Zeitgeist: The Movie

Zeitgeist: The Movie

2007, Society  -   327 Comments
Ratings: 7.38/10 from 551 users.

Documentary Zeitgeist: The Movie, authored by Peter Joseph, reflects on the the myth of Jesus, the attacks of 9/11, and the Federal Reserve Bank as well as on a number of conspiracy theories related to those three main topics. It was released free online via Google Video in June 2007. A remastered version was presented as a global premiere on November 10, 2007 at the 4th Annual Artivist Film Festival & Artivist Awards. The film has attracted significant public interest.

If you dig deep enough into any one of the issues and resolutions presented in the film you'll find that there are actual facts to support each one of them. We have been lied to! It's as simple as that. We need to wake up on a planetary level and work towards a fossil fuel free planet. We can't afford to wait and debate whether "God" exists or not. Stop nitpicking the particulars and act. We're running out of time and most importantly resources. If there is a God, I doubt he likes this use of money and the monetary system and how those in power (with money) have used it to benefit only themselves and further destroy the environment and all life on this planet.

Think about it. Six corporations, (mostly made up of families who have married each other for years) are determining the fate of the human race and the planet, through their advertising money spent and blatant misuse and abuse of power. Are we going to stand here like sheep? Or are we going to work together and help change the future of humankind for the betterment of all?

We choose to be greedy, we choose to be hateful, we chose to segregate each other into categories, we chose to twist the rules, omit a word, and judge where none of us has a right to judge. We can only do the best we can. It's not even about faith really, it's about being deeply human. How we choose to deal with our humanity is just a choice. We all have the same finish line to look forward to. Faith is what you choose to hope for after you cross it.

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2 years ago

Why is this documentary even this highly rated? Interesting idea but the first part on religion had so much misinformation.

3 years ago

While it is an entertaining idea of a free society based on machines it is flawed just as our current one is. Someone would still have to make decisions. And it wouldn’t take long for that to be exploited. The addendum is based on the Venus project. And their stating of a utopian society facilitated by machines will never exist. It wouldn’t take much for it to be corrupted just like this one. The idea that humans do not have a nature and we can all just coexist is not new. But has always failed. In fact now that I see the end result of this film it is the same old story. An agenda.

3 years ago

In this Covid era, you wonder what plans these people have against the world population.... And here we all are, dying or getting vaccinated... Well, Jesus is not coming to save us..... Though he's a source of Vitamin D, which is seemingly helpful. Lol.

3 years ago

I really hope people watching this validate the claims rather than just talking the misinformation at face value. Most of these ancient gods that share similarities to Jesus' story dont actually bear any similarities to Jesus in any way unless you look at the 2 areas in which they are being compared and are really looking for anything to disprove Christ which is intellectually dishonest and just a slap in the face to their audience. The historical evidence shows that the main claims about Jesus are true (unlike these mythical beings) and even atheist scholars agree up until the point of the resurrection. The fact that they try to provide alternate theories proves how desperate they are to avoid the truth. How easily refutable these claims are proves this further. Just go search for yourself, look into the opinions of the experts/scholars/historians etc, and beware misinformation. Skepticism bred by it spreads like wildfire on this subject.

3 years ago

Interesting. Whether the first part of this is accurate or not, it doesn't prove that Jesus is a myth. I think even most atheists accept that Jesus was a real dude who walked the Earth. The important part of this movie is about the Central bank & false flags and wars that were unnecessary. All the financial crashes and wars were planned? I have heard this from multiple sources now. The evidence is mounting. This should enrage every American. Watch Absolute Proof and you'll see how the elections are rigged as well. We are being controlled & lied to by both parties & the news media. We only think we have a say. We only think our vote matters. We only think we are free. From all that I have read, the Great Reset is coming. They are going to overspend which will cause hyper inflation, then economic collapse, chaos, violence and then mass starvation. They want most of us to starve, the Builderberg/Davos crowd has said that 90% reduction in population is needed for sustainability per WEF. Learn Permaculture and get a water filter. We will lose the power grid and stores will be empty. Being self sustaining is the only way we will survive it. Don't go to a FEMA camp. Be prepared because the global elite don't give a crap about any of us. As Bill Gates said,"Too many useless eaters and useful idiots."

5 years ago


Three men met at a tavern table. One was a weaver, another a carpenter and the third a ploughman.

Said the weaver, “I sold a fine linen shroud today for two pieces of gold. Let us have all the wine we want.”

