the country had an extremely effective 3 party system which led them to the Industrial Revolution.

I enjoyed watching the Documentary. I wish I could get more people to watch it. The things you say in it make me feel that I'm FINALLY not alone... That what I've been ranting about since the passage of the Patriot Act is being echoed by others who can see precisely, and for emphasis, again, PRECISELY what I see happening. Reading some of these other comments must make you want to blow a gasket, don't they? It's so difficult for me to show all my friends--smart people, educated people, what's coming, only to have them say, and I quote one of my best friends "I don't want to know about it. I want to stay inside my Mommy bubble."

I only hope I can spend my "dollar" fast enough and wisely enough to set me up for extreme success after the beginning of hyperinflation.

I think it's important to point out the relevance of your excellent, at least FOR ME, UPLIFTING documentary. Sir, you see precisely what I see. I am doing my best to get a self-sustaining cooperative put together before the dollar becomes virtually worthless. I only HOPE I can get everything done which needs doing BEFORE the paradigm shift. We absolutely HAVE TO remember that just 2 short months ago, the USA came dangerously close to defaulting, but nobody wants to be the congressmen or president in office when we are forced to default--nobody but the libertarians that is, as every libertarian (as in, have the philosophy of a libertarian, not "Libertarian" with a capital L, as in the political party, though smart Libertarians tend to also be libertarians :) ) I know sees the only way America CAN recover WITHOUT hyperinflation, and that's through an enormous reduction of the Federal Government, elimination of the DHS, elimination of Obamacare, elimination of Welfare, elimination of the DEA, etc... Of course, this would put millions out of a job, forcing them to start their climb out of poverty.

Of course, BECAUSE I write such things and shout them to the world, I've become (and I know this will sound like lunacy or paranoia to some) a target for the FBI, Secret Service, and the DHS. The latter 2 have already given me a "friendly" interrogation, with a demand, as a disabled veteran, to allow them access to things which they couldn't legally see without my permission. Of course I gave it to them. I have nothing to hide, and for the NSA guys who read this, my goal is to HELP as many of my American Combat veteran brothers survive as I can, and I'm doing it with my own money (at least so far).

How in the world we can actually believe 1 in 6 Americans SHOULD qualify for disability is beyond me--or WAS until I found out obesity is considered a disability.

I would like very much to meet you someday, and sit down and talk. From the documentary, I know for certain we would be building one another up, instead of trying to tear each other down. Thank you so much for putting this together. It lets me know I'm not alone, and others DO see EXACTLY what I see. I hope you'll take me up on my invitation for discourse. If you can't find me through this post, by all means, let me know and I'll send you a way to get in contact.

10 years ago

Thank you for your contribution to society. There may be some who Did not enjoy the film and care to express it via comments. But there are others who never read the comments and enjoy the message your giving out to humanity. Thank you, please don't stop contributing, we need more people as yourself.

Roi Truax
Roi Truax
10 years ago

Long, babbling Libertarian Party ad...

Aaron Albright
Aaron Albright
10 years ago

I disagree with the initial premise of this documentary, that being that human happiness must follow a pyramid like process to achieve happiness. This is totally 100% false. Happiness is a complex interconnected web of emotions that vary from person to person. The author is trying to simplify an extremely complex topic. The longer I listened the more doom and gloom the author is. The author is very cult like--and uses phrases like (check for yourself, etc) that are designed to actually mislead the listener by assuring the listener that they can 'check', but suggesting that the author is actually correct in his assertions. Hitler also used similar manipulation strategies. Sure as hell didn't get through 4 hours!

Tim Caffery
Tim Caffery
10 years ago

Sorry, the pseudo-patriotic obsession with the US is evidence enough this poor guy's cup runneth over. "Our military is over stretched", is like saying the only bad choice The Nazis made was turning on Russia. The founding fathers studied everything about freedom & the natural by product was a slave trade, right? Yes, you are a true patriotic American. It seems that where American society's once open, & for the record, held policy "kill the Indian, save the man", in this guy represents another dynamic of that pathology, a generational development. It seems he's saying "save the American, save the human". If he fails, what else can all those colored people do but die, huh? Americans have raped the planet, now just let us rule in peace, for everybody's good. I'm betting the 92 mil cancer death in the US, in '13, will do more for world peace than Americans can face, sadly.

10 years ago

for what i have seen and now understand, he could of did the with the
first 1 hour and 30 minutes (after the george carlin bit) and called it
finished.. as the repitition is high.. and pal if you keep repeating the
info and one liners, throughout, than are you not really just what you
have been talking about the whole documentry..

11 years ago

Do anyone know, who made this documentary?

sharise matthews
sharise matthews
11 years ago

Awesome but long documentary. Good to watch even if you think you already know why hundreds of children die of starvation every day while rich tycoons continue forcing slaves to cut down sugar plants every single day without a day off or any real salary.
There are still alot of ppl that need to wake up!

11 years ago

A great deal of information...a bit too much repetition...not very many practical solutions.

