Louis Theroux and the Nazi's
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Louis Theroux and the Nazi's

2003, Society  -   202 Comments
Ratings: 7.25/10 from 52 users.

Louis Theroux and the Nazi'sTheroux always tackles touchy subjects, sometimes with interviews that make your skin crawl. His interview with Joe Jackson, and another with the Westboro Baptist Church were gob-smacking television.

Upon his return, Theroux will be looking at the White Aryan Resistance movement in America, the KKK and Nazi’s who believe in ethnic cleansing. Bound to be unsettling and uncompromising.

Intrepid television host Louis Theroux travels through California trying to find a little humanity amongst some of America’s most notorious and committed Nazis.

Louis first encounters April Gaede at a Nazi rally where her two beautiful eleven-year-old daughters, Lamb & Lynx, sing racist songs to a captivated audience of skinheads.

April sees the world entirely through racist eyes and has made her children poster kids for the neo Nazi movement in the States. The girls at times appear endearing, but Louis quickly becomes horrified when they describe their favorite computer game, Ethnic Cleansing, and sing boisterously along to white power songs in the car.

Louis travels to Fallbrook, a small town half an hour outside San Diego to meet Tom Metzger and his family. Tom is one of America’s most famous racists. A Grand Dragon of the KKK in the seventies, a congressional candidate in the eighties, he’s now the leader of White Aryan Resistance, a self-styled revolutionary group.

However, Metzger’s life seems full of contradictions, he happily sings karaoke to a bar full of non white clientele, and while doing the rounds one day for his television repair business we meet Oscar, a mixed race chap from Peru who Tom greets warmly and describes as a friend… could it be that Tom is a hypocrite?

Tom’s support comes largely from people like Skip and his wife Heather – hardcore Nazi skinheads. During a Sunday barbecue things soon turn nasty when Louis refuses to declare if he’s Jewish...

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Michael McArthur
Michael McArthur
7 years ago

What has any of this got to do with foreskin??

John Bento
John Bento
10 years ago

Completely and utterly surreal. The trip to Mexico was insanely weird.

10 years ago

I wonder do they know anything about true history from the dynasties until now? Only if they found out we were here first but I'm still confused racism still exist and so does white priviledge. You would think they have all that they need by now so what is the fuss and fight about.

10 years ago

I could say a lot of wise words about how much I disagree with the racists, but I'll just say the last minute or so was hilarious !

Raquel Nunes
Raquel Nunes
11 years ago

This remind me of a old saying we have in my country " Vozes de burro não chegam ao céu."

11 years ago

Well done Louis .. good watch. I don't agree with what they believe, but then we live in a free society and for me to condemn them for their beliefs would be wrong. Live and let live ... even if they are barking mad ... but then so are so many other people!!!!

11 years ago

Every race, every culture has a unique quality that mankind can benefit from and a beauty to offer. Rejoice in your own qualities that your culture and race has equipped you with, and learn about the weaknesses and how other cultures have excelled where yours haven't. This is a learning process that does not shame you but builds you up wisely.

11 years ago

We were made nations and tribes so that we may get to know one another and learn from each other. Any race is as equal as the tooth of a comb is equal and the best among us is the one who lives in piety. We are not judged by our outer appearance, whether we had blonde hair or no hair, but by which of us made the most virtuous of actions for mankind. Walk this earth in humble soft steps and when the ignorant speak, say to them a word of peace and be on your way.

11 years ago

Whatever one's opinion about the "racists" may be, one thing is clear. Rarely have I seen a less professional interviewer than Theroux. The guy's a joke.

Petros Petrosyan
Petros Petrosyan
11 years ago

Louis makes great docs, but man is he awkward. He will ask a question then stair quietly at someone without any human emotion or movement. He has been in some tense questioning and it doesnt help he is kinda creepy sometimes.

11 years ago

That must have been the most uncomfortable drive in a car ever. (The drive with the two little ones and the woman). I feel sorry for the two girls and disgusted by the mother.