“And I,” said the carpenter, “I sold my best coffin. We will have a great roast with the wine.”

“I only dug a grave,” said the ploughman, “but my patron paid me double. Let us have honey cakes too.”

And all that evening the tavern was busy, for they called often for wine and meat and cakes. And they were merry.

And the host rubbed his hands and smiled at his wife; for his guests were spending freely.

When they left the moon was high, and they walked along the road singing and shouting together.

The host and his wife stood in the tavern door and looked after them.

“Ah!” said the wife, “these gentlemen! So freehanded and so gay! If only they could bring us such luck every day! Then our son need not be a tavern-keeper and work so hard. We could educate him, and he could become a priest.”

6 years ago

What people fail to realize about religion is that it was never divinely created. Religion was created by man, and man alone. Named, categorized, and filed by the numbers or passages, to which man wrote on his own. The council of Nicea, was in fact the only panel that voted on everything. From religion, to wars, to art or just about anything to do with man including Jesus's rise to fame as some prophet in order to control the people. Without religion there would be anarchy. Yet let's not forget that he did mention of the inquisition headed by none other than Tomas Torquemada who by the way invented most of the contraptions used to torture citizens.

Religion, the Vatican, and many other institutions are the most corrupt organizations on the planet. By jarring opinions through political means is the only way to vie for complete control over the populace using god or some form of deity as the tool of justice to stop those who question our governments motives. As for George Carlin he was a comedian yes, but he was also a modern day philosopher who took his work seriously when it came to learning about specific rotten apples in both the government, and within the diocese of the Vatican.

Peter Joseph provided a lot of entertainment yes but so did Michael Moore using his own brand of comedy bashing the political figures at the same time in his documentaries. Quips about who stole what or who made more than the other, and so on. Before Peter was a film maker he was also a part of the money scheme on wall street as a broker so he does know what he is talking about when it comes to the monetary system.

Evidence about jesus suggests that he did not exist at all, and even if he did... he was probably just a man with a lot of clout with the people for peaceful solutions rather than taking up the sword like so many other notable warriors did. Minos, mises, and manou all did exist in stories. I'll say that again...stories, and nothing more. After researching some archives about jesus's time as an adult there were very little transcriptions about him from eye witness accounts including roman legionnaires who at one point stated that he was of little use to the citizens calling him the christus or chreastus. Meaning the very same word Anointed one. So peter was right on that note. This is how conditioning of the mind works from the most powerful institution in the world begins.

Say the myth long enough, people will believe it over time. The more you push it like a drug the more they will need it. Here's a question to most here... If the devil is as evil as people say he is, and whispers into our ears to do evil deeds... then who or what whispered into his ear first to rebel against his father? Remember to do a bad thing you have to have an outside source. Right? So - with Lucifer being the right hand of god... who whispered, and made Lucifer turn against his own creator? Since all angels knew nothing of evil when heaven was created along with the angels then surely a dark presence decided to stir up a hurricane using the best of the best only, which was Lucifer. Why him? Why not Michael or Gabriel? or even Azazel?

It's all a stage act between political powers, the religious institutions, and the war mongers. They know how to manipulate coerce and stupefy the public opinion because without those organizations there would be the opposite side of coin. Total chaos using powerful thinkers. We need those intellectuals to help weed out the criminals that sit in congress. Otherwise people like john above me will keep on haggling on about who was right, and who was wrong. Since this is a forum to a degree I think the film was excellent for peter's insight.

There really is no absolute right answer and yet no wrong answer either.

7 years ago

Just my humble opinion, but when a documentary uses a comedy act to support a hypothesis It loses its value as a fact finding documentary and becomes nothing more than simple entertainment. I don't believe this film is fit for someone honestly seeking the truth. The Church does collect money. I can't vouch for every dollar spent, but arguably much good has come from Christian service to the poor and needy through Church funding. What has George Carlin done with his millions? And I'm sure Peter Joseph has made out handsomely for his entertaining documentary. Peter, you owe your audience better and I hope you can see your own hypocrisy. For your information - virtually all New Testament scholars and Near East historians, applying the standard criteria of historical investigation, find that the historicity of Jesus is more probable than not. This film is poor entertainment at best, but for those earnestly seeking truth, skip it. I have an idea for your next documentary - Expose film producers that make millions by espousing their ignorant preconceived opinions and then sell it as truth!