11 years ago

Not so bad... I little long... but this Young Man has a lot to say. It's not surprising with the onset of the 21st Century of information, it's time for a new paradigm that's more wholesome to our Humanity.
I believe everyone has been awake for a while but simply paralyzed by fear. Perhaps our tactic should be " Let us Lie to tell the truth." in order to remove Fear. Just an idea!

phobia frenzy
phobia frenzy
11 years ago

Content, gets A, video editing, gets C-.
I see many comments here saying "...nothing new etc" well it's may be nothing new for you and me but there are many people out there who don't even know what's going in this world. they are locked up to their tv set and being brainwashed and injected with what the elite want them to know, to be, to eat, or to wear etc. So, if we are lucky, these folks will wake up. That's the intention of this doc.

Toni Was Here
Toni Was Here
11 years ago

I love the message here but it would be much better if it were shorter. Its a bit much to sit through nearly 5 hours!!!! of it and very unlikely that I can get anyone else to watch it once they see the time commitment.

11 years ago

what are you talking about? there is not a perfect system for people.enjoy the life you live in,many other countrie's people just are dreaming to live in your country.just visit Africa and you will change your mind!

11 years ago

i have tried 5 times to post my comment did my new password and still wont let me comment , waste of time

11 years ago

Awesome work...teaching kids critical thinking as opposed to the memorization of useless crap dedicated to you furthering a consumer driven society is honestly the most critical step in changing the collective. Imagine what the World could be like if we had an entire generation of problem solving INDIVIDUALS as opposed to machines. Make it happen!

Aaron Horner
Aaron Horner
11 years ago

Monetary systems do not work...after 20000 years you'd think we would have figured this out

Pete Stiles
Pete Stiles
11 years ago

What a boring monotone narrative. I felt like smacking him!

11 years ago

A little bit of crap, but mostly alot of good info. Two things annoyed me. He puts up texts with information that he wants us to read, but it's not there long enough to have the time to read it, thanks alot dude. And the comment about where to live after the collapse: "The suburbs is much safer, but not much" wtf?

Harry Nutzack
Harry Nutzack
11 years ago

3 1/2 hours until he drops the "hook". it's a paultard goldbug. "abandon the cities, buy gold" if you buy this, you're an i*iot

Emma T.
Emma T.
11 years ago

What an ethnocentric, dumb American view! He lost me after 5 minutes of made-in the-USA cliches. I suggest that he learns critical thinking about his own county's history and "greatness" This is pure trash. I'm surprised to see it here.

John Fulton
John Fulton
11 years ago

why is using cheap labor overseas not considered treason

Bill Luedke
Bill Luedke
11 years ago

There is nothing new age about this. This is objectivist reality. Anybody who doesn't see it that way is blind to the truth. The point of this is to get you to remove your blindfold and see the real problems we should be dealing with. Kudos!!

11 years ago

"The U.S. is the last beacon of hope throughout the world?" Is this guy for real? How incredibly narrow minded, misinformed, egotistical & full of inflated hubris is this guy? Clearly a proud American presenting his argument for the saving grace of the "Great State of America". This young man has obviously travelled very little in his short, inexperienced lifetime.

Is this project something he is doing for a final grade in his short, sheltered life as a college student?

Rocky Racoon
Rocky Racoon
11 years ago

Learn how to play an instrument. A full grounding in music is as hard as any other degree one could acquire and it is something no government employer or anyone can ever take away from you. And once you get people to listen to you well then you can influence them if you don't end up commodified and sell out that is.

Rocky Racoon
Rocky Racoon
11 years ago

A good grounding in Marxist Class Analysis would work wonders as well as exposing the contribution that organized labour communism socialism has made to societal progress in the WEST. The "middle class" became managers of labour and servants of capital betraying their class roots. These "professionals" will be the first one's ( behind the banksters) to run to the government for a job in the security state on the road to outright fascism. We are well on the way now. Perhaps the "developing world" will solve the riddle of class in society and we can supersede capitalism until we do no progress only regression is possible at this stage. All resources are suborned to the profit motive under capitalism, science, art everything must be commodified, that is an inhuman way to organize production and re-production.
I hope this helps.

11 years ago

It's nice that people are thinking and pushing boundaries. However, all things are relative. This is targetted very much at the 'ill educated' portion of American society. Consequently the 'boundaries' that are suggested be overcome are pretty obvious, and thus, to more advanced cultures, pretty minor, or irrelevent ones.

I am thus trying to say the author is missing almost all of the mass of elephants in the room!

I get the impression they genuinely think they've achieved 'insight'. However, the enlightenment the author/narrator thinks they've achieved is only a comparative and ralative enlightenment. I watched it and thought the narrator/author was still incredibly "small town centric" and thus not at all, by any stretch of the imagination, emotionally, or intellectually, "free".

As evidence for this the irony was palpable when the author/narrator talked about 'being free' and went through Maslow's hierarchy of needs (@ c.11mins). I laughed that they were unable to mention sex, excretion, etc. The words were on the screen, (since they are as per Maslow's works), but the author/narrator was still so reppressed by their being immersed in their 'small town America' culture, (despite continually saying how 'free' their insight had made them!), that they could not say (or even 'see'?) them 'naughty' words! :D

So, in summary: the author/narrator is evidently far, far, from being 'free' himself. All things are relative and so he may be very, very, enlightened for someone nurtured and educated in an unelightened/insular/poorly educated part of America; however, it is evident that they are far from being aware of their own follies and boindaries...and far, far, far from having any insight into any 'Global enlightenment'. They've a huge way to travel before they can begin to see where the actual boundaries to freedom are. I wish them luck!