Brian Chval
Brian Chval
12 years ago

The swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol, not Aryan. The Nazi party just perverted a symbol of hope.

12 years ago

Mark twain said; There are three kind of lies.... a lie, a damned lie, and statistics. Metzger claims blacks commit the majority of crime and ths seems to be the opposite of what government and think tanks claim. Blacks get the blame but rarely get the truth.

12 years ago

mark twain said; there are three kind of lies... the lie, the damned lie, and statistics...according to the cdc and the dept of justice the majority of crimes in all catergories is anglo and they serve less time in the penal system compared to hispanics and blacks

Vladimir Petkovic
Vladimir Petkovic
12 years ago

Blacks killed whites in their homeland?!????? I am sad,hurt and angry I can not shoot and take tat kids away from such monsters. Communists? lol.. they do have problem with everyone don't they?

Vladimir Petkovic
Vladimir Petkovic
12 years ago

How stupid this hail is nowadays :))...pathetic..so USA.. you really have all the c*** in you? Till when? No one kill him..for fun?

12 years ago

People who do not think highly of themselves, look for other people to put down. They're just uneducated and insecure. If we were all the same color, there would be some group who hated all people with brown hair.

12 years ago

The whites in this video are not threatening. I am a black guy and not too many times did I feel my blood pressure going up.
However I think Loius should have challenged April on the assertion that other races make a mess wherever they go. We have all seen the show 'hoarders' and majority of those people living in filth are white.
Anyways, I kinda feel bad for the little gals. They seem to have talent and if it became known of their political beliefs, should they keep their parents teachings, they will be ostracized. And also they run into the risk of being socially isolated because not too many people think like that any more. Thank god.
Great documentary Loius.
Also, as long as there is opportunities in USA, people from different races and countries will keep streaming in. Immigration is as natural as breathing. Europeans left Europe for America. Africans left Africa for America. Maybe if they could scientifically create an island and deny entry to other races could their wishes be met, and even that is doubtful because its hard to be self sustaining.
And lol Tom saying that he's better looking than Denzel.

12 years ago

great doc. If only Tom was Americas biggest.most dangerous racist. Not too much to worry about there. I think the twins should be made go to school as they are being mentally abused at home.
In fact they should probably be removed from their mother as she is clearly
mentally ill.

Fap Masta Wong
Fap Masta Wong
12 years ago

Man i love this guy totally showing us how r*tarded people who blindly hate with out any real information on why they hate

Xercès Des Stèles
Xercès Des Stèles
12 years ago

if you want to know what Tom Metzger was interested in when he was younger, go to youtube and watch ''Nazi Interviews Satanic Goth, Nikolas Schreck'' part 1 and 2. it's pretty amazing what is said in those interviews from 1987.

they display proudly the redneck and the nazi flags... which what they represented was vanquished during the american civil war and the second world war

