Red Cry

Red Cry

2013, History  -   155 Comments
Ratings: 8.48/10 from 249 users.

In 1492 the indigenous Arawak people of the Caribbean Islands encountered Christopher Columbus of Spain. Columbus wrote in his log: "They would make fine servants... With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want." Columbus proceeded to unleash a reign of terror unlike anything seen before. When he was finished, eight million Arawaks have been exterminated by torture, murder, force labor, starvation, disease and despair.

Columbus' atrocities, with cross and sword, were justified by the Christian doctrine of "divine discovery" and set religious and legal precedent for the invasion and genocide of America's indigenous peoples... for the next 500 years and beyond. By 1650 a precarious relationship between the first nations of the East Coast of North America and New England colonies was collapsing... into slaughter and enslavement of native people by settlers who wanted more land and wealth. Most of the English colonies sanctioned and encouraged scalping Indians. In 1776, the United States gave birth to the first 13 states on land taken through the ethnic cleansing of dozens of tribes. The Declaration of Independence further enshrined the belief of Euro-American settlers' supremacy by declaring native peoples to be merciless Indian savages.

In 1787, United States adopted its Constitution... Article 6 established treaties as the supreme "Law of the Land." Despite this supreme law, treaties with sovereign native nations became slippery promises, easily broken when convenient. In 1823, in the case of Johnson and Graham's Lessee v. McIntosh, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the first nation people's right of occupancy was subordinate to the United States divine right of discovery. "The United States has unequivocally agreed... that discovery gave an exclusive right to extinguish the Indian title of occupancy."

This landmark ruling provided legal cover for governmental policies that would claim white Euro-Christian supremacy as justification for stealing indigenous lands and for the genocide of native peoples. In 1849, the California Gold Rush triggered the mass western migration of settlers putting them in direct conflict with existing indigenous nations.

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Mikah Nakawa
Mikah Nakawa
2 years ago

Stop with all the lies.....the people of this country were copper colored! They are said to have a close similarity to Ethiopians!!!

Andrea Larnyoh
Andrea Larnyoh
2 years ago

Humbling. Yes it is genocide.

Jordan L Miller
Jordan L Miller
2 years ago

I learned more about the native americans than I knew before today. Honestly a lot of people don't even know this is going on at all. I did like the video for the most part but please don't bundle all whites in together. It will create a resentment and enemy's. I understand showing of anger but directing towards everyone as a whole will not create friends, defeating the purpose of the video. Similar to the BLM movement.

4 years ago

While I agree that the indians did not fare well in the conquest, the negative tone of the presentation betrays the motives of the producers. This documentary is aimed at High Schoolers that are not grounded in social development around the world. I'm from South America, and I know when Columbus came he found the Caribbean indians have other indians tied to a pole, they were fattening them for the day of the banquet. And what can you say of the Aztecs famous for ripping hearts out alive indians, so nativism have its plus and minuses, and this balance is absent from your documentary. Think about this, you judge Americans for the ill treatment of indians while supporting their wild system of living, but if they don't assimilate, then judge the indians by their way of life, do not compare them to the American ways.

6 years ago

Nature is cruel. Killer whales migrate near beaches of breeding seals to eat and play with the bodies of the baby seals learning to swim. Natives had wars with one another this is a human activity. The Europeans came over and nature took its course. That is what it is, i'm a hippy and run trails natives ran in Michigan. The Natives life close to nature but they are human and once the tech came they saw the advantages too. We are all human!

6 years ago

White man is the second beast mentioned in the bible and he is here to kill everything. So sick of the white's existence and story and fake history that I could vomit at this point.

