The Illuminati

The Illuminati

Ratings: 6.93/10 from 332 users.

The IlluminatiThis is a giant geopsychopolitical picture and things are happening with the use of subliminal indirect reverse psychological propaganda. It's made to be confusing by the evilarchy that controls not only the United States but Britain. The documentary illustrates how this Illuminati, this group who calls themselves the enlightened ones, had gained positions of power through control of the banking system. Billions of people on planet earth are living in ignorance. Before your very eyes, politicians are advancing a global plan.

Since the time of Napoleon, secret societies have been influencing politicians to take over and conquer Europe. Now, in the 21st century, their work of ages is coming to fruition. The New World Order is about the centralization of power. It's about silencing any public criticism of the system. It's about commercializing and selling everything as a product. It's about letting China torture students and still allowing them to host the Olympics. It's about closing down government owned schools and hospitals, turning them into apartments, and then letting private companies make profits from teaching your children or selling you drugs. The secret societies and political organizations running the New World Order use various symbols and numbers. Once you learn their secret language, you too will have the All Seeing Eye.

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1 year ago

Who ever says that the Illuminate aren't Satanist is someone who that they don't know what their talking about or they are trying to cover up the truth because they themselves are in the clan of the desperate loser's who have to get everything handed to them because their too lazy to actually earn what they sold their souls for.
I am proud of who I am & I would never want to be associated with the likes of these people

Abdulrahman aminu
Abdulrahman aminu
1 year ago

the must good for the life stand the world life.set mind all.. Into great mention what is best on the right time at this year time all ...

1 year ago

keep following the light and make all your dreams come true, join the illuminati to be rich and famous email weblandinitiation@gmail .com

1 year ago

Everyone will know the truth soon. Around time for the new election. Everyone is gonna be in for a big surprise. Satan has nothing on God or God's/Goddesses whatever it is you believe in. Just know a lot of things are being brought to light!

Elizabeth Betty J Totten
Elizabeth Betty J Totten
2 years ago

FreeMasons Are NOT NWO Illuminate Satanic Occult Satanics SWAMP SATANICS And NEVER Were !

Derek Jackson Lee
Derek Jackson Lee
3 years ago

Damn! This documentary was incredibly insightful for the first 29 minutes. Up to that point, you gave the viewer a clear and concise explanation of the federal reserve, and you detailed exactly how it has enslaved our nation. Then you ruined everything with your Sandy Hook, gun grabbing, Obama hating, FEMA trailer bullsh*t. I was ready to take to the streets to burn down the federal reserve, but your film’s 180 degree turn toward alt-right bullsh*t dampened my mood. Oh well ...

Knowledge of good and evil
Knowledge of good and evil
5 years ago

I’ll throw in my experience: Illuminati has ruined my small business in less than a year. Started w a stolen IPhone July 11 2017, eighteen months later my viable small business of ten years now grosses about 36,000/yr while averaging roughly 122,000 the last nine and most of my customers this past year have been, you guessed it, illuminati, answers always come to me, mostly after the fact, I’ve had two attempts on my life that I know of and virtually every neighbor in my neighborhood Or affiliated to some degree… It is absolutely positively directly evil and they are not evil looking per se some of them have been some of my closest friends pretending to be Christians and some of the most appropriately at least outward or affiliated to some degree… And it is absolutely positively directly evil and they are not evil looking per se some of them have been some of my closest friends pretending to be Christians and some of the most outwardly appropriate people I’ve ever met… Their MO it’s pretty easy for me to identify now because of so much experience in such a short time. Crazy thing is this society has been conditioned and brainwashed almost trance like to wear if you say anything such as I’m saying right now which is about like saying 2+2 = 4 it is not heard! It’s bizarre but it’s true. My only solution is to find someone who’s not affiliated, and that is hard on today’s Internet which is swarming with them! My web designer of the last two years is an “important person in his Christian church” But in reality he is following the Illuminati drum beat,.. some of my “friends” don’t even know that I know and they still message me there lies and smoke screens and deceitful messages of how God is blessing them, Happy Easter etc.… it’s effing incredible!!

