All Documentaries - 3

Man's First Friend

Man's First Friend

2018, Nature

Their bond whispers through millennia, echoing from primordial camps to modern living rooms. It's a tale etched in paw prints across continents, sung in the wag of a tail, and sealed in the gaze of eyes brimming with loyalty....

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Philly Streets: Kensington

Philly Streets: Kensington

2024, Drugs

Tucked away in the northeast arm of Philadelphia, Kensington casts a long shadow of despair. Here, nestled amongst abandoned factories and empty row homes, sprouts a different kind of urban ecosystem – an open-air drug...

Watch now → 6.80
Haiti vs. Dominican Republic

Haiti vs. Dominican Republic

2023, Society

Sharing the same sun-kissed shores of Hispaniola, Haiti and the Dominican Republic paint dramatically different portraits. While Haiti grapples with poverty and instability, the Dominican Republic dances to the rhythm of a...

Watch now → 5.90
How Finland Solved Homelessness

How Finland Solved Homelessness

2023, Society

In Helsinki's bustling heart, the shadows conceal a harsh reality - the plight of Finland's homeless, their stories etched on faces weathered by hardship. But amidst the despair, a beacon of hope emerges: the revolutionary...

Watch now → 7.67
The Cold War Explained

The Cold War Explained

The 20th century witnessed a clash of titans, an ideological showdown that cast a long shadow on history: the Cold War. Its roots trace back to the fiery embers of Karl Marx's communist ideals, promising a new world order built...

Watch now → 7.33
Eating You Alive

Eating You Alive

2018, Health

Eating You Alive is a documentary that explores the impact of food choices on health and wellness. It argues that a plant-based diet can be the answer to many chronic diseases, and that the current healthcare system is focused...

Watch now → 7.00
The Most Faked Foods In The World

The Most Faked Foods In The World

2023, Health

Food fraud is a billion-dollar industry, and some of our most beloved delicacies are unfortunately prime targets. Here's a closer look at foods commonly subjected to fakery: Truffles: These luxurious fungi, prized for their...

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Worlds Beyond the Solar System

Worlds Beyond the Solar System

2021, Science

For millennia, humanity has gazed at the starry sky, wondering if other worlds harbored life beyond our fragile Earth. Now, thanks to powerful telescopes and the tireless efforts of scientists, we're beginning to glimpse the...

Watch now → 5.00
Big Business: Food Empires

Big Business: Food Empires

2023, Economics

Pat LaFrieda: This third-generation butcher reigns supreme in the meat world, supplying prime cuts to renowned restaurants and discerning home cooks alike. From dry-aged steaks to artisanal burger patties, their dedication to...

Watch now → 8.00
The Dark Ages: An Age of Light

The Dark Ages: An Age of Light

2012, History

"The Dark Ages: An Age of Light" is a captivating and enlightening documentary series that delves deep into the often-misunderstood historical period known as the Dark Ages. Produced with meticulous attention to detail and...

Watch now → 5.72
Listen: Lauren McCluskey's Murder

Listen: Lauren McCluskey's Murder

2023, Crime

The tragic murder of Lauren McCluskey in 2018 sent shockwaves through the University of Utah community and beyond, highlighting issues of campus safety, interpersonal violence, and the importance of supporting victims. Lauren,...

Watch now → 7.83