Karl Gharst
Karl Gharst
12 years ago

Type your comment here.Let White Supremacy be What White Supremacy Is
The old tactics – telling lies and calling names has really worked in the past for the “sons of Hell” in their quest for the destruction of God’s Holy Seed upon the Earth. Well, we know what works for us, too! It is the truth that sustains the righteous in our World.
So, let us put our racial theories to practice, shall we?
White Supremacy: Name the race of people that have accomplished more - or even as much as the white peoples of the Earth. What race of people would you be better off living with if good white people decided that you were no longer welcome in our God-given land! (Pick well, because the separation of the races is a fact that is happening right now and those who only spite us and curse us are not going to be among us much longer!) What other race of people would you feel more comfortable piloting the next airplane on you fly on? Whose medicine do you reach for when you are sick? Whose Laws and whose Justice do you seek and you find yourself innocent and in a courtroom? Whose kindness do you look for when you are in trouble and who would you rather have defend you when you are being treated poorly?
Now for those who have been honest so far – we have many problems that maybe you white supremists can help us with?
Perhaps you’ve noticed it is this same God-given kindness we are known for that has been exploited in the last few generations or so with the inundation of all the other peoples of the world into the homelands, ancient or otherwise, that were once exclusively for White Christendom. These are our hate-crazed, mentally ill, Baal-worshipping, Talmudic Rabbis who we first let live among us a few hundred years ago that have socially engineered this “death by genetic flood” we are facing today! Their belief comes right from the foot of the Tower of Babel, itself, “… The people seek to make themselves one, now, of all they seek to do what then shall be kept from them …?”
We also know that the nonwhite peoples of the Earth have only come to live with us because of their great faith in “white supremacy,” despite the rabbis worst intentions. We know no one ever asked to be born, so we don’t hold anything against you because you exist – we only ask that you allow us a place on the Earth to exist – a place where white people can call home? If you can see this far thru the smoke and dust the Rabbis have kicked up - we (the ones who the Rabbis are calling “white supremists”) will see to it that you have a place called home and a right to defend yourself. If you have faith in Jesus Christ and can agree to obey His good laws – you will never have a greater friend on this planet than your White Christian friend! Because…
For those who say the Earth is not big enough for white people to live here, too – I say let this kindness once afforded to you be withdrawn! I say let those curses you’ve called upon us now come raining down upon your head! I say let your homes be broken in and your strong men bound and your daughters ravished. Let the plagues of Egypt be upon you and your bodies boil over with the sores of Job! You who leer and at our daughters and you who misuse our sons and lay your hands grievously upon His priests, “let these death angels you have summoned for us now come among you and gather their harvest!”
You know, the Rabbis lied to their own people, too! They knew they weren’t these people called Israel – (but then “rolling up balls of mud into godless, mindless, soulless ‘mud-people’ to do the Rabbis’ bidding is what the Talmud is all about so it shouldn’t surprise anyone when we find them doing it! See; golem)
The Rabbis plan on taking off with all their wealth to somewhere like Barbados in the last days – leaving the better but poorer Jews behind to take the brunt of the punishment for their great crimes - just like they did in Germany and just like they did in Haiti 212 years ago.
I will tell you “that they will be making Rabbis into ‘Rib-eyes’ in Barbados on His day!” Karl Gharst

mako kozelj
mako kozelj
12 years ago

Louis is a blind man or he at least pretends to be. he is probably 40 years old and he does not have a clue how the world works

mako kozelj
mako kozelj
12 years ago

When you know what is going on you can feel bad for that poor, poor mexican dude.shit man, people can be cruel. Jon probably killed his vife and tourered the poor man.

mako kozelj
mako kozelj
12 years ago

how could anybody not love Luies? even arian racist man loved him but he did not admit.

mako kozelj
mako kozelj
12 years ago

you have some good black people, and some bad, you have some good white people and some bad white people.that is the truth my friend. you can not say that all jew people are simply bad. was albert einstein lesser of a man, he was a jew you know.

Tracy Phillips
Tracy Phillips
12 years ago

This documentary is disturbing on many levels. April Gaede strikes me as someone mentally disturbed & I don't mean that facetiously. NOT merely because of her racist views; her responses to any form of disagreement or even questioning are bizarre at best. She is incapable of reasoning or coping effectively with any opposition to her opinions or her will. At one point the vulgar woman, degrades her daughters by telling them that they're acting like cu@#$ (whatever that means!). Much damage has been done to these poor girls' emotional, psychological & social development by this disturbed woman. They've been turned into performing monkeys to suit their mother's twisted agenda. They've been used to disseminate propaganda that they don't espouse & now they're living in a hut in the woods a la Ted Kaczynski (aka The Unabomber)!! Where will those poor children wind up living next: in an abandoned drain pipe?!?

How could any rational mother think that it is in her teen daughters' interests to be communicating & corresponding with an incarcerated murderer? To add worse to bad, this prisoner is clearly engaged in fantasizing sexually about them!What does it take before the authorities step in & divest an abusive parent of his/her kids & place them in a safe & nurturing environment? My heart goes out to these girls and to their long-suffering grandmother.