In today’s society especially Christian society it’s unfortunate but I don’t see any way that they can be dealt with or combated… If you say Magica or witchcraft or sorcery or heaven for bid that you’ve seen actual demons and have proof, most ““ Christians would look at you crazy!?? The very things that are in their Bible they do not believe it will be in my estimation the least of resistance or the least valuable when the time comes! I can base my opinion on fax but I’m not gonna get into that right now just here to share my experience the last two years, and even though my experience is not debatable nor up for debate it will be tested and debated from anyone from practicing illuminati full fledged churchgoing ““ Christians.

5 years ago

People you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out that some thing is wrong with the world.Just connect the dots watch documentaries,have a open mind. HELLO ANALYZE EVERYTHING

6 years ago

This video would be great, it's certainly provided some insight into a movement we should be aware of. There were several things mentioned that are not even a stretch from the truth but a complete lie. I feel like throwing in false information as a scare tactic just discredits the validity of the entire message which is a shame cause it's info that needs to be shared.

Fk the Illuminati filth
Fk the Illuminati filth
6 years ago

These control freaks need brought down ASAP now it's beyond a joke why cant the armys of the world come 2gether and destroy these robbing bastards, all they think about is fkn the poor and feeding the rich jst like there butt lickers the freekmasons.

John Lewis
John Lewis
8 years ago

f or the record, Christianity is like all believe systems, they are theistic belief systems designed entirely to detatch humanity from ourselves, and for social control

9 years ago

Too many opinions on this planet.

10 years ago

dont use christianity or any other religion to spread ur dirty, qruell disgsting behaviours men.. people take care this not chriatianity

10 years ago

Was hoping this would be good but it is nothing but crappy little sub-titles at the bottom of video and barely visible, very poorly done. You cannot get the message unless you strain non-stop trying to keep up with the crappy fuzzy text at the bottom. Very poorly done and a waste of time.

10 years ago

Common, people the media has been decieving us for years, read your bibles, just as though in every race, mammal, government, truth be told life is about the battle of good and evil..the bible talks about new world order , the government, and whos who. The answers are there people, open your eye. Or should I say your soul. I dont let anything influence my mind heart or soul. So if the media said '"" we were wrong jesus is bad and satan was good would you believe it.. "" of course thats not true.. jesus is the key we all hold true to our hearts, and if you just let his work be done inside, youll find the answers there already insilled in us. " I dont know the answeres but I know that media is the last place to find truth. One question I have is if the illuminati controls all media than why let them pound an image that they are the evil satanic ones, dont you think if they wanted to mind control us they would not want us to think there the bad side.." yes I know that some groups that call themselves the illuminati are not good, but do your research, the true real masonic, is very private and would not allow such public display. Im just fed up on the topic. And us as a nation passing judgment, judgment is not are concern. We shall only pass judgement after judgment day. Right or wrong doings will be handled.. If you are without sin that cast the first stone, we are all unclean, stop listening to others you are your own person. Listen to what jesus says, read the books in the bible, but listen to the words in red lettering. What god and jesus tells us. Might I recommend a bible before king james, an authorized, bible.

11 years ago

We need to rise against these people and hang them in public.

Aneeqah Nordien
Aneeqah Nordien
11 years ago

kirky155 you seem to be smart enough can you help me open up my third eye to see the dangers for who and what they are iv been in this darkness for 32years were do I start

11 years ago

the quality is shocking

11 years ago

i didnt bother watching after the first 10 min and i barely paid attention to that

11 years ago

If this is true there's a lot more to the story than mentioned like thousands possibly millions of years of story. I think almost all the big conspiracy's fit together like a puzzle, like pangea we never saw it but e know that it was at one time there.
We live in an amazing universe with essentially limitless possibility's. They start out by saying how ignorant the public is when in reality they have no idea how ignorant they are. I don't claim to know anything except how ignorant I am. Steven hawking said ignorance is not the greatest enemy of knowledge for the illusion of knowledge is the greatest enemy of knowledge. One thing is certain and that is we as a people are very off track to sustainability and the longevity of the inhabitants of earth.Oh lol and after reading some of the ignorant comments previously posted.... Part of life...Possibly the best part of life is ignorance. Lets face it whats the point of knowing everything, there would be no more scientist's or any job having anything to do with discovery. Learning is beautiful and i would give my life for knowledge but i can not do that if i already have it.

