

2007, Health  -   275 Comments
Ratings: 8.12/10 from 107 users.

After exploring the predominance of violence in American culture in Bowling for Columbine and taking a critical look at the September 11th attacks in Fahrenheit 9/11, activist filmmaker Michael Moore turns his attentions toward the topic of health care in the United States in this documentary that weighs the plight of the uninsured (and the insured who must deal with abuse from insurance companies) against the record-breaking profits of the pharmaceutical industry.

Directed by: Michael Moore

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2 years ago

One more thing, not related to the money “doctors” rob from patients:
A policeman is required to wear a camera because he is in a position where he can do you harm. And a surgeon is not???!? Where are THEIR cameras?!!

2 years ago

Y'all, including Moore, including Obama and other people with good intentions (not moore, just Obama), are MISSING the POINT here:
The problem is the Dictatorship of the Doctors:
they make their own rules
they set whatever prices they want
the medical business is a racketeering business all over the world - but it's at its worst in the US.
Why the US especially?
Because Americans are particularity crazy about "Free Market" but have the poorest understanding of it. Free market cannot work unless there isn't competition. But in the medical business there is NO competition. It's a cartel - that means, the whole industry as a whole tacitly agrees on not undercutting each other.
It's that simple.
That's why I don't agree with universal healthcare, in the US or elsewhere,
until the medical criminals (under RICO) are brought to order (that is, NORMAL, DECENT fees and salaries)
BTW, the master manipulator Moore (he does know how to tell/sell a story) gives the example of that GP in UK that makes 1 million USD a year (in 2007) and he gently accepts, he doesn't want more. What a dirty joke! Obviously, simple common sense, 1 mil per year for a GP (that's the lowest ranking in the medical profession) is WAAAY too much! And, surprise surprise, nowadays (and for several years before), the NHS is bankrupt.
Any medical reform must start with slashing the doctors... 'privileges.

8 years ago

Obviously the point of going to Cuba had 2 points. Firstly a practically 3rd world poor country could provide health care to it's citizens. Also US citizens have been told how bad Cuba is and Castro and blah blah. Not sure how bad things are in Cuba but they have better health care than the US!

Michelle Anderson
Michelle Anderson
10 years ago

I cried when I watched this - I am so lucky to live in Australia and get access to free health care.

10 years ago

In Europe we are not as a society that believes in the devil take the hindmost, or I am not my brother's keeper, we believe that as members of that society we must look after each other. As it is expressed in the video, we are not "me" people, we are "we" people.
As for the notion you'd be taxed more, are you all too dumb to realize that with universal healthcare your insurance premiums would be REPLACED by taxes which would probably mean paying out far less.

acted stupidly
acted stupidly
10 years ago

If you think health care sucks now, just wait until Obamacare kicks in.

Rene Burger
Rene Burger
10 years ago

Bill Maher for president, Michael Moore VP.
Come on guys, take your responsibilities. Tax your antisocially rich, USA really needs normal social security, like the rest of the civilized world. Don't let them take Obamacare from you!
Love from Holland

10 years ago

@jsomerlea:disqus :
I am a senior citizen, totally disabled due to my military service. I am not "SICK" in the way that you are implying, I am totally dependent upon my disability because I have been unable to work per doctor's orders, so that HARDLY makes me a "1%-er," now, does kit?

10 years ago

Michael Moores' documentary "Sicko" was one of the best documentaries I have ever seen. He talked about the health care system in the U.S and other countries as well. Sicko is a 2007 documentary film by American filmmaker Michael Moore. The film investigates health care in the United States, focusing on its health insurance and the pharmaceutical industry. The movie compares the for-profit, non-universal U.S. system with the non-profit universal health care systems of Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Cuba.

He also pointed out how women in some countries have a longer maternity leave than women in other countries. I think all woman should have at least six months off with pay. No country is perfect.

There are nearly 50 million Americans without health insurance.
The Medicare Part D plan will hand over $800 billion of our tax dollars to the drug and health insurance industry.
A baby born in El Salvador has a better chance of surviving than a baby born in Detroit.
There is a company in France, SOS Medecins, which will perform doctor house calls at any time.
French policy on childcare and household assistance for new parents.

Jay Thomas
Jay Thomas
11 years ago

Michael Moore is like Pinocchio, except when Michael lies he gets another chin.

11 years ago

I am an American citizen (born & raised here) and absolutely love my country and everything we stand for. However, we do have problems. So does every country in this world. Healthcare here in America is our downfall along with a few other issues. Just as easily, I could travel abroad and find issues to make documentaries. No country is perfect. Just a reminder to all those perfectionists out there!