7 years ago

This documentary contains almost exclusively false information (AKA bull****)

When I was summarizing this documentary a few years after watching it for the first time I put a few question mark at statements that were made. Upon researching the information that I seemed to miss I stumbled upon a website called "skepticproject". It analyzes this documentary (and all the other Zeitgeist films) statement-by-statement with actual sources, something that I really missed in this documentary.

As a fairly strong atheist the first part about Christianity was especially disappointing. The entire fairy tale would be explained with some simple astronomy. Upon reading the analysis on skepticproject however, I found out that almost all astronomical claims are fake and that his links are logically very weak.

I'm not allowed to post links, but searching for "skepticproject com" should do the trick. The site and the information are still online as of July 2017. If you are unable to access the site, try the internet archive.

George Kirkman
George Kirkman
7 years ago

The first part of this documentary is a total waste of time. The author blames religion for all of mankind's woes then spends the first hour attacking Christianity. Not one word is said about Islam which has enslaved over a billion people and has codified into its laws such cruelties as stoning rape victims for adultery, chopping off the hands of petty thieves, beheadings, slavery and domestic violence against women. It seems that atheists, the left and others that are quick to attack Christianity are just as quick to defend Islam.

I would like to point out that many of the atrocities pictured at the beginning, even those committed by the West, have little to do with Christianity.

7 years ago

Sorry, I just don't buy what you're selling regarding God. I recommend anyone who is truly seeking knowledge to read "Evidence That Demands A Verdict". Anyone with an opinion and a buck can make entertainment like this.

7 years ago

So part of what stood out for me, in this movie, was the allegation that basically USA had 2400 of its own soldiers killed in Pearl Harbor, millions killed in WWI and WWII, 58000 killed in the Vietnam War, 3000 killed in WTC bombings and 1000s in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The human price the US Govt seems willing to pay for monetary "profit" is limitless ...and then the fake media brouhaha that is played out simultaneously over every life lost.. The only guy with ideals is the one who goes out there and gets killed.... And he/she gets NO say in anything. It seems like every war is unethical but somehow the ones who are made to physically fight it are coerced into it with their idea that they are at the very crux of what's "good" and moral in society. Why does the average person even buy into these lies...? Why?

7 years ago

don't* always go by what the internet says and people.. Investigate! Research! The first part of this movie is 100% false

7 years ago

First off Jesus is in all the records

For those people who don't believe Jesus was a living, breathing person on earth is like saying They don't believe in George Washington, even though there is a ton of evidence that he existed. Don't be naïve. Do your research, investigate, do always go by what other people say.

Danny B
Danny B
8 years ago

Jesus never existed. Josephus was a fraud. Sun God. God's sun. Stop believing this Jesus lie people. You Christians have done enough damage to this world. Just stop.#Youniverse

Bozidar Kornic
Bozidar Kornic
8 years ago

Richard Dawkings unmasked our organized religion, be it Christianity, or any other. all religions are synchronistic, evolving from some other religion, adopting few things from, adding new things, renaming the Gods, and Goddesses, and copying the events. One can accept religion, if one can accept miracles, and somebody's dreams as a base for the new religion. I personally reject all religions using logic. I like the books by Harris The End Of Faith, Dawkings The God Delusion, and Sagan's COSMOS.

8 years ago

If Jesus was a myth, then He was a myth believed by historian such as Pliny and Josephus. He was a myth believed by the people who wrote about Him and experienced Him. And the fact that religions might have something in common? Gasp! Say it ain't so! Some of the commentators blather on about sheeple. Given the willingness to believe such easily refuted garbage, look in the mirror, for crying out loud.

8 years ago

What you have been taught about Christianity is wrong. There is nothing you can do to "earn" your way into heaven and there is nothing you can do to stop yourself from going to heaven. That is what Jesus died for, our sins. He gave us the Holy Spirit to help us communicate with Him. All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your savior, ask for the Holy Spirit to live in you and ask for forgiveness of your sins. You don't have to change anything about yourself. Just have a relationship with God by talking to him and asking him for what you want and he will make change for you. The more you seek him and long to know him the more he will prove to you he is here. What are you losing by seeking a relationship with God?