Daniel Moore
Daniel Moore
11 years ago

"Contrails and climate

Contrails, by affecting the Earth's radiation balance, act as a radiative forcing. Studies have found that contrails trap outgoing longwave radiation emitted by the Earth and atmosphere (positive radiative forcing) at a greater rate than they reflect incoming solar radiation (negative radiative forcing). Global radiative forcing has been calculated from the reanalysis data, climatological models and radiative transfer codes. It is estimated to amount to 0.012 W/m2 for 2005, with an uncertainty range of 0.005 to 0.0026 W/m2, and with a low level of scientific understanding.Therefore, the overall net effect of contrails is positive, i.e. a warming effect.However, the effect varies daily and annually, and overall the magnitude of the forcing is not well known: globally (for 1992 air traffic conditions), values range from 3.5 mW/m2 to 17 mW/m2. Other studies have determined that night flights are mostly responsible for the warming effect: while accounting for only 25% of daily air traffic, they contribute 60 to 80% of contrail radiative forcing. Similarly, winter flights account for only 22% of annual air traffic, but contribute half of the annual mean radiative forcing." .......... so, in short, what are you defending Epicurus? selfcentered egomaniac scientists are just as much of a problem, they just aren't being as secretive about it.

11 years ago

I really don't see much of a difference between the riot squelching in Tibet, and the G8 summit in Canada, Except of course for the squinty eyes. I believe the war for humanity is over and we have lost, basically so many people are still in total denial that we are being enslaved that by the time the trucks come to take us away to the camps it will be too late to resist

11 years ago

Aids, SV40, Cancer (they are doing their best to hide info on cures but they can be found), forced sterilizations, chem trails, Monsanto, fluoride, vaccines, the drop in IQ and sperm counts (this does not happen by accident)
Fukushima, I could go on and on, this all points to the fact that we are being culled, their goal is depopulation. This is been in the plans all along. These people do not think like us or consider themselves one of us. These people brought about all the wars, the stock market crash, nothing has been by accident, it was all planned. We are liked farmed animals, they have pulled the strings and lead society where we are today and it is deliberate, they not only don't care about us, they want most of us gone. Age of Aquarius=Elite Utopia, not ours.

aran khim felarca
aran khim felarca
11 years ago

what is a freemason?

11 years ago

I watched the whole thing.

11 years ago

Don't ignore the signs! It is important to remember that whether or not you believe it there are powerful people out there and they are taking action against the population. Homes across the world can be raided by military style "police." FEMA camps have been built. The legal systems is passing more and more invasive and Draconian bills that centralize power to the corporations and government and less to individual citizens. The people are Zombified by the television when there are real problems to face other than sports. There is today a sitting president who has not and cannot produce a valid birth certificate. The drones are going up into our skies.

Revolution is our only remaining option. The political process is only tightening the squeeze on us. The enforcers are menacing us over the most minor and simplistic "crimes," like selling raw food or wood for making guitars. They want to disarm us and we have little time to correct the errors and to stop what is coming. WE KNOW WHAT THEY WANT TO DO AND ONLY WE CAN STOP IT. You cannot expect a corrupt system that lusts for power to correct itself through the legal means that they control. We the people are our only hope for keeping these maniacs at bay. We have to rise up and demand accountability. They aren't going to do it for us.

If you don't have time to do the research then just revolt!This stuff is all true. Look at the evidence!

11 years ago

what hokus pokus bullshit

11 years ago

The people writing comments are, to my surprise, accepting the truth better than I thought. I can tell a lot of initial reactions to this are denial, but I'm glad at least they are starting to think for themselves. There is no such thing as paranoid schizophrenia which occurs in this manner. Read the article on wikipedia about it, it is so clearly suspicious it's almost comical. Anyway, the truth is, this documentary could have been created by the Illuminati for the benefit of controlling their opposition and misguiding their efforts to try to grasp the true inner-workings. Never believe what they tell you, especially if there is a monetary gain to be made.

11 years ago

Paranoid Schizophrenia is a horrible mental illness

Sydney Peck
Sydney Peck
11 years ago

i wish it wasnt 6 hours long I dont know who has that kind of time. Im doing a HUGE project on the illuminati and it would be great to get real facts about who they are/were and what they do exa exa! I am in need of a little help so if you know any REAL mind gripping facts about the Iluminati it would be a big help, email me if you do have anything you would like to share or any books/movies you know of about the illuminati (thats not 6 hours long.)Thanks for your help if you help i need it to be before 5/24/12. =) (Censored, no personal email or info allowed)

Babak Tag
Babak Tag
12 years ago

I would have preferred this video if they didnt try so hard to make it scary. Too many fire transitions and creepy sounds to watch comfortably. a 6 hour set could have been reduced if not for all the "mood setting" spookiness which it could have done without...