11 years ago

My daughter was double insured by United Healthcare and Blue Cross Blue Shield of GA. One was primary and one secondary. Now they both are not paying because neither one wants to be primary and pay. I have credit companies after me now. I have already paid the co-pays but neither one will pick up the charges. At first citing the "birthday rule" and then once they got my custody papers they now they said they won't pay because it's been too many months and the claim cannot be submitted for payment!
I want to defect!

11 years ago

i show this movie to students in my medical billing class. Most of them are totally unaware of the cost of healthcare and how bad the US system has become. Moore hits the nail onthe head with film. Many, many people agree with him. What I don''t understand is how anyone can say what he says is not true. This film came from real Americans wiht real problems. And yet Obamacare is bastardized. Americans need to wake up and realize their healthcare system is borken, and it is breaking us.

Cheryl Butler
Cheryl Butler
11 years ago

My husband's cancer treament left me with over $ 200 K in debt at his death, private insurance was no help - cancelled policies and "existing condition" excluded him from anything but Medicaid. I had to separate from him because my income would have excluded him from Medicaid, and lie to the govt. about our marriage just to keep him alive a little longer. Since his death 6 years ago, I have lost our home and everything we worked together to achieve over 26 years. I now make 1/4 of the income I made then, live paycheck-to-paycheck and 90% of my income goes towards basic living expenses (rent, car payment, food, gasoline). The American Dream for me has become a nightmare and a broken promise. Still, I'm an American and will pick myself up, dust myself off and begin rebuilding my life because I still believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I just don't look outside myself for these things any longer.

11 years ago

As an American, I find myself appalled at the realities of our healthcare system. I spent years as a nurse and witnessed the inhumanity of the "system", drug companies and more specifically the corrupt insurances companies.
Just as it was stated in this film, "Americans are AFRAID" of the government. Sure, no one wants higher taxes, but in order for there to be a healthcare system which provides EQUAL coverage to all, then taxes are a reality. Just as other countries have dealt with incorporating universal healthcare, so can the U.S. If Cuba can instill healthcare for all, so can we.

11 years ago

I live in Australia (thank god) and i have vaguely heard about the American health care system but after i watched this movie i was in total shock! i cant believe how people are treated over there, its really really sad! going for ct scans or chest xrays and getting meds for a very low cost if not free is undescribeable. and to watch people on this movie without such a luxury is upsetting. i thought America was always ahead of the game.
i have asthma and often get atleast two puffers a month and to see that women on the doco say they cost $120 blew my mind! i pay $5!
i hope America changes its way and decides to start looking after their people instead of just trying to make a buck!

Megha Kalra
Megha Kalra
11 years ago

crazy! crazy! crazy! totally crazy system!!! but great movie!!

John Soflygoku Sham
John Soflygoku Sham
11 years ago

Just Absolutely sick, these people are viewed as dollar signs rather than as a human being. What the **** is wrong with this country

Bally Balldez
Bally Balldez
11 years ago

Google Medical Holocaust and find out more and see what you can do.

Tom Craig
Tom Craig
11 years ago

I'm an American who lives in France. I can vouch for what was said in the film. That when we have to go to a hospital here, we don't have a bill to pay to worry about. We have National Health Plan, like in other European countries. Here it is called Social Security. And I want to say that the last time that I went back to the U.S., I had an accident, and I broke my foot. WHen I went to the local hospital for treatment, the first thing that they asked was how was I gonna pay for it, not having an American health plan. I said that I have health insurance in France. They made me pay in advance before letting me se a doctor, $600.00. Luckily for me, I had the money. BUt I often wonder, what ever happens to those who don't? When I tell that story to French people, they find it hard to believe. This film showed me what happens to those who can't pay. Now I have to ask, what is more important? Spending money to go to Iraq or taking care of American citizens. And vote accordingly. As I will too.

11 years ago

Oh my God.. the man said "There are golden years. I just can't find them". That is so sad

Jeremy Almodova
Jeremy Almodova
11 years ago

awe moderator have to control language in here... people feelings get hurt or what?