Andrew Yeung
Andrew Yeung
12 years ago

In the end I feel sorry for the people shown here not contempt even though I'm a minority in a Western society. Kids didn't choose to be born into what conditions they are raised in even the older generation. Even with the old man, he's just a product of his environment and time. Such out lairs in terms of the global context are actually quite interesting and the context of these people must be taken into account for.

12 years ago

Nor were "Aryan's" white, but of Indo-Iranian descent.

12 years ago

if these people had a nanogram of scholarship in their head they might realise their claims are historically baseless. They have an absolutely flawed understanding of the historicity of the swastika. Additionally, their claims are based on the now debunked claims of Social-Darwinism.

Christopher Watt
Christopher Watt
12 years ago

Louis never seems afraid to ask very straight forward questions... And as we get to see can sometimes get him into a tight spot, which is probably why i am addicted to all his documentaries. But all in all when it comes down to it, I am reminded of something my father taught me about racism, 'People who are like that, are looking for someone to blame for misgivings in there life, it's easier to point a finger for your life going south than it is to accept your choices being the cause' I feel those words are so true, and the problem is these people go on to force there views and opinions onto their children. I know that 2 years ago a 'Nazi' family here in my province (Canada) was splattered all over the news, because CFS (Child Family Services) Wanted to take there children away for raising them in a hateful environment... I am a parent and I know how much pain it would cause me to have my child taken away but, I must agree and I would hope that more actions of taking children out of those environments would happen

12 years ago

Human animals

13 years ago

Hahahaha... on second thought... I am highly amused. These people are clowns... Going to Mexico to put on funny hats and hook up with Mexican chicks... lol... full of s*** liars!

13 years ago

What terrible people. I am completely disgusted.

Mike Brewer
Mike Brewer
13 years ago

Scary people out there. Their hatred is nothing but a cover for their own personal fears.

Gary V
Gary V
13 years ago

These people are just filthy scum who don't deserve to walk this Earth. If they had any intelligence the would know that every person on this planet can trace their ancestors back to Africa.The world would be a much better place without people like them. To call themselves patriotic is an insult to all the troops who gave their lives in WW2 to stop the Nazis.

Reggie Williams
Reggie Williams
13 years ago

i love the hypocrazy.... haha raging racist with a title of "grand dragon" which is asian... and then a katana and tanto in their house

Ashley Johnson
Ashley Johnson
13 years ago

Everyone he interviews looks so uncomfortable haha.

13 years ago

Wow, you gotta see the one he does on female bodybuilding, so hilarious.

13 years ago

"people like mugs" *headdesk*

13 years ago

Not sure whether to laugh or cry. While I understand Louis's need to try to change their minds, the documentary would have been much better without his rather sanctimonious (seeing as he had chosen to document them because of their bizzarre beliefs) attempts to convince these people of the errors of their ways. If you're going to do a doco on nutjobs, at least let them get on with being nutjobs and save commentry for the voice over. I did appreciate his efforts to pin down the publicist who clearly didn't want to admit on camera either that he thought his client was nuts or that he was a crazy racist too. I feel for those kids though, not even having school to temper their mother's opinions.

13 years ago

Perhaps the racial hatred could be explained with the reason the late George Carlin used to described the reasons for war " Their penis is bigger than mine". Seriously though it's the year 2011 by our means of time keeping don't you think we would have put all this silly B.S. about skin or cultural differences behind us by now and just acccept people for themselves. If they are a Butthead they are a Butthead and if they are nice people they are nice people..For "insert what ever in these quotes" sake we all bleed reddish blood when we cut ourselves we all have similiar bone structures. I think the coolest thing is the minor cultural differences between us except those of hate mongers and yes I'll be civil towards them. I forgot where I heard this , but when you take away our skin we're all pink on the inside.

geome bissonette
geome bissonette
13 years ago

These aren't Nazis. These retarded rednecks riding the Nazi fame.

13 years ago

@Tom; On that score (comment from 2 days ago) you are absolutely correct. White self hatred has gotten way way out of hand. I will give you that. In fact you could say that it has become a societal requirement that a white male, especially American, Despise himself openly or face scorn. That never made any sense to me.

