Immigrants For Sale

Immigrants For Sale

2015, Society  -   28 Comments
Ratings: 7.81/10 from 58 users.

Amidst the fury of the ongoing immigration debate, we're often denied the personal stories of human suffering and loss that result from the crisis. The Brave New Films documentary Immigrants for Sale follows several families who are stuck in the crosshairs of the immigration epidemic, and serves as a deeply intimate and compassionate portrait of the suffering caused by the ill-conceived laws designed to contain it.

The film also points to a far more insidious and sinister dynamic which lies at the heart of many of these laws and policies: the capturing of illegal immigrants, and the destruction of their families, for the benefit of politics and profit.

Immigrants for Sale dissects one such regulation - SB1070, a sweeping and controversial anti-immigration bill enacted in Arizona - and shows the egregious human rights violations which have rippled from its passage. As the film suggests, the 2010 bill, which has since been adopted in various forms in a series of other states, provides a financial boon to one of the most profitable industries in the United States: the prison system. After all, more inmates equals more profit, and an anti-immigration bill like SB1070 ensures that a steady stream of fresh inmates will continue to cascade upon the nation's prisons in large quantities. As a result of these measures, the United States prison system accumulates an astounding profit of five billion dollars annually.

The private prison industry, led by the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), played an essential role in the formation of SB1070. According to the narrative set forth the bill represents an exciting new business model for these companies - the detainment of illegal immigrants as a means of expanding their bottom line.

These damning observations on the political and corporate machinations surrounding immigration reform are played out against a decidedly more humanistic landscape; one where spouses and children take center stage as the innocent bystanders of the war on immigration. By planting an unflinching eye upon their personal struggles, Immigrants for Sale allows us a greater understanding of the inadequacies of current immigration policies, and the need for continued debate and reform.

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5 years ago

If you truly cared about the illegals, you would help them make life better IN THEIR COUNTRY, so they wouldn't be tempted to jump the border. You would help them start agricultural related businesses in the rural areas and whatever they need in other areas. No, you don't know a thing about it but instead fall for the globalist which means communist propaganda.

The same was true for Europe. The globalists wanted the clash of cultures and civilizations to further their globalist agenda. Get the people fighting among themselves to the point they will agree to authoritarian rule (communism).

No, you are too lazy to do some real good. You watch marxist TV, get emotional, and point fingers and yell like a Soros useful idiot he doesn't even have to pay to commit crimes against this country. That admitted nazi collaborator scum needs to be put in jail for crimes against this country and others. But no, you like nazi marxists globalists and Council on Foreign Relations minions like Hillary who simply killed several that could harm her career.

This isn't rocket science, the Democrats want more illegals, why? Because they care? Don't make me bust a gut laughing my hind-side off. Because when they eventually gain control of Congress again, they will give them amnesty and then have an unbeatable voting block. That is the ONLY reason they pretend to care. Did Democrats free the slaves? No. They fought tooth and nail to keep them slaves. The exact same is true today. They want slave illegals and everyone else they can keep low economically, claim they care by giving them a little free stuff to buy votes. That is it. And that is why Trump won. Finally people are starting to see it. Why don't you?

If you hate Trump, move to a country where they have the type of government you desire rather than trying to mutilate this government into one you think is great until you have to live under the consequences of your short sighted ignorance.

The extra silly part is that Trump, a Brooklyn Democrat, could have easily ran on the Democrat ticket but didn't want to tick off the Clinton's who he still thought were his friends. If he would have won on that ticket, which would have been unlikely since a full head of steam was anti democrat after obama's ruinous socialism, you would have thought Trump was the greatest thing since the marxist media would be praising his every move having a "D" for democrat in front of his name.

You need to get some real information rather than the marxist propaganda you volunteer to consume via the marxist major media. It certainly isn't "the news".

By any measure this so called documentary is one sided. Fails to show the Personal and Intimate family stories, such as those severely impacted by illegals murdering one or more of their family members.

Rational people, including Trump, are for legal immigration to keep the criminal types and terrorists out. Pick any other nation prior to Merkel of Germany illegally opening up the doors to Europe, they all have secure borders and require you to go through a legal immigration process. So then how is the USA so evil for wanting sane policy like the rest?

If your heart bleeds for the less fortunate. GO HELP THEM BUILD A BETTER COUNTRY WHERE THEY WERE BORN.