John Abbott
John Abbott
6 years ago

Magnificent! Right thru the heart to my soul. One, & Ive seen MANY, of the very best documentaries out there, Thank you

John Abbott
John Abbott
6 years ago

2017 The same element that has been snatching white children for the past 40 years is the same element that invented the insane maniac predator that seems to have been INCREMENTALLY replaced by 'the terrorist', IT IS A FIGMENT accelerated by modern media but there has always been a boogyman created by the very same greedy, bloodthirsty, racist, pedophile, mind f-cking, supremacists who pulled off the theft of this magnificent continent, and did all the same sh-t to our native peoples and their children and their culture and continue to oppress & distort them to this day.
They gave no mercy because they had no mercy & "NO TRUTH IN THEM".
We failed to wake up & put on our brothers shoes. We settled for "A Veneer of Justice In A Kingdom of Crime" is the superbly apt description (& documentary btw) for this theater we exist in / live in as if its true.
We did not look harder dig deeper or stand up against the cruelty inflicted then, we must face the deeds, IN OUR NAME, the merciless wrought on them. They predated, WITH OUR (the whites) SUPPORT on Indians, the Africans & are happy with their 'work', now our time has come. We were already so molded, twisted, transformed into accepting abnormalty (its a word now), we served well their secret, ultimate intentions. Now that all other courage against their domination has been subdued, we shall today face OUR land, children, families, elders, progeny, food supply, health, environment & all living creation, under our poor stewardship, that they are coming for.
People, not all but enough, with freedom have TIME to devote to untangling history (none if they have TV). TIME to get a view, TIME to follow feeling compelled to get at the truth after 1 major lie leads to the next. Then they find themselves hacking & slashing through the misinfo & lies that make up our imagined, falsely documented history.
What we accept as reality requires our education be altered, to disrupt our natural mental process of deductive reasoning, to impose obstacles TO learning, TO GENUINE maturation & logical behavior not driven by triggers & compulsions & addictions & emptiness. Obstacles like trauma, doubt that inhibit fearless independence youll fight & die for before giving in.
Hundreds of years of rule they have mastered by adapting a military like strategy of controlling the regimen, the flow of information, preempting acquisition of skills should one need to survive.....without them.
But today the facade of paternal concern we have been lulled by, they must crumble. Awareness & knowledge will soon undo them so it is time for the final: Problem/Reaction/Solution to create chaos they will control. They relish the fear in our uncertainty. our competitive clawing at each other to avoid being the one to go under. That has always been the plan, for all humanity, to go under...their foot or die.
A highly secret, centuries old & perfected plan which cannot succeed unless they murder the majority of us to keep hold of the invisible, to us, reins. A delight they will savor. Civilization conquered, created, constructed. Skills developed, techniques gleaned, the directions mapped, the 'know how' is documented....the sorting & elimination of useless eaters is the culling that will begin before long. A stage that has long been prepared for.
That 'thinning of their herd' we caught rumors of? That we dismissed as being so unbelievable we did not believe, but we will....just as our brothers before us watched them do to their own.
For however much of the Book they encrypted with riddles & deciet Our Fathers words remained clear, untainted & a challenge we were capable of achieving: "We Are Our Brothers Keeper" the instructions to "Love One Another" so "The Truth Shall Set You Free". Forgive us dear brothers, sisters & relatives......Will we catch on before the victims are humanity itself?
Awakened Wabbitt
That is why we are NOT watching their programming instrument they insure is affordable or accessible to all. We are here.

6 years ago

For openers we were lied to by our teachers, our preachers and our parents from the day we were born, regarding just about everything it now seems. I grew up in Columbus, Ohio where they made a big event out of this genocidal maniac ...... and called it 'Columbus Day'. Good grief, such a crime. And for some reason we were never taught anthropology that we might understand the world, instead a 'religion' was 'instilled' within our minds, and we were told that we would be forced to suffer the worst of tortures if we didn't believe! ls that not child abuse? It takes a lifetime, and I've about run that course, to realize what life is all about. It begins with 'believe, and you will be rewarded', but if you don't believe, then you will certainly suffer..... And just look, the majority of the world's people believe what they are told, they believe that these myths, these mythologies, these 'religions' are reality. Columbus believed in Christianity, and he felt superior to the native peoples he encountered when he had no reason to. Men have created thousands of gods and goddesses.... when will people begin to understand the human mind?