After years of not being sure if God exists or if the Bible is real and relentlessly searching for the truth (even following The Zeitgeist Movement for a while) I have been convinced that he is real. He can be proven to be real through science and through history.
Just as God is real like it says in the Bible, Satan is real. He has dominion over the earth and he manipulates us into thinking Christians are crazy and ignorant. Isn't that what you would do to your enemy? Satan wants us as far from God as possible because he knows that in the end, he loses. There is a spiritual war happening and we are in the middle.
If I where your enemy I would want you to feel empty and lost so I could fill you with lies and lead you down my path. We are being manipulated and distracted, kept fat and lazy, selfish and greedy fighting amongst each other so we won't see what is really happening and who the real enemy is.
For those of you who believe there is an elite group of people secretly manipulating world affairs, why would they want to do that , what is their end goal and what do they want from us? They are being used by Satan and what he wants is to possess every last soul in this planet.

8 years ago

Notice people typing novels when it comes to this movie. People are so conditioned with their paradigms of living, the risk of them being wrong is inconceivable.
Continue living your lives and leave these problems to the more aware generation of people...

Tøny Hernandez
Tøny Hernandez
9 years ago

I just want to add this idea.

People say this film has some facts wrong, or even that it does it on purpose.
Well, hypothetically speaking, let's say most of what they're saying is truth. Do you think it's principal target of "hostility" would let this film just be? Wouldn't you think it could create or erase evidence as needed to make this film "bad"? So instead of you focusing in the main message of the film, which isn't the 9/11 or religion, but about learning and caring, you all discussed ONLY about what it got wrong.

I'm not saying this is what I believe, mind you.

But as I see it, this is a piece of art. It's visual appareance (in this case, it's presentation and sources) might be false, but in art that's of no value, only the viewer can give the value. So, as a receptor, I perceive this piece as a good way to open your eyes into actually thinking. If I were the director, I'll be glad people are discussing about my work. It means they did indeed get the message. They are thinking and doubting about everything, even about the "truth" presented to them.

That's my view on the film. It might have some facts wrong, or all for that matter. But now I want to start searching for the real thing. Thanks to this.

Pd: I know my logic has it's downsides, but works for me in this particular case.

9 years ago

Thankyou and I will continue this learning program though I have spent many years in the Yukon bush and wish to share this doc and possibly correct something if it is not too late,I feel sorry for our future gen.Bye

Rusty Vantavis
Rusty Vantavis
10 years ago

what is our most powerful weapon? To be fearless? To believe that everything has its course and there is no good or bad?

Rusty Vantavis
Rusty Vantavis
10 years ago

What can be done? The only thing we have in our favor is balance in the natural order of things.what does that mean we stand up and do something about it? the right person during the right time that can speak the language that we all can understand so that we can all
Band togetherand evolve to the next level?

T.J. Thompson
T.J. Thompson
10 years ago

I am amazed at how much of this is not taught in our current education system. I wonder why??? I have taken several religion classes in college and have never truly understood the common factor in religion and I am starting to get a better understanding. I feel many people will watch this and be very interested but may not do anything about it. Most people I know now a days think that its not their problem and someone in the future will save us or help us. Not happening wake up people!!

10 years ago

in a panopticon society i find it very hard to take in as an actual authentic historical event, in other words its a load of bolloxxs carefully designed to leach out any possible miscreants in society or terrorists as they might otherwise be known but still found the first 45 minutes quite entertaining please get a grip or try telling the truth!!!

11 years ago

the first part of the video is giving you two points of evidence depending on if you are a christian or an atheist because a christian would say, this only proves that there is a god in some ways by saying everything is linked over a very long period of time in which no human order can last, so there must be something contorting all these events, but im not a christian I am an atheist just thinking of what this video actually is trying to say over the long term.

Julian Milner
Julian Milner
11 years ago

this guy is like Michael Moore's protégé, spouting speculation and theory as fact to support an overall judgement. Similar to Moore though much of his judgements are probably true, but the 'evidence' he provides is mostly unfounded.

over the edge
over the edge
11 years ago

Neil Phillip Melly

you should learn your bible. jesus never said " He also said he who is without sin can cast the first stone (to the adulterer" like every other part of the bible men wrote it. but this particular passage does not enter the bible until much later and many bibles actually admit that in the notes..