The Jabberwocky
The Jabberwocky
13 years ago


I have personally traveled and lived among communities within Africa and am speaking from first hand experience when I say that there is no differences short of views on life and we had nothing but great things to learn from each other by sharing in our cultural differences and views on life. Needless to say neither party involved felt any self-hating but found the experience en-lightening and we all learned from each other.
I believe you should try and go living with any of these communities and experience their ways of life for yourself as it seems you are relying upon unfounded stereotypes for judgment.

The Jabberwocky
The Jabberwocky
13 years ago

@Lary Nine

I respectfully take your point on board but I would add that you also can't teach anyone to play the piano who doesn't want to learn how to play it. Your comment speaks very highly of your moral character.
I probably should have mentioned on the bottom of my comment that I do genuinely feel more sorry for these people than anything else and it wasn't my intent to humiliate but I will admit I got very passionate about the subject and probably could have worded it more effectively to challenge why they feel the way they do.
I have no apologies for my opinion but I thank you for your comment and I believe that's a great virtue of yours I might have to pick up on :)

Lary Nine
Lary Nine
13 years ago

@Tom #121~
Nature never gives any indicators. Biological modification is strictly a matter of adaptation through natural selection--- and that, in turn, leads to future generations carrying forward that successful genetic variation simply because it survives to breed. Racial variations are nothing more than the collected inherited traits of past adaptive responses by a species to change over geological time.
To me, that's race in a nutshell. The idea of "tribe" was useful for surviving for a long time but it no longer "indicates" anything beneficial or currently useful. Ironically, race awareness (or tribe if you will) has probably become counterproductive to our species' survival since it promotes social disintegration.

Lary Nine
Lary Nine
13 years ago

@the jabberwocky~
No one has ever learned to play the piano through humiliation. You will never persuade anyone with insults and the point of view that you defend must be underpinned by the benevolence of moral suasion.

Tom Metzger
Tom Metzger
13 years ago

You don't need a doctorate to observe racial differences. You just have to leave the controlled zoo and enter the real wilds.
The depth of present day WHITE self-hatred has reached epidemic levels.

The Jabberwocky
The Jabberwocky
13 years ago


just thought you should know the scientific definition of species: two organism's that can successfully interbreed and produce viable offspring are considered members of the same species regardless of subtle variations such as, hmmm let me think, skin colour, eye colour, jaw shape etc. Only at the point when these two organisms CANNOT interbreed do they become a separate species because their differences go beyond variations standard within a community.

Guess what Tom? There is not a single human male on this planet regardless of race who can not successfully mate with any human female on this planer regardless of race and produce healthy and happy offspring! Aint that a shock? We are all the same on the inside! Sorry to be the one to POP your biggot bubble buddy.

Oh and by the way, lets be clear, there is no such thing as a PURE RACE! For one thing evolution doesn't allow it, your very existence like everyone elses was the result of eons of accumulated variations within species that became separate enough to diverge and form new species as and when the time called upon it. So if you and your skin head buddies wish to facilitate the deluded notion of segregating yourselves from the rest of the world and cleansing your 'race', THEN ****** GOOD! I don't want your damn genes anywhere near my damn species! The rest of us can evolve into something new and wonderful and you can fade into the background extinction rates with every other species that couldn't adapt or change, only difference is your the only ones who actually wanted it that way!

But it's not only that, even if there was a difference, to the point of there being scientifically distinct species of human living on this planet. I'd still accept every last single member of that species as I do every single animal and plant on this planet as not merely my equals but as myself and family because, here's another shocker, we have all arisen from the same primordial ooze of the earth my friend! And the day aliens land I will accept them all openly too because, guess what, we're all from the same collections of atoms formed in this universe!

Hell I'd go as far as to say the damn multiverse!

Transdimensional beings, unicorns and dragons, you name it! I say let us all be brothers and sisters of existence!

@everyone else,

Sorry about the rant everyone and I apologize for the very layman science, I try! :)

Oh yeah and great documentary ;)