Year of Release 2017 - 4

Pit Bulls Unleashed

Pit Bulls Unleashed

2017, Society

Are pit bulls a predatory menace or merely the most misunderstood breed of dogs? Pit Bulls Unleashed explores this polarizing issue with impassioned figures on both sides of the debate. The film's narrative piggybacks off an...

Watch now → 7.54
Life in the Shadow of the Wall

Life in the Shadow of the Wall

2017, Politics

During his campaign, President Donald Trump pledged the construction of an unbroken border wall between the United States and Mexico. It has long been one of his signature talking points, and a source of great controversy that...

Watch now → 7.89
One Nation, Overdosed

One Nation, Overdosed

2017, Drugs

In Harrison Township, Ohio, the community is bonded by death. Everyone seems to know someone who has perished from a drug overdose. Entire families have suffered extermination by addiction. The bodies housed in the local morgue...

Watch now → 8.33
Humans, Gods and Technology

Humans, Gods and Technology

2017, Technology

The double-edged sword that is technology lies at the root of "Humans, Gods and Technology", an absorbing and timely documentary from the vpro backlight series. In particular, the film explores the modern age of artificial...

Watch now → 6.81
The Ultimate Truth

The Ultimate Truth

2017, Mystery

The field of neuroscience has advanced our understanding of the human brain by leaps and bounds in recent decades. We now know the regions of the right and left hemispheres that are responsible for speech, movement, emotional...

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The Money Deluge

The Money Deluge

2017, Economics

Interest rates in Europe have consistently fallen for much of the past decade. Today, the rate is virtually nonexistent. As a result, many citizens have decided to keep their cash, gold and other valuables in safety deposit...

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The Sinking of the RMS Titanic

The Sinking of the RMS Titanic

2017, History

More than a century after the sinking of the RMS Titanic, the disaster continues to reverberate around the world. The Sinking of the RMS Titanic provides a clear and comprehensive overview of one of history's most haunting...

Watch now → 7.70
Stare Into the Lights My Pretties

Stare Into the Lights My Pretties

2017, Technology

Look around you. People appear to be permanently glued to their electronic devices. Heads bowed and eyes transfixed, our society has been hijacked by these dominating technologies. In less than the span of a single lifetime, we...

Watch now → 8.49
Last Days of Solitary

Last Days of Solitary

2017, Society

Animalistic howls resonate down a hallway littered with food particles, streams of blood and toilet water. At first glance, you might believe this is the setting from a horror film. But this isn't a movie, and the horrors that...

Watch now → 8.46
Escape from Marawi

Escape from Marawi

ISIS is on the move in Southeast Asia. In an attempt to claim additional territory and indoctrinate more followers to their cause, the terrorist organization is bombarding the city of Marawi in the South Philippines. The city,...

Watch now → 8.04
Alone in the Past

Alone in the Past

2017, Psychology

Pavel Sapozhnikov is a typical 24-year old from Russia. His life is filled with all the modern conveniences, including mobile phones, digital organizers, sophisticated technologies and constant stimuli. But something is...

Watch now → 6.71