Neil Phillip Melly
Neil Phillip Melly
11 years ago

my last comment was in response to antithiest three sixes not you docoman. sorry for any confusion

Neil Phillip Melly
Neil Phillip Melly
11 years ago

John chapter eight verse fourty four. I choose to have GOD has my Spiritual Father. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, peace, joy, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, long suffering and self control. Are those not qualities worth having. The Lord says be hot or cold but not lukewarm and you are definitely not lukewarm so you have got that going for you. You can still change. You have all the time in the world.

over the edge
over the edge
11 years ago

Neil Phillip Melly

you state "can anyone predict when where and how severe the next earthquake will be? thats just one way GOD keeps the human race humble and reminds us of HIS presence" so you need a threat of mass death and destruction to stay humble?

also "there will always be those unscrupulous ones who try to profit from ones misery" is that why Christians show up with bibles but not condoms in aids stricken countries? judgement but not tolerance for the LGBT community? the organizations hold pride, money and reputation over protecting innocent children from being raped?

Neil Phillip Melly
Neil Phillip Melly
11 years ago

if you dont need GOD why does GOD need you
anybody who doesnt think they will have to change at some point in their lives is only fooling themselves
propaganda videos like this only serve to give comfort to those who wish not to believe because it conflicts with their personal beliefs and they are willing to sell their soul in exchange for the best this world can offer which is a world of sin and disobediance to GOD by refusing to do the the first step in redemption to the Lord which is to repent
take a look around at what a disaster man has turned this world into
it is your failure to make a connection with our loving creator that prevents you from knowing this world offers nothing GOD can give you
the biggest lie of all is believing this world is as good as it gets

Neil Phillip Melly
Neil Phillip Melly
11 years ago

GOD has the final say on everything

11 years ago

This video is just a bunch of crap trying to convince uneducated people.

Bazza Clarke
Bazza Clarke
11 years ago

Still bothers me that Christianity, particularly the Roman Vatican component of it, depicts Jesus as being White..if they can get that "fact" right kind of blows the rest of the politically biased stories away really...oh..and what happened to the unpublished gospels? ( if Jesus was a real person, he was born to an Arab / Hebrew family in the middle east....2000 years ago..not many white Arab / Hebrew families around!)

faith is always a personal choice, believe in what makes you comfortable...point about this movie is, there is more truth in it than people want to believe...

Cody Russell
Cody Russell
11 years ago

Those of you here that think the Bible is a myth, you are full-filling the prophetic warning of people that will not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Luke 13:23-24 and 28, “Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able ... There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.”

Why do you continue in your enmity against God? just because you love your sins and wont even bother to turn from them?
Wicked you are who do not have Faith in Jesus Christ..

take a single cell, break it with a needle pinch, i promise you, that Cell will never put itself back together by itself.
Fallen, you need a savior. even if you may pride yourself on Egypt being the copy for the 10 commandments, then where is a savior in the Egyptian Religion?

Julius Grocholski
Julius Grocholski
11 years ago

During parts II and III, I couldn't stop thinking about Ron Paul.

12 years ago

Hmmm... Resource-based economy. Must look that up.

12 years ago

Whether or not you believe 911 to be an inside job or not is ultimately irrelevant. Everyone should be able to agree that the event was used, as with all similar events in the past, as a pretext for war and to persuade the public to support such policies, which only serve and benefit vested corporate interests like arms and oil. That's the bottom line. Ideals of democracy and liberty are strictly for public consumption, while unbelievable crimes are committed against peoples of the Middle East.

12 years ago

Sources are not properly cited. If you want to see this piece debunked in a way which properly uses primary and secondary sources look up conspiracy science.

12 years ago

one big irony is that it is the same broken system that gave rise to the creation of a samsung personal computer that i am using right now that informs me of that same broken system

lee johnson
lee johnson
12 years ago

It's too bad, that when people make 'claims' of things like, we are all alone, they neglect to inform the reader , that it is just their 'opinion', and that said opinion, can not be proven, just as science atm anyway, can't prove god. DOes science need to do that, for god to exist ? Is god independent of the abillity of science at any one time in history, to comprehend the universe around itself and therefore actually be able to 'understand it fully' ?

12 years ago

For a movie that claims fearmongering is a bad thing, this movie sure does a lot of it. This movie is designed to make you feel afraid. You can tell that the people who wrote it felt afraid.

This movie ends with a statement of faith - "We are all one", we are actually *not* individuals, but part of a big worldwide organism. This belief was drawn from the Buddhist tradition quoted at the beginning of the story, which is the religious direction that the filmmaker wished to sway you in.

How this belief, however, possibly resolves or draws a conclusion to the dilemmas presented in the rest of the film is dubious at best. If the whole Earth is dying, won't you die with it?