Jeremy Almodova
Jeremy Almodova
11 years ago

!% are multi billionaires lmao Krazeehors know your fact before you starting making your self out to be a loser without knowledge

11 years ago

its no wonder there is soo many infomercials for new fad diets and fitness equipment rubbish coming out of America, you want to know how to stop and reverse cancer? google search for apple and apricot seeds / vitamin B17, oh and by the way this will most likely red flag your IP address with an intelligence agency, it is interesting how we are led to believe that our freedom is at stake when in reality it has been lost soo long ago, when you couple this "health care system for profit" model with the Reserve bank system (1913) and the illegal income tax gleaned from middle class you begin to realise that you are living in an open aired prison which treats its inmates as slave labour and lab rats, when will the population awake and smell the s#!t that they are shovelling, seriously, you think you need an electric treadmill? are you kidding?, i wonder if the fast food companies own more than 51% of the fitness equipment companies? would be interesting to find out.

11 years ago

Your first mistake was listening to ANYTHING that is put out by Michael Moore!!!

He staunchly claims to be part of the 99%, even though he is worth upwards of $3 million dollars!!! Now, I don't know which calculator you use, but that makes him part of the ONE PERCENT!!!

Michael Moore thrives on starting trouble. It was Obama himself who told a 105 year old woman in 2008 (shortly before she was elected) that "sometimes it's better to take the pill," meaning that the pacemaker surgery she had at the age of NINETY could be cancelled under Obamacare.

Read from many sources -- pay very little attention to Michael Moore. His movie is so distorted (and I have seen it) it is absolutely UNBELIEVABLE.

11 years ago

To tell you the truth, I don't think there is much hope for America to get Universal Health Care. The Insurance and Pharmaceutical companies are WAY too involved in the government and there ain't a damn chance they are ever letting that happen. They will spend millions of money on creating anti-universal health care propaganda and bribing politicians; they will pull ALL the stops because America has everything to gain from Universal Health care but they have everything to lose.

cr??py cupcake ?
cr??py cupcake ?
11 years ago

I'm British and I think that the American health care system is disgusting. As slow as the NHS can be at times, I think that we are lucky to have it and I am thankful for it. Maybe the idea of incorporating taxes into a national healthcare system would be a good idea for every country? It seems to work over here. The NHS is not perfect, but it sure as hell does save many lives. My partner has acute asthma, and he was chronically ill as a child with a lot of things and nearly died several times. Courtesy of the NHS he is still here.

Todd Morrow
Todd Morrow
11 years ago

I wish Mike would do a sequel, because I think it's worse now.

Leshialee Hill
Leshialee Hill
11 years ago

by Leshialee DE, Wilm

Steven Jones
Steven Jones
12 years ago

Americans generally are a very gracious and creative people. It's Corp greed that has sucked the soul right out of this country, and no one in those structures is ever to blame personally. It's those maximization of profit policies that everyone so blindly serves and a handful of share holders and bankers end up riding the thing like a giant wave.

12 years ago

I´m from Germany and we get free Health Care, but we actually have to pay for it in taxes. So I think he didn`t really address that enough, it`s not like Health Care is free in Europe, it´s just payed for differently, and after all Americans make WAY more money than German or Frenchmen or other Europeans, because they pay less taxes.

Barbara Louise Shoemaker DeBar
Barbara Louise Shoemaker DeBar
12 years ago

This video does not make me proud to be an American. Expecially if we can't even look after people who help out during 9-11. I'm in school to receive my education in the medical field but my family also suffer from denials of treatments we need. The American health system sucks and our "lovely" president want s to make it worse. Somebody needs to figure out some better ideas and see if we can find a way to start to implement a health care system like Canada and Cuba.

Sheila Tagle
Sheila Tagle
12 years ago

well the id**t are getting their money from the people they are supposed to be insured, so if someone is paying 500 a month for 6 years then they deny care then they should have to remburse the paid buy the payee of insurance.

12 years ago

WOW.. I'm really ashamed to be an American right now

Andrea Nicole Khalfia
Andrea Nicole Khalfia
12 years ago

Its truley sick, i got bitten by a brown recluse spider, and i live in ohio, In the USA. and if i wouldnt have got my treatment for it, i would of died from the venom infecting my bloodstream, i am 19 college student who works in a nursing home, and i cant afford verly my rent, let alone health insurance,, and the bills i got stuck with accumlated to over 800$, im ******. now i have debt, and cant afford to get student loans for school. idk what to dooo

12 years ago

How sad and what a nightmare.
I'm so grateful I live in Holland. In 2007 I was seriously ill. 2 weeks in hospital, brain scan, spinal tap, biopsy taken, specialist care, loads of medicine, regular check ups and blood tests to see if the prednison could be reduced (it COULD), eye checks, lots of other tests, you name it I got it.