A. Ashes
A. Ashes
8 years ago

Very interesting reading all these comments & the most interesting part is how whenever white Christians are called out on their progenitors blatant racism there is an invariable allusion to "they were killing each other before we got here" or the increasingly popular "it wasn't my great granpappy but rich elites in control of the govt then" both have some kernels of truth at their basis but those are only small surface bits that belie the facts. White settlers were extremely racist towards N8Vs on an everyday basis as a GENERAL rule! That fact cannot & shouldn't EVER be denied nor brushed aside!! That is the larger point of this & other docs like it, to illuminate & hold up for consternation the atrocious thoughts/actions of your ancestors so that hopefully you learn that its up to you as inheritors of this dubious ill gotten legacy to finally stomp out & cease all such behaviors in the future! We N8Vs aren't seeking reparations from or deportment of all non-NDNs or even apologies but are only seeking to help all humanity understand the violent natures within everyone by reminding you of the more than 10X worse genocide perpetrated on us so that it will hopefully never again happen!!! Dochsh`e wast`e mitakuye oyate

8 years ago

I had to stop watching at 45:00. When she starts blaming starches and carbohydrates, then goes on to say our body is built to utilize protein.... Do you understand that legumes are primarily starches, complex carbohydrates? I mean I understand the lack of education due to the subjugation and neglect to the people, but you need to comprehend you are being handed PROCESSED foods, don't blame a macro-nutrient for your health qualms, when you seemingly don't comprehend it. Let us emphasize, fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains.... All comprised primarily of these demonic "complex carbohydrates and starches"...

8 years ago

just 1 minute and 24 seconds in I can feel deep sadness inside it seems to come from a far away place....

9 years ago

First of all, what happened to the Native American peoples is an atrocity. Their rights were clearly violated and they were taken advantage of right from the start. Most of their current problems are directly correlated to actions, broken treaties and wars caused by the Us during the 18th and 19th centuries. I do however seem to have a huge problem with how the Lakota people are reacting towards their problems. They seem to resent the government and their "white counterparts" for all their wrongdoing, but at the same time ask for food, for infrastructure and jobs. I don't believe that the downfall of Native Americans is due to government ignorance but rather due to the fact that most of the people depicted in this documentary seem to think it's the governments job to make all their problems go away. I truly respect their way of life and how they continue to fight for their rights and their culture. It's just not within the realm of possibility in today's world to get the best of both worlds. Either you want to be a sovereign state and figure out your own problems and how to fix them, or you can be a part of the US government and accept the help that is given to you. You can't have it both ways.

9 years ago

I thought this was an incredibly enlightening, yet depressing documentary. It's shameful that people are still so ignorant to the ongoing destruction of these great people and culture.
The racism against the 'half breeds' bothered me though. Would they be rejected by the 'pure' native americans if someone with mixed blood came to the reservation with a desire to learn the language and the culture of their people?

Jane Doe
Jane Doe
9 years ago

.....all I can say is I'm stilling waiting for America's karma to come swinging round, because we all know that nation has ALOT to answer for. my god, it just makes you shake your head at what humans are capable of when power and so called "god given entitlement" goes to their head. I guess they just forgot to skip the part in the Bible which says God created ALL man equal...or was that just a typo.... smh

10 years ago

This film brings to mind the picture of a N/A with the caption, "Fighting terrorism since 1492." Sadly this continues, not only at Pine Ridge, but in many other places, by the same terrorists.
I see by sum of the comments, that it didn't take long to get off topic, and start arguing. Power and control, isn't that the topic for these inhuman acts brought forth in this film? Live and let live, just as the Lakota and many others want to do. The acts against the N/A look more like genocide, and or democide.

mike jarvis
mike jarvis
10 years ago

I am personally ashamed of my race, my heritage and my "given" Christian religion. I would hope that native peoples would forgive me for my race for my religion for my forebears ignorance and cruelty. I feel nothing but shame.

mike jarvis
mike jarvis
10 years ago

Catholic dominated expansion of the Americas left open d saying of divine right... Divine right for white people to rule and take everything and anything because of some twisted Christian doctrine.if anyone in the faith of Christianity or Catholicism were true to their own doctrine the subjugation of others would have stopped... But wait.their own doctrine encourages the taking of land and then the conversion of those who do not know convenient? manifest destiny.. How much bull**** can you swallow all of your own faith?

mike jarvis
mike jarvis
10 years ago

the problem with this documentary is.. That Columbus and his fleet came representing "the one true God". they saw everyone on the continent as being pagans and being only worthy of slavery unto the church, or perhaps the monarchy that sent them.once again Western Power & religion has subjugated a less advanced race.while at the same time being less advanced than the current science we know to be true. Ignorance plus ignoignorance in the dark ages thru the Renaissance = the Catholic Church.. And I say period With a capital P.ask Copernicus Bruno Galileo...