Urban dweller
Urban dweller
5 years ago

Just like with america's enslavement towards African-Americans, people from South America are misued, abused, and "christianized" (to further deceive them) then when white american businesses were finished these people became liabilities, criminals and rapists as terrorists tactics were used on them! I use to think, "what has become of this country? What went wrong?" I've since come to realize it was always like this. The internet/media uncovered the swamp, which is why an void and soulless person like Trump hates the media. The media exposes truth that has been hidden for so long: greed, racism, prejudice, eugenics, lies and fake news. It's fascinating how "Americans" create the turmoil just for a dollar more and then blame those who have been made to suffer for all the bills of the world. The good people of color who helped grow these businesses and make individuals prosperous. The good people of color who raised "their" children and cleaned "their" homes. The insidious malfunction of these so-called Americans is the real evil of the world - not the hard-working immigrants and African-Americans.

7 years ago

The simple facts cannot be underscored by emotional opinions,the main fact is that there are established protocols for entering this country and if not followed become criminal acts.Allowing any illigal immigration pisses in the face of not only law abiding citizens but immigrants who entered here legally.Why should criminals be offered amnesty?.Let's not forget our retard politicians debating what should be a non issue due to the fact that we have LAWS established governing this very issue.It seems that the average american practices the antithesis of thinking demonstrated by the fact they elected and re-elected the retard Bush as well as electing and re-electing our current retard who had no prerequisite experience to be even a senator let alone the potus,wtf?

Petra Hernandez
Petra Hernandez
8 years ago

I have an immigration story and would love for someone to help me create a video. The USA has gone downhill, something everyone knows and many deny. Legally I was petitioning for my husband, a university professor. One small "ignorance of the law", got him thrown into a detention facility...He's dead now and I, also a university professor, am almost bakrupt trying to clear up the mess, through legal means. Legally doing things is also a money - making deal for the powerful and money - depleting for the citizen. SOMEONE PLEASE get in touch with me. I would make a video with help! Thank you.

9 years ago

Shame shame shame ! The same thing is happening in Australia it suits the courts judges lawyer's .they all make heaps of money off the system .some computer somewhere will now pick what I've written and I could end up on a watch list. ???

9 years ago

Why don't we just send these poor people to Cuba G and water board them. This is a HUMAN RIGHTS CRIME....prison for profit. USA YOU STINK worse than the German Concentration Camps.
You ship them back don't kill them and make money off them. Will you sell human meat soon ??

9 years ago

why has no one documented the strain immigrants put on the country they are infiltrating ? Has anyone notice those countries dont give a damn at all that their people are leaving in droves ?

9 years ago

Well, it does look like slavery is back in fashion in the Land of the Free, and they're barely bothering to hide it either. How very depressing.

9 years ago

This is the plan for the WHOLE world. Non US citizens should watch this to know what is in store for their country !

9 years ago

Immigrants are easy targets. Hence why bullies like to pin all their problems on them...It certainly saves having to engage the old synapses and figure out what might actually be wrong.

9 years ago

Great film.. I think we should at the least triple the number of centers like these and get the cost reduced for quantity. I always love how its a feel sorry for these people that totally ignore our nations laws and break into our country. Maybe the cheaper way is to eliminate them at the boarder and make them into animal feed, possibly bringing own the cost of pork. Its no different than them breaking into your home and stealing your belongings. THEY ARE CRIMINALS!! They are costing us billions and billions each year! They commit numerous crimes and bring diseases with them.. Anyone remember the elimination of the measles? There back and its obivious where they came from. Personnally, I don't blame them for wanting to come here. Free medical, food stamps, SSN checks, schooling. What a great country! We as American tax payers are paying for these criminals to enjoy what we all work for and the country is BROKE! Give these criminals a piece of our pie is ridiculous. Just another O'Bama way of destroying the country. We have an immigration process. Even if it does suck it is how all others gained their entry into the country. They are just coming for the easy life and living off the backs f our tax payers!

Larry Dean Moore
Larry Dean Moore
9 years ago

And then people peacefully protest this atrocity... They themselves get put in jail and raise more profit for the prisons. it's ingenious. I need to invest. I got 2 gallon jars full of miscellaneous coins, some pocket lint and a couple of cousins I don't like. How far is that going to get me?

Sarah Bright-Fisher
Sarah Bright-Fisher
9 years ago

the sounds ruin this documentary