Luke Haywood
Luke Haywood
12 years ago

Am I the only one getting bored with all this conspiracy lark? The longer time goes by, the less I give a sh*t to be honest. If I make it until 2013 alive, I'm just gonna completely submerge my head back in the sand once and for all.

Louis Palmer
Louis Palmer
12 years ago

Reading the description , It sounds incredibly stupid and another internet based theory but i;m going to watch with an open mind

Jen Krupa
Jen Krupa
12 years ago

Just as we should open our eyes to the possibility of a high society, open your eyes that all that is infront of you may not be true. Just watch with an open mind.

12 years ago

You M*ron - u believe everything Dan Brown tells you.?? Do your own research. Adam weishapt - Bravaria - 1776 . . Your just part of the indoctrinated masses, the first line of defense that this Machine has at it's disposal.

12 years ago

this is the most ignorant clip ive ever seen. the only ppl trying to brain wash are the ones who made this video, do your research, the purpose of the illuminate was to fight AGAINST all out political rule, all the illuminate is are scientists who were forced 'underground" b.c the Vatican did not agree with their quest for knowledge and science, the Vatican was the one to dub the illuminate devil worshipers.. bc they were threatened by science

Ha Ha
Ha Ha
12 years ago

So I guess this film shouldn't be excluded from the "subliminal messaging" label.

Irina LovelyFlight
Irina LovelyFlight
12 years ago

is there a way to watch this in better quality?

John Marus
John Marus
12 years ago

@kristine. "but after it you will live an everlasting life with God or who you have chosen to be with in this life" One clarification, so are you saying my partner and i can move in with your god.... Regarding the doc, I hate this style of doc with a beat, sound clips, drama - won't make if for 6 hours. That said, I know I have owners, so do you

12 years ago

Literature is much more reliable than any documentary or pop artists song. Media is misleading.

12 years ago

Pop culture uses those symbold to make you ask why. Its one of the most common artistic tequneques in the book. Good vs Evil is used to create fear. If you choose to follow good (christian you become a pacefist that will alow gvernment to do what they want) If you choose evil well then they want you to believe your going to hell and for that you should be afraid. People brain wash themselves. If you dont like the tones in hip hop dont support it. If you dont like the way government is going vote for the right canidates, and if the system has become void to the point that the people cant ellect who they want then, well.... what do you think oppressed people should do? Certainly living fearful of your oppressor is not the solution!

12 years ago

I like to read a few of the comments before watching these Doco's. I have read up about the Illuminati and I feel I know enough to make a comment. I'll admit I haven't watched the whole doco, but I've watched other Doco's about the Illuminati which I'm sure has just enough informations as this doco.

A few comments on here are saying, "This Documentary exposes them, how can they allow a Documentary like this to get out" They allow it because they know majority of people either wont watch this documentary or consider it a complete load of crap. This documentary is no threat to them and they know it.

I don't know if this is true but I have read that Tupac was murdered by the Illuminati because he knew too much and started to write songs about them. People on here are saying, "How do they continue to let Alex Jones and David Icke expose them." The facts are, these blokes are unatractive over wieght middle aged men who struggle to relate to the general population. Majority of the Worlds population don't even know who these guys are let alone what they stand for. A lot of people also consider David Icke to be a complete loony.

Compare these 2 blokes to Tupac, Tupac had millions of fans, could relate to people and people knew who he was. Tupac was a threat, David Icke and Alex Jones are not.

12 years ago

We all have choice in what to believe in this matter as defining truth has become harder these days because of the lack of trust which we are entitled to. These kinds of videos helps support a one sided view on the matter as a truth and even if there is something in it it does not necessarily make it true. Not everything is black and white as we think it is but for us to understand we need it to be. You can choose what to believe fact or not as long as you respect or accept you could be wrong in your mind about other opinions even if you don't agree. For all we know the Illuminati could just be a concept to portray things we don't understand to create logic so we do understand why things are the way they are. I'm not saying the Illuminati do not exist but I am saying it is possible the view on its existence has been manipulated so we might have the wrong end of stick about who they are.