Doobie Wa
Doobie Wa
10 years ago

Lets face it, man hasn't changed one bit. We are a deceitful and cruel lot for the most part. Makes me wonder how long slavery would have lasted in the USA if Abe didn't come along. So sad

10 years ago

The people who greeted Colon were TAINOS! Early anthropologists didn't know any better labeling everyone the same when each tribe was different. None of the Natives in the Caribbean called themselves Arawaks!

The Arawaks were in South America, the caribbean was populated with natives named after each of their island. Classic tainos, western taino, Caribs, guanahatabeys, and only in parts of jamaica could Arawak descendants be found outside of Venezuela, the colombian basin in Colombia and central america. that's because they spoke a different language than the Classic Tainos. The Tainos were not Arawaks. Boriquas, Cubanacans, Cibaos, Aities, all were not Arawaks.

Colon never reached North America. That credit goes to Ponce de Leon thanks to the Boriquas from the Island of Boriken telling de Leon the fable story of the Fountain of Youth in Bimini just to get him out of the Island.

10 years ago

I have not yet watched this documentary; however, I twice notice in the description the word, "Christian." It is nowhere mentioned, of course, that Columbus was a jew, with at least six jews on board and that it was they, the jews, who were trafficking in slavery.

Tim Caffery
Tim Caffery
10 years ago

The Lakota have the key to destroying the West's empire. By virtue of pure principle. An enemy so great as this "Smaug", so to speak, lays bare it's most vulnerable weakness in its engagement. It's just to access this Achille's Heal, makes on equally vulnerable to an even worse demise. I would tell the Indian the truth, & they would know it to be, both the only victory possible & ultimate loss of their culture. No one could, or would dare intervene. No one could not watch in horror, yet no one would be willing to show it. It would rock the entire human psychology in terror. Japan would cut off their pinkies as a people. It's the most disgusting idea anyone can conceive of. It makes the Scorched Earth look cordial. It makes Jesus look greedy, & dismembers religion. Become the treaty stone & show the Indian it is long since dust, by becoming the truth. No agent can decipher this, only the dead can hear Death's call. Make magic. Peace, 2014!

10 years ago

When you think that the Israelites are doing the same thing in Palestine...

10 years ago

Obesity seems rampant among these native Americans, yet another scar left by the occupiers...

Orville Morris
Orville Morris
10 years ago

All religions seek to dominate the ignorant.

Orville Green
Orville Green
10 years ago

,,,also, Christianity never committed any atrocities; wicked and ungodly people committed atrocities, misusing Christianity as their rationale.

Orville Green
Orville Green
10 years ago

Columbus arrived in the Caribbean in 1494, having left Spain in 1492.

10 years ago

Christianity and government equally have placed a mental virus in it's own people called " IGNORANT BLISS" and created the most ignorant country in the world called the USA.

10 years ago

Kudos to this website and it's Moderators. The level of free speech here is very insightful as to how different people think. THANK YOU very much.

Terry "OldFox" Seale
Terry "OldFox" Seale
10 years ago

Yes, everything is horrible. But it doesn't stay that way. Aboriginal Americans are getting excellent reparations today by a legal construct that gives them a virtual monopoly in the multi-billion $ gaming industry. Better them than Meyer Lansky!

Arabian nomad tribes, on a diet of camel milk and fleas for centuries, are now enjoying the very best things that money can buy.

Catholic pederast clergy are being prosecuted and their protectors charged with obstruction of justice as payback for their cruelty.

Cheer up. Things are getting better sooner or later.

Tanya Christa Roberts
Tanya Christa Roberts
10 years ago

I say boycott Columbus day!