This is also propaganda in its classic form. The eye at the end is meant to be hypnotic, but it is really distracting and, combined with statements I don't agree with, particularly disturbing. If the filmmakers were actually honest, they wouldn't make such obvious, brazen attempts to sway or control you.

Considering the recent theater shooting, some of these comments seem particularly scary....

12 years ago

We can make comments on religion and 9/11 etc... The bottom line is we are living in societies that slowly but surely eating away at our way of life and our rights as individuals, Government's are controlled by the central banks and decide what they can and can't do. Why would a government authorise a central bank to lend the government money and be charged interest as well. Why would a country give a bank so much POWER ?
If countries like Germany, England and the U.S.A. can have their Government's pretty much controlled by these individual's that OWN these central banks what hope have we as individual's battling away in the struggle of life have to retain our right's ?

We don't have a chance !

P.S. - I can't even post this without giving the SYSTEM my I.D.

12 years ago

Not all the worlds religions fit this bill. There are aspects of religion that humanity NEEDS. There are aspects of science that humanity NEEDS! To discard all religion is to throw the baby out with the bath water. I for one find truth in all religions if you look at it right. I also don't take the bible literally. What I do know is this: some people who don't believe in religion, are becoming as fanatical about it as the Spanish Inquisition. I find it amusing that some these people try as hard to "save" my mind as some Christian followers try to "save" my soul.

I advise anyone to make up their own mind about all of this. I follow a religion that encourages the study of science and knowledge, that is open to all other religions, and races and cultures. Unity is what is important. It also believes in God, and divinity. Such ideas are not mutually exclusive. Acceptance people, acceptance and independent investigation of the truth.

What are the effects your beliefs have in your life? Do they improve your life? Do they harm others? Ignorance can be found within a scientific community as much as religious. Let consider how the Canadian government is silencing scientists from speaking out about environmental concerns. Let's consider how people subjugate people, and they'll use whatever tool they can, be it religion, politics, or science. Eugenics is a progeny of science, and couldn't be more off target.

12 years ago

i love the way the devil works. remember people a lie plus the truth is still a lie. what better way to be deceitful than to get the truth and alter it so slightly that people will beleive it. please watch AGE OF DECEIT if your looking for the truth what ever this man says jesus is the truth the way and the light and the only way to get to what we know is heaven is but by him.the devil has a plan to destroy gods good im here to help plant the seeds that people need for eternal salvation by reminding them what is truth

12 years ago

Oh how I miss the rationality of the masses.
edit:- 'of'......sorry.

Rob Crabb
Rob Crabb
12 years ago

In response to "Smoky"
I quote "I know a lot of good Christians." "They don't try to "save" anybody, they don't go door to door trying to sell religion,"

Most "good Christians" are "Fishers of Men". Besides Zeitgeist is not targeting any one religion, it is only an opinion, observation, and expression of observation.
No one is making you agree with the topic.
Also I seldom hear of agnostic, atheist, or other groups complaining about people voicing their opinion about being a Christian.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion and the right to express the opinion, you also have the right to make your own decisions.

12 years ago

This documentary would be more compelling if it omitted the "Jesus myth" and just discussed 9/11, the Fed and other conspiracy. I know a lot of good Christians who believe what they believe and ask for nothing but that freedom. They don't try to "save" anybody, they don't go door to door trying to sell religion, they simply believe what they believe and ask for only the right to do so in privacy. Religion has not been established by the same people who created 9/11, the Bilderberg Group, the Freemasons or any other kooky conspiracy nut theory. Christianity has existed for over 2000 years and there is plenty of scientific evidence and documented proof of that. Whether you believe in it or not is up to you, but you don't have a right to tell anybody what to believe. This "film" doesn't discuss anything that you haven't heard in any Mythology class. This documentary reflects the primary malfunction of most liberals/conspiracy nuts, they become indignant about the fact that people "push religion on them" when in actuality, they seem to be the only ones telling you what to believe. I don't see too many Christian documentaries have as much mainstream success as Zeitgeist, Bill Maher's "Religulous" or one of George Carlin's stand up shows... wonder why that is?

12 years ago

Whoever wrote the part about biblical plagiarism should review Carl Jung's idea of the collective unconscious. The writers of the bible need not plagiarize; great floods and virgin births, among other things, are universal ideas that present themselves in almost all religions and myths predating Christianity. I am not religious but I think Christianity, like most religions, came about as a response to man's existential crisis... it's capitalism and conquest that has turned it into the circus it is today.