14 Months later I was fine again. NOT one single bill, all free thanks to the Dutch National health system.
In the US I would have been broke.
I love the US, visit there 1 month every year, (my daughter lives there), but am so glad that for any medical bill I have to pay there when visiting the emergency ward, I am promptly fully refunded when back in Holland.

Sure, this year our "own risk" went up from 170 to 220 Euro.
I consider it a small price to pay for peace of mind.

12 years ago

Sincerely and humbly overjoyed to live in Canada.

Brandon Aalberg
Brandon Aalberg
12 years ago

any one else notice rick santorum at the top of the list (38:26) for senators payed off by health insurance ?????!!!!!!!!!!!????? at $977,350!!!!!!!! dude why is no one mentioning this????????

Richard Her
Richard Her
12 years ago

I don't think people are giving the U.S. enough credit. I think the film has some flaws in its arguments, particularly when Moore compares the U.S. to Cuba. Cuba is very small, nearly 5/8 the size of California, and has a population of only 10 million. It would make more sense that they should offer free universal health care, unlike in the U.S., the population accounts for a significant amount of the entire world population. With the depression we are already in, I don't think it's fair for Americans to depreciate and degrade the U.S. health system. Even though it may be a bit "corrupt" to some extent, it has its reasons. Ask yourself, where would we get the money to supply free universal health care for every person in the U.S.? This film is good, but I don't believe the U.S. health system is as terrible as this film makes it.

12 years ago

...and don't forget to believe in the power of self-healing.
The Art of Medicine Consists of Amusing the Patient While Nature Cures the Disease. –Voltaire

Matthew Willnot Fayle
Matthew Willnot Fayle
12 years ago

Cuba got its vision of a national health service from Britain's NHS. Britain is not a socialist state in any way and there is an equal share of conservative views in Britain as there is in the US. What this says is that a national health service should not be incorporated with socialism in anyway. It has nothing to do with party politics, it is a fundamental right to have a service which does not profiteer off ill health. I really hope the people of the united states receive the same treatment as we do here in the UK. Yes its not all pretty, the burden on the taxpayer gets heftier every year, but you can't put a price on good health.

12 years ago

AMAZING DOCUMENTARY!!! wish there were more ppl like the cubans! its so sad what America has become =( I LOVE YOU MICHEAL MORE KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK!! =)

Ercell V Fleurima
Ercell V Fleurima
12 years ago

You are the F-ing best! Seriously.
Much more progress to you.

Madelin Webb
Madelin Webb
12 years ago

I thought that in America we don't have people caring for others. MIKE FOR SENTE and let him to clean our health system from corrupted viruses. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Emily Winger
Emily Winger
12 years ago

i love you mike. you touch my heart so powerfully.

Swift-l Markson
Swift-l Markson
12 years ago


12 years ago

A few years a go I interviewed a banker. He seemed like a nice, honest guy. I asked him if he thought that healthcare should be run as for-profit. You know what he said? "I dont know. I dont buy insurance." (Sorry, its paraphrased.) This banker didnt have to buy insurance because its provided for him by the banks. These people dont have to worry about this and they are ruling us. They have no idea what some people have to go through. And its these same politicians that get GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTHCARE.

Michaela Swanson
Michaela Swanson
12 years ago

Oh, I nearly forgot about this. Last fall, my mom finally got the health insurance she needed to pay for her knee surgery in Orange County, CA. The doctor said she needed it very bad, but when she went to do it, they said they wouldn't/couldn't help her because supposedly it wasn't "life threatening." Well, anyone who knows how infections can lead to death knows what a load of c*** that is.
We do, so we can say for a FACT, just like the medical professionals who would agree with us and told us this, it may take longer than it would if it was something more urgent, but it is STILL life threatening. So anyways, that is one of the reasons we went to Michigan and magically, she was able to get it done without a problem. Just so you know, her knee was really bad to the point where she was in SERIOUS pain whenever she walked and therefore barely did it.
She had like a torn tendon or something, fissures, and something else I can't remember. Dr Kline, the guy who did her surgery, said it might not heal it completely, but at least it will be better than it was before. Maybe its because he works in the upper peninsula of Michigan which is pretty close to Canada, if you know your geography, but I don't know. Dr Kearney was an American from day with a Canadian name, but people said he was a quack.

Michaela Swanson
Michaela Swanson
12 years ago

I want to go to France! But doing that alone won't help the situation in America. Like Michael Moore said "I refuse to live in a country like this and I'm not leaving" for a reason.

amalia fida
amalia fida
12 years ago

Modern slaves, living the illusion of freedom!