10 years ago

This page has the longest list of racially bigoted comments I've ever seen. If someone were to take the comments as whole truths they would walk away thinking that "White Christians" (Whites in general) are a race of demons hell bent on inflicting genocide and cruelty on all the helpless peoples of planet Earth.
Columbus was no doubt a wicked man. Yes, he was a White Christian. What about genghis khan? His hordes of Mongolian warriors exterminated countless men, women, and children in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Just Persia alone, the Mongols reduced the population by 90%.
The Turks invaded Anatolia and ethnically cleansed the Greeks from the peninsula. They then invaded south east Europe and massacred millions. They enslaved anyone left alive.
The Orientals completely (with the one exception of "reservation" natives still living in Japan) exterminated the indigenous Australoid peoples of all south east Asia.
The Chinese had a total war against the "Yellow heads" in northern China and completely exterminated those people (look up a documentary called Ice Maiden to see who these "Yellow Heads" were).
The "Native Americans" of Asian decent are believed to have exterminated the Solutrean Americans that migrated via Europe who were in N. America first.
The Hebrews exterminated countless tribes after they migrated to the Middle East, i.e., Canaanites, Philistines, etc.
Genocide, slavery, and cruelty in general is the dark side of ALL HUMANITY, not just the evil White man or Christian.

If many of you weren't so blinded by your self-hatred and/or thirst for blood, you'd realize that it's the evil White man who has made the greatest strides in putting the brakes on much of this evil human behavior. We put an end to out right slavery in every European country by the late 19th century, we coined and implemented crazy concepts like Human Rights for all. We relinquished control of colonies voluntarily after WW2 (some were less willing unfortunately).

I'll stop here because I've made my argument. Sadly, most of the people posting comments won't be able to get past their bloody nature and continue to bash and all but advocate exterminating Whites because we're the evil ones.

10 years ago

Lots of highly racist sentiment in this documentary. The anti-white stuff is to be expected and is generally forgivable, but the 'half-breed' talk is rather deplorable.

10 years ago

There is not a place on the planet that has not been desecrated and destroyed by the White Man and his arrogant Christian values extolling superiority over darker skinned people and other belief systems. White, Christian hypocrisy is astoundingly blatant when viewed historically. What they did and continue to do to the Native Americans should put them in the same category as Adolph Hitler, the man that to most of the modern world has been deemed the most evil. Of course, anyone who digs deep enough into the Nazi Holocaust will find Jewish ties to the destruction of their own people as well, at least those of the Zionist Jews, from the elite Jewish bankers on down.

The White Christians have ruined many an indigenous culture in the cruelest possible ways, not the least of which has been taking children away from parents. They did this also with the Aboriginal people of New Zealand and Australia (watch Rabbit Proof Fence) and with indigenous tribes in South America. In Africa it was Cecil Rhodes who used alcohol and other similar means to steal the lands from Native Africans in order to lay hands on the land and it's resources which included diamonds, making it part of the Brittish Empire. He founded DeBeers Diamonds and became incredibly wealthy off of his illegal and immoral pursuits.

America has no more right to condemn Germany or any other country for their evil acts of suppression and genocide as long as this blood stain continues to be swept under the carpet of American History. Until America apologizes and provides reparations to the Native Americans in the same way Germany was ordered to do for the Jews, we as Americans are no better than the Nazis, I hope each person who watches this documentary pays attention to the end about how to become involved.Share the documentary, write and take action. If those who are touched by this do nothing these people will surely die out, continuing to suffer in the meantime. To them I extend my gratitude for the making of this incredible documentary. I will take action.

Lauri Neva
Lauri Neva
10 years ago

A disgusting tale of American savagery on the indigenous tribes of the blessed Indian nations that were first on the lands stolen from them. Shame on the American white nation for their crimes!

Matt Kukowski
Matt Kukowski
10 years ago

This is the face of English Culture. It is a Culture of agression and Intelligence. But, that Intelligent Agression is going to Back fire. As the American Military has grown so out of control, even within the American Military, the MJ12 (or Mejestic 12) are fighting with it's own Military. Area 51 now spread in 'black' areas, poses Weapons far greater than that of the 'Traditional' Military.

You can not do much against Energy Weapons and Anti Gravity machines when all the Traditional Military has are chemically based Rockets, airplans and tanks.

That divine discovery will soon be felt by the very people that started it. Psychopaths will kill other Psycopaths. Few even will understand what I am talking about.