12 years ago

We all have choice in what to believe in this matter as defining truth has become harder these days because of the lack of trust which we are entitled to. These kinds of videos helps support a one sided view on the matter as a truth and even if there is something in it it does not necessarily make it true. Not everything is black and white as we think it is but for us to understand we need it to be. You can choose what to believe fact or not as long as you respect or accept you could be wrong in your mind about other opinions even if you don't agree. For all we know the Illuminati could just be a concept to portray things we don't understand to create logic so we do understand why things are the way they are. I'm not saying the Illuminati do not exist but I am saying it is possible the view on its existence has been manipulated so we might have the wrong end of stick about who they are.

12 years ago

We all have choice in what to believe in this matter as defining truth has become harder these days because of the lack of trust which we are entitled to. These kinds of videos helps support a one sided view on the matter as a truth and even if there is something in it it does not necessarily make it true. Not everything is black and white as we think it is but for us to understand we need it to be. You can choose what to believe fact or not as long as you respect or accept you could be wrong in your mind about other opinions even if you don't agree. For all we know the Illuminati could just be a concept to portray things we don't understand to create logic so we do understand why things are the way they are. I'm not saying the Illuminati do not exist but I am saying it is possible the view on its existence has been manipulated so we might have the wrong end of stick about who they are.

Jamie Megarity
Jamie Megarity
12 years ago

don't know if this has been posted already but

type the bottom one into your browser.
its not a virus or anything don't worry i scanned my PC after just in case.
quite interesting though.
Can anyone tell me if this is actually legit? seems a bit odd

Kristine Garcia
Kristine Garcia
12 years ago

You guys are blinded ! for those who does not agree with this video in a total blindness. Satan is in this world along with the angels with him,, and what do u guys expect satan will just sit there and wait til da end of the earth No! while the judgement day hasnt come his taking as many souls as he can to be with him in his place... these little signs explains it. to you it might mean nothing or little things but dont tend to lean on your own mind cuz you too will grab his attention. Do you not get it the music? good music literally you dont like it but rap music and hiphop which talks about sex and all gangs make you feel energetic and good. weell analyze who the singer is! like Jesus Christ said the sand in the beach is an image of the people in the world and only a handful of his hand will be saved. So dont be blinded by the population of a church or the money they have or the people in it rich or poor follow your belief and be a servant cuz you yourself will suffer at da end of your life especially if you are a freemason i have research everything i need to know and if you dont get out of that filthy religion you do not deserve the everlasting life... remember: what you have here in life dont matter if you only live for a hundred years some not even.. but after it you will live an everlasting life with God or who you have chosen to be with in this life.

Benjamin Edwards
Benjamin Edwards
12 years ago

There is a really bizarre mistake in this video. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, considering how retarded this whole thing is.
But... to anyone with a functioning brain watching this...

They show a picture of G.W. Hegel, the German philosopher, and call him "William Huntington Russel," founder of Skull & Bones, and an opiate dealer.

What kind of st***d nonsense is this? Honestly.

12 years ago

Yes u do make a good point but, if your pushed into that corner &u have no other choice, your either gonna fight or die? &i'm not just gonna stand there &take it knowing if I don't fight im gonna die. This is one thing that I've thought long &hard about. I mean I know like u said, walk the other way but if u have no other choice &there is no other way, u can't just give up, that's almost like suicide to me? & i believe if u kill yourself or take someone else's life your going to hell cause that's playing the role of God &it's not up to u when it's time to go home. but, that's just my opinion. &Good luck to u as well : )

12 years ago

Sorry, but you did not get the message of jesus (Bebedamu19) and so did many people not see the real massage he send to the world! You have to let go the negative things around you and go you're own way (our own way)! So you can have freedom!!! It doess not mean you have to die, he alreaddy did that, and you will die when you're life is not good enough for you anymore (health) to die is possitive but only the natural way!, so you can get a new one after this life, so don't waste it!! fighting is not an option, (if you dont like what you see, go another way and when people do things that are not right tell them on the moment what they are doing to you, behold the mirror for them) Fighting, if you do that you are like the devil himself, and the devil can only exist when you think he exist! Believe in the good, the good will never kill and never hurt another person, animal etc. So stay out of you're head and use your feelings!!! Do you know who God is??? "It is us when we are honest and GOOD people" So this is the only thing you have to do!!!
The good is in you're DNA, but many can not remember, because they are doing bad things and this is called justice, because you have to do good all the way!!! GOOD luckmy friend, Andre* Elfrink