10 years ago

Every American needs to watch this documentary!

10 years ago

Apologies...below comments directed to
Bobby Marko's rejoinder.

10 years ago

Very pleased to read how you "love" being criticized. You are "judged" and "known" by words which imply racial superiority.

Notwithstanding those confused racial comments, (proud 'white' or Indian?) , your apparent ignorance of the planetary destruction caused by the cruelest, most unjust economic system (capitalism) ever devised by men is repugnant.

You're one quarter Cherokee but patently ignorant indifferent of their communistic past (society) which allowed them relative autonomy and an enviable harmony with Nature.

There is only one sin.....ignorance.

~Oliver B Koslik Esq
~Oliver B Koslik Esq
10 years ago

Great Doc!!
Totally worth the 2hrs.
Real truth of real corruption!

00:43:10 -- “They cannot take ownership...” - Is seemingly explaining the sort of idealistic clause, indoctrinated into the culture responsible for the Genocide of the Native American people. Ie: The ideal of never having to admit you were wrong.

00:51:00 -- Goes on to describe a missed point of More neglect of minors. From withholding information pertinent to participation within their native society/culture. Thus depriving education; constituting (yet again) premeditated abuse, against the Native American peoples (Genocide).

01:15:00 -- Describes the story of a girl pretty much cradle robbed, in which her abuser was never prosecuted. These are the instances where the group think of a community can “will” the most atrocious moral infractions away, as “having to” protect their vested communal interests.

01:21:20 -- “Learned Oppression”
Great term! +1

01:21:57 – “Half breeds” Not such a great term :-p ...but a solid point of how Native land is exploited and sold by unknown parties, was found, so thank you.

01:31:00 -- I believe that the man was referring to a money laundering scheme that involved the local politicians. Common of corrupt parties that vie for expanding constituents. Often involving the hiring of vigilante “reinforcement” of their (...for lack of a better term) “vested interests” Re: 01:14:40.


If anyone is interested in learning about oppressive tactics, as well as a vast library of vlogs on psychological/emotional abuse, they can check out: Activism of Care on Youtube.

Bunny B. Czarnopys
Bunny B. Czarnopys
10 years ago

Truth may be upsetting to those who are unready to accept it as so. The Creator knows the Truth - All that was, is was, and will Be. If all would search and ask to know the Truth perhaps we could once again learn how to walk in Beauty & Harmony. Mitakuye Oyasin.

10 years ago

I turned to this page by mistake, sorry i got involved and sorry if i offended anyone. Good night and love to everyone!

10 years ago

It's been said somewhere that, "No country should be allowed to write their own history"?

cookie lane
cookie lane
10 years ago

The poster who stated that Natives warred with each other is correct. However, the devastation that decimated them was not from tribal wars. Their destruction resulted from diseases, forced slavery, and European colonization. So, to pretend that their life was the same as before Europeans arrived is fallacy. furthermore, when they warred with each other, you did not have the types of slaughter that you saw when the cavalry soldiers came in with guns and smallpox blankets. So, NO Native Americans are not innocent babies that never fought or killed their enemies just like Europeans killed each other for millions of years., but the European invasion wiped them out thats a fact.

10 years ago

didn't he die of syphilis?

10 years ago

I have Columbus' personal journal. Beautifully written. His journal is in the "Annals Of America" published by Britannica North America.

10 years ago

The Native American's status on this continent---now the absolute poorest, with the shortest life expectancy, and every other crippling disadvantage---is at last a symbolic status. It represents what white christian capitalism will do to anybody who doesn't believe in money. "Wall" Street literally began as a wall to keep Native people out of "Dutch" lower Manhattan. So what else is new.

10 years ago

"Are you STUPIDLY implying that Italians".....(Columbus) or any others cannot be a Jew? Judaism/Jews are a religion. BTW, Columbus was an Italian from Genoa, employed by Queen Isabella-Spain.

Kathy Discursive....what the devil are you trying to say?

10 years ago

Well considering there are not any Arawaks around to dispute this , I have to believe it really happened , My dear ol Dad had a problem with Columbus being hailed as the discoverer of America when